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As in all fields of sample analysis, reference materials play a large role in supporting measurements in the geosciences. While a rather large number of materials are in distribution (> 380), not all are equally effective or fit-for-purpose in supporting laboratory data quality and thereby assuring the desired comparability of measurements between laboratories. Equally important, reference values that are not fit-for-purpose cannot be used effectively to establish traceability links between laboratory measurements and national and international standards. The needed fitness-for-purpose is not achieved for reference values either when more than one reference value has been proposed and a consensus does not exist among users as to which should be used by all, or when reference value uncertainties are too large in comparison to those of routine laboratory measurements. The focus of this review will be, first to outline the current reality, and second to suggest ways in which certifications of RMs can be improved to provide reference values that are universally accepted and more fit-for-purpose in general laboratory use. The discussion will be illustrated largely by current uses of USGS BCR-1, NIST SRM 610 and IAEA NBS28, as these three materials are those for which the largest body of newly published data exists, according to recent bibliographies of the geoanalytical literature published annually in Geostandards Newsletter: The Journal of Geostandards and Geoanalysis.  相似文献   
Observed Behaviour of Laterally Expanded Stone Column in Soft Soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper describes the behavior of remolded kaolin clay reinforced by stone column as investigated in laboratory. The installation of stone column was simulated by performing lateral expansion at different rates within hollow cylindrical remolded kaolin specimens initially subjected to K0 consolidation path. These specimens were, then, subjected to classical consolidated undrained triaxial tests while recording excess pore pressure values. The objective of the experimental programme was to quantify the effects of consolidation stress and stone column on the undrained Young’s modulus and shear strength of kaolin clay. Obtained results showed a significant improvement in Young’s modulus when the cavity expansion ratio and the consolidation stress increase. It was also found that the increase in undrained shear strength of improved kaolin clay mainly occurred at lower consolidation stress. Another important finding of this study is that the ratio of undrained Young’s modulus to undrained shear stress increases when the consolidation stress decreases. Finally, the paper presents a model developed for the design of stone columns.  相似文献   
The paper by Perry et al. (2007, Defining biominerals and organominerals: Direct and indirect indicators of life, Sedimentary Geology, 201, 157–179) proposes to introduce “the new term ‘organomineral’” to describe mineral products whose formation is induced by by-products of biological activity, dead and decaying organisms, or nonbiological organic compounds, to be distinguished from the biomineral components of living organisms. The substantive ‘organomineral’, however, is not new: it was first introduced in 1993, with basically the same definition and distinction from biominerals, at the 7th International Symposium on Biomineralization (Défarge and Trichet, 1995, From biominerals to ‘organominerals’: The example of the modern lacustrine calcareous stromatolites from Polynesian atolls, Bulletin de l'Institut Océanographique de Monaco, n° spéc. 14, vol. 2, pp. 265–271). Thereafter, more than twenty-five papers by various authors have been devoted to organominerals and organomineral formation (‘organomineralization’) processes. Only two of these papers are cited by Perry et al., and without any reference to the definitions, or even the terms ‘organomineral’ or ‘organomineralization’, which they included. Moreover, Perry et al. tend to enlarge the original concept of organomineral to encompass all minerals containing organic matter, whether these organic compounds are active or passive in the mineralization, which introduces ambiguities detrimental to a fine understanding of present and past geobiological processes. Finally, Perry et al. propose to consider organominerals as indirect biosignatures that could be used in the search for evidence of life in the geological record and extraterrestrial bodies. This latter proposition also is problematical, in that organominerals may be formed in association with prebiotic or abiotic organic matter.  相似文献   
Résumé Après avoir montré l'importance tectonique du réseau de faille plio-quaternaire, il est insisté sur son indépendance par rapport aux tectoniques antérieures, d'après les deux exemples de chaÎnes alpines et leurs bordures méditerranénnes et de la Cordillère des Andes et sa bordure pacifique.Cette tectonique, «postgéosynclinale» dans le premier cas, «postliminaire» dans le second, témoigne de mouvement en extension et non des compressions qu'on admet généralement en compensation des extensions océaniques: l'état actuel des ceintures orogéniques paraÎt donc Être l'extension, du moins dans ces deux secteurs.Le Plio-Quaternaire semble ainsi une période d'extension généralisée, au contraire de périodes antérieures où des compressions se sont manifestées dans les ceintures orogéniques.
The Plio-Quaternary fault net, beyond its tectonic and morphologic importance, seems independent of the previous structures, as illustrated by the examples of the Alpines chaines and their Mediterranean edges and of the Andes Cordillera and its Pacific edge.Theses structures — of postgeosynclinal origin in the first case, postliminar in the second — display tensional motion, not the compressions expected as sea floor spreading compensation. Thus the present status of orogenetics belts seems to be tension at least in theses two areas.Thus the Plio-Quaternary may appear as a period of general tension, in contrast to the previous periods, some of which show compressional motion in the orogenetic belts.

Zusammenfassung Die tektonische Bedeutung des plio-quartÄren Verwerfungsnetzes wird gezeigt. Wie aus den beiden Beispielen der Alpenketten und ihrer mediterranen Küstenlinien sowie der Andenkordillere und ihrer pazifischen Küstenlinie hervorgeht, scheint dieses Verwerfungsnetz unabhÄngig von früheren Strukturen zu sein.Diese im ersten Fall postgeosynklinale und im zweiten Fall postliminare Tektonik zeugt von Extensions- und nicht von Kompressionsbewegungen, die man im allgemeinen als Folge ozeanischer Extensionen (sea floor spreading) annimmt: der gegenwÄrtige Zustand der orogenen Gürtel scheint also Extension zu sein, zumindest in diesen beiden Abschnitten.Das Plio-QuartÄr scheint demnach eine Periode allgemeiner Extension zu sein, im Gegensatz zu vorhergehenden Perioden, wo sich in den orogenen Gürteln Kompressionen zeigten.

- . , , . , — , , , — sea floor spreading -; , , , - , .- , , , , .
Seismic velocity parameters in limited, but heterogeneous volumes can be inferred using a double-difference tomographic algorithm, but to obtain meaningful results accuracy must be maintained at every step of the computation. MONTEILLER et al. (2005) have devised a double-difference tomographic algorithm that takes full advantage of the accuracy of cross-spectral time-delays of large correlated event sets. This algorithm performs an accurate computation of theoretical travel-time delays in heterogeneous media and applies a suitable inversion scheme based on optimization theory. When applied to Kilauea Volcano, in Hawaii, the double-difference tomography approach shows significant and coherent changes to the velocity model in the well-resolved volumes beneath the Kilauea caldera and the upper east rift. In this paper, we first compare the results obtained using MONTEILLER et al.'s algorithm with those obtained using the classic travel-time tomographic approach. Then, we evaluated the effect of using data series of different accuracies, such as handpicked arrival-time differences (``picking differences'), on the results produced by double-difference tomographic algorithms. We show that picking differences have a non-Gaussian probability density function (pdf). Using a hyperbolic secant pdf instead of a Gaussian pdf allows improvement of the double-difference tomographic result when using picking difference data. We completed our study by investigating the use of spatially discontinuous time-delay data.  相似文献   
The theory of the nutation for the rigid earth model at the second order   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We perform a complete reconstruction of the series of the nutation for a rigid Earth model with the use of the very accurate theories ELP2000 and VSOP82 for the motion of the Moon and the planets respectively, in such a way that all the individual contributions up to 0.005 mas should be taken. This implies the introduction of the planetary effects, of the influence of second-order parts of the potential of the Earth (J3, triaxiality), and some improvements due to an extension of the theory at the second order. All this increase notably the number of coefficients to be taken in account, and modifies also in a significant way the value of some of them.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study are (1) to understand the subsurface hydrology in the Aurku area, Chiayi County, southern Taiwan, and (2) to determine the interaction between the manmade lake and groundwater level through the recharge produced by infiltration by on‐site investigation and laboratory sand tank simulation. The manmade lake was selected as the field site for groundwater recharge effect so as to assess the role of infiltration from the aquaculture ponds in this area. These results can be used as reference for future application of constructing a series of manmade lakes. The field experiment was performed to measure the infiltration rate of the manmade lake by using the water balance method and double‐ring infiltration test. The results demonstrated that the manmade lake had helped the recharge of the groundwater. Raising or maintaining a higher water level of the manmade lake can promote higher infiltration. When the groundwater level is equal to or higher than the bottom of the manmade lake, infiltration will slow or cease. The field experiment and laboratory sand tank simulation demonstrated that the infiltration rate increased with the higher storage depth of the manmade lake. The laboratory simulation also indicated that while the groundwater level was lower than the bottom of manmade lake (i.e. the reference level) and the initial water depth (3 cm) was equal to or greater than 50% of the full water storage depth, the infiltration depth increased with time. However, the infiltration depth would be very small or nearly zero when the groundwater level was higher than the bottom of the manmade lake. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Using earthquakes relocated in north‐east Taiwan, we estimated b‐value distribution along a cross‐section located near the Ryukyu slab edge, and four b‐value anomalous areas are evidenced: (1) a high b‐value body lying on top of a low Vp, low Vs and high Vp/Vs sausage‐like body was considered as a region of enhanced partial melt or water supply above which seismicity occurs; (2) beneath the Ilan Plain, an anomalous area characterized by b‐values slightly higher than 1.1 might give evidence to the magma conduits to the Kueishantao Island; (3) above the Ryukyu Wadati‐Benioff zone, at depths ranging from 90 to 110 km, a high b‐value anomaly might correspond to the depth where dehydration occurs in the subducting oceanic plate; and (4) a low b‐value area located within the Ryukyu slab, at depths ranging from 70 to 90 km, might be linked to the compressive mechanisms shown by focal mechanisms and the bending of the subducting plate.  相似文献   
Cored sediments from the Pigmy Basin, northern Gulf of Mexico, were analyzed in order to better constrain late deglacial and early Holocene paleoenvironmental and sedimentary changes in response to North American climate evolution. Mineralogical and geochemical proxies indicate the succession of two sedimentary regimes: dominantly detrital during the deglaciation (15–12.9 cal ka BP) whereas biogenic contribution relatively increased later on during the Younger Dryas and early Holocene (12.9 and 10 cal ka BP). Geochemical data reveal that the deglacial record mainly reflects variations of terrigenous supply via the Mississippi River rather than modifications of redox conditions in the basin. Specific variations of almost all the parameters measured in this paper are synchronous with the main deglacial meltwater episode (Meltwater Spike) described or modeled in previous marine or continental studies. During this episode, most parameters display “stair-step-like” – pattern variations highlighting three successive steps within the main meltwater flow. Variations in grain-size and clay mineral assemblage recorded in the Pigmy Basin indicate that the erosional regime was very strong on land during the first part of the Meltwater Spike, and then milder, inducing more subtle modifications in the sedimentary regime in this part of the Gulf. Specific geochemical and mineralogical signatures (notably, clay minerals and trace metal geochemistry) pinpoint a dominant origin from NW North America for detrital particles reflecting meltwater outflow from the south-western Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) margin during the most intense freshwater discharge. The observed decrease of the sedimentation rate from about 200 to 25 cm/ka at ca 12.9 ka evidenced a drastic decrease of erosional processes during late phase of discharge, consistently with the hypotheses of major reduction of meltwater flow. The major modification at 12.9 cal ka BP is interpreted to result from both modifications of the main Mississippi fluvial regime due to eastward and northward rerouting of meltwater flow at the onset of the Younger Dryas, and the increase of sea-surface temperature linked to insolation. Finally, slight grain-size modifications suggest that some freshwater discharges may have episodically reached the Gulf of Mexico after the Younger Dryas reflecting possible small adjustments of the postglacial hydrological regime.  相似文献   
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