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Marine Geophysical Research -  相似文献   
Megatidal estuaries such as the Seine and the Somme (North-Western France) are rather well delimited and human impacts on them are well understood. Since the middle of the 19th Century, there has been a slow but irreversible degradation of the state of these English Channel estuaries. However, current conservation and restoration strategies tend to freeze habitats in a particular state, their status being defined, most often, through a patrimonial or utilitarian approach. Connectedness between biotopes (sensu habitat+community) has a tendency to be neglected, especially with regard to main ecological gradients, i.e., salinity. In this paper, evaluation methodologies are proposed with the intention of assessing changes to ecosystem functions, under anthropogenic disturbance, controlled or otherwise. The Seine (a heavily industrialised ecosystem) is compared to the Somme (considered here for its pseudo-natural features) in order to discriminate between oceanic processes (siltation and plugging of estuaries) and anthropogenic influences. Preservation and restoration of habitats rely on a robust scientific methodology. The multi-scale approach adopted in the projects presented here relies on sensitive socio-ecological assessment procedures, tools for evaluating ecological quality, and well-built monitoring programmes based upon pertinent indicators. Such managerial tools were used to refine strategies and make them compatible with the sustainable co-development of resources in a European context. This paper demonstrates how scientists were able to acquire and apply knowledge in the field of rehabilitation and restoration. Jointly with managers and policy-makers, they have brought scientific information and socio-economics together in order to answer questions about the restoration of sites or habitats and to anticipate future propositions in the spirit of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM).  相似文献   
Radiocarbon measurements performed on seawater samples by means of accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) enable to reduce by a factor of 2000 the water sample size needed for the14C measurements. Therefore no chemical treatment on board the oceanographic vessel is required. Seventy-four AMS14C determinations on samples collected in the tropical-equatorial Indian Ocean during the second leg of the INDIGO program (1986) are presented and compared with the β-counting results obtained during the same campaign and the GEOSECS program (1978). A pronounced reduction of the equatorial14C deficit suggests that substantial amounts of bomb-14C are associated with the westward flowing Pacific water which enters the Indian Ocean via passages through the Indonesia archipelago and/or to meridional mixing with14C-rich water of the southern subtropical gyre.  相似文献   
Limit equilibrium analyses were applied to the 1980 Mount St. Helens and 1956 Bezymianny failures in order to examine the influence on stability of structural deformation produced by cryptodome emplacement. Weakening structures associated with the cryptodome include outward-dipping normal faults bounding a summit graben and a flat shear zone at the base of the bulged flank generated by lateral push of the magma. Together with the head of the magmatic body itself, these structures serve directly to localize failure along a critical surface with low stability deep within the interior of the edifice. This critical surface, with the safety coefficient reduced by 25-30%, is then very sensitive to stability condition variation, in particular to the pore-pressure ratio (ru) and seismicity coefficient (n). For ru=0.3, or n=0.2, the deep surface suffers catastrophic failure, removing a large volume of the edifice flank. In the case of Mount St. Helens, failure occurred within a material with angle of friction ~40°, cohesion in the range 105-106 Pa, and probably significant water pore pressure. On 18 May 1980, detachment of slide block I occurred along a newly formed rupture surface passing through the crest of the bulge. Although sliding of block I may have been helped by the basal shear zone, significant pore pressure and a triggering earthquake were required (ru=0.3 and n=0.2). Detachment of the second block was guided by the summit normal fault, the front of the cryptodome, and the basal shear zone. This occurred along a deep critical surface, which was on the verge of failure even before the 18 May 1980 earthquake. The stability of equivalent surfaces at Bezymianny Volcano appears significantly higher. Thus, although magma had already reached the surface, weaker materials, or higher pore pressure and/or seismic conditions were probably required to reach the rupture threshold. From our analysis, we find that deep-seated sector collapses formed by removing the edifice summit cannot generally result from a single slide. Cryptodome-induced deformation does, however, provide a deep potential slip surface. As previously thought, it may assist deep-seated sector collapse because it favors multiple retrogressive slides. This leads to explosive depressurization of the magmatic and hydrothermal systems, which undermines the edifice summit and produces secondary collapses and explosive blasts.  相似文献   
This paper presents the recent history of a large prealpine lake (Lake Bourget) using chironomids, diatoms and organic matter analysis, and deals with the ability of paleolimnological approach to define an ecological reference state for the lake in the sense of the European Framework Directive. The study at low resolution of subfossil chironomids in a 4-m-long core shows the remarkable stability over the last 2.5 kyrs of the profundal community dominated by a Micropsectra-association until the beginning of the twentieth century, when oxyphilous taxa disappeared. Focusing on this key recent period, a high resolution and multiproxy study of two short cores reveals a progressive evolution of the lake’s ecological state. Until AD 1880, Lake Bourget showed low organic matter content in the deep sediments (TOC less than 1%) and a well-oxygenated hypolimnion that allowed the development of a profundal oxyphilous chironomid fauna (Micropsectra-association). Diatom communities were characteristic of oligotrophic conditions. Around AD 1880, a slight increase in the TOC was the first sign of changes in lake conditions. This was followed by a first limited decline in oligotrophic diatom taxa and the disappearance of two oxyphilous chironomid taxa at the beginning of the twentieth century. The 1940s were a major turning point in recent lake history. Diatom assemblages and accumulation of well preserved planktonic organic matter in the sediment provide evidence of strong eutrophication. The absence of profundal chironomid communities reveals permanent hypolimnetic anoxia. From AD 1995 to 2006, the diatom assemblages suggest a reduction in nutrients, and a return to mesotrophic conditions, a result of improved wastewater management. However, no change in hypolimnion benthic conditions has been shown by either the organic matter or the subfossil chironomid profundal community. Our results emphasize the relevance of the paleolimnological approach for the assessment of reference conditions for modern lakes. Before AD 1900, the profundal Micropsectra-association and the Cyclotella dominated diatom community can be considered as the Lake Bourget reference community, which reflects the reference ecological state of the lake.  相似文献   
Summary. The thermal effect of a rapid injection of hot magmas into the lower part of the lithosphere is modelled as an increase in heat production through the invaded region. The change in surface heat flow and the uplift resulting from the thermal expansion are determined in three-dimensional axially symmetric geometry: they are expressed as the space time convolutions of a Green's function with the anomalous heat production.
The anomalies with shorter wavelength (compared to the lithospheric thickness) are attenuated. This filtering affects the surface uplift more than the heat flow anomaly; the attenuation effect is larger when only the lower part of the lithosphere is invaded.
The uplift time constant is of the same order as the heat conduction time if the lower lithosphere is invaded by magmas at a moderate rate (i.e. the rate of injection does not exceed the equivalent of 0.1 per cent of the lithospheric volume in 106yr). Fifty per cent of the total uplift takes place in about 80 × 106yr for a lithosphere 100 km thick. The uplift is slightly faster when the whole lithosphere is invaded. The heat flow anomaly is delayed when the lower part of the lithosphere is invaded.
The spatial extent and the timing of the uplift and heat flow anomalies are critical in determining the mechanism's feasibility. Magma injections explain rapid uplifts [> 100 m (106 yr)−1] only if the magma is supplied at a very high rate (i.e. at least 10 per cent of the lithosphere volume per 106yr). It is a feasible mechanism for uplifts that occur over longer periods of time (≊ 30 × 106yr) such as those that seem to have occurred when the African plate came to rest with respect to the mantle.  相似文献   
The hydrochemical evolution of an alluvial groundwater located along the Mediterranean seashore is analyzed with respect to its agricultural and climatic environment, including degree of saturation of the soil; types of cultures, chemical fertilizers and phytosanitary treatments; selective irrigations of the cultivated areas; precipitations. It is shown that the environmental effect on the groundwater's vulnerability depends on two groups of factors:
  1. Transfers from surface to groundwater of nitrates, chlorides, sulfates, and potassium, which are governed by: (a) the climatic conditions before the agricultural activities begin, (b) the kinds of agricultural activities and their distribution in time with respect to a given climatic context. Phenomena of retention of and/or rapid diffusion are related to the sedimentary heterogeneities of the reservoir and to the differences of temperatures between irrigation waters and precipitations.
  2. Cationic exchanges related to the presence of clays of Montmorillonite-Kaolinite type.
In Savoy, the Grands-Moulins recent fault scarps, previously interpreted as seismic fault ruptures, are in fact part of a major Sackung (deep seated gravitational spreading) of the French Alps (9 km long). We mapped more than 60 sackung scarps, some of them reaching 1330 m long and 30 m high. These antislope scarps stop the active screes and offset relict Dryassic rock glaciers by 16 m. We present geomorphologic observations attesting for their gravitational origin. This Sackung is primarily due to glacial debuttressing, while seismic shaking could be a triggering mechanism. To cite this article: J.-C. Hippolyte et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   
Sea-floor bathymetric profiles exhibit features at many different scales of length; this suggests that they could be described as fractals. An algorithm interpolating a fractal line between points has been used to reconstruct bathymetric profiles from a few data points. In general, this fractal line has the same Fourier amplitude spectrum as real bathymetry, and, if the parameters of the interpolation are suitably chosen, it has a very similar appearance. The success of this fractal reconstruction algorithm for the sea-floor raises the possibility that it could be used to extrapolate, from data collected at one scale, the properties of the sea-floor at finer scales, and that similar techniques could be used to interpolate a surface between bathymetric profiles. The fractal character is a sign that the processes that shape the sea-floor are scale invariant and suggests that the renormalization group technique could be used to model these processes.  相似文献   
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