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Abstract   In southern New Caledonia, Late Oligocene granodiorite and adamellite are intruded into an ultramafic allochthon emplaced in the Late Eocene period. Previous studies of these granitoids proposed an origin associated with the melting of the underlying continental crust, but our new data show that these high-K to medium-K calc-alkaline granitoids display the geochemical and isotopic features of volcanic arc magmas uncontaminated by crust-derived melts. These magmas were probably generated in a post-Eocene and pre-Miocene subduction, the geophysical traces of which have been detected along the western coast of New Caledonia. Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic ratios indicate derivation from an almost isotopically homogeneous mantle wedge, but in contrast, some variation in trace element ratios uncorrelated to differentiation is indicative of source heterogeneity. Prominent heavy rare earth element (HREE) depletion of some of the younger granitoids may be the result of an equilibrium achieved with garnet-bearing subcrustal material (granulite) found as xenoliths, while a relative Nb, Ta and Hf enrichment, irrespective of crystal fractionation, may be related to either a modest contamination by previously underplated mafic material, heterogeneous hydration of the mantle wedge, or mixing with uplifted Nb-rich mantle. Post-obduction slab break-off can be proposed to have played a role in sublithospheric mantle mixing and the subsequent heterogeneity. The Late Oligocene subduction described here may be tentatively extended southward into northern New Zealand allochthons.  相似文献   
The trajectories of 38 type III storms in the interplanetary medium have been deduced from ISEE-3 radio observations and extrapolated back to the Sun to determine the Carrington coordinates of their footpoints. The analysis assumes radial motion of the solar wind, and the trajectories are projected radially back toward the surface for the last few solar radii. To identify the storm sources, the footpoints were compared to a variety of solar features: to the large-scale neutral line at the base of the current sheet, to active regions, to the small-scale neutral lines and H filaments which trace out active regions, and to coronal holes. Most of the footpoints were found to lie near active regions, in agreement with metric storm locations. There is a weak correlation with H filaments, no apparent association with the current sheet, and an anticorrelation with coronal holes. There is a small excess of storms in the leading half of magnetic sectors.  相似文献   
The age of the inner core   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The energy conservation law, when applied to the Earth’s core and integrated between the onset of the crystallization of the inner core and the present time, gives an equation for the age of the inner core. In this equation, all the terms can be expressed theoretically and, given values and uncertainties of all relevant physical parameters, the age of the inner core can be obtained as a function of the heat flux at the core–mantle boundary and the concentrations in radioactive elements. It is found that in absence of radioactive elements in the core, the age of the inner core cannot exceed 2.5 Ga and is most likely around 1 Ga. In addition, to have an inner core as old as the Earth, concentrations in radioactive elements needed in the core are too high to be acceptable on geochemical grounds.  相似文献   
Lithostratigraphic and structural framework, chronology and geochemistry of the Tertiary calc-alkaline volcanism of Cap-d'Ail (French Maritime Alps) are specified according to the new data collected during the earthworks of the recent railway tunnel built between Cap-d'Ail and Monaco. Two different magmatic events were dated: the first one, to Palaeogene, the other one, to Neogene. To cite this article: J.-P. Ivaldi et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   
In the Brévenne Series (NE Massif Central), a low-grade bimodal association of metabasalts and metarhyolites is exposed, together with intrusive trondhjemite bodies. Zircon U-Pb dating constrains their magmatic emplacement at 366 ± 5 Ma and 358 ± 1 Ma, respectively. The metabasalts are characterized by a distinct enrichment in incompatible elements (e.g. Th and LREE) and positive ɛNdi (from +5 to +8). Combined isotope and trace element systematics rule out crustal contamination of mafic melts as a suitable cause of the LILE (large ion lithophile element)-enrichment. Rather, a mixing process between a component similar to mid ocean ridge basalts and an enriched end-member with ɛNdi > +5 is suggested. An enriched-mantle source of ocean island basalt affinity is precluded by the relative depletion of high field strength elements, especially Nb which shows negative anomalies in chondrite-normalized patterns. On the contrary, a subduction-related origin for the LILE enrichment would be more consistent. It may be inferred that arc-like melts [enriched in Th and LREE (light rare earth elements) and depleted in Nb, with ɛNdi > +5] were produced through partial melting of a depleted-mantle source, to which a small amount of crustally derived component had been added. The metarhyolites are enriched in LILE, and have a close genetic relationship with the metabasalts, as evidenced by their high ɛNdi (from +4.7 to +6.8). Although the chemical evidence remains ambiguous, it is suggested that fractional crystallization, accompanied by subordinate assimilation, is the petrogenetic process most consistent with the data. The trondhjemites are isotopically distinct from the metarhyolites. Their ɛNdi values (from −1.0 to +2.2) reflect an important contribution of continental crust to their genesis, and disprove their inferred cogenetism with the felsic volcanics. A review of modern environments in which such bimodal suites are exposed, shows that settings involving incipient rifting of a volcanic arc fringing a continental margin, or built upon young, thin continental crust might provide suitable analogues. Geodynamic reconstructions are complicated by subsequent tectonic events which disrupted the initial patterns, and by Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary cover. However, this subduction-related magmatism enlarges the growing body of evidence for southward subduction processes until the Late Devonian during the evolution of the northern flank of the European Variscides. As a general implication, it is suggested that the combined use of the Sm-Nd system with incompatible elements relatively resistant during alteration and low-grade metamorphism (REE, Th, Zr, Nb) may provide diagnostic criteria for recognizing the tectonic setting of bimodal metaigneous suites in ancient orogenic belts. Received: 21 April 1997 / Accepted: 30 June 1997  相似文献   
In the Mekong Delta (South Vietnam), the agglomeration of Ho-Chi-Minh (HCM) City, with more than 5 million inhabitants, is confronted with a dramatic shortage of fresh water supply because of the pollution of several aquifers at different depths. The electric tomography, obtained by concurrent inversion of two complementary geoelectrical methods, the Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) and the Magneto-Telluric Sounding (MTS), turned out to be very efficient to provide a complete electrical image of the underground from the surface until about 800 m depth. This methodology constitutes a very cheap guide for the evaluation of the quality of the groundwater resources in the vast alluvial plain of the Mekong Delta. To cite this article: V.N. Pham et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 733–740.  相似文献   
Natural Resources Research - Potassium (K)-rich igneous rocks include a variety of silica-undersaturated and alkaline rocks, which distinguished by their elevated K2O contents. These rocks have...  相似文献   
Among the mantle hotspots present under oceanic areas, a large number are located on—or close to—active oceanic ridges. This is especially true in the slow-spreading Atlantic and Indian oceans. The recent availability of worldwide gravity grids and the increasing coverage of geochemical data sets along active spreading centres allow a fruitful comparison of these data with global geoid and seismic tomography models, and allow one to study interactions between mantle plumes and active slow-spreading ridges. The observed correlations allow us to draw preliminary conclusions on the general links between surficial processes, which shape the detailed morphology of the ridge axes, and deeper processes, active in the upper mantle below the ridge axial domains as a whole. The interactions are first studied at the scale of the Atlantic (the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from Iceland to Bouvet Island) from the correlation between the zero-age free-air gravity anomaly, which reflects the zero-age depth of the ridge axis, and Sr isotopic ratios of ridge axis basalts. The study is then extended to a more global scale (the slow ridges from Iceland to the Gulf of Aden) by including geoid and upper-mantle tomography models. The interactions appear complex, ranging from the effect of large and very productive plumes, almost totally overprinting the long-wavelength segmentation pattern of the ridge, to that of weaker hotspots, barely marking some of the observables in the ridge axial domain. Intermediate cases are observed, in which hotspots of medium activity (or whose activity has gradually decreased) located at some distance from the ridge axis produce geophysical or geochemical signals whose variation along the axis can be correlated with the geometry of the plume head in the upper mantle. Such observations tend to preclude the use of a single hotspot/ridge interaction model and stress the need for additional observations in various plume/ridge configurations.  相似文献   
Gorringe Bank is situated on the Europe-Africa plate boundary at the eastern end of the Azores-Gibraltar fracture zone. It has two summits, Gettysburg Bank to the Southwest and Ormonde Bank to the northeast.We applied the40Ar/39Ar stepwise heating method to date six samples of the alkaline volcanic rocks, two gabbros from the Ormonde Bank and a dolerite from the Gettysburg Bank. The results that the alkaline volcanism lasted probably for less than 6 Ma(66-60 Ma).Although the nature of this volcanism precludes any subduction feature during its setting, the alkaline volcanism of Ormonde is probably linked to Upper Cretaceous/Eocene compressive tectonic events.The basement rocks of Gorringe Bank reveal distrubed40Ar/39Ar age spectra. One plagioclase and one biotite from a gabbro give evidence for a thermic event whose age is tentatively estimated at about 75 Ma, and related to a variation in the direction of the relative movement between Europe and Africa. The more probable age given by a plagioclase of another gabbro and by a dolerite (110 Ma) corresponds to tilting northeastward of the Gorringe massif.  相似文献   
Leg 2 of the French-Japanese 1984 Kaiko cruise has surveyed the trench triple junction off central Japan, where the Japan, Izu-Bonin and Sagami Trenches intersect. The Izu-Bonin Trench is deeper than the Japan Trench and filled by a thick turbiditic series. Its anomalous depth is explained by the westward retreat of the edge of the northwestward moving Philippine Sea plate. On the contrary to what happens in the Japan Trench, horst and graben structures of the Pacific plate obliquely enters the Izu-Bonin Trench, suggesting that the actual boundary between these two trenches is located to the north of the triple junction. The inner wall of the Izu-Bonin Trench is characterized in the triple junction area by a series of slope basins whose occurrence is related to the dynamics of this area. The northernmost basin is overthrust by the edge of the fore-arc area of the Northeast Japan plate. The plate boundary is hardly discernible further east, which makes it impossible to locate precisely the triple junction itself. These features suggest that large intra-plate deformation occurs there due to the interaction of the plates involved in the triple junction and the weak mechanical strength of the wedge-shaped margin of the overriding plates.  相似文献   
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