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L’aquifère karstique de la célèbre Fontaine de Vaucluse a fait l’objet de nouvelles investigations hydrogéologiqurs dont les résultats portent sur la définition et le fonctionnement du système.

Les données géologiques (lithologie, structure) nous ont permis la délimitation d’un impluvium de 1115 km2 dont l’altitude moyenne. 870 m, est confirmée par les traceurs naturels physico-chimiques et isotopiques.

Le bilan hydrique, faute d’un réseau météorologique représentatif, a été calculé à partir d’un modèle climatique par tranches d’altitude, qui utilise les gradients pluviométriques et thermiques régionaux. On montre alors que les 3/4 des pluies efficaces proviennent des zones situées au-dessus de l’altitude moyenne de l’impluvium.

Les études hydrodynamiques et physico-chimiques nous ont permis de démontrer la faible inertie du système malgré sa taille, donc sa bonne karstification, ce qui confirme à l’échelle de l’ensemble les observations spéléologiques ponctuelles du plateau et de l’émergence.

Malgré leur faible apport au débit total, les précipitations estivales marquent la chimie de l’émergence et interrompent ainsi la phase de tarissement.

La contribution de l’eau des réserves au débit est prépondérante : respectivement les 3/4 et les 2/3 des volumes annuels écoulés en 1981 et 1982.

Compte tenu de l’absence de sols et de terrains poreux de couverture, ainsi que du développement de la karstification, la vulnérabilité du système est grande. Aussi une attention particulière doit-elle être portée à l’aménagement de la zone montagnarde de l’impluvium dont le rôle est prépondérant dans l’alimentation du système.  相似文献   
Estimation of hydraulic parameters is essential to understand the interaction between groundwater flow and seawater intrusion. Though several studies have addressed hydraulic parameter estimation, based on pumping tests as well as geophysical methods, not many studies have addressed the problem with clayey formations being present. In this study, a methodology is proposed to estimate anisotropic hydraulic conductivity and porosity values for the coastal aquifer with unconsolidated formations. For this purpose, the one-dimensional resistivity of the aquifer and the groundwater conductivity data are used to estimate porosity at discrete points. The hydraulic conductivity values are estimated by its mutual dependence with porosity and petrophysical parameters. From these estimated values, the bilinear relationship between hydraulic conductivity and aquifer resistivity is established based on the clay content of the sampled formation. The methodology is applied on a coastal aquifer along with the coastal Karnataka, India, which has significant clayey formations embedded in unconsolidated rock. The estimation of hydraulic conductivity values from the established correlations has a correlation coefficient of 0.83 with pumping test data, indicating good reliability of the methodology. The established correlations also enable the estimation of horizontal hydraulic conductivity on two-dimensional resistivity sections, which was not addressed by earlier studies. The inventive approach of using the established bilinear correlations at one-dimensional to two-dimensional resistivity sections is verified by the comparison method. The horizontal hydraulic conductivity agrees with previous findings from inverse modelling. Additionally, this study provides critical insights into the estimation of vertical hydraulic conductivity and an equation is formulated which relates vertical hydraulic conductivity with horizontal. Based on the approach presented, the anisotropic hydraulic conductivity of any type aquifer with embedded clayey formations can be estimated. The anisotropic hydraulic conductivity has the potential to be used as an important input to the groundwater models.  相似文献   
We compared the estimates of surface drifter trajectories from 1 to 7?days in the equatorial Atlantic over an 18-month period with five eddying ocean general circulation model (OGCM) reanalyses and one observational product. The cumulative distribution of trajectory error was estimated using over 7,000?days of drifter trajectories. The observational product had smaller errors than any of the individual OGCM reanalyses. Three strategies for improving trajectory estimates using the ensemble of five operational ocean analysis and forecasting products were explored: two methods using a multi-model ensemble estimate and also spatial low-pass filtering. The results were insensitive to the method used to create the ensemble estimates, and by most measures, the results were better than the observational product. Comparison of relative skill of the various OGCM reanalyses suggested promising avenues for exploration for further improvements: forcing with higher frequency wind stress and quality control of input data. One of the lowest horizontal resolution OGCMs, with 1/4° longitude horizontal resolution, made the best trajectory estimates. The individual OGCMs were dominated by errors at spatial scales smaller than about 100 to 200?km, i.e., less than the local deformation radius. But buried in those errors were valuable signals that could be retrieved by combining all the OGCM velocity fields to produce a multi-model ensemble-based estimate. This estimate had skill down to spatial scales about 75?km. Results from this study are consistent with previous work showing that ensemble-mean forecast skill is superior to individual forecasts.  相似文献   
The analysis presented in this paper aims at a better understanding of the potential role of radiative temperature, as measured by a radiometer over crops, in sensible heat flux calculation. Defining radiative temperature as the mean temperature of the surfaces viewed by the radiometer (leaves and soil surface) and assuming that an Ohm's law type formula can be used to express sensible heat flux as a function of the difference between air temperature and radiative temperature, the aerodynamic resistance which divides this temperature difference has been analytically defined. The parameters which appear in the resistance expression depend essentially on wind velocity and canopy structure but also on the inclination angle of the radiometer. Finally an experimental verification is presented with data obtained over a potato crop.  相似文献   
The active growth of a fault-and-thrust belt in frontal zones of Himalaya is a prominent topographical feature, extending 2500 km from Assam to Pakistan. In this paper, kinematical analysis of frontal anticlines and spatial mapping of active faults based on geomorphological features such as drainage pattern development, fault scarps and uplifted Quaternary alluvial fans are presented. We analyse the geomorphic and hydrographic expressions of the Chandigarh and the Janauri active anticlines in the NW India Siwaliks. To investigate the morphological scenario during the folding process, we used spatial imagery, geomorphometric parameters extracted from digital elevation models and fieldwork. Folding between the Beas and Sutlej Rivers gives clear geomorphological evidence of recent fold growth, presumably driven by movements of blind thrust faults. Structural style within the Janauri and Chandigarh anticlines is highly variable (fault-propagation folds, pop-up structures and transfer faults). The approach presented here involves analysis of topography and drainage incision of selected landforms to detect growth of active anticlines and transfer faults. Landforms that indicate active folding above a southwest-dipping frontal thrust and a northeast-dipping back-thrust are described. Along-strike differences in ridge morphology are measured to describe the interaction of river channel patterns with folds and thrust faults and to define history of anticline growth. The evolution of the apparently continuous Janauri ridge has occurred by the coalescence of independent segments growing towards each other. By contrast, systematic drainage basin asymmetry shows that the Chandigarh anticline ridge has propagated laterally from NW to SE.  相似文献   


REDD+?is being questioned by the particular status of High Forest/Low Deforestation countries. Indeed, the formulation of reference levels is made difficult by the confrontation of low historical deforestation records with the forest transition theory on the one hand. On the other hand, those countries might formulate incredibly high deforestation scenarios to ensure large payments even in case of inaction.


Using a wide range of scenarios within the Guiana Shield, from methods involving basic assumptions made from past deforestation, to explicit modelling of deforestation using relevant socio-economic variables at the regional scale, we show that the most common methodologies predict huge increases in deforestation, unlikely to happen given the existing socio-economic situation. More importantly, it is unlikely that funds provided under most of these scenarios could compensate for the total cost of avoided deforestation in the region, including social and economic costs.


This study suggests that a useful and efficient international mechanism should really focus on removing the underlying political and socio-economic forces of deforestation rather than on hypothetical result-based payments estimated from very questionable reference levels.
Vu  Quoc Hung  Pereira  Jean-Michel  Tang  Anh Minh 《Acta Geotechnica》2022,17(11):4921-4933
Acta Geotechnica - Soil freezing characteristic curve (SFCC) represents the relationship between soil temperature and unfrozen water content of soil during freezing and thawing processes. In this...  相似文献   
A robust method for characterizing the mineralogy of suspended sediment in continental rivers is introduced. It encompasses 3 steps: the filtration of a few milliliters of water, measurements of X-ray energy dispersive spectra using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and robust machine learning tools of classification. The method is applied to suspended particles collected from various Amazonian rivers. A total of more than 204,000 particles were analyzed by SEM-EDXS (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy), i.e. about 15,700 particles per sampling station, which lead to the identification of 15 distinct groups of mineralogical phases. The size distribution of particles collected on the filters was derived from the SEM micrographs taken in the backscattered electron imaging mode and analyzed with ImageJ freeware. The determination of the main mineralogical groups composing the bulk sediment associated with physical parameters such as particle size distribution or aspect ratio allows a precise characterization of the load of the terrigenous particles in rivers or lakes. In the case of the Amazonian rivers investigated, the results show that the identified mineralogies are consistent with previous studies as well as between the different samples collected. The method enabled the evolution of grain size distribution from fine to coarse material to be described in the water column. Implications about hydrodynamic sorting of mineral particles in the water column are also briefly discussed. The proposed method appears well suited for intensive routine monitoring of suspended sediment in river systems.  相似文献   
For the correct management of the future International Marine Park of Bonifacio, a sampling strategy must be adopted to follow the population fluctuations of certain species of fish. This sampling will be carried out by SCUBA visual census using the fixed point method. The information to be gleaned using this method will include estimates of biomass. These data will subsequently be used to perform both spatial comparisons between sites and temporal comparisons over periods of several years. In order to reveal the existence of statistically significant differences, the sampling strategy adopted must allow accurate means to be obtained which possess relatively low coefficients of variability. The calculation of this optimum sampling depends on the spatial distribution of the species examined. The Taylor law (s2 = a ×x b), which represents a much utilized mean-variance relationship, will be used to compare the aggregation of three species of fish (Symphodus ocellatus,Serranus scriba and Diplodus annularis) on two different substrate types (Posidonia oceanica meadows and rocks) and for four sites in the Lavezzi Islands. The goodness of fit of this law to the biomass data will allow an optimum sampling strategy to be determined for each species with coefficients of variability of 10 and 25%.  相似文献   
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