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The analysis of the data collected over Brazil, Northern Australia and Africa from balloons, high altitude aircraft and satellites during the recent HIBISCUS, TROCCINOX, SCOUT-O3 and AMMA European campaigns, has led to significant revision in the understanding of troposphere-to-stratosphere transport. Repeated observations of strong updrafts of adiabatically cooled and washed-out tropospheric air rich in chemical and greenhouse gases by convective overshooting over the three continents, demonstrate the high frequency of occurrence of such events in contrast to their generally assumed scarcity. Moreover, global scale information provided by ODIN and CALIPSO satellite observations suggests that the mechanism could play a major, if not dominant, role in troposphere-to-stratosphere transport in contrast to the generally evoked slow ascent by radiative heating. Ignored by global scale models because of their limited extension and duration, convective overshootings might have a significant impact on the chemistry and climate of the stratosphere.  相似文献   
On the eve of the 15th climate negotiations conference in Copenhagen, the pressure to assess all climate mitigation options is mounting. In this study, a bio-physic model and a socio-economic model were designed and coupled to assess the carbon sequestration potential of agricultural intensification in Senegal. The biophysical model is a multiple linear regression, calibrated and tested on a dataset of long-term agricultural trials established in West Africa. The socio-economic model integrates both financial and environmental costs related to considered practice changes. Both models are spatially explicit and the resulting spatial patterns were computed and displayed over Senegal with a geographic information system. The national potential from large-scale intensification was assessed at 0.65–0.83 MtC. With regards to local-scaled intensification as local projects, the most profitable areas were identified in agricultural expansion regions (especially Casamance), while the areas that meet the current financial additionality criteria of the Clean Development Mechanism were located in the northern part of the Peanut Basin. Using the current relevant mode of carbon valuation (Certified Emission Reductions), environmental benefits are small compared to financial benefits. This picture is radically changed if “avoided deforestation”, a likely consequence of agricultural intensification, is accounted for as the greenhouse gases sink capacity of projects increases by an average of a hundred-fold over Senegal.  相似文献   
An experimental slope was constructed in a 5 m × 5 m square refrigerated tank. The slope was formed of four sections, each consisting of regolith (soil) collected from a distinct bedrock lithology. The four lithologies utilized were granite, limestone, mudstone and slate. The slope was subjected to freezing and thawing from the surface downwards. Water was supplied at the base of the soil during freezing. Frost heaving and surface downslope soil movement were determined after each of 15 freezing cycles, and the profiles of soil movement with depth for each soil type were measured at the end of the 15th cycle. The experimental soils were non-cohesive; those derived from granite and limestone were respectively sandy and gravelly in texture, while those derived from mudstone and slate were silt-rich. Mass movement in the granite and limestone soils was due mainly to frost creep and was associated with the growth of needle ice. In the mudstone and slate soils, gelifluction was dominant as a result of high moisture contents caused by the melting of segregation ice. Mean per cycle rates of downslope soil transport for the granite, limestone, mudstone and slate soils were 5·8 cm3 cm?1, 6·9 cm3 cm?1, 21·2 cm3 cm?1 and 31·2 cm3 cm?1 respectively, units referring to the volume of soil passing a unit width of slope per cycle. Mass movement rates were shown to be strongly related to the silt content of the soils.  相似文献   
Three types of paramagnetic radiation-induced defects (RID), namely A, A′ (Si-O?-centers) and B (Al-O?-Al center), had been identified in natural kaolinites by means of electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. The A-center, stable at the scale of geological periods, was thought to be of particular relevance to quantify past transits of radionuclides in the geosphere. Alpha radiation being likely the main source of RID in kaolinite, the objective of this paper is to define the role of α-particles on the creation of RID and to test the use of A-centers for an α-dosimetry. Three kaolinites with different crystalline order and containing other clays as impurities were irradiated with He+ ion beams. The radiation dose range (0–750 MGy) was consistent with natural radioactivity in environments from the Earth's surface. Irradiation drastically enhanced the original signals due to RID. An important increase of concentration of the unstable B-center, partly due to unrealistic dose rate provided by accelerator ion beam, was observed from the lower doses. The most stable defects remained of the Atype all along experimental irradiations. The contribution of ancillary phyllosilicates to EPR spectra was negligible. The concentration of the three types of RID was related to radiation doses up to 30 MGy. Dosimetry growth curves for the A-centers exhibited variable efficiencies and saturation levels that were related to the structural order and the chemical purity of the kaolinites: the more ordered and purer the kaolinite, the higher the efficiency and the lower the saturation plateau. Moreover, these results are of geochemical significance: dosimetry based on A-centers could be directly used to quantify past migrations of radioelements in the geosphere, by determination of the naturally-cumulated doses (paleodose) of kaolinites.  相似文献   
Two geomagnetic reversals(R→N followed by N→R) have been recorded in a sequence of Miocene marine clays of Tortonian-Messinian age in western Crete (Greece). The time span of each transition is found to be of the order of 5000–10,000 years. The transitional VGP paths are largely constrained in longitude either near the site longitude(R→N) or opposite to it(N→R). A normalized magnetization intensity record has also been obtained and its variations during reversals are found to be in excellent agreement with the predictions of Hoffman's phenomenological model.  相似文献   
The development of the analytical theory of the motion of an artificial satellite (Berger, 1972–1975) points out the great importance of the second, third order and coupling terms between zonal harmonics. These terms have been added to the equations established byKing-Hele andCook (1968–1973) for the determination of odd zonal harmonics. This solution is compared with theirs. It satisfies all the equations much better and especially the equations relating to near-critical inclination satellites.  相似文献   
Distance correlations of Late Tortonian–Messinian littoral carbonate complexes are proposed from the study of eight platforms in the western and central Mediterranean. Correlations are based on the identification of two major biological sedimentary cycles and of two index surfaces. Surface A is a maximum flooding surface during cycle 1 at around 6.7 Ma. Surface B is a regional marine planation surface at around 5.95 Ma, at the base of cycle 2 (Terminal Carbonate Complex). A general sedimentary model is proposed for the 7–5.6-Ma time-span. The boundary between cycles 1 and 2 is coincident with the onset of the Messinian Salinity Crisis, and appears to be related to major environmental–paleo-oceanographic changes in the Mediterranean, rather than to a major sea-level drop or to climatic change.  相似文献   
An integrated study combining facies analysis, multiple group biostratigraphy, identification of depositional sequences and mapping has been conducted on the Miocene Molasse Basin of the external Alps (southeastern France). The filling of the basin is described as resulting from a succession of fluvial incisions subsequently filled during marine transgressions. The major incision is dated as Latest Burdigalian and the major transgression as Langhian. This revised interpretation of the Miocene physiographic evolution of the Molasse Basin implies a re-examination of previous stratigraphic correlations within the basin. To cite this article: D. Besson et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
Modes of thickening of analogue weak lithospheres   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
Several compressional contexts, such as those involving juvenile or thickened crust, are expected to be associated with rather hot lithospheres whose mechanical behaviour remains poorly documented. In this paper, we present a series of analogue models dedicated to compression of lithospheres characterized by a thin upper brittle crust overlying a weak ductile crust and a ductile sub-Moho mantle. The models show that (1) deformation is controlled by the ductile layers that undergo distributed thickening, (2) thrust systems are limited to the upper brittle crust, (3) thrusting induces burial and stacking of upper crust pop-downs. The overall deformation patterns can be basically interpreted in terms of pop-down thrusting of the brittle crust and pure-shear type ductile flow of crust and mantle. Moreover, the models show that the sinking of supracrustal units does not require inverse density profiles but can be simply driven by compression. Model deformation patterns are consistent with those shared by many ancient belts, including not only Archaean granite–greenstone belts, but also more generally Paleoproterozoic ones. They provide also insights on deformation modes that may characterize modern thickened and abnormally hot domains like High Plateaus.  相似文献   
Berger  T.E.  Lites  B.W. 《Solar physics》2002,208(2):181-210
Cotemporal Fei 630.2 nm magnetograms from the Solar Optical Universal Polarimeter (SOUP) filter and the Advanced Stokes Polarimeter (ASP) are quantitatively compared using observations of active region AR 8218, a large negative polarity sunspot group observed at S20 W22 on 13 May 1998. The SOUP instrument produces Stokes V/I `filter magnetograms' with wide field of view and spatial resolution below 0.5 arc sec in good seeing, but low spectral resolution. In contrast, the ASP uses high spectral resolution to produce very high-precision vector magnetic field maps at spatial resolution values on the order of 1 arc sec in good seeing. We use ASP inversion results to create an ASP `longitudinal magnetic flux-density map' with which to calibrate the less precise SOUP magnetograms. The magnetograms from each instrument are co-aligned with an accuracy of about 1 arc sec. Regions of invalid data, poor field-of-view overlap, and sunspots are masked out in order to calibrate SOUP predominately on the relatively vertical `weak-field' plage magnetic elements. Pixel-to-pixel statistical comparisons are used to determine the SOUP magnetogram linear calibration constant relative to ASP flux-density values. We compare three distinct methods of scaling the ASP and SOUP data to a common reference frame in order to explore filling factor effects. The recommended SOUP calibration constant is 17000 ± 550 Mx cm–2 per polarization percent in plage regions. We find a distinct polarity asymmetry in SOUP response relative to the ASP, apparently due to a spatial resolution effect in the ASP data: the smaller, less numerous, minority polarity structures in the plage region are preferentially blended with the majority polarity structures. The blending occurs to a lesser degree in the high-resolution SOUP magnetogram thus leading to an apparent increase in SOUP sensitivity to the minority polarity structures relative to the ASP. One implication of this effect is that in mixed polarity regions on the Sun, lower spatial resolution magnetograms may significantly underestimate minority polarity flux levels, thus leading to apparent flux imbalances in the data. *Visiting Astronomer, National Solar Observatory, operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA), under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation. The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
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