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A diverse volcanic and plutonic rock suite was recovered from the center of the 80 km long ridge segment of the Southwest Indian Ridge (54°S, 7°16 E) between the Islas Orcadas and Shaka Fracture Zones. The cumulus nature of the gabbroic rocks in the suite is indicated by phase, modal and cryptic layering, igneous lamination, and low incompatible element abundances. We present a mass-balance model for calculating the proportions and compositions of cumulus phases and crystallized intercumulus liquid from bulk-rock major element compositions. The model is based on the ability to define a compositional array of basaltic liquids and on the assumption that cumulus minerals are initially in equilibrium with trapped liquid. Calculated proportions of trapped liquid range from 3%–15%; values that are characteristic of adcumulates to mesocumulates. Models of postcumulus crystallization indicate significant enrichments of incompatible elements and buffering of compatible elements in residual trapped liquids, thus explaining the high TiO2 contents observed in magnesian clinopyroxenes. Cumulus phase assemblages and compositions suggest solidification in shallow level magma chambers, but disequilibrium plagioclase compositions suggest some crystallization at greater depth. Furthermore, basalt compositions projected onto the olivine-clinopyroxenequartz pseudoternary suggest magma generation over a range of pressures (from less than 10 to greater than 20 kb) as well as polybaric fractional crystallization. We suggest that the Southwest Indian Ridge is characterized by low magma supply with small batches of melt that either ascend directly to the surface having undergone limited polybaric crystallization or are trapped in shallow crustal magma chambers where they evolve and solidify to form cumulate gabbros. The adcumulus nature of the gabbros investigated here suggests slow cooling rates typical of large intrusions implying relatively large, but ephemeral magma chambers below segments of the Southwest Indian Ridge.  相似文献   
The Midgard Field offshore mid-Norway is a gas-condensate accumulation with a thin oil leg reservoired in Early and Middle Jurassic sandstones. There are two potential source rocks in the area; the Late Jurassic Spekk Formation is a marine shale with type II kerogen and a rich potential for oil, and the Åre Formation of Early Jurassic age which is a thick coal-bearing sequence with type III kerogen and potential mainly for gas. Geochemical analyses indicate that both the condensate and the oil leg are sourced mainly from the coal-bearing Åre Formation. Any contribution from the Spekk Formation appears to be of minor importance. Computer simulation of hydrocarbon generation in the drainage area for the Midgard Field indicates that huge volumes are formed, and confirms that hydrocarbon generation from the Åre Formation is volumetrically far more important than from the Spekk Formation. The simulation results also exclude any contribution to the reservoired gas from the Spekk Formation.
Zusammenfassung Das Midgard Feld vor der Küste Mittelnorwegens ist eine Gas-Kondensat-Akkumulation mit einem nur geringen Ölanteil innerhalb unter- und mitteljurassischer Sandsteine. In diesem Gebiet gibt es zwei mögliche Muttergesteine: Einmal die oberjurassische Spekk-Formation, bei der es sich um einen marinen Schiefer mit Typ II Kerogen handelt und die ein hohes Ölpotential darstellt. Zum anderen gibt es die unterjurassische Åre-Formation, eine mächtige Kohle-führende Folge mit Typ III Kerogen und ein möglicher Gaslieferant. Geochemische Analysen deuten darauf hin, daß sowohl das Gas-Kondensat als auch das Öl des Midgard Feldes auf diese Kohle-führende Åre-Formation zurückzuführen sind. Jede Zufuhr aus der Spekk-Formation scheint von geringer Bedeutung zu sein. Eine durch Computersimulation rekonstruierte Kohlenwasserstofferzeugung im Einzugsgebiet des Midgard Feldes spricht für eine hohe Bildungsrate und bestätigt die Annahme, daß die Kohlenwasserstoff-produktion der Spekk-Formation gegenüber der Åre-Formation zu vernachlässigen ist. Die Simulation ergab ferner, daß keinerlei Gas von der Spekk-Formation dem Reservoir zugeführt wurde.

Résumé Le champ off-shore de Midgard (Norvège moyenne) est une accumulation de gaz condensé accompagnée d'un mince corps d'huile, accumulation renfermée dans des grès d'âge jurassique inférieur et moyen. Il existe dans le secteur deux sources possibles: la formation de Spekk (shale marins du Jurassique tardif, à kérogène de type II, possédant un riche potentiel en huile) et la formation d'Åre (série épaisse jurassique inférieure, à couches de charbon, à kérogène de type III et potentiel essentiellement en gaz). Les analyses géochimiques montrent que le gaz condensé et l'huile ont tous deux comme origine la formation charbonneuse de Åre. La formation de Spekk ne semble être intervenue que de manière subordonnée. Une simulation par ordinateur de la genèse de l'hydrocarbure dans l'aire d'alimentation du champ de Midgard fait apparaître que des volumes importants ont été formés et confirme la large prépondérance de la formation de Åre parmi les roches-mères. De plus, cette simulation exclut toute expèce de contribution de la formation de Spekk dans la genèse du gaz.

Midgard / / . : Spekk — , 2, , Are , 3 . . . , Are. Spekk, , . Midgard , Are . , , Spekk .
The Tethyan Eurasian metallogenic belt (TEMB) was formed during Mesozoic and post-Mesozoic times in the area of the former Tethyan ocean on the southern margin of Eurasia, with the Afro-Arabian and Indian plates to the south. It extends from western Mediterranean via the Alps and southeastern Europe through the Lesser Caucasus, the Hindu Kush, and the Tibet Plateau to Burma and SW Indonesia, linking with the West Pacific metallogenic belt. The Carpatho-Balkan region is one of the sectors of the TEMB, characterized by some specific features. The emplacement of ore deposits is related to a definite time interval, and to specific tectonic settings such as: 1. Late Permian-Triassic intracontinental rifting along the northern margin of Gondwanaland and/or fragments already separated. This setting involves volcanogenic and volcano-sedimentary deposits (iron, lead/zinc, manganese, antimony, mercury, barite), skarn deposits associated with volcano-plutonic complexes of bimodal magmatism, and low temperature carbonate-hosted lead/zinc deposits. 2. Jurassic intraoceanic rifting – ophiolite complexes: This setting hosts major magmatic (particularly podiform chrome deposits) and volcano-sedimentary deposits, mainly of the Cyprus type. 3. Subduction-related setting involves porphyry copper deposits, lesser skarn deposits (iron, locally Pb-Zn), massive sulphide Cu (e.g. Bor) accompanied locally by Pb-Zn of replacement type, epithermal gold deposits, associated with calc-alkaline igneous complexes of the Early Tertiary-Late Cretaceous, and the Neogene gold/silver and base metals deposits. 4. Post-collision continent-continent setting includes deposits of Pb-Zn, Sb, As, Au-Cu associated with volcano-plutonic complexes of calc-alkaline affinity. Several major Alpine metallogenic units are developed in the Carpatho-Balkanides and adjacent area, each characterized by specific development, mineral associations, and types of ore deposits. Received: 3 June 1996 / Accepted: 10 January 1997  相似文献   
Summary Geochemical characteristics were systematically determined for Early Cretaceous samples of carbonatitic rocks from Eastern Paraguay (Rio Apa, Amambay and Central Provinces). The data show that all the occurrences have an enriched isotopic signature and that the carbonatites have negligible or absent crustal signature. A petrogenetic model (parent liquids, fractional crystallization, hydrothermal interactions and weathering) is proposed as a function of incompatible trace element, stable (O-C) and radiogenic (Sr-Nd) isotope variations with the aim to test the significance of carbonatitic complexes as a marker of the metasomatized subcontinental lithospheric mantle. The results indicate that the carbonatites and primary carbonates from eastern Paraguay, and those from the north eastern Paraná Basin (SE Brazil), were affected by metasomatic events distinct in time and composition.
Karbonatite aus Ost-Paraguay und ihre genetische Beziehung zu Kalium-Magmatismus: C O, Sr und Nd isotope
Zusammenfassung Die geochemischen Charakteristika von frühkretazischen Karbonatitproben aus Ostparaguay (Rio Alpa, Amambay und Zentrale Provinzen) wurden untersucht. Die Daten belegen, daß alle Vorkommen eine isotopische Anreicherungssignatur zeigen und daß ihnen eine entsprechende Krustensignatur fehlt. Ein Petrologisches Modell (Ausgangsschmelze, fraktionierte Kristallisation, hydrothermale Interaktion und Verwitterung) wird auf Grund der Verteilung der inkompatiblen Spurenelemente, der stabilen (C-O) und radiogenen (Sr-Nd) Isotope vorgeschlagen. Es versucht die Bedeutung der Karbonatitkomplexe als Markerhorizonte des metasomatischen subkontinentalen Mantels zu überprüfen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß die Karbonatite und die primären Karbonate in Ostparaguay, und jene aus dem Paraná Becken SüdostBrasiliens durch zeitlich und zusammensetzungsmäßig unterschiedliche metasomatische Prozesse erfaßt wurden.

With 10 Figures  相似文献   
 Sediment origin and transport were determined in a shallow 447 km2 coastal lagoon in Brazil, using the distribution of major elements in bottom and suspended sediments. Applying multivariate analysis, the sum of normalized concentrations of Ti, Fe, and Al in sediments was selected to trace the terrigenous influence in bottom sediments, whereas Ca, Si, and K were used as indicators of marine influence. Sepetiba Bay bottom sediments are dominated by up to 80% terrigenous inputs. The open bay sediments are enriched in P, Mg, K, and Ca because of the intensive water column primary production. The inner bay forms an independent circulation cell with a predominance of terrigenous sediments. The results suggest a long residence time for particles in the bay, demonstrated by the magnitude of resuspension flux compared to the total sediment input to the bay. Received: 29 May 1996 · Accepted: 17 December 1996  相似文献   
Isotope fractionation during sulfate reduction by natural populations of sulfate-reducing bacteria was investigated in the cyanobacterial microbial mats of Solar Lake, Sinai and the sediments of Logten Lagoon sulfuretum, Denmark. Fractionation was measured at different sediment depths, sulfate concentrations, and incubation temperatures. Rates of sulfate reduction varied between 0.1 and 37 micromoles cm-3 d-1, with the highest rates among the highest ever reported from natural sediments. The depletion of 34S during dissimilatory sulfate reduction ranged from 16% to 42%, with the largest 34S-depletions associated with the lowest rates of sulfate reduction and the lowest 34S-depletions with the highest rates. However, at high sulfate reduction rates (>10 micromoles cm-3 d-1) the lowest fractionation was 20% independent of the rates. Overall, there was a similarity between the fractionation obtained by the natural populations of sulfate reducers and previous measurements from pure cultures. This was somewhat surprising given the extremely high rates of sulfate reduction in the experiments. Our results are explained if we conclude that the fractionation was mainly controlled by the specific rate of sulfate reduction (mass cell-1 time-1) and not by the absolute rate (mass volume-1 time-1). Sedimentary sulfides (mainly FeS2) were on average 40% depleted in 34S compared to seawater sulfate. This amount of depletion was more than could be explained by the isotopic fractionations that we measured during bacterial sulfate reduction. Therefore, additional processes contributing to the fractionation of sulfur isotopes in the sediments are indicated. From both Solar Lake and Logten Lagoon we were able to enrich cultures of elemental sulfur-disproportionating bacteria. We suggest that isotope fractionation accompanying elemental sulfur disproportionation contributes to the 34S depletion of sedimentary sulfides at our study sites.  相似文献   
SHRIMP U–Pb data from two samples of foliated anatectic leucogneiss bracket the high-grade metamorphic history of metasediments from southern Prydz Bay, East Antarctica. Magmatic zircons in these two samples have mean crystallization ages of 535 ± 13 and 536 ± 35 Myr, and provide a good estimate for the timing of peak metamorphism and partial melting. Low-Th monazite grains in the same samples have mean ages of 528 ± 4 and 527 ± 11 Myr, which are within error of the zircon ages but may reflect a lower blocking temperature. High-Th monazite rims with younger mean ages of 518 ± 3 and 512 ± 13 Myr occur around low-Th cores in both samples, and were precipitated from hydrous fluids released during the crystallization of residual melts. These magmatic fluids were channelled along the retrograde foliation present in both samples. All mineral assemblages and fabrics preserved in the metasediments reflect intense Pan-African metamorphism and deformation, associated with high degrees of partial melting and significant vertical displacements of the crust. Continental reconstructions assuming limited Pan-African tectonism in East Antarctica should be reassessed in the light of these new data.  相似文献   
The Ag---Pb---Zn---Cu---Au mining district of Santa María de La Paz has been extensively exploited for approximately 200 years. Consequences of these activities are several deposits of tailings with high As and heavy metal concentrations, which are completely unstable. The climate is semiarid and as the dumps have no protective cover, material from the dumps is dispersed by strong winds. It is also washed out during seasonally heavy rainfalls. By these processes approximately 100 km2 of surrounding have been contaminated by dump material. The As and heavy metal content of the soils was determined as well as their level in crops (Zea Maize) from agricultural lands in the vicinity of the dumps. In the direction of prevailing winds concentrations up to 1000 ppm Zn, 400 ppm Pb, 16 ppm Cd, 550 ppm Cu and 300 As have been detected in top soils. Using fuzzy cluster analysis the different contamination sources could be identified. Grains of corn from contaminated sites showed no critical concentrations, but leaves which are also used tor fodder, have As-concentrations up to 20 ppm.  相似文献   
For normally consolidated clay, several researchers have developed a number of theoretical time factors to determine the coefficient of consolidation from piezocone test results. However, depending on assumptions and analytical techniques, it could vary considerably, even for a specific degree of consolidation. In this paper a method is proposed to determine a consistent coefficient of consolidation by applying the concept of an optimum design technique over all ranges of the degree of consolidation. Initial excess pore pressure distribution is assumed to be capable of being obtained by the successive spherical cavity expansion theory. The dissipation of pore pressure is simulated by means of a two-dimensional linear-uncoupled axi-symmetric consolidation analysis. The minimization of differences between measured and predicted excess pore pressure was carried out by the BFGS unconstrained optimum design algorithm with a one-dimensional golden section search technique. By analyzing numerical examples and in-situ test results, it was found that the adopted optimum design technique gives consistent and convergent results.  相似文献   
Within the Dalradian Series of Donegal, the Creeslough, Maas and Fintown successions, which have hitherto been regarded as stratigraphically distinct, are correlated. A standard terminology for this sequence is proposed and a detailed correlation is made with the Ballachulish Succession, which thus forms all the country around the Donegal Granites, northwest of the faults and thrusts which separate it from the Islay Succession.  相似文献   
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