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A zoned intrusion with a biotite granodiorite core and arfvedsonite granite rim represents the source magma for an albitised granite plug near its eastern margin and radioactive siliceous veins along its western margin. A study of selected REE and trace elements of samples from this complex reveals that the albitised granite plug has at least a tenfold enrichment in Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, Y, Th, U and Sr, and a greatly enhanced heavy/light REE ratio compared with the peralkaline granite. The siliceous veins have even stronger enrichment of these trace elements, but a heavy/light REE ratio and negative eu anomaly similar to the peralkaline granite. It is suggested that the veins were formed from acidic volatile activity and the plug from a combination of highly fractionated magma and co-existing alkaline volatile phase. The granodiorite core intrudes the peralkaline granite and has similar trace element geochemistry. The peralkaline granite is probably derived from the partial melting of the lower crust in the presence of halide-rich volatiles, and the granodiorite from further partial melting under volatile-free conditions.  相似文献   
Evidence is given for the derivation of oil pollution from on-shore sources and for a possible relation between its concentration in estuarine sediment and in the lipids of the sediment biomass.  相似文献   
赣南营前岩体由早期似斑状花岗闪长岩和晚期细粒黑云母花岗岩组成,在前者中普遍发育暗色基性包体。SHRIMP锆石U-Pb测年显示似斑状花岗闪长岩为172.2±3.1Ma,细粒黑云母花岗岩为168±3Ma,包体为167.6±3.3Ma。所有的岩石均为钙碱性系列,稀土元素显示LREE富集,HREE亏损,Eu负异常并不明显的特征,Nb-Ta负异常显示壳源物质的特征。晚期细粒黑云母花岗岩、早期似斑状花岗闪长岩、暗色包体的(87Sr/86Sr)i和εNd(t)值分别为0.70885~0.70965、0.71058~1.46393、0.70788~0.70923和-6.38~-5.31、-6.51~-5.17、-5.47~-4.31;锆石εHf(t)值分别为-12.4~-5.7、-9.2~-4.2、-9.4~+0.1。结合岩相学、地球化学研究,初步认为营前岩体的两期花岗质岩石源于地壳重熔,地幔底侵导致地壳熔融形成营前岩体,基性岩浆加入到未冷却的酸性岩浆中形成了目前所见到的暗色包体。结合区域上的研究资料,认为中侏罗世期间,沿"十杭"断裂带及与其相平行的一些深断裂发生了板块的撕裂,这些缝合带是岩石圈相对薄弱的地带,有利于幔源物质底侵上升以及壳幔相互作用。  相似文献   
The Vredefort dome in the Kaapvaal Craton was formed as a result of the impact of a large meteorite at 2.02 Ga. The central core of Archaean granitic basement rocks is surrounded by a collar of uplifted and overturned strata of the Witwatersrand Supergroup, exposing a substantial depth section of the Archaean crust. Orthogneisses of the core show little variation in whole-rock δ 18O value, with the majority being between 8 and 10‰, with a mean of 9.2‰ (n = 35). Quartz and feldspar have per mil differences that are consistent with O-isotope equilibrium at high temperatures, suggesting minimal interaction with fluids during subsequent cooling. These data refute previous suggestions that the Outer Granite Gneiss (OGG) and Inlandsee Leucogranofels (ILG) of the core represent middle and lower crust, respectively. Granulite-facies greenstone remnants from the ILG have δ 18O values that are on average 1.5‰ higher than the ILG host rocks and are unlikely, therefore, to represent the residuum from the partial melting event that formed the host rock. Witwatersrand Supergroup sedimentary rocks of the collar, which were metamorphosed at greenschist-to amphibolite-facies conditions, generally have lower δ 18O values than the core rocks with a mean value for metapelites of 7.7‰ (n = 45). Overall, through an ∼20 km thick section of crust, there is a general increase in whole-rock δ 18O value with increasing depth. This is the reverse of what is normal in the crust, largely because the collar rocks have δ 18O values that are unusually low in comparison with metamorphosed sedimentary rocks worldwide. The collar rocks have δD values ranging from −35 to −115‰ (average −62‰, n = 29), which are consistent with interaction with water of meteoric origin, having a δD of about −25 to −45‰. We suggest that fluid movement through the collar rocks was enhanced by impact-induced secondary permeability in the dome structure. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
This paper presents the shake table test results of a novel system for the design of precast reinforced concrete bridges. The specimen comprises a slab and four precast columns. The connections are dry and the columns are connected to the slab by an ungrouted tendon. One of the tendon ends is anchored above the slab, in series with a stack of washer springs, while the other end is anchored at the bottom of the column. The addition of such a flexible restraining system increases the stability of the system, while keeping it relatively flexible allowing it to experience negative post-uplift stiffness. It is a form of seismic isolation. Anchoring the tendon within the column, caps the design moment of the foundation, and reduces its size. One hundred and eighty-one shake table tests were performed. The first 180 caused negligible damage to the specimen, mainly abrasion at the perimeter of the column top ends. Hence, the system proved resilient. The 181st excitation caused collapse, because the tendons unexpectedly failed at a load less than 50% of their capacity (provided by the manufacturer), due to the failure of their end socket. This highlights the importance of properly designing the tendons. The tests were used to statistically validate a rigid body model. The model performed reasonably well never underestimating the median displacement response of the center of mass of the slab by more than 30%. However, the model cannot predict the torsion rotation of the slab that was observed in the tests and is due to imperfections.  相似文献   
记述了广东省南雄盆地上白垩统主田组3组恐龙行迹,由杨梅坑足迹点的足迹命名了南雄鸭嘴龙足迹(Hadrosauropodus nanxiongensis ichnosp. nov.)一新种;古市足迹点的足迹归入鸭嘴龙足迹一未定种(Hadrosauropodus isp.)。这是中国鸭嘴龙足迹属的首次描述,将该足迹的分布从北美拓展至中国,并为南雄盆地存在大型的鸭嘴龙提供了新的化石证据。还整理了中国已描述的大型鸟脚类足迹:中国足迹(Sinoichnites)被定为非正式的塑模标本;扬子足印(Yangtzepus)被归入兽脚类足迹;禽龙足迹(Iguanodonopus)被认为是裸名,归入禽龙足迹(Iguanodontipus);嘉荫足迹(Jiayinosauropus)增加了新材料并得以具体描述;内乡足迹(Neixiang footprint)得以重新描述。  相似文献   
A short length of channel on Pico Partido volcano, Lanzarote, provides us the opportunity to examine the dynamics of lava flowing in a channel that extends over a sudden break in slope. The 1–2-m-wide, 0.5–2-m-deep channel was built during the 1730–1736 eruptions on Lanzarote and exhibits a sinuous, well-formed channel over a steep (11° slope) 100-m-long proximal section. Over-flow units comprising smooth pahoehoe sheet flow, as well as evidence on the inner channel walls for multiple (at least 11) flow levels, attest to unsteady flow in the channel. In addition, superelevation is apparent at each of the six bends along the proximal channel section. Superelevation results from banking of the lava as it moves around the bend thus causing preferential construction of the outer bank. As a result, the channel profile at each bend is asymmetric with an outer bank that is higher than the inner bank. Analysis of superelevation indicates flow velocities of ~8 m s–1. Our analysis of the superelevation features is based on an inertia-gravity balance, which we show is appropriate, even though the down-channel flow is in laminar flow. We use a viscosity-gravity balance model, together with the velocities calculated from superelevation, to obtain viscosities in the range 25–60 Pa s (assuming that the lava behaved as a Newtonian liquid). Estimated volume fluxes are in the range 7–12 m3 s–1. An apparent down-flow increase in derived volume flux may have resulted from variable supply or bulking up of the flow due to vesiculation. Where the channel moves over a sharp break in slope and onto slopes of ~6°, the channel becomes less well defined and widens considerably. At the break of slope, an elongate ridge extends across the channel. We speculate that this ridge was formed as a result of a reduction in velocity immediately below the break of slope to allow deposition of entrained material or accretion of lava to the channel bed as a result of a change in flow regime or depth.  相似文献   
The Hawaii Institute of Geophysics began development of the Ocean Subbottom Seisometer (OSS) system in 1978, and OSS systems were installed in four locations between 1979 and 1982. The OSS system is a permanent, deep ocean borehole seismic recording system composed of a borehole sensor package (tool), an electromechanical cable, recorder package, and recovery system. Installed near the bottom of a borehole (drilled by the D/V Glomar Challenger), the tool contains three orthogonal, 4.5-Hz geophones, two orthogonal tilt meters; and a temperature sensor. Signals from these sensors are multiplexed, digitized (with a floating point technique), and telemetered through approximately 10 km of electromechanical cable to a recorder package located near the ocean bottom. Electrical power for the tool is supplied from the recorder package. The digital seismic signals are demultiplexed, converted back to analog form, processed through an automatic gain control (AGC) circuit, and recorded along with a time code on magnetic tape cassettes in the recorder package. Data may be recorded continuously for up to two months in the self-contained recorder package. Data may also be recorded in real time (digital formal) during the installation and subsequent recorder package servicing. The recorder package is connected to a submerged recovery buoy by a length of bouyant polypropylene rope. The anchor on the recovery buoy is released by activating either of the acoustical command releases. The polypropylene rope may also be seized with a grappling hook to effect recovery. The recorder package may be repeatedly serviced as long as the tool remains functionalA wide range of data has been recovered from the OSS system. Recovered analog records include signals from natural seismic sources such as earthquakes (teleseismic and local), man-made seismic sources such as refraction seismic shooting (explosives and air cannons), and nuclear tests. Lengthy continuous recording has permitted analysis of wideband noise levels, and the slowly varying parameters, temperature and tilt.Hawaii Institute of Geophysics Contribution 1909.  相似文献   
A new multidimensional scaling (MS) technique, referred to as the Pijk model, is formulated on the basis of associations among triple objects (samples or variables), instead of pairs of objects as used in the usual MS methods, such as factor analysis. The computational scheme provided for this method is the reduction of an original problem to a standard eigenvalue-eigenvector problem. The major goal of the technique is simplification and reduction of data structures and the rescaling of original objects into a new and reduced space, so that patterns and relations of the original objects can be conventiently examined in two-dimensional factor plots. The Pïjk method is illustrated and tested by using a set of geochemical data related to the epithermal gold and silver vein deposits in the Walker Lake quadrangle of Nevada and California. The characteristics of element associations suggested in the Pijk analysis are consistent with field observations. A preliminary comparison between the new method and the ordinary factor analysis also is made on the basis of the same data set. Results are encouraging in that analysis by the Pijk model captures triple-object associations that might be missed by the ordinary factor analysis which considers only pair-variable correlations  相似文献   
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