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Paleozoic accretionary terranes in Northern Tianslian, NW China   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
During the paleozoic,the Northern Tianshan region of China in Central Asia consists of 7 allochthonous terranes which were situated in the ancient sino-Mongolian Ocean as volcanic arcs and splitted continental fragments.The tectonic framework was similar to that of Southwest pacific today,In the Late Paleozoic,these terranes started mutual amalgamation to cause strong thrusting.At thd end of Carboniferous,the Sino-mongolian ocean including several inter-terrane small sea basins closed and these terranes accreted on the margins of the Siberian and Tarim continents,The 6 ophiolitic zones zomong the terranes recorded this collision event.  相似文献   
Résumé La reconnaissance de la fracturation dans le Jura souabe, et son analyse qualitative et quantitative (par traitement informatique) a permis de distinguer cinq épisodes tectoniques cassants, caractérisés successivement par: une distension N-S, des compressions N-S et SW-NE, une distension E-W et une compression ESE-WNW. Ces états de contrainte au sein de la plateforme européenne, en avant de la zone de collision Afrique-Europe, traduisent les mouvements relatifs de ces plaques au cours du Tertiaire.
Scouting of fracturation in Swabian Jura, and qualitative and quantitative (by informatical treatment) analysis allow to distinguish five breacking tectonic episodes caracterized by: (1) a N-S distension, (2) N-S and (3) NE-SW compressions, (4) a E-W distension and (5) a ESE-WNW compression. These stress fields inside the european platform, in front of collision zone Africa-Europa, attest relative motions of these plates during Tertiary.

Zusammenfassung Im Schwäbischen Jura lassen die qualitative und die quantitative Aufnahme der Frakturierung sowie ihre EDV-Analyse fünf aufeinander folgende Phasen der tektonischen Beanspruchung (tectonique cassante) erkennen: (1) Zerrung N-S, (2) Kompression N-S und (3) SW-NE, (4) Zerrung E-W, (5) Kompression ESE-WNW. Diese Spannungszustände in der Kollisions-zone von Afrika und Europa vorgelagerten europäischen Plattform geben ein Bild der Relativbewegungen dieser beiden Kontinentalplatten im Tertiär.

EDV 5 : 1. N-S, 2. N-S 3. SW-NE, 4. E-W, 5. ESE-WNW. .
Summary The Brabant Massif is the southeastern part of the Caledonian fold belt known as the Anglo-Brabant Massif, which extends from East Anglia to central Belgium and is a major constituting part of the Eastern Avalonia microcontinent. Recent research in Lower Palaeozoic stratigraphy and in geophysical interpretation led to a new subcrop map of the Brabant Massif. Palaeogeographical analysis supports the rapid movement of this Massif to lower latitudes and towards Baltica in Ordovician times. Structurally, the Brabant Massif appears as a faulted antiform, flanked longitudinally to the southwest by a magmatic arc of late Ordovician to early Silurian age. An elongated gravity low points to concealed granitic intrusions below a part of the magmatic arc.  相似文献   
Subduction zones of continental, transitional, and oceanic settings, relative to the nature of the overriding plate, are compared in terms of trace element compositions of mafic to intermediate arc rocks, in order to evaluate the relationship between subduction parameters and the presence of subduction fluids. The continental Chilean Southern Volcanic Zone (SVZ) and the transitional to oceanic Central American Volcanic Arc (CAVA) show increasing degrees of melting with increasing involvement of slab fluids, as is typical for hydrous flux melting beneath arc volcanoes. At the SVZ, the central segment with the thinnest continental crust/lithosphere erupted the highest-degree melts from the most depleted sources, similar to the oceanic-like Nicaraguan segment of the CAVA. The northern part of the SVZ, located on the thickest continental crust/lithosphere, exhibits features more similar to Costa Rica situated on the Caribbean Large Igneous Province, with lower degrees of melting from more enriched source materials. The composition of the slab fluids is characteristic for each arc system, with a particularly pronounced enrichment in Pb at the SVZ and in Ba at the CAVA. A direct compositional relationship between the arc rocks and the corresponding marine sediments that are subducted at the trenches clearly shows that the compositional signature of the lavas erupted in the different arcs carries an inherited signal from the subducted sediments.  相似文献   
The crustacea plankton of three artificial model lakes in Lake Baldegg was observed during 15 months. Two were loaded continuously with low concentrations of five heavy metals (Hg, Cu, Cd, Zn, Pb). It was attempted to explain the significant lower abundances of the loaded limno-corrals. The results suggest that the decrease was not, or only partially, caused by the lower food supply in the loaded limnocorrals, but directly by the heavy metals. Accompaning laboratory tests show significantly increased egg-development-times for two species of those animals from the loaded limno-corrals. Two other species show a decrease of the egg production/♀. It cannot be determined if increased mortality of particular animal stages was caused by heavy metals.
Résumé On a observé pendant 15 mois les crustacés planctoniques des trois modèles de lac installés dans le lac de Baldegg. Dans deux de ceux-ci, une charge constante de cinq métaux lourds (Hg, Cu, Cd, Zn, Pb) de faible concentration a été maintenue. On a essayé d'expliquer la faible concentration significative de plancton dans les bassins limnologiques chargés. Les résultats montrent que la diminution n'était que partiellement ou pas du tout causée par le faible approvisionnement en nourriture dans les bassins chargés, mais directement par les métaux lourds. Les tests de laboratoire montrent significativement l'augmentation du temps de développement des œufs pour deux espèces animales des bassins chargés. Deux autres espèces montrent une diminution de la production d'œufs/♀. On ne peut pas déterminer l'augmentation de la mortalité des animaux causée par les métaux lourds à des stades particuliers de développement.
The term lognormal kriging does not correspond to a single well defined estimator. In fact, several types of lognormal estimators forin situ reserves are available, and this may cause confusion. These estimators are based on different assumptions—that is, different models. This paper presents a review of these estimators.  相似文献   
As part of the STRATAFORM project, a series of cores were obtained from the Eel River Margin area of Eureka, California. The geotechnical analysis of intact specimens and of reconstituted samples provides some insight on the development of shear strength with burial. The results show the effect of bioturbation in the early part of the lifetime of a sediment. SEDCON tests were used to proposed various relationships which help predict the changes in density, liquidity index, and strength as a function of depth. These relationships are found useful from near the water sediment-interface down to a depth of at least 400 m in the sediment column.  相似文献   
We have analyzed the Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (UVIS) observations of the Jupiter aurora with an auroral atmosphere two-stream electron transport code. The observations of Jupiter by UVIS took place during the Cassini Campaign. The Cassini Campaign included support spectral and imaging observations by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS). A major result for the UVIS observations was the identification of a large color variation between the far ultraviolet (FUV: 1100-1700 Å) and extreme ultraviolet (EUV: 800-1100 Å) spectral regions. This change probably occurs because of a large variation in the ratio of the soft electron flux (10-3000 eV) responsible for the EUV aurora to the hard electron flux (∼15-22 keV) responsible for the FUV aurora. On the basis of this result a new color ratio for integrated intensities for EUV and FUV was defined (4πI1550-1620 Å/4πI1030-1150 Å) which varied by approximately a factor of 6. The FUV color ratio (4πI1550-1620 Å/4πI1230-1300 Å) was more stable with a variation of less than 50% for the observations studied. The medium resolution (0.9 Å FWHM, G140M grating) FUV observations (1295-1345 Å and 1495-1540 Å) by STIS on 13 January 2001, on the other hand, were analyzed by a spectral modeling technique using a recently developed high-spectral resolution model for the electron-excited H2 rotational lines. The STIS FUV data were analyzed with a model that considered the Lyman band spectrum (B ) as composed of an allowed direct excitation component (X ) and an optically forbidden component (X followed by the cascade transition ). The medium-resolution spectral regions for the Jupiter aurora were carefully chosen to emphasize the cascade component. The ratio of the two components is a direct measurement of the mean secondary electron energy of the aurora. The mean secondary electron energy of the aurora varies between 50 and 200 eV for the polar cap, limb and auroral oval observations. We examine a long time base of Galileo Ultraviolet Spectrometer color ratios from the standard mission (1996-1998) and compare them to Cassini UVIS, HST, and International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) observations.  相似文献   
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