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This study, using a climate change scenario generated by the Canadian Climate Centre (CCC) general circulation model (GCM) examines the impacts of such a climate change on agriculture in southern Quebec. Using a crop model from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), yield responses of a variety of cereals, legumes, oleaginous and special crops to climate change are analysed and discussed.

Results show that under the 2 × CO2 climate scenario the growing season would be longer and accumulation of corn heat units and growing degree days would be more important than under actual climate (1961–1990). One of the more important results of this study is that, on the one hand yield of C3 cereals would be lower and that of C4 cereals higher in most agricultural regions. On the other hand, the direct fertilisation effect of increased CO2 is not considered. It must be cautioned however that we can not generalise results obtained for one legume crop to all legumes.  相似文献   
Thrusting fault zone in foreland basins are characterized by highly foliated zones generally enriched in phyllosilicates which can play a major role on the mechanical behaviour of the fault. In this context, investigations of synkinematic clay minerals permit to determine the origin of the fluid from which they precipitated as well as the mechanisms of deformation. Our study is focused on clay mineral assemblages (illite and chlorite) in a major thrust fault located in the Monte Perdido massif (southern Pyrenees), a shallow thrust that affects upper cretaceous-paleocene platform carbonates and lower Eocene marls and turbidites. It implied 3?km of displacement of the Monte Perdido thrust unit with respect to the underlying Gavarnie unit. In this area the cleavage development by pressure-solution is linked to the Monte Perdido and Gavarnie thrust activity. The core zone of the fault, about 6?m thick, consists of an interval of intensely deformed clay-bearing rocks bounded by major shear surfaces. The deformed sediment is markedly darker than the protolith. Calcite-quartz shear veins along the shear planes are abundant. Detailed SEM and TEM observations of highly deformed fault zone samples indicate that clay mineral enrichment in the core zone of the fault is not only related to passive increase by pressure-solution mechanism but that dissolution?Crecrystallization of phyllosilicates occurs during deformation. A mineral segregation is observed in the highly deformed zone. Newly formed 2M 1 muscovite is present along the cleavage whereas IIb chlorite crystals fill SV2 shear veins suggesting syntectonic growth of phyllosilicates in the presence of fluids in low-grade metamorphic conditions. These mineralogical reactions act as weakening processes and would favour Monte Perdido fault creeping.  相似文献   
Microbial Diversity in Nankai Trough Sediments at a Depth of 3,843 m   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Dense populations of bivalves, primarily Calyptogena sp., were observed at cold seeps of the Nankai Trough. Bacterial input to the sediment was estimated through determination of phospholipid ester-linked fatty acid (PLFA) and DNA profiles. Results indicated a bacterial biomass of 109 cells (g dry wt)-1 while individual fatty acid profiles revealed a predominance of monounsaturated fatty acids, mainly 18:1 isomers. The presence of these fatty acids can be interpreted to reflect a response to low temperature and a predominance of psychrophilic bacteria. DNA fragments encoding bacterial ribosomal RNA small-subunit sequences (16S rDNA) were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction method using DNA extracted directly from the sediment samples. From the sequencing results, at least 19 kinds of bacterial 16S rDNAs related to mostly the Proteobacteria and a few gram-positive bacteria were identified. These results suggest that the bacterial community in the Nankai Trough sediments consists of mainly bacteria belonging to the Proteobacteria , , and subdivisions. Bacteria belonging to the and subdivisions, which are known to include epibiont and sulfate reducing bacteria, respectively, were mostly detected in the sediment obtained from inside the area of the Calyptogena community, and the -Proteobacteria may function to supply reduced sulfur to bacterial endosymbionts of Calyptogena.  相似文献   
Methods are described for the complexometric determination of calcium and magnesium in seawater, using an amalgamated silver electrode for end-point detection. In the presence of a small amount of mercury(II)-chelonate, the amalgamated silver electrode serves as a pM indicator during the complexometric titration, the Hg complex being stronger than Ca, Mg and Sr complexes. Calcium is determined by titration with EGTA, calcium+magnesium+strontium by titration with EDTA and magnesium is obtained by difference. Average values of 0.02120 (standard deviation 0.00004) for Ca:Cl‰ and 0.06671 (standard deviation 0.00014) for Mg:Cl‰ were obtained for samples from tropical North Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   
We report on the detection of H2 as seen in our analysis of twilight observations of the lunar atmosphere observed by the LAMP instrument aboard NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. Using a large amount of data collected on the lunar atmosphere between September 2009 and March 2013, we have detected and identified, the presence of H2 in the native lunar atmosphere, for the first time. We derive a surface density for H2 of 1.2 ± 0.4 × 103 cm−3 at 120 K. This is about 10 times smaller than originally predicted, and several times smaller than previous upper limits from the Apollo era data.  相似文献   
We explore the rich globular cluster (GC) system of the nearby Sa galaxy M104, the 'Sombrero' (NGC 4594), using archive Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 data. The GC colour distribution is found to be bimodal at the >99 per cent confidence level, with peaks at     and     . The inferred metallicities are very similar to those of GCs in our Galaxy and M31. However, the Sombrero reveals a much enhanced number of red (metal-rich) GCs compared to other well-studied spirals. Because the Sombrero is dominated by a huge bulge and only has a modest disc, we associate the two subpopulations with the halo and bulge components, respectively. Thus our analysis supports the view that the metal-rich GCs in spirals are associated with the bulge rather than with the disc. The Sombrero GCs have typical effective (half-light) radii of ∼2 pc with the red ones being ∼30 per cent smaller than the blue ones. We identify many similarities between the GC system of the Sombrero and those of both late-type spirals and early-type galaxies. Thus both the GC system and the Hubble type of the Sombrero galaxy appear to be intermediate in their nature.  相似文献   
Core sediments from three disturbed boreholes (JOR, GHAT, and RAJ) and two undisturbed boreholes (DW1 and DW2) were collected in the study area of the Chapai-Nawabganj district of northwestern Bangladesh for geochemical analyses. In the study area, groundwater samples from fourteen As-contained private wells and five nested piezometers at both the DW1 and DW2 boreholes were also collected and analyzed. The groundwater arsenic concentrations in the uppermost aquifer (10–40 m of depth) range from 3 to 315 μg/L (mean 47.73 ± 73.41 μg/L), while the arsenic content in sediments range from 2 to 14 mg/kg (mean 4.36 ± 3.34 mg/kg). An environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer was used to investigate the presence of major and trace elements in the sediments. Groundwaters in the study area are generally the Ca–HCO3 type with high concentrations of As, but low levels of Fe, Mn, NO3 ? and SO 4 ?2 . The concentrations of As, Fe, Mn decrease with depth in the groundwater, showing vertical geochemical variations in the study area. Statistical analysis clearly shows that As is closely associated with Fe and Mn in the sediments of the JOR core (r = 0.87, p < 0.05 for Fe and r = 0.78, p < 0.05 for Mn) and GHAT core (r = 0.95, p < 0.05 for Fe and r = 0.93, p < 0.05 for Mn), while As is not correlated with Fe and Mn in groundwater. The comparatively low Fe and Mn concentrations in some groundwater and the ESEM image revealed that siderite precipitated as a secondary mineral on the surface of the sediment particles. The correlations along with results of sequential extraction experiments indicated that reductive dissolution of FeOOH and MnOOH represents a mechanism for releasing arsenic into the groundwater.  相似文献   

Serpentinized rocks closely associated with Paleoproterozoic eclogitic metabasites were recently discovered at Eseka area in the northwestern edge of the Congo craton in southern Cameroon. Here, we present new field data, petrography, and first comprehensible whole-rock geochemistry data and discuss the protolith and tectonic significance of these serpentinites in the region. The studied rock samples are characterized by pseudomorphic textures, including mesh microstructure formed by serpentine intergrowths with cores of olivine, bastites after pyroxene. Antigorite constitutes almost the whole bulk of the rocks and is associated (to the less amount) with tremolite, talc, spinel, and magnetite. Whole-rock chemistry of the Eseka serpentinites led to the distinction of two types. Type 1 has high MgO (> 40 wt%) content and high Mg# values (88.80) whereas Type 2 serpentinite samples display relatively low MgO concentration and Mg# values (< 40 and 82.88 wt%, respectively). Both types have low Al/Si and high Mg/Si ratios than the primitive mantle, reflecting a refractory abyssal mantle peridotite protolith. Partial melting modeling indicates that these rocks were derived from melting of spinel peridotite before serpentinization. Bulk rock high-Ti content is similar to the values of subducted serpentinites (> 50 ppm). This similarity, associated with the high Cr contents, spinel-peridotite protolith compositions and Mg/Si and Al/Si ratios imply that the studied serpentinites were formed in a subduction-related environment. The U-shaped chondrite normalized-REE patterns of serpentinized peridotites, coupled with similar enrichments in LREE and HFSE, suggest the refertilized nature due to melt/rock interaction prior to serpentinization. Based on the results, we suggest that the Eseka serpentinized peridotites are mantle residues that suffered a high degree of partial melting in a subduction-related environment, especially in Supra Subduction Zone setting. These new findings suggest that the Nyong series in Cameroon represents an uncontested Paleoproterozoic suture zone between the Congo craton and the São Francisco craton in Brazil.

Seismic scattering and shallow structure of the moon in oceanus procellarum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Long, reverberating trains of seismic waves produced by impacts and moonquakes may be interpreted in terms of scattering in a surface layer overlying a non-scattering elastic medium. Model seismic experiments are used to qualitatively demonstrate the correctness of the interpretation. Three types of seismograms are found, near impact, far impact and moonquake. Only near impact and moonquake seismograms contain independent information. Details are given in the paper of the modelling of the scattering processes by the theory of diffusion.Interpretation of moonquake and artificial impact seismograms in two frequency bands from the Apollo 12 site indicates that the scattering layer is 25 km thick, with a Q of 5000. The mean distance between scatterers is approximately 5 km at 25 km depth and approximately 2 km at 14 km depth; the density of scatterers appears to be high near the surface, decreasing with depth. This may indicate that the scatterers are associated with cratering, or are cracks that anneal with depth. Most of the scattered energy is in the form of scattered surface waves.Communication presented at the Lunar Science Institute Conference on Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration of the Moon and Planets, January 10–12, 1973.  相似文献   
Early Estimation of Seismic Hazard for Strong Earthquakes in Taiwan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A shakemap system providing rapid estimates of strong ground shaking could be useful for emergency response providers in a damaging earthquake. A hybrid procedure, which combines site-dependent ground motion prediction models and the limited observations of the Real-Time Digital stream output system (RTD system operated by Central Weather Bureau, CWB), was set up to provide a high-resolution shakemap in a near-real-time manner after damaging earthquakes in Taiwan. One of the main factors that affect the result of ground motion prediction analysis is the existence of site effects. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the local site effects and their influence in the ground shaking and then establish an early estimation procedure of potential hazard for damaging earthquakes. Based on the attenuation law, the site effects of each TSMIP station are discussed in terms of a bias function that is site and intensity-level dependent function. The standard deviation of the site-dependent ground motion prediction model can be significantly reduced. The nonlinear behavior of ground soil is automatically taken into account in the intensity-level dependent bias function. Both the PGA and the spectral acceleration are studied in this study. Based on the RTD data, event correctors are calculated and applied to precisely estimate the shakemap of damaging earthquakes for emergency response.  相似文献   
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