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Lake Shewa in northeastern Badakhshan, Afghanistan, was dammed sometime in antiquity when a large rock avalanche (sturzstrom) from the fault‐shattered and strongly weathered Archean gneisses of the Zirnokh peaks to the north moved into the Arakht River valley. This rock avalanche dammed up the river and its tributaries to a dam thickness of c. 400 m, producing a 12‐km‐long lake that is as much as 270 m deep, leaving c. 80 m of freeboard to the top of the dam. At least four separate instances of slope failure have been mapped at the site of the landslide dam, as well as a rock glacier, using remotely sensed data, historical maps, and Google Earth?. Spring seepage through the dam face has caused several recent subsidiary debris slides, which if continued at a large enough scale for long enough, or with additional seismicity from the active strike‐slip faults that cross beneath the landslide dam, could threaten its integrity. Otherwise the clean water that emerges from the dam face could be the source of an unvarying mini‐hydroelectric power source, in addition to the agricultural irrigation that it provides at the present time.  相似文献   
The pelagic distribution of marine birds in a heterogeneous environment   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper I review recent, small-scale, process-oriented studies of the pelagic distribution of marine birds. I examine the roles played by a variety of hydrographic features, including steep flow gradients (fronts) and water column stratification, in determining the abundance or availability of avian prey. The ice edge/marginal ice zone is a frontal area of particular interest in polar regions. In most oceanic systems we have examples of avian use of a feature, hut only poor information on the importance of the feature for supporting the population as a whole. I review recent studies of the spatial and numerical concordance of marine birds and their prey, and find that these studies have yielded mixed results, with correlations stronger for piscivorous birds, particularly murres foraging on capelin, than for planktivores. Review of investigations of multispecies interactions during foraging shows that flock foraging has both beneficial and negative aspects. Interspecific facilitation of foraging occurs in numerous interactions involving both other species of birds and marine mammals. However, co-occurrence of predators may occur because both seek the same prey, and caution must be used in assessing mutualistic interactions between predatory species.  相似文献   
Cratonic quartz sandstones have presented several intractable problems. Besides their extreme textural and compositional maturity and paucity of shale, their sheet-like geometry is particularly notable. If the sandstones were entirely marine, as long supposed, such geometry is difficult to explain in terms of modern shelf sediments, which are generally held to be either relict or only slightly reworked by the Holocene transgression (palimpsest). Re-study of two quartz sandstones in the northern Mississippi Valley region reveals evidence for significant non-marine deposition followed by varying degrees of marine reworking during transgressions. Facies patterns are similar in the Cambrian Wonewoc and Ordovician St Peter sandstones, both of which overlie unconformities. In both, a large-scale cross-stratified facies believed to represent aeolian ergs passes laterally into a planar-and-channelled facies inferred to represent sand plains composed of braided fluvial and aeolian sand sheet deposits. Criteria of aeolian deposition in both facies include adhesion structures, large ripple index, fine climbing translatent lamination, grainfall and grainflow stratification. Criteria of braided fluvial deposition include shallow channels containing sequences of thinning-upward sets of trough cross-stratification, reactivation surfaces, low-index ripples, and polygonal cracks. Probable aeolian sand sheets contain flat bedding punctuated by small channels, adhesion structures, and coarse-sand ripples with large index. There is a conspicuous absence of trace and body fossils from these inferred non-marine deposits. In contrast is a burrowed and trough cross-stratified facies characterized by medium-scale cross-bedding alternating with bioturbated intervals and rare brachiopod or trilobite-mould coquinas, which is interpreted as shallow marine. In both formations, this last facies replaces laterally and overlaps the other two, reflecting transgression and variable reworking. The main areas of non-marine deposits in both formations are capped by a thin, burrowed subfacies that represents the culmination of each transgression; that is, a stillstand during which sediment influx ceased and both physical winnowing and bioturbation were intense. It is suggested that the sheet-like geometry of many cratonic quartz sandstones is due primarily to initial sand dispersal by aeolian and fluvial processes. That such processes must have been orders-of-magnitude more important on pre-Devonian, vegetation-free landscapes than they have been since, not only helps to explain the sheet-like character but also the exceptional maturity of the older cratonic sandstones.  相似文献   
Remnants of a submerged ancient forest have been found on the continental shelf of NW Japan off the Kurobe alluvial fan in Toyama Bay. The remains, standing tree stumps and roots, are located at depths between 20 and 40 m and ages of 8,000 years B.P. to 10,000 years B.P. have been determined by the 14C method. Alnus and Salix are the most commonly preserved genera and the trees grew on the now sub-merged seaward margin of the alluvial fan. Pollen analysis permits an estimate of palaeo-temperatures 2°C to 4°C lower than at present. Diatoms give some indication of salinity variations at the time of forest development and suggest brackish water, possible lagoonal conditions. The distribution of the stumps and roots suggests that there were probably two separate forests which were overwhelmed by rising sea-level and flash flood deposits. The present day submarine exposures may be due to recent submarine erosion related to the seaward movement of flood waters which passed from the fan into the upper reaches of the Toyama submarine canyon system.  相似文献   
对石墨涂样检测 Cs2 BO2 离子条件下甘露醇对硼同位素测定的影响进行了研究 ,结果表明在甘露醇存在下 11B/ 10 B比值明显高于只有石墨存在时的比值。硼 -甘露醇络合物的形成可能改变了 Cs2 BO2 -石墨方法的电离和蒸发条件。  相似文献   
The mid-Jurassic calcalkaline Russian Peak intrusive complex,located in the Klamath Mountains of northern California, consistsof an elliptical peridotite-to-quartz diorite suite intrudedby two plutons of granodiorite. Several techniques were usedto decipher the crystallization conditions for ultramafic rocks,quartz diorite, and granodiorite, including comparison of parageneseswith crystallization experiments, application of geothermometersand barometers, and evaluation of phase equilibria. Contactmetamorphic assemblages, hornblende barometry, and amphibolesubstitution schemes indicate that pressures of intrusion were{small tilde}3 kbar. Plagioclase and pyroxene thermometry indicateintrusion temperatures of {small tilde}1000C for quartz dioriteand 900C for granodiorite. Phase equilibrium analysis for thereaction phlogopite+quartz=K-feldspar+enstatite+H2O, coupledwith an estimate of the water-saturated quartz diorite solidus,suggests that the solidus of two-pyroxene quartz diorite wasat {small tilde}780C with a mole fraction of water of {smalltilde}0•55. The composition of granodiorite is very similarto that used in several crystallization experiments and indicatesa solidus of 70025C. Estimates of oxygen fugacity, obtainedfrom equilibrium relations of olivine, orthopyroxene, and spinelin ultramafic rocks, magnetite and ilmenite in quartz diorite,and magnetite, K-feldspar, and biotite in quartz diorite andgranodiorite are 2•1–2•5 and 1•0–1•3log units above the quartz-fayalite-magnetite (QFM) buffer forgranodiorite and quartz diorite at their respective solidustemperatures; and 1•0–4•0 log units above QFMfor ultramafic rocks and quartz diorite at subsolidus temperatures.Thus, the quartz diorite magma was hotter, drier, and slightlyreduced relative to the grandiorite magma, differences thatset important constraints on the genesis of the Russian Peakmagmas. These results also indicate that quartz diorite wasundersaturated with respect to H2O as it reached its solidus,a condition that is consistent with the absence of deutericalteration in this unit. In contrast, granodiorite shows extensivedeuteric alteration and features pegmatites, quartz pods, andradial dikes as might be expected for H2O-saturated conditions. Although calcalkaline plutonic complexes present serious difficultiesin estimating the intensive parameters of crystallization, judiciousapplication of appropriate methods may result in the successfulevaluation of the conditions of crystallization of such complexes.  相似文献   
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