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The rate of vertical accretion (typically 14–18 mm h−1) during eight floods in the Waipaoa River basin, with recurrence intervals of 5 to 60 years, was determined by relating the floodplain stratigraphy at McPhail's bend to the 1948–1995 flood history. Overbank deposits remaining after a flood that occurred in March 1996 suggest a rate of vertical accretion of 15 mm h−1. By contrast, because the flow velocity across the floodplain was too high to permit deposition from suspension, during the record flood of March 1988 the rate of vertical accretion was only 6 mm h−1. The sequence of deposition is highly discontinuous, and the rapid vertical accretion is a response to a late 19th to early 20th century phase of deforestation in the headwaters that probably initiated a far greater change in suspended sediment yield than in discharge. Cross-section surveys conducted since 1948 indicate that the high suspended sediment load of the Waipaoa River also promoted in-channel deposition, which effected a progressive reduction in bankfull channel width although, due to the overbank deposition, channel capacity remained constant. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Along the lower reaches of the Waipaoa River, New Zealand, cross‐section survey data indicate there was a 23 per cent decrease in bankfull width and a 22 per cent reduction in channel cross‐section area between 1948 and 2000, as the channel responded to increased inputs of fine (suspended) sediment following deforestation of the headwaters in late C19 and early C20. We determined the bankfull discharge within a ~39 km long reach by routing known discharges through the one‐dimensional MIKE 11 flow model. The model runs suggest that the bankfull discharge varies between ~800 and ~2300 m3 s?1 and that the average recurrence interval is 4 ± 2 years on the annual maximum series; by contrast, the effective flow (360 m3 s?1) is equaled or exceeded three times a year. The variability in bankfull discharge arises because the banks tend to be lower in places where flood flows are constricted than in reaches where overbank flow is dispersed over a wide area, and because scour has counteracted aggradation in some locations. There is no downstream variation in Shields stress, or in relative shear stress, within the study reach. Bankfull shear stress is, on average, five times greater than the shear stress required to initiate motion. At the effective discharge it is more than twice the threshold value. The effective discharge probably has more relevance than the bankfull discharge to the overall picture of sediment movement in the lower reaches of the Waipaoa River but, because width is constrained by the stability and resistance of the bank material to erosion during high flows that also scour the bed, the overall channel geometry is likely determined by discharges at or near bankfull. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Geoarchaeological investigations along the Galana River, eastern Kenya, document a pattern of channel aggradation and then degradation from the Middle to Late Holocene. Archaeological occupations at six sites in fluvial terraces along a ˜100 km stretch of the Galana River in Tsavo East National Park correspond with fluvial aggradation beginning ca. 6000 years ago. Artifact analyses indicate that the inhabitants of these sites utilized ceramics and stone tools similar to Pastoral Neolithic traditions detected at other penecontemporaneous archaeological sites in East Africa and possessed domesticated cattle from ca. 3700 years ago. The site occupations that occur during this period have dense artifact concentrations of predominantly locally procured items. The Galana River incised after ca. 900 years ago and there is a noticeable paucity of archaeological material, reflecting more peripatetic lifestyles. This shift in settlement pattern may reflect a decrease in reliance on riverine food sources during the Late Holocene, with diminished riparian environments associated with channel incision. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The detailed stratigraphic survey and paleontological study (mollusks, corals, foraminifera and ostracods) of four low-level, ~3 m, marine terrace sections: Punta Canoas, Manzanillo del Mar, Playa de Oro, and Tierra Bomba Island, from the Cartagena region, southern Caribbean, supplemented with 22 radiocarbon dates, reveals that the northern terraces were deposited as parasequences in a clastic depositional system compared to the Tierra Bomba Island succession that was deposited in a carbonate depositional system between ~3600 and ~1700 cal yrs BP. Drier conditions and the southern location of the ITCZ at about 3 ka triggered stronger easterly Trades and more dynamic southwestward sediment drift fed by the Magdalena River mouth, thus promoting the formation of sand spits that ultimately isolated the Cienaga de Tesca coastal lagoon from the Caribbean Sea. Our estimates support the hypothesis that the present position of the terraces is the product of neotectonism rather than a higher 3 ka, sea-level. Upheaval of the terraces varies between ~3.8 mmyr?1 at Punta Canoas and ~2.2 mmyr?1 at Tierra Bomba to ~1.5 mmyr?1 at Manzanillo del Mar and Playa de Oro terraces. Our study corroborates previous contentions on the role of mud diapirism and the dynamics of the Dique Fault as late Holocene upheaval mechanisms.  相似文献   
Coastal and oceanic SST variability along the western Iberian Peninsula   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The inter-annual variability of the sea surface temperature (SST) was analyzed along the western Iberian Peninsula in the region ranging from 9.5 °W to 21.5 °W and from 37.5 °N to 42.5 °N with a spatial resolution of 1°×1° from 1900 to 2008. Both coastal and oceanic SST showed an overall increase with warming and cooling cycles similar to those observed in the North Atlantic region and in previous regional studies. In addition, the evolution of coastal and ocean water has been observed to be different. In general, ocean water is more affected by the different warming–cooling cycles than coastal water. In spite of coast and ocean are highly influenced by global changes affecting the whole North Atlantic region, near shore SST has been observed to be correlated with local wind regime, which is itself a manifestation of the Eastern Atlantic (EA) teleconnection pattern.  相似文献   
The Franck-Condon (FC) factors (transition probabilities) and r-centroids have been evaluated by the reliable numerical integration procedure for the bands of the A 3 φ4X 3 φ4 system of astrophysical molecule CoH, using a suitable potential. The dissociation energy D 0 0 = 2.5 ± 0.05 eV for the electronic ground state of CoH has been estimated by fitting Hulburt-Hirschfelder function to the experimental potential energy curve, using the correlation coefficient. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
We review the first science results from the Arcminute Cosmology Bolometer Array Receiver (ACBAR); a multi-frequency millimeter-wave receiver optimized for observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and the Sunyaev–Zel’dovich (SZ) effect in clusters of galaxies. ACBAR was installed on the 2 m Viper telescope at the South Pole in January 2001 and the results presented here incorporate data through July 2002. We present the power spectrum of the CMB at 150 GHz over the range ℓ=150–3000 measured by ACBAR as well as estimates for the values of the cosmological parameters within the context of ΛCDM models. We find that the inclusion of ΩΛ greatly improves the fit to the power spectrum. We also observe a slight excess of small-scale anisotropy at 150 GHz; if interpreted as power from the SZ effect of unresolved clusters, the measured signal is consistent with CBI and BIMA within the context of the SZ power spectrum models tested.  相似文献   
Lithological discrimination of Neoproterozoic rocks occupying Nugrus-Hafafit area, South Eastern Desert of Egypt, has been carried out using Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) sensors’ imagery data. The applicable processing enhancement techniques include optimum index factor (OIF), band ratioing, principal component analysis (PCA), and minimum noise fraction (MNF) transform. The area comprises varieties of low-grade metamorphosed ophiolitic mélange and island-arc rocks, thrusting over high-grade metamorphic gneissic core complexes, and intruded by syn-, late-, and post-tectonic granitoids. The OLI band ratio 6/7 discriminates clearly the ophiolitic serpentinites-talc-carbonate rocks, while 4/5 ratio image is able to separate between mafic and felsic rocks. Moreover, the ASTER band ratio 6/8 is used to distinguish the amphibole-bearing rocks, including amphibolite and hornblende gneiss. The OLI and ASTER second principal component (PC2) images reflect the contrast spectral behavior of ophiolitic mélange rocks through visible-near-infrared (VNIR) and shortwave (SWIR) regions. The OLI-PC3 shows the ability to delineate the Fe-rich rocks, including amphibolite and metamafics, while ASTER-PC3 is effective for quartz-feldspathic granites and psammitic gneisses. Visual interpretation and integration of processed data with petrography and field investigation resulted in complete differentiation for the different lithologies and creation of a new detailed geological map of Nugrus-Hafafit area.  相似文献   
Infralittoral soft-bottom macrofauna abundance data collected during four-year surveys after the Aegean Sea (Galicia, Spain) and the Amoco Cadiz oil spill (Brittany, France) at a total of seven sites were analysed at three different taxonomic levels (species, genus, and family). The effects of the spills on macrofauna populations were very similar in the two areas. The post-spill time-courses of Shannon-Weaver diversity values were similar regardless of whether species-, genus- or family-level data were used. Non-metric multidimensional scaling identified well-defined groups of samples corresponding to different times post-spill, and again the results obtained were very similar regardless of the taxonomic level considered. In general, the use of genus- or family-level data did not lead to relevant information loss by comparison with species-level data. In view of these findings and those of previous studies of this type, we conclude that family-level data is generally sufficient for monitoring pollution effects in infralittoral soft-bottom environments.  相似文献   
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