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Time-series of nearbed horizontal flow velocities and suspended sediment concentrations obtained from a colocated electromagnetic current meter (EMCM) and optical backscatter sensor (OBS), respectively, are used to examine the relative importance of steady and fluctuating components to the total sediment transport over a full tidal cycle on a macrotidal, intermediate beach (Spurn Head, UK). Fluctuating sediment fluxes are decomposed into gravity and infragravity contributions using co-spectral techniques. The relative importance of the oscillatory (gravity and infragravity) and steady (mean) transport components to the total sediment transport is analysed throughout the tidal cycle.

A continuum of 34 discrete suspended sediment-cross-shore velocity co-spectra are computed over a full tidal cycle for the OBS and EMCM measurements 0.10 m above the bed. These net transport spectra vary greatly both with cross-shore location and tidal state. In particular, a marked asymmetry in transport processes is evident between the flood and ebb tides, with high levels of sediment resuspension and transport occurring on the ebbing tide approximately two hours after high water (just seaward of the breakpoint). At this time the dominant transport was directed offshore (co-spectral peak, 0.04 kg/m2/s) at incident wave frequency.

Typical patterns are observed in transport spectra outside the surf zone and within the inner surf zone. Outside the narrow surf zone cross-shore transport spectra show weak offshore transport (co-spectral peak = 0.002 kg/m2/s) associated with bound long waves and stronger onshore transport (co-spectral peak = 0.006 kg/m2/s) at incident wave frequencies. Conversely, co-spectra computed within the inner surf zone show the offshore sediment fluxes (spectral peak = 0.010 kg/m2/s) at infragravity frequencies to be greater in magnitude than the corresponding onshore transport (co-spectral peak = 0.008 kg/m2/s) occurring at incident wave frequencies.  相似文献   

Studies of the upper 447 m of the DEEP site sediment succession from central Lake Ohrid, Balkan Peninsula, North Macedonia and Albania provided important insights into the regional climate history and evolutionary dynamics since permanent lacustrine conditions established at 1.36 million years ago (Ma). This paper focuses on the entire 584-m-long DEEP sediment succession and a comparison to a 197-m-long sediment succession from the Pestani site ~5 km to the east in the lake, where drilling ended close to the bedrock, to unravel the earliest history of Lake Ohrid and its basin development. 26Al/10Be dating of clasts from the base of the DEEP sediment succession implies that the sedimentation in the modern basin started at c. 2 Ma. Geophysical, sedimentological and micropalaeontological data allow for chronological information to be transposed from the DEEP to the Pestani succession. Fluvial conditions, slack water conditions, peat formation and/or complete desiccation prevailed at the DEEP and Pestani sites until 1.36 and 1.21 Ma, respectively, before a larger lake extended over both sites. Activation of karst aquifers to the east probably by tectonic activity and a potential existence of neighbouring Lake Prespa supported filling of Lake Ohrid. The lake deepened gradually, with a relatively constant vertical displacement rate of ~0.2 mm a−1 between the central and the eastern lateral basin and with greater water depth presumably during interglacial periods. Although the dynamic environment characterized by local processes and the fragmentary chronology of the basal sediment successions from both sites hamper palaeoclimatic significance prior to the existence of a larger lake, the new data provide an unprecedented and detailed picture of the geodynamic evolution of the basin and lake that is Europe’s presumed oldest extant freshwater lake.  相似文献   
Summary The thermal breakdown of topaz, Al2SiO4(F, OH)2, has been studied, by X-ray diffraction, thermal analysis and electron microscopy. The results show the formation, at temperatures of 1000°C and above, of partly oriented mullite, (Al2O3)3–4 (SiO2)2, and silica. The silica formed during the reaction occurs as partly oriented cristobalite and/or as a siliceous glass, which at the temperature of the reaction must have been mobile, the minimum melting point in the silica-alumina system being reduced by the presence of fluorine. In certain cases, when hydroxyl-bearing topaz was heated to form mullite and subsequently reheated to higher temperatures, the mullite was replaced by partly oriented corundum.The orientational control is believed to be by epitaxy on close-packed planes in the topaz. Mullite does not possess any planes which are described as close-packed, but consideration of the area of oxygen ion (treating each as a hard sphere) through which a plane cuts, gives a measure of the degree of approximation to close packing of planes within the structure, and helps to explain the mullite orientation. The orientation of the silica and corundum is consistent with the explanation of the orientation of the mullite.A multi-stage reaction mechanism is proposed involving the dehydroxylation of hydroxylbearing topaz, the loss of fluorine by an inhomogeneous mechanism with the counterdiffusion of silicon and aluminium, and further loss of fluorine homogeneously.
Der Zerfall von Topas bei hohen Temperaturen
Zusammenfassung Die maximale thermische Stabilität von Topas Al2SiO4(F, OH)2 wurde mit Röntgendiffraktion, Differential-Thermoanalyse und Elektronenmikroskopie untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß bei Temperaturen von 1000°C und darüber teilweise orientierter Mullit (Al2O3)3–4 (SiO2)2 und SiO2-Phasen entstehen. SiO2 liegt einerseits als teilweise orientierter Cristobalit, andererseits auch in amorpher Form als Glas vor SiO2 muß bei den angegebenen Reaktionstemperaturen mobil gewesen sein; dies wird auf die Herabsetzung des Schmelzpunktes in Gegenwart von Fluor zurückgeführt. Bei erneuter Aufheizung in noch höhere Temperaturbereiche konnte in einigen Fällen ein Ersatz des Mullits durch teilweise orientierten Korund beobachtet werden.Es wird angenommen, daß die Verwachsungen auf Epitaxie-Beziehungen an dichtestgepackten Netzebenen des Topas zurückgeführt werden können. Mullit besitzt keine dichtestgepackten Flächen; betrachtet man jedoch die Fläche der Sauerstoff-Ionen als hard sphere, die von einer Fläche geschnitten wird, so kann dies als Maß der Annäherung an dichteste Besetzung der Flächen innerhalb der Struktur gelten, und so zum Verständnis der Mullit-Orientierung beitragen. Die Orientierung von SiO2 und Korund stimmt mit dieser Interpretation überein.Als Entstehungsmechanismus wird ein mehrstufiger Reaktionsablauf angenommen: Dehydroxylation des Topas, ein teilweiser Verlust von Fluor, verbunden mit einer gegenläufigen Diffusion von Silizium und Aluminium, und anschließend ein weiterer, homogener Verlust des Fluor.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   
Numerical simulations, based on the core-nucleated accretion model, are presented for the formation of Jupiter at 5.2 AU in three primordial disks with three different assumed values of the surface density of solid particles. The grain opacities in the envelope of the protoplanet are computed using a detailed model that includes settling and coagulation of grains and that incorporates a recalculation of the grain size distribution at each point in time and space. We generally find lower opacities than the 2% of interstellar values used in previous calculations (Hubickyj, O., Bodenheimer, P., Lissauer, J.J. [2005]. Icarus 179, 415-431; Lissauer, J.J., Hubickyj, O., D’Angelo, G., Bodenheimer, P. [2009]. Icarus 199, 338-350). These lower opacities result in more rapid heat loss from and more rapid contraction of the protoplanetary envelope. For a given surface density of solids, the new calculations result in a substantial speedup in formation time as compared with those previous calculations. Formation times are calculated to be 1.0, 1.9, and 4.0 Myr, and solid core masses are found to be 16.8, 8.9, and 4.7 M, for solid surface densities, σ, of 10, 6, and 4 g cm−2, respectively. For σ = 10 and σ = 6 g cm−2, respectively, these formation times are reduced by more than 50% and more than 80% compared with those in a previously published calculation with the old approximation to the opacity.  相似文献   
Voyager 2 images show parts of Enceladus' surface to be very smooth, lacking craters down to the resolution limit of 4 km. This absence of craters indicates geologically recent resurfacing, probably due to internal melting. However, calculations of current heating mechanisms, including radioactive decay and tidal heating due to Enceladus' resonance with Dione, yield heating rates too small to cause melting. The orbital mean motion of Janus (1980S1) is slightly less than twice that of Enceladus and, according to theoretical calculations, is currently decreasing as Janus' orbit evolves outward due to resonant torques from Saturn's rings. If Janus were ever locked into a stable 2:1 orbital commensurability with Enceladus, the resulting angular momentum transfer could have sufficiently enhanced the eccentricity of Enceladus' orbit for the ensuing tidal heating to have melted Enceladus' interior. The existence of a Laplace-like three-body resonance including Dione, although unlikely, would have increased heating. If Janus were indeed held in resonance with Enceladus until recently (107–108 years B.P.) when the lock was disrupted by an unspecified event (possibly a catastrophic collision which simultaneously created the coorbital pair, or by the influence of Dione) both the recent internal activity of Enceladus and the proximity of Janus to Saturn's rings may be explained. However, the predicted rapid time scale for ring evolution due to resonant torques from Saturn's inner moons remains a major problem.  相似文献   
A plot of spin rate versus orientation when Hyperion is at the pericenter of its orbit (surface of section) reveals a large chaotic zone surrounding the synchronous spin-orbit state of Hyperion, if the satellite is assumed to be rotating about a principal axis which is normal to its orbit plane. This means that Hyperion's rotation in this zone exhibits large, essentially random variations on a short time scale. The chaotic zone is so large that it surrounds the ½ and 2 states, and libration in the 3/2 state is not possible. Stability analysis shows that for libration in the synchronous and ½ states, the orientation of the spin axis normal to the orbit plane is unstable, whereas rotation in the 2 state is attitude stable. Rotation in the chaotic zone is also attitude unstable. A small deviation of the principal axis from the orbit normal leads to motion through all angles in both the chaotic zone and the attitude unstable libration regions. Measures of the exponential rate of separation of nearby trajectories in phase space (Lyapunov characteristic exponents) for these three-dimensional motions indicate the the tumbling is chaotic and not just a regular motion through large angles. As tidal dissipation drives Hyperion's spin toward a nearly synchronous value, Hyperion necessarily enters the large chaotic zone. At this point Hyperion becomes attitude unstable and begins to tumble. Capture from the chaotic state into the synchronous or ½ state is impossible since they are also attitude unstable. The 3/2 state does not exist. Capture into the stable 2 state is possible, but improbable. It is expected that Hyperion will be found tumbling chaotically.  相似文献   
Determination of carbon sources and microbial activity in lake sediment is important for understanding organic carbon preservation and methane production. This study aimed to determine the organic carbon sources and microbial activity over the last 140 years in sediments of methanotrophic Lake Rotsee (Switzerland). We investigated phospholipid-derived fatty acid biomarkers and their stable carbon isotope signatures in the sediments of this eutrophic lake. Strong bacterial activity in the sediment deposited during the 1920s–1960s could account for the relatively low ratio of long-chain to short-chain fatty acid ((C24 + C26 + C28)/(C14 + C16 + C18), TARFA) values, which is consistent with low TOC/TN ratios in the sediment deposited during that interval. The carbon stable isotope records, both bulk and compound-specific, showed greater values at such times, although the offset between the bulk and fatty acids decreased. This implies that the microbial community residing at sediment depths deposited in the 1960s preferentially utilised the compounds derived from the enhanced surface-water productivity at that time. This observation contrasts with data from the depth intervals before and after, when a major portion of the labile organic matter was derived from methane-sourced production. In sediments deposited before ca. 1964, the overall very low fatty acid δ13C values suggest that labile carbon was primarily derived from methanotrophs.  相似文献   
Rapidly cooled portions of eleven samples of mid-ocean ridge tholeiitic basalt pillows have noble gas abundance patterns which resemble the solar rare gas pattern rather than the noble gas pattern of the terrestrial atmosphere. We conclude that these samples contain primordial noble gases. In contrast, holocrystalline samples and a sample from the interior of a basalt pillow have noble gas abundance patterns which resemble the sea water pattern. Whereas the quenched glossy margins of basalt pillows record a non-atmospheric gas reservoir, these slowly cooled samples apparently have undergone exchange of their noble gases with those dissolved in sea water.  相似文献   
A model is presented for the photochemistry of PH3 in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere of Saturn that includes the effects of coupling with NH3 and hydrocarbon photochemistry, specifically the C2H2 catalyzed photodissociation of CH4. PH3 is rapidly depleted with altitude (scale height ~35 km) in the upper troposphere when K~104cm2sec?1; an upper limit for K at the tropopause is estimated at ~105cm2sec?1. If there is no gas phase P2H4 because of sublimation, P2 and P4 formation is unlikely unless the rate of the spin-forbidden recombination reaction PH + H2 + M → PH3 + M is exceedingly slow. An upper limit P4 column density of ~2×1015cm?2 is estimated in the limit of no recombination. If sublimation does not remove all gas phase P2H4, P2 and P4 may be produced in potentially larger quantities, although they would be restricted almost entirely to the lowest levels of our model, where T?100°K. Potentially observable amounts of the organophosphorus compounds CH3P2H2 and HCP are predicted, with column densities of >1017 cm?2 and production rates of ~2×108cm?2sec?1. The possible importance of electronically excited states of PHx and additional PH3/hydrocarbon photochemical coupling paths are also considered.  相似文献   
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