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Summary The paper deals with the problems of fast determination of the magnification curve and of the partial constants of an electromagnetic seismograph by means of responses to release and shock tests, using a computer.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Unter Anwendung der auf 12 Uhr GMT bezogenen Beobachtungen aus den 33 ionosph?rischen und geomagnetischen Stationen wurde eine statistische Analyse der Beziehungen zwischen dem Vorkommen der sporadischen E-Schicht und den geomagnetischen St?rungen durchgeführt. Es wurde keine einfache oder eindeutige Abh?ngigkeit gefunden. Die Ergebnisse deuten nur an, dass man gr?sseres Vorkommen der sporadischen E-Schicht in magnetisch mehr gest?rten Zeitabschnitten erwarten kann.

Address: Bočni II, Praha 4-Spořilov.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Als Grundlage der Arbeit dient das Verfahren, dem zufolge man eine unregelmässige Schwingung auf die Summe der Sinusschwingungen überführen kann. Man geht dabei vom Komplexspektrum der gegebenen Schwingung aus, von dem Spektren der Sinusschwingungen mit entsprechender Frequenz, Amplitude und Phase sukzessiv abgezogen werden. Die beschriebene Methode wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit für magnetische und tellurische Pi2-Pulsationen angewendet. Man hat gefunden, dass die Pi2-Pulsationen aus 3–6 Schwingungen bestehen. Auf solche Weise entstand das Material für die magnetotellurische Sondierung. Die Ergebnisse schliessen gut an die Pc3-Pulsationen an. Der Hauptbeitrag des beschriebenen Verfahrens liegt darin, dass die Anzahl der Punkte zum Finden des spezifischen Widerstandes, und zwar in verschiedenen Perioden, erhöht wird.  相似文献   
The analysis of geophysical and geological data on the structure of the pre-Miocene substratum of the Pannonian basin has revealed a block structure. The crust was divided by deep-seated faults of mainly NE-SW orientation. The deep-seated faults separate zones of continental crust (with granitoids), which were more intensely consolidated during the Hercynian, from strips with volcanic-sedimentary rocks of eugeosynclinal character (sub-oceanic crust). In geological development of the Pannonian basin crust during the last 330 million years, subsidence predominated over uplift and denudation. The great mobility of the crust ist related to its lesser thickness compared to the thick crust in the orogenic border and median massifs, e. g. of the Balkan region. The block structure is superimposed on the original belt structure and nucleus stage of continental crust formation. In the pre-Hercynian stage, tectonic division along E-W and N-S lines predominated. The long persistence and magmatic activity of deep-seated faults and their almost vertical dip do not support proposed models of partial subduction and closing of microoceans in the region of the Pannonian basin. Strips or blocks of suboceanic crust are considered to be relicts of more weakly sialized original thin oceanic crust. The Pannonian basin is not a typical ensialic basin. Tectonic development has distinctly changed the mantle diapir, which originated in the Late Cretaceous. Along the circumference of this diapir, shear zones originated in the crust, along which seismic activity has persisted to the present. The Pannonian megablock is a type of simatic median massif, preserving long-lasting subsidence mobility. The Pannonian mantle diapir is considered to be an autonomous deep structure in the sense ofvan Bemmelen (1972). We do not relate the ascent of the mantle diapir to subduction of lithospheric plates, which must have been the cause of folding of the Carpathians according toStegena et al. (1975).
Zusammenfassung Die Analyse der geophysikalischen und geologischen Angaben über den Bau des vormiozänen Untergrundes des Pannonischen Becken enthüllte einen Blockbau. Die Erdkruste war durch Tiefenbrüche gegliedert, vorwiegend in NO-SW Richtung. Die Tiefenbrüche trennen Streifen der kontinentalen Kruste mit Granitoiden, epiherzynisch intensiver konsolidiert, von den Streifen mit vulkanisch-sedimentären Serien eugeosynklinalen Charakters (subozeanischer Krustentyp). In der geologischen Entwicklung der Kruste während der letzten 330 Mill. Jahren herrschte die Subsidenz über Hebungen und Denudationen vor. Die große Mobilität der Kruste wird mit ihrer geringeren Dicke verbunden zum Unterschied von der mächtigen Kruste im orogenen Raum und der medianen Massive, z. B. der Balkan-Region. Der Blockbau ist aufgelegt auf den ursprünglichen Zonenbau und das Nukleus-Stadium der kontinentalen Krustenbildung. In der vorherzynischen Etappe war die tektonische Gliederung nach den Linien W-O und N-S vorherrschend.Die lange Lebensdauer und magmatische Aktivität der Tiefenbrüche, ihre fast vertikale Neigung unterstützen die Modelle der Teil-Subduktionen und Schließung der Mikroozeane im Raume des Pannonischen Beckens nicht. Die Streifen-Blöcke der subozeanischen Kruste werden als Relikte der schwächer sialisierten ursprünglichen dünnen ozeanischen Kruste betrachtet. Das Pannonische Becken ist kein typisches ensialisches Becken.Die tektonische Entwicklung verändert deutlich den Manteldiapir, dessen Entstehung schon in die Oberkreide gestellt wird. Am Umfang dieses Diapirs sind in der Kruste Scherzonen entstanden, auf welchen die seismische Aktivität bis zur Gegenwart andauert. Der pannonische Megablock ist ein Typ eines simatischen medianen Massivs, welches eine langdauernde Subzidenzmobilität erhält. Der pannonische Manteldiapir wird als autonome Tiefstruktur im Sinnevan Bemmelens (1972) betrachtet.Wir setzen den Aufstieg des Manteldiapirs nicht mit der Subduktion der lithosphärischen Platten in Verbindung, welche nachStegena et al. (1975) die Ursache der Faltung der Karpaten sein sollte.

Résumé L'analyse des données géologiques et géophysiques sur la constitution du soubassement prémiocène du bassin pannonique a fait découvrir l'existence d'une structure en bloc. La croûte a été compartimentée par des failles profondes de direction NE-SW. Ces cassures profondes séparent des bandes de croûte continentale avec granitoïdes, bien consolidée par l'orogenèse epihercynienne, de bandes à séries volcano-sédimentaires à caractère eugéosynclin (type sub-océanique). Au cours du développement géologique de la croûte pendant ces dernières 330 M/A, c'est la subsidence qui a prédominé sur les soulèvements et al dénudation. La grande mobilité de la croûte est liée à sa faible épaisseur, différant en cela de la croûte épaisse du domaine orogénique et des massifs médians (p. e. la région balcanique). La structure en blocs est superposée à la structure zonaire primitive d'une part, et au stade de «nucleus» de la croûte continentale d'autre part. Dans l'étape anté-hercynienne, la subdivision prédominante se faisait conformément aux direction W-E et N-S.La longévité et l'activité magmatique des cassures profondes, leur position quasiverticale, sont en contradiction avec les modèles de subduction partielle et de fermeture de microocéans dans la région du bassin pannonique. Les bandesblocs de l'écorce subocéanique sont considérées comme des relictes faiblement sialisés de l'écorce océanique originellement peu épaisse. Le bassin pannonique n'est pas un bassin typiquement ensialique.Le développement tectonique modifia de toute évidence le diapir du manteau qui prend déjà naissance au Crétacé supérieur. Dans le pourtour de ce diapir, des zones de cisaillement sont apparues dans l'écorce, qui ont été et sont restées jusqu'à ce jour le siège d'une activité seismique. Le megabloc pannonique est un type de massif médian simatique à mobilité subsidente de longue durée. Le diapir pannonique est considéré comme une structure autonome et profonde dans le sens devan Bemmelen (1972). L'ascension du diapir du manteau n'est pas, d'après nous, liée à la subduction de plaques lithosphériques, laquelle, d'aprèsStegena et al. (1975) devrait être responsable de l'orogenèse des Carpathes.

. — . , , ( ). . . , , . . 3 - - . , , . - . . . . , . - , . (1972). , , , , . (1975), .
We present first preliminary results obtained with the European Observation Network consisting of 9 observatories in the Czech Republic, Germany and Bulgaria. We also discuss related problems such as the background of unknown variable stars and suggest a strategy for work in this area.  相似文献   
This paper describes a methodology that combines the outputs of (1) the Integrated Model to Assess the Greenhouse Effect (IMAGE Version 1.0) of the Netherlands National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM) (given a greenhouse gas emission policy, this model can estimate the effects such as global mean surface air temperature change for a wide variety of policies) and (2) ECHAM-1/LSG, the Global Circulation Model (GCM) of the Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, Germany. The combination enables one to calculate grid point surface air temperature changes for different scenarios with a turnaround time that is much quicker than that for a GCM. The methodology is based upon a geographical pattern of the ratio of grid point temperature change to global mean values during a certain period of the simulation, as calculated by ECHAM-1/LSG for the 1990 Scenarios A and D of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). A procedure, based upon signal-to noise ratios in the outputs, enabled us to estimate where we have confidence in the methodology; this is at about 23% to 83% of the total of 2,048 grid points, depending upon the scenario and the decade in the simulation. It was found that the methodology enabled IMAGE to provide useful estimates of the GCM-predicted grid point temperature changes. These estimates were within 0.5K (0.25K) throughout the 100 years of a given simulation for at least 79% (74%) of the grid points where we are confident in applying the methodology. The temperature ratio pattern from Scenario A enabled IMAGE to provide useful estimates of temperature change within 0.5K (0.25K) in Scenario D for at least 88% (68%) of the grid points where we have confidence; indicating that the methodology is transferable to other scenarios. Tests with the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory GCM indicated, however, that a temperature ratio pattern may have to be developed for each GCM. The methodology, using a temperature ratio pattern from the 1990 IPCC Scenario A and involving IMAGE, gave gridded surface air temperature patterns for the 1992 IPCC radiative-forcing Scenarios C and E and the RIVM emission Scenario B; none of these scenarios has been simulated by ECHAM-1/LSG. The simulations reflect the uncertainty range of a future warming.The work reported by the authors was carried out during their stay at the project Forestry and Climate Change of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria.  相似文献   
Summary The geophysical interpretation of satellite tracking residuals generally ignores the filtering effect of initial orbit correction on the true errors of the model. While the filtered information is usually regarded as lost, knowing the spectral characteristics of the filter is a great aid in the detailed interpretation of residuals, especially of global data sets. In this regard, we derive the filter characteristics (admittances) of orbit correction in the presence of geopotential-caused trajectory errors. We then apply the filter to determine the likely power of the lost radial information in crossover differences of sea heights determined from satellite altimetry or in the latitude lumped coefficients derived from them. For example, we find that resonant geopotential information with periods longer than the corrected orbit's arc length is largely lost in residual crossover data. Results are given for GEOSAT, ERS-1 and TOPEX/Poseidon in their Exact Repeat Missions, using calibrated variancecovariance matrices of the harmonic geopotential coefficients of several recent Earth gravity models. To prove that filtering is important, we first employed a simple cut of all perturbing terms with periods longer than the general tracking period (4 days for GEOSAT and ERS-1, and 10 days for TOPEX). But the cut is too crude a method from a theoretical viewpoint, and thus, we developed two new filters. A comparison of their admittances explains the differences (and sometimes anomalous behaviour) between them and the cut. Many numerical examples (single-satellite crossover errors and latitude lumped coefficient errors, as projected from the variance-covariance matrices) are presented.This paper has been presented during the Panel on Satellite Dynamics, at COSPAR 1994, in Hamburg, Germany.  相似文献   
The inertial motion of the Sun around the barycentre, or centre of mass, of the Solar System has been employed as the base in searching for possible influence of the Solar System as a whole on climatic processes, especially on the changes in surface air temperature. A basic cycle of about 180–200 years and its higher harmonics up to 30 years have been found in surface air temperature of central Europe since 1753, established from 13 continuous instrumental time series. These periods correspond to the periods of solar inertial motion. In the first half of the 19th century, when the solar motion was chaotic, this temperature was about 0.75°C lower than that in the 20th (1940–50) and the 18th (1760–70) centuries. The mentioned decades of long-term temperature maxima coincide with the central decades of the ordered (trefoil) motion of the Sun. The temperatures in coastal Europe have been found to have slightly different properties, especially on a long-time scale. The periods of 35–45 years are significantly pronounced in the coastal Europe temperature spectrum. The chaotic motion of the Sun in the next decades could decrease both the solar forcing and global surface air temperature.This research was performed with support of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, Grant No. 205/93/0417, I. Charvátová: Prognosis of climate development in central Europe.  相似文献   
The first results of the television observations of meteors at the Ondejov Observatory are presented. It is shown that three spectral components may be distinguished in meteors: cool meteoric, hot meteoric and hot atmospheric. The intensity ratio of these components varies strongly even in meteors of the same velocity and within the records of single meteors. This is evidence for variations in the ablation process and in the formation of the shock wave. The so called calcium anomaly is in fact only a demonstration of these variations.  相似文献   
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