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Theoretical and Applied Climatology - El Niño events lead to worldwide changes in the inter-annual variability of precipitation, and more in particular to South America droughts. In the year...  相似文献   
Underground geological storage of CO2 in deep saline aquifers is considered for reducing greenhouse gases emissions into the atmosphere. However, some issues were raised with regard to the potential hazards to shallow groundwater resources from CO2 leakage, brine displacement and pressure build-up. An overview is provided of the current scientific knowledge pertaining to the potential impact on shallow groundwater resources of geological storage of CO2 in deep saline aquifers, identifying knowledge gaps for which original research opportunities are proposed. Two main impacts are defined and discussed therein: the near-field impact due to the upward vertical migration of free-phase CO2 to surficial aquifers, and the far-field impact caused by large-scale displacement of formation waters by the injected CO2. For the near-field, it is found that numerical studies predict possible mobilization of trace elements but concentrations are rarely above the maximum limit for potable water. For the far-field, numerical studies predict only minor impacts except for some specific geological conditions such as high caprock permeability. Despite important knowledge gaps, the possible environmental impacts of geological storage of CO2 in deep saline aquifers on shallow groundwater resources appears to be low, but much more work is required to evaluate site specific impacts.  相似文献   
Radon concentration was evaluated in dwellings of the urban area of Vila Real (Northern Portugal). The area is mainly composed of Hercynian granites and Cambrian metasediments, and CR-39 passive detectors (n = 112) were used for the purpose. The results obtained in winter conditions suggest that the most productive geological unit is the Hercynian granite G1 (geometric mean of 364 Bq/m3), while Cambrian metasediments of the Douro Group show the lowest average indoor radon concentration (236 Bq/m3). The geological, geochemical and radiological data obtained suggest that the most effective control on the radon concentrations of the area is related with the uranium content of the rocks; indeed, the highest contents were observed in granite G1 (21 ppm) and the lowest in the metasediments (3 ppm). This is also confirmed by the results obtained for groundwater, where granites present the highest concentrations of dissolved radon (up to 938 Bq/l), uranium (5–18 ppb) and gross α activities (0.47–0.92 Bq/l). No important radiometric anomalies were found in relation with geological structures such as faults, veins and contacts, but a moderate increase of the uranium content can occur locally in such structures. Petrographic observations and SEM studies show that uranium is mainly contained within the rock in heavy accessory minerals (apatite, zircon, monazite, xenotime), which reduces radon emanation. Notwithstanding, due to the high U contents granites show a significant potential to induce indoor radon concentrations in dwellings in excess of the recommended value of 400 Bq/m3. Overall, we can conclude that the region of Vila Real presents a moderate to high radon risk in dwellings and groundwater.  相似文献   

In the Moldanubian domain of the Vosges massif (INK France) euperimposition of three distinct crustal units has been attributed to Middle to Late Carboniferous thrusting. Л kinematic analysis of mierostuetures within each unit suggests that extension, following the formation of a Stack of nappes, is actually responsible for the bulk structure of this region. In order to estimate the related exhumation, the temperature and pressure evolution of the lowermost unit is investigated. It is characterised by (i) a prograde evolution within the stability field of kyanite, followed by (ii) a syn-kinematic, 3-4 kbar, near-isothermal decompression before (iii) cooling. Thermal modeling shows that the isothermal decompression may be related to rapid exhumation (> I mm.a-1), which cannot be accounted for by erosion alone. Therefore, exhumation is best explained by extensional processes, possibly related to gravitational collapse of a thickened crust.  相似文献   
Winter flounder from New Haven, Connecticut were evaluated for fin rot disease. Blood samples collected from healthy and diseased fish were used to measure bilirubin, calcium, hematocrit, inorganic phosphorus, osmolality, and total protein. Blood measurements were significantly affected by the presence of fin rot disease and by sampling mode (bled immediately or after 18 h). A reduction in blood chemistry values was associated with fin rot disease. Logistic regression modeling was used to identify explanatory variables contributing to the fin rot outcome in winter flounder. Blood constituent levels were higher in fish bled immediately versus 18 h post-capture, especially among fish without fin rot, suggesting that a waiting period is necessary for blood values to stabilize following initial sampling stress. This study presents evidence that winter flounder blood chemistry and hematocrit measurements are affected by fin rot disease.  相似文献   
Precambrian banded iron formations (BIFs) in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero host a special kind of Au–Pd mineralization known as Jacutinga. The main orebodies are hosted within the Cauê Syncline, a SW-verging fold that involves Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks in the Itabira District, a regional synclinorium with BIFs in the core of synclinal folds in the northeastern part of Quadrilatéro Ferrífero, Minas Gerais. Structural analysis reveals two important features of the district: the polydeformed character of the rocks and the importance of brittle structures in the control of the orebodies. Two deformational events are recognized in this area. The first event developed the main foliation, S1, that is the enveloping surface of the Cauê Syncline. The second event is better defined in the northern boundary of the structure where it is represented by a right-lateral wrench fault zone that has developed a foliation, S2, that truncates S1. This wrench fault was also responsible for the development of a system of fractures (Frm) that host the Au–Pd mineralization. The auriferous bodies of Cauê Syncline (Y, X, Área Central, Aba Norte, Noroeste and Aba Leste/Aba Leste Inferior) were generated during this second event. Shear fractures (R, R′ and P) and tension fractures (T) developed in response to the wrench fault system under brittle conditions. The best-developed, and most commonly mineralized fractures are R and T in all auriferous bodies. Elsewhere, the best mineralization occurs in the contacts of hematite bodies (soft/hard) and intrusive rocks with fractured itabirites. Other mineralization (Aba Norte, Área Central and X) is hosted on the contacts of other units.A system of fractures, as well as their intersections, thus represents the structural control on Jacutinga bodies and is responsible for the geometry of the orebodies. Of importance, there is no control by mineral/stretching lineations, fold axes and other ductile structure on the geometry and plunge of the orebodies.  相似文献   
The food web structure and functioning of two north-western Mediterranean lagoons exhibiting contrasting degrees of eutrophication and marine influences were compared through δ13C and δ15N analysis of major potential food sources and consumers. The Lapalme Lagoon is well preserved and has kept a natural and temporary connection with the open sea. Conversely, the Canet Lagoon is heavily eutrophicated and its water exchange with the open sea has been artificially reduced. In Lapalme, all potential food sources and consumers exhibited δ15N values indicative of pristine coastal areas. Suspended particulate organic matter (POM) and sediment organic matter (SOM) pools seemed to constitute the main food sources of most primary consumers. Both primary producers and all consumers were much more 15N-enriched (by  10‰) and more 13C-depleted in Canet than in Lapalme. This reflected: (1) the assimilation of important amounts of anthropogenic nitrogen in the food web, and (2) a marked and uniform influence of 13C-depleted allochtonous sources of carbon. Based on the mean δ15N of primary consumers, we found rather similar food web lengths in both lagoons with top consumers at trophic levels 3.6 and 4.0 in Canet and Lapalme, respectively. However, the eutrophication of the Canet Lagoon resulted in a simplification of the food web structure (i.e., a single trophic pathway from a 15N-enriched fraction of the SOM pool to top predators) compared to what was observed in Lapalme Lagoon where additional 13C-enriched food sources played a significant trophic role. Moreover, some consumers of Canet tended to exploit primary producers to a larger extent (and thus to exhibit lower trophic levels) than in Lapalme.  相似文献   
Hydrogeology Journal - An extensive network of multilevel vibrating-wire piezometers (VWP) was recently created to monitor the spatial and temporal variation of pore pressure (and hydraulic head)...  相似文献   
Tensioned foundations are common in civil engineering applications such as transmission towers, harbors, offshore structures, basement slabs under pressure, industrial equipment, etc. Procedures for the design of tensioned foundations are discussed in this paper, including specific recommendations for more common transmission tower foundations. Starting from a distinction between shallow and deep modes of failure, the paper presents the most common failure mechanisms for shallow failure in tension, including procedures for calculation of foundation tensile capacity under vertical and inclined loading. Emphasis is given to the influence of the strength of the compacted backfill compared to the strength of the natural soil, including presentation of results of full-scale loading tests.  相似文献   
Summary The granites of the Sistema Central Espanol are richer in ammonium than those of most other regions, and have a mean NH4 + content of 84 ppm (range = 1–243 ppm). Among the possible causes for the high level of ammonium, a high proportion of organic-rich pelitic protolith and reducing conditions during anatexis are considered to be the most significant. The behaviour of the ammonium ion during magmatic differentiation is discussed by reference to its distribution in the Pedrobernardo layered intrusion: ammonium is depleted in the final liquid fraction, but there is no relative fractionation of NH4 + and K+. The depletion of the melt in NH4 + during crystallization is attributed to its removal by biotite and to a lesser extent by K-feldspar. The behaviour of the ammonium ion during anatexis is discussed with reference to the Peña Negra migmatite complex. It is shown that large amounts of NH4 + are present in these high grade metamorphic rocks, and that NH4 + is preferentially partitioned into the restite fraction during partial melting. These relationships are attributed to the preferential incorporation of NH4 + into potassic host minerals in the order: biotite > muscovite > K-feldspar.
Ammonium in Zentralspanischen Graniten, und das Verhalten des Ammonium-Ions während Anatexis und fraktionierter Kristallisation
Zusammenfassung Die Granite des Sistema Central Espanol sind reicher an Ammonium als die der meisten anderen Regionen, und haben einen durchschnittlichen NH4 + Gehalt von 84 ppm (von 1-243 ppm). Der hohe Ammoniumgehalt könme auf einen hohen Anteil peiitischer Ausgangsgesteine, die reich an organischen Material sind, and auf reduzierende Bedingungen während der Anatexis zurückgehen. Das Verhalten des Ammonium-Ions während magmatischer Differentiation wind in Hinblick seiner Verteilung in der geschichteten Intrusion von Pedrobernardo diskutiert: Ammonium ist in der finalen Schmelzfraktion angereichert, aber es gibt keine relative Fraktionierung von NH4 + and K+. Die Verarmung der Schmelze an NH4 + wahrend der Kristallisation geht darauf zurück, daß NH4 + von Biotit and in einem geringen Ausmaß von K-Feldspat aufgenommen wird. Das Verhalten des Ammonium-Ions während der Anatexis wird am Peña Negra Migmatit-Komplex diskutiert. Es zeigt rich, daß große Mengen von NH4 + in diesen hochgradig metamorphen Gesteinen vorkommen, and das NH4 + während teilweiser Aufschmelzung vorzugsweise in der Restit-Fraktion angereichert wird. Diese Beziehungen gehen auf die vorzugsweise Aufnahme von NH4 + in Kali-führenden Gastmineralen zurück, and zwar in folgender Ordnung: Biotit > Muskovit > K-Feldspat.

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