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The sand size carbonate fractions of beach and dune sands from the southeastern U.S. Atlantic coast were investigated from the standpoint of mineralogy, roundness and size distribution. The carbonate fractions of beach-dune sands used in this study range in abundance from less than 1% to over 40% and average about 10%. Calcium carbonate is least abundant in Georgia beaches and increases slightly to the north and greatly to the south. The size distribution of the carbonate fraction is similar to that of the non-carbonate fraction since both have been distributed by the same processes. The variable flat shape of calcareous fragments causes the carbonate fraction to be usually coarser and more poorly sorted than the acid insoluble residues of the samples. No regional relationship between roundness and wave energies was found in sand size materials although field observations indicate high energies strikingly round gravel sized calcareous fragments. There is some tendency for angularity to increase with decreasing grain size in the sand sizes as with quartz grains. The mineralogy of beach sand carbonate fractions is characterized by the almost total absence of high My calcite. Aragonite is the dominant mineral.  相似文献   
Anomalously saline waters in Ocean Drilling Program Holes 1127, 1129, 1130, 1131 and 1132, which penetrate southern Australian slope sediments, and isotopic analyses of large benthic foraminifera from southern Australian continental shelf sediments, indicate that Pleistocene–Holocene meso‐haline salinity reflux is occurring along the southern Australian margin. Ongoing dolomite formation is observed in slope sediments associated with marine waters commonly exceeding 50‰ salinity. A well‐flushed zone at the top of all holes contains pore waters with normal marine trace element contents, alkalinities and pH values. Dolomite precipitation occurs directly below the well‐flushed zone in two phases. Phase 1 is a nucleation stage associated with waters of relatively low pH (ca 7) caused by oxidation of H2S diffusing upward from below. This dolomite precipitates in sediments < 80 m below the sea floor and has δ13C values consistent with having formed from normal sea water (? 1‰ to + 1‰ Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite). The Sr content of Phase 1 dolomite indicates that precipitation can occur prior to substantial metastable carbonate dissolution (< 300 ppm in Holes 1129 and 1127). Dolomite nucleation is interpreted to occur because the system is undersaturated with respect to the less stable minerals aragonite and Mg‐calcite, which form more readily in normal ocean water. Phase 2 is a growth stage associated with the dissolution of metastable carbonate in the acidified sea water. Analysis of large dolomite rhombs demonstrates that at depths > 80 m below the sea floor, Phase 2 dolomite grows on dolomite cores precipitated during Phase 1. Phase 2 dolomite has δ13C values similar to those of the surrounding bulk carbonate and high Sr values relative to Phase 1 dolomite, consistent with having formed in waters affected by aragonite and calcite dissolution. The nucleation stage in this model (Phase 1) challenges the more commonly accepted paradigm that inhibition of dolomitization by sea water is overcome by effectively increasing the saturation state of dolomite in sea water.  相似文献   
Late Pleistocene sequences around Dundalk Bay, eastern Ireland, record glaciomarine sedimentation near the margin of a grounded ice lobe around 15 ka BP. A coastal exposure at Cooley Point consists of four major facies deposited outside this ice limit. (1) A basal mud facies deposited from sediment plumes accumulated following the initial ice marginal retreat inland. It contains a well-preserved Arctic microfauna dominated by the foram Elphidium clavatum and the ostracod Roundstonia globulifera. (2) A flat to undulating boulder facies (pavement), mostly one clast thick, is found pressed into the mud and is characterized by bevelled and striated upper clast surfaces. Pavement attributes are a result of intertidal activity in a cold climate. The boulder source is due to rafting by ice floes from glacigenic debris deposited during an ice advance. (3) Laminated sand facies drape the pavement and are a result of variable current activity. (4) The overlying gravel facies is separated from the sand facies by a marine erosion surface. The gravel facies is subaqueous, channelized and is overlain by late glacial raised beach ridges. Locally the gravels have been deformed by ice pressure from partially floating ice floes. Facies changes record terrestrial submergence and provide evidence for changes in relative sea level during part of the last deglacial cycle. The boulder pavement and deformed gravel facies suggest that ice floes and sea ice effects may be more common within stratigraphies along emergent coasts than previously thought, though they have a low preservation potential. Extreme conditions during the deglacial favoured opportunistic microfaunas during mud deposition. This event may be related to a major meltwater event within the Irish Sea Basin.  相似文献   
This paper uses a refined soil gradient method to estimate soil CO2 efflux. Six different models are used to determine the relative gas diffusion coefficient (ξ). A weighted harmonic averaging is used to estimate the soil CO2 diffusion coefficient, yielding a better estimate of soil CO2 efflux. The resulting soil CO2 efflux results are then compared to the soil CO2 efflux measured with a soil chamber. Depending on the choice of ξ model used, the estimated soil CO2 efflux using the gradient method reasonably approximates the efflux obtained using the soil chamber method. In addition, the estimated soil CO2 efflux obtained by this improved method is well described by an exponential function of soil temperature at a depth of 0.05 m with the temperature sensitivity ( Q 10) of 1.81 and a linear function of soil moisture at a depth of 0.12 m, in general agreement with previous findings. These results suggest that the gradient method is a practical cost-effective means to measure soil CO2 emissions. Results from the present study suggest that the gradient method can be used successfully to measure soil CO2 efflux provided that proper attention is paid to the judicious use of the proper diffusion coefficient.  相似文献   
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