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Existing research on DEM vertical accuracy assessment uses mainly statistical methods, in particular variance and RMSE which are both based on the error propagation theory in statistics. This article demonstrates that error propagation theory is not applicable because the critical assumption behind it cannot be satisfied. In fact, the non‐random, non‐normal, and non‐stationary nature of DEM error makes it very challenging to apply statistical methods. This article presents approximation theory as a new methodology and illustrates its application to DEMs created by linear interpolation using contour lines as the source data. Applying approximation theory, a DEM's accuracy is determined by the largest error of any point (not samples) in the entire study area. The error at a point is bounded by max(|δnode|+M2h2/8) where |δnode| is the error in the source data used to interpolate the point, M2 is the maximum norm of the second‐order derivative which can be interpreted as curvature, and h is the length of the line on which linear interpolation is conducted. The article explains how to compute each term and illustrates how this new methodology based on approximation theory effectively facilitates DEM accuracy assessment and quality control.  相似文献   
大气环境卫星温室气体和气溶胶协同观测综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类排放的温室气体和气溶胶是造成全球气候变暖和大气环境恶化的主要因素,也是大气环境卫星遥感的核心探测目标。与传统的单一探测目标卫星相比,实现同平台的大气温室气体和气溶胶协同监测,对于提高温室气体卫星反演精度、改善“自上而下”碳源汇估算、提升温室气体和气溶胶的人为/自然源区分能力具有重要意义,也是各国航天机构积极发展的空间探测手段。本文对欧、日、中、美等具备温室气体和气溶胶协同监测能力的卫星进行系统的介绍,包括卫星平台、传感器、处理算法和质控验证。按照卫星监测任务和传感器用途,将其分为大气综合探测卫星和温室气体监测卫星两大类,并从碳中和行动和大气环境综合治理等需求出发,提出温室气体和气溶胶协同观测星座(GACOC)的概念及其发展方向,包括主被动卫星组网观测、温室气体和气溶胶高精度联合反演算法、人为排放源识别和定量监测等应用。  相似文献   
Coupling of the Community Land Model (CLM3) to the ICTP Regional Climate Model (RegCM3) substantially improves the simulation of mean climate over West Africa relative to an older version of RegCM3 coupled to the Biosphere Atmosphere Transfer Scheme (BATS). Two 10-year simulations (1992–2001) show that the seasonal timing and magnitude of mean monsoon precipitation more closely match observations when the new land surface scheme is implemented. Specifically, RegCM3–CLM3 improves the timing of the monsoon advance and retreat across the Guinean Coast, and reduces a positive precipitation bias in the Sahel and Northern Africa. As a result, simulated temperatures are higher, thereby reducing the negative temperature bias found in the Guinean Coast and Sahel in RegCM3–BATS. In the RegCM3–BATS simulation, warmer temperatures in northern latitudes and wetter soils near the coast create excessively strong temperature and moist static energy gradients, which shifts the African Easterly Jet further north than observed. In the RegCM3–CLM3 simulation, the migration and position of the African Easterly Jet more closely match reanalysis winds. This improvement is triggered by drier soil conditions in the RegCM3–CLM3 simulation and an increase in evapotranspiration per unit precipitation. These results indicate that atmosphere–land surface coupling has the ability to impact regional-scale circulation and precipitation in regions exhibiting strong hydroclimatic gradients.  相似文献   
In this study male largemouth bass (LMB) were exposed to the naturally occurring androgens, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) in order to identify genes that are differentially regulated by these steroid hormones. Using subtractive hybridization on livers of fish treated with DHT against vehicle control, many novel LMB genes were cloned. These genes were added to our gene library and arrayed. Six genes were up-regulated and five were down-regulated by both androgens. But, each androgen also regulated specific genes. One gene that was identified as a potential androgen marker was spermidine-spermine-N(1)-acetyltransferase that was up-regulated by both androgens. Determining which genes are responsive to natural androgens will help to identify biochemical pathways that are impacted.  相似文献   
Observations from 560 weather stations in China show that sand–dust storms occur most frequently in April in north China. The region consists of Sub-dry Mid Temperate, Dry Mid Temperate, Sub-dry South Temperate and Dry South Temperate Zones and much of the land surface is desert or semi-desert: it is relatively dry with minimal rainfall and a high annual mean temperature. In most regions of China, the annual mean frequency of sand–dust events decreased sharply between 1980 and 1997 and then increased from 1997 to 2000. Statistical analyses demonstrate that the frequency of sand–dust storms correlates highly with wind speed, which in turn is strongly related to land surface features; on the other hand, a significant correlation between storm events and other atmospheric quantities such as precipitation and temperature was not observed. Accordingly, land surface cover characteristics (vegetation, snowfall and soil texture) may play a significant role in determining the occurrence of sand–dust storms in China. Analysis of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index derived from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Empirical Orthogonal Function show that since 1995 surface vegetation cover in large areas of Northern China has significantly deteriorated. Moreover, a high correlation is shown to exist among the annual occurrence of sand–dust storms, surface vegetation cover and snowfall. This suggests that the deterioration of surface vegetation cover may strongly influence the occurrence of sand–dust storms in China. Soils with coarse and medium textures are found to be more associated with sand–dust storms than other soils.  相似文献   
Abstract— The presence of isotopic anomalies is the most unequivocal demonstration that meteoritic material contains circumstellar or interstellar components. In the case of organic compounds in meteorites and interplanetary dust particles (IDPs), the most useful isotopic tracer has been deuterium (D). We discuss four processes that are expected to lead to D enrichment in interstellar materials and describe how their unique characteristics can be used to assess their relative importance for the organics in meteorites. These enrichment processes are low‐temperature gas phase ion‐molecule reactions, low‐temperature gas‐grain reactions, gas phase unimolecular photodissociation, and ultraviolet photolysis in D‐enriched ice mantles. Each of these processes is expected to be associated with distinct regiochemical signatures (D placement on the product molecules, correlation with specific chemical functionalities, etc.), especially in the molecular population of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). We describe these differences and discuss how they may be used to delineate the various interstellar processes that may have contributed to meteoritic D enrichments. We also briefly discuss how these processes may affect the isotopic distributions in C, O, and N in the same compounds.  相似文献   
We provide data on the geochemical and isotopic consequences of nonmodal partial melting of a thick Jurassic pelite unit at mid-crustal levels that produced a migmatite complex in conjunction with the intrusion of part of the southern Sierra Nevada batholith at ca. 100 Ma. Field relations suggest that this pelitic migmatite formed and then abruptly solidified prior to substantial mobilization and escape of its melt products. Hence, this area yields insights into potential mid-crustal level contributions of crustal components into Cordilleran-type batholiths. Major and trace-element analyses in addition to field and petrographic data demonstrate that leucosomes are products of partial melting of the pelitic protolith host. Compared with the metapelites, leucosomes have higher Sr and lower Sm concentrations and lower Rb/Sr ratios. The initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of leucosomes range from 0.7124 to 0.7247, similar to those of the metapelite protoliths (0.7125–0.7221). However, the leucosomes have a much wider range of initial εNd values, which range from −6.0 to −11.0, as compared to −8.7 to −11.3 for the metapelites. Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of the leucosomes, migmatites, and metapelites suggest disequilibrium partial melting of the metapelite protolith. Based on their Sr, Nd, and other trace-element characteristics, two groups of leucosomes have been identified. Group A leucosomes have relatively high Rb, Pb, Ba, and K2O contents, Rb/Sr ratios (0.15<Rb/Sr<1.0), and initial εNd values. Group B leucosomes have relatively low Rb, Pb, Ba, and K2O contents, Rb/Sr ratios (<0.15), and initial εNd values. The low Rb concentrations and Rb/Sr ratios of the group B leucosomes together suggest that partial melting was dominated by water-saturated or H2O-fluxed melting of quartz + feldspar assemblage with minor involvement of muscovite. Breakdown of quartz and plagioclase with minor contributions from muscovite resulted in low Rb/Sr ratios characterizing both group A and group B leucosomes. In contrast, group A leucosomes have greater contributions from K-feldspar, which is suggested by: (1) their relatively high K concentrations, (2) positive or slightly negative Eu anomalies, and (3) correlation of their Pb and Ba concentrations with K2O contents. It is also shown that accessory minerals have played a critical role in regulating the partitioning of key trace elements such as Sm, Nd, Nb, and V between melt products and residues during migmatization. The various degrees of parent/daughter fractionations in the Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd isotopic systems as a consequence of nonmodal crustal anatexis would render melt products with distinct isotopic signatures, which could profoundly influence the products of subsequent mixing events. This is not only important for geochemical patterns of intracrustal differentiation, but also a potentially important process in generating crustal-scale as well as individual pluton-scale isotopic heterogeneities.  相似文献   
Even if earthquake precursory signals can be identified, how can they be useful? This paper investigates relationships among the attributes of 229 proposed earthquake related gasgeochemical and hydrogeological precursory signals, and applies these results to improve future earthquake prediction strategies. Sub-groups of these reported signals and relationships between sub-groups are established using parameters, including earthquake magnitude, signal duration, precursory time, and epicentral distance to the monitoring site (original studies are used wherever possible to improve data quality). A strong correlation (r=0.86) between signal duration and precursory time was identified. This suggests a relationship between the investigated precursory signals and tectonic processes related to the referenced earthquakes. Moreover, these signals are categorized into four groups, reflecting differences in monitoring station densities, measurement methods and physical processes related to signal occurrence: (a) radon exhalation from the earth’s crust, (b) exhalation of other gases (helium, argon and others), (c) temporal variation in water level or discharge of springs and (d) temporal variation in temperature and dissolved ions in the water of the monitoring sites. In addition, boundary functions are used to separate signal group subsets. Finally, it is shown how these boundary functions can be used in the context of an earthquake prediction strategy by identifying potential minimum magnitudes and maximum epicentral distances from the monitoring site.  相似文献   
Bycatch mortality in net fisheries was the major reason for the decline of the endangered smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata, in the United States. These fisheries have been reduced or eliminated in some states including Florida--where most smalltooth sawfish are currently found in the United States. To determine whether other factors are still affecting this species, we obtained non-net fishery entanglement, injury, and mortality data by soliciting information from anyone who may have encountered this species. Smalltooth sawfish were damaged by marine pollution (e.g., polyvinyl chloride pipe, monofilament line, non-monofilament line) and injured by humans. Examples of injuries caused directly by humans include removal of rostra, shooting an individual with a powerhead, and shooting another with arrows. Many people are aware that the smalltooth sawfish is protected by state and federal laws, but some are still not aware of (or willing to accept) this status. The impacts of marine pollution and injuries directly caused by humans on this endangered species can be ameliorated by incorporating fisher education into the conservation and management processes.  相似文献   
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