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Human activities affect the impact of the nitrogen cycle on both the environment and climate. The rate of anthropogenic nitrogen fixation from atmospheric N2 may serve as an indicator to the magnitude of this impact, acknowledging that relationship to be effect-dependent and non-linear. Building on the set of Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios developed for climate change research, we estimate anthropogenic industrial nitrogen fixation throughout the 21st century. Assigning characteristic key drivers to the four underlying scenarios we arrive at nitrogen fixation rates for agricultural use of 80 to 172 Tg N/yr by 2100, which is slightly less to almost twice as much compared with the fixation rate for the year 2000. We use the following key drivers of change, varying between scenarios: population growth, consumption of animal protein, agricultural efficiency improvement and additional biofuel production. Further anthropogenic nitrogen fixation for production of materials such as explosives or plastics and from combustion are projected to remain considerably smaller than that related to agriculture. While variation among the four scenarios is considerable, our interpretation of scenarios constrains the option space: several of the factors enhancing the anthropogenic impact on the nitrogen cycle may occur concurrently, but never all of them. A scenario that is specifically targeted towards limiting greenhouse gas emissions ends up as the potentially largest contributor to nitrogen fixation, as a result of large amounts of biofuels required and the fertilizer used to produce it. Other published data on nitrogen fixation towards 2100 indicate that our high estimates based on the RCP approach are rather conservative. Even the most optimistic scenario estimates that nitrogen fixation rate will remain substantially in excess of an estimate of sustainable boundaries by 2100.  相似文献   
Non-Point Source (NPS) models and monitoring data are often used to evaluate management practices and develop NPS pollution control plans. Application of a dynamic NPS model requires efficient input data acquisition, storage, organization, reduction, and analysis accompanied by manipulation, interpretation, reporting, and display of model outputs. A Geographic Information System (GIS) helps extract, store, and organize input data as well as manipulate and display model outputs. This paper illustrates the development of an integrated GIS system for a continuous simulation, pollutant-loading model, AnnAGNPS ( Ann ualized AG ricultural N on- P oint S ource Pollution). The integrated system, called AnnGIS, was developed using the ArcView GIS and related program extensions. Using AnnGIS, modeling studies and management plans can be efficiently and easily developed. AnnGIS helps store, organize, and manipulate spatial and tabular data, extract spatial input parameters, develop analysis scenarios, and visualize input and output data in spatial, tabular, and graphical forms. AnnGIS is generic in nature (not limited to a particular geographic location) and can be successfully used in regions for which AnnAGNPS is designed. AnnGIS's powerful graphical user interface and reference data sets facilitate efficient and informed decision-making concerning agricultural non-point pollution control and management.  相似文献   
Every active scientific discipline has arrived at its own peculiar definition of acceptable problems and acceptable ways of attacking them through a social process of mutual consent.  相似文献   
Cation exchange capacity determinations on sediments of the California Borderland indicate that exchange capacities are increased under highly reducing conditions, and result in magnesium removal from the pore water. Calculations indicate the removal process may account for 5–10 per cent of the magnesium brought to the sea by rivers.  相似文献   
An investigation has been made of available data on the saturation state of seawater with respect to calcium carbonate and its possible significance for scale formation on Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) heat exchangers. Pertinent oceanographic data is lacking at or near potential OTEC sites for the calculation of the degree of saturation of seawater with respect to calcium carbonate. Consequently, only “extrapolated” saturation values can be used. These indicate that near surface seawater is probably supersaturated, with respect to the calcium carbonate phases calcite and aragonite, at all potential OTEC sites. The deep seawater that would be brought to the surface at the potential Atlantic Ocean sites is also likely to be supersaturated with respect to calcium carbonate. The deep seawater at the potential Pacific Ocean sites may be slightly undersaturated.The fact that OTEC heat exchangers will be operating in seawater, which is supersaturated with respect to calcium carbonate, means that if nucleation of calcite or aragonite occurs on the heat exchanger surfaces, significant growth rates of calcium carbonate scale may be expected. The potential for calcium carbonate nucleation is highest at cathodic metal surface locations, which are produced as the result of aluminum corrosion in seawater. Consequently, corrosion and scale formation may be closely related. What the possible effects of biofouling may be on this process are not known.  相似文献   
Dye plumes were generated at three depths in the seasonal thermocline between 7 and 11 m, 22 km south of Key West on 21 August 1980 and photographed at about 10 second intervals with an underwater camera system. Eleven pairs of consecutive pictures are analyzed to determine the mean current vertical shear and the width of the plumes by positioning reference points relative to the rod attached to the camera system. The relative distances of reference points are calibrated with the stereophotogrammetric method for one pair. The eddy diffusivity is calculated by use of a model of turbulent diffusion developed byTaylor (1921). Its values range from 5 to 25 cm2s–1 for the plume widths ranging from 33 to 132 cm. The Richardson number is calculated for each pair of pictures with the vertical density gradient estimated from temperature profiles. Its values are higher than the critical value of 0.25 except for one case. The diffusivity was higher by orders of magnitude than the molecular one and indicates the presence of turbulence together with billow like features of the plumes in spite of high Richardson numbers. This suggests that the billow turbulence might be caused by effects of surface gravity waves and not by the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability.  相似文献   
This study examines the links between 31P solidstate NMR studies of aluminum phosphate minerals and their crystallographic structures. We found that 31P isotropic chemical shift values, iso, carry little information about mineral structures. There seems to be no relation between the chemical shift anisotropy, =3311 (33>22> 11), and indicies of phosphate-tetrahedra distortion. 31P1H heteronuclear magnetic dipole interactions, on the other hand, carry important information about hydrous phosphate mineral structures, information that should prove to be quite valuable in studies of phosphate adsorbed on mineral surfaces. This interaction can be measured through a variety of qualitative and quantitative experiments. It appears that spin diffusion is so rapid that subtle differences in hydrogen-bonding environments cannot be resolved.  相似文献   
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