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When integrating both chemical content and discharge, the chemical flux is a choice parameter, as much for the study of water transit as for weathering budgets.

In a karst system, the flux allows the identification of: (a) the main aquifer of the system that supplies the spring to the point of complete drying-up; (b) the “piston-effect” of seepage upon highly mineralized waters contained in karst channels; (c) the qualitative passage from a regime of water decline to one of water depletion; (d) several outlets belonging (or not) to the same karst system; (e) the homogeneity in the capability of mixing the system, and thus, a contrario, the importance of its karstification; (f) the heterogeneity of seepage and of reserves.


Intégrant à la fois la concentration chimique et le débit qui la véhicule, le flux chimique est un paramètre de choix autant pour l'étude des transits d'eau que pour celle des bilans de l'altération.

Dans le système karstique, le flux permet d'identifier: (a) l'aquifère principal du système, capable d'alimenter la source jusqu'au tarissement total; (b) le phénomène d' “effet-piston” de l'infiltration sur les eaux minéralisées présentes dans les drains; (c) le passage qualitatif de la décrue au tarissement au cours d'une récession; (d) l'appartenance ou non de plusieurs exutoires au même système karstique; (e) l'homogénétité et les qualités de bon mélangeur du système et donc, à contrario, l'importance de sak arstification; (f) l'hétérogénéité de l'infiltration ou celle des réserves.  相似文献   

Evidence for a deuteric alteration process induced by a magmatic fluid has been found in the feeder zone of the Mururoa volcano (French Polynesia). Within the dikes, where basaltic glass does not show any evidence of pervasive alteration, vesicles are filled with dioctahedral smectites and calcite, while olivine phenocrysts are replaced by dioctahedral smectites, ankerite and calcite.The 13C signature of carbonates, the carbon and H2O content of the whole rocks and their impoverishment in deuterium are compatible with the presence of magmatic CO2 during the crystallization of intruding lavas and exclude contamination by seawater. Mass balance calculations on selected thin sections photographs of partly filled up vesicles and replaced olivine crystals, constrain, assuming a closed system interaction, the chemical composition of the initial fluid and the respective amounts of the initial solid phases involved in the alteration process. Thermodynamic modelings using the EQ3/6 software package correctly predict the mineralogic, chemical and isotopic exchanges accompanying alteration, thus validating the closed system assumption. The model which allows prediction of the influence of CO2 on the alteration products, shows that, above a 0.25 CO2 mole fraction in the initial fluid, the alteration is entirely controlled by the chemical composition of the initial solid phases. The presence of CO2 implies the precipitation of dioctahedral smectites and carbonates instead of the magnesian smectites commonly observed in CO2-free systems.The Mururoa feeder zone shows alteration features typical of a closed system interaction between the basaltic rock and a magmatic fluid in which seawater did not take part.  相似文献   
Petrology of the mafic rocks of the Xigaze ophiolite,Tibet   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Xigaze ophiolite (Yarlung-Zangbo suture zone, Southern Tibet, China) shows an unusual crustal sequence characterized by a lack of large masses of cumulate gabbros, by dolerites intrusive throughout the whole ophiolite sequence, and by the injection of dolerites in already serpentinized peridotites. The abyssal tholeiitic nature of all the mafic rocks indicates that they have been generated at an oceanic ridge. All the geological arguments and petrological and textural data on the mafic rocks point to very low heat production and large heat losses through widespread intensive sea-water circulation, for the spreading centre in which they have been formed, in good agreement with a slow-spreading ridge origin.  相似文献   
A partial balance of mineral N is given for the basins of two coastal rivers in a forest zone in the Ivory Coast. The dry and wet depositions on the basin surfaces is given for particulate matter (NO3 , NH4 +). The quantity of mineral N washed away in the rivers is evaluated. The losses from leaching of the soils by rainwater are about 0.33 to 1.0% of the atmospheric depositions for NH4 +–N and 2.2 to 5.8% for NO3 –N. The yearly atmospheric input of N compounds to the ecosystem, about 1.4 g N m–2 y–1, is at least 14% of mineral N formed in the soils and is therefore quite significant.  相似文献   
Résumé Le gisement d'uranium du Bernardan exploité dans le granite à deux micas de la Marche Occidentale appartient au groupe des gisements «d'imprégnation». La minéralisation uranifère (pechblende, coffinite, «produits noirs», autunite, ...) est disseminée dans une roche vacuolaire appelée «épisyénite». Cette dernière résulte d'une altération hydrothermale du granite par des solutions chaudes (370–260°C; 2–5,7% poids équiv. NaCl). Le quartz est dissout; les feldspaths (principalement les plagioclases) et les biotites sont partiellement transformés en phengites. Les muscovites et orthoses granitiques se réequilibrent avec perte de sodium. Cette altération est guidée par un réseau de fractures à différentes échelles. Une altération comparable a été observée dans d'autres gisements du Nord Ouest du Massif Central français, comme Margnac et Fanay dans le massif de St Sylvestre et Hyverneresse dans celui du Millevaches. Les transformations minéralogiques, à l'exception de la quantité de phengites secondaires, les changements chimiques (lessivage de silice et métasomatisme potassique), les conditions P-T et le contrôle tectonique sont les mêmes dans tous ces gisements.
The Bernardan uranium deposit, mined in the Marche Occidentale two-mica granite, is a disseminated type deposit. Similar deposits are known in hercynian belt. Uraniferous mineralizations (pitchblende, coffinite, black minerals, autunite, ...) are disseminated in a vuggy rock called episyenite. It results from an hydrothermal alteration of the granite by hot aqueous solutions (370 to 260°C, 2–5.7 wt% equiv. NaCl). Quartz is dissolved; feldspars (mainly plagioclases) and biotites are partially transformed into phengites. Granitic muscovites and orthoclases are reequilibrated with loss of sodium. This alteration is controlled by fractures at several scales. Such an alteration can be observed in other deposits of the North West part of the French Massif Central, as Margnac and Fanay in the St Sylvestre massif and Hyverneresse in the Millevaches massif. Mineralogical transformations except the content in secondary phengites, chemical changes (SiO2 decrease and potassic metasomatism), P-T conditions and tectonic control are the same in all these deposits.
The bulk compositions of coexisting enstatite and diopside in basal lherzolites and clinopyroxene-bearing harzburgites from ophiolitic complexes are typical of solidus/subsolidus equilibria, but for a few texturally distinct magmatic diopsides. They would presumably reflect the state of equilibrium at the time they last coexisted with liquid as the rocks reentered subsolidus conditions. The total lack of correlation between Al and Ca concentrations shows that the compositional scatter observed for any given massif, results from analytical errors related to extensive exsolution and serpentinization, rather than from differences in equilibrium conditions. However, significant differences are found between the residual ophiolitic lherzolites from Hare Bay, Newfoundland, and from Xigaze, Tibet, two massifs selected for their distinct structural and textural features. As for thermobarometry techniques relevant to these rocks, the best barometer found is an empirical relation for the expression of pressure as a virtually temperature-independent function of the ratioK f=(X Di opx )/(1 –X Di cpx ), in agreement with semi-quantitative models based on natural solid solutions. Temperatures are then simply derived from a surface-fitting expression relating pressure, temperature and diopside-solvus compositions, according to a regularX En cpx solution model (CMS) corrected for the effect of Al in the spinel facies. Application of these techniques yield pressures of 0.4 and 1.4 GPa, i.e. depths from sea-bottom of about 13 and 43 km, for temperatures of 1,170 and 1,300° C for the ophiolitic lherzolites of Tibet and New-foundland, respectively, in good agreement with dry-solidus data by radioactive tracing and with geothermal-model estimates for ridges.  相似文献   
Ernst A. Brugger 《Geoforum》1982,13(2):177-192
In most Third World countries regional planning and regional policy is formally well-developed, but in practice is not implemented. In spite of increasing regional disparities, narrow sectoral and centrally decided programmes and projects dominate over territorial and decentralized ones. This article examines theoretically and empirically why, in the case of Costa Rica, the implementation problem is so difficult and which strategic approaches would best suit an effective regional policy.  相似文献   
In this article I describe a site survey facility, which measures the signals of the solar equivalent of a Differential Image Motion Monitor (S-DIMM) and of a six element linear array of solar scintillometers. Combining the S-DIMM r o andscintillometer I observations allows the determination of the fractions of the seeing in the free atmosphere and in the ground/lake layer. From the scintillometer array observations C n 2 (h) is determined for heights corresponding to the first 500 m along the line-of-sight. With minor changes this seeing monitor can also be used for other extended objects like the Moon and planets.  相似文献   
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