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We report new nitrogen and argon isotope and abundance results for single breccia clasts and agglutinates from four different sections of the Luna 24 drill core in order to re-evaluate the provenance of N trapped in lunar regolith, and to place limits on the flux of planetary material to the Moon’s surface. Single Luna 24 grains with 40Ar/36Ar ratios <1 show δ15N values between ?54.5‰ and +123.3‰ relative to terrestrial atmosphere. Thus, low-antiquity lunar soils record both positive and negative δ15N signatures, and the secular increase of the δ15N value previously postulated by Kerridge (Kerridge, J.F. [1975]. Science 188(4184), 162–164. doi:10.1126/science.188.4184.162) is no longer apparent when the Luna and Apollo data are combined. Instead, the N isotope signatures, corrected for cosmogenic 15N, are consistent with binary mixing between isotopically light solar wind (SW) N and a planetary N component with a δ15N value of +100‰ to +160‰. The lower δ15N values of Luna 24 grains compared to Apollo samples reflect a higher relative proportion of solar N, resulting from the higher SW fluence in the region of Mare Crisium compared to the central near side of the Moon. Carbonaceous chondrite-like micro-impactors match well the required isotope characteristics of the non-solar N component trapped in low-antiquity lunar regolith. In contrast, a possible cometary contribution to the non-solar N flux is constrained to be ?3–13%. Based on the mixing ratio of SW to planetary N obtained for recently exposed lunar soils, we estimate the flux of micro-impactors to be (2.2–5.7) × 103 tons yr?1 at the surface of the Moon. Our estimate for Luna 24 agrees well with that for young Apollo regolith, indicating that the supply of planetary material does not depend on lunar location. Thus, the continuous influx of water-bearing cosmic dust may have represented an important source of water for the lunar surface over the past ~1 Ga, provided that water removal rates (i.e., by meteorite impacts, photodissociation, and sputtering) do not exceed accumulation rates.  相似文献   
Groundwater evaporation and subsequent precipitation of soluble salts at Owens Lake in eastern California have created one of the single largest sources of airborne dust in the USA, yet the evaporation and salt flux have not been fully quantified. In this study, we compare eddy correlation, microlysimeters and solute profiling methods to determine their validity and sensitivity in playa environments. These techniques are often used to estimate evaporative losses, yet have not been critically compared at one field site to judge their relative effectiveness and accuracy. Results suggest that eddy correlation methods are the most widely applicable for the variety of conditions found on large playa lakes. Chloride profiling is shown to be highly sensitive to thermal and density-driven fluxes in the near surface and, as a result, appears to underestimate yearly groundwater evaporation. Yearly mean groundwater evaporation from the playa surface estimated from the three study areas was found to range from 88 to 104 mm year−1, whereas mean evaporation from the brine-covered areas was 872 mm year−1. Uncertainties on these mean rates were estimated to be ±25%, based on comparisons between eddy correlation and lysimeter estimates. On a yearly basis, evaporation accounts for approximately 47 × 106 m3 of water loss from the playa surface and open-water areas of the lake. Over the playa area, as much as 7.5 × 108 kg (7.5 × 105 t) of salt are annually concentrated by evaporation at or near the playa surface, much of which appears to be lost during dust storms in area.  相似文献   
A method is proposed that uses analysis of borehole stratigraphic logs for the characterization of shallow aquifers and for the assessment of areas suitable for manual drilling. The model is based on available borehole-log parameters: depth to hard rock, depth to water, thickness of laterite and hydraulic transmissivity of the shallow aquifer. The model is applied to a study area in northwestern Senegal. A dataset of boreholes logs has been processed using a software package (TANGAFRIC) developed during the research. After a manual procedure to assign a standard category describing the lithological characteristics, the next step is the automated extraction of different textural parameters and the estimation of hydraulic conductivity using reference values available in the literature. The hydraulic conductivity values estimated from stratigraphic data have been partially validated, by comparing them with measured values from a series of pumping tests carried out in large-diameter wells. The results show that this method is able to produce a reliable interpretation of the shallow hydrogeological context using information generally available in the region. The research contributes to improving the identification of areas where conditions are suitable for manual drilling. This is achieved by applying the described method, based on a structured and semi-quantitative approach, to classify the zones of suitability for given manual drilling techniques using data available in most African countries. Ultimately, this work will support proposed international programs aimed at promoting low-cost water supply in Africa and enhancing access to safe drinking water for the population.  相似文献   
It is suggested that the kinematic framework controls the orientation of crystallographic fabrics developed in plastically deformed quartzites. Important directions in this framework are those of the instantaneous stretching axes, and the flow plane and flow direction if these can be uniquely defined. Rotation of the crystal axes takes place at any instant of time dependent on the orientation of the grain relative to the stretching axes. Because of this dependence the skeletal outline* of a pattern of preferred orientation is sensitive to the closing stages of deformation. Thus fabrics measured in major movement zones cannot be related to early thrust or shear displacements without considering the effects of the geological history subsequent to those events.Nevertheless, asymmetric fabrics in movement zones may allow determination of the shear direction and sense of shear. Asymmetry in the intensity distribution is less susceptible to modification than asymmetry in the fabric skeleton, and may remain as a persistent measure of the sense of shear in mylonites subjected to coaxial deformation after non-coaxial events. However, fabric asymmetry need not always be related to the deformation history, and effects related to the population of initial grain-orientations must be considered, as well as the influence of recrystallization and grain growth.A problem of scale is involved in extrapolating the movement picture inferred from the behaviour of a few hundred crystal grains to larger dimensions. This question is also encountered when trying to specify deformation paths in mesoscopic shear zones. It is difficult to obtain simple shear experimentally because of the role discontinuities play in deformation. In certain cases in natural shear zones the quartz grains may be subjected to a coaxial deformation path while the bulk deformation is progressive simple shear. Caution must therefore be exercised when attempting to use quartz fabrics to infer characteristics of the bulk kinematics or movement picture applicable during deformation.  相似文献   
The Fairway Basin is a large, generally north – south-trending, sediment-filled structure in water 1500 – 3000 m deep, on the eastern slope of the Lord Howe Rise in the Tasman Sea, and is partly within Australian jurisdiction. It was poorly known until a few years ago, when seismic profiling and piston coring cruises were carried out. The basin, about 1100 km long and 120 – 200 km wide, can be divided into three segments—north, central and south—that trend northwest, north and north-northwest, respectively. All three segments probably formed by thinning of continental crust during breakup of Lord Howe Rise and surrounding aseismic continental ridges in the Late Cretaceous and Paleocene. Normal faulting, large inputs of terrigenous sediment and subsidence to bathyal marine depths occurred during that time. A period of compression, perhaps related to overthrusting on New Caledonia, occurred in the Eocene, leading to uplift (and in parts, erosion) of northern Lord Howe Rise, and reversal of faulting in the basin. By the Oligocene, the area was again in bathyal depths, and pelagic ooze and some turbidites accumulated. The basinal sequence is generally 2000 – 4000 m thick, with 1200 – 3200 m of Cretaceous to Eocene sediment concentrated in depocentres, capped by 500 – 800 m of Oligocene and younger sediment. In the depocentres, numerous sedimentary diapirs pierce sedimentary sequences. The sedimentary diapirs appear to be fed by Cretaceous muds deposited during rifting. Often, these diapirs are overlain by faults extending to the seafloor, and hummocky bathymetry is possibly caused by fluid escape. The overall geology suggests that the Fairway Basin may be a large frontier hydrocarbon province. Seismic profiles display a bottom-simulating reflector above many depocentres, 500 – 700 m below the seafloor. The bottom-simulating reflector has positive polarity, which could result from a diagenetic phase transformation, a thin gas hydrate layer with a sharp top, or from the sharp base of a gas layer (probably beneath gas hydrates). Standard piston cores taken above diapirs and apparent fluid-escape features have recovered little gas. Other than drilling, the next steps in assessing petroleum potential are to clearly document fluid-escape structures, and to sample any fluids emitted for hydrocarbons.  相似文献   
The work presented in this paper lies under the scope of a research program aiming to assess the impact of deep coal mining induced vibrations on the surface constructions. The concerned section of the program is dedicated to the study of geological site effects and their influence on the mining induced vibrations for which the experimental investigations have been carried out and developed in this paper (Part 1). The empirical methods based on H/V spectral ratios have been applied on data sets provided from mining induced vibrations recorded within private residences above the deep coalmine as well as complementary measurements of ambient noise. The results evidence an amplified zone in the southern part of the Gardanne basin where drilling data confirmed the presence of particularly fractured and soft stratigraphic units. This joint analysis of induced seismicity and ambient noise enabled to validate the method based on H/V ratios applied to the mining context.  相似文献   
The broad belt of intraplate volcanism in the East Atlantic between 25° and 37° N is proposed to have formed by two adjacent hotspot tracks (the Madeira and Canary tracks) that possess systematically different isotopic signatures reflecting different mantle source compositions. To test this model, Hf isotope ratios from volcanic rocks from all individual islands and all major seamounts are presented in this study. In comparison with published Nd isotope variations (6 εNd units), 176Hf/177Hf ratios span a much larger range (14 εHf units). Samples from the proposed Madeira hotspot track have the most radiogenic Hf isotopic compositions (176Hf/177Hfm up to 0.283335), extending across the entire field for central Atlantic MORB. They form a relatively narrow, elongated trend on the Nd vs. Hf isotope diagram (stretching over > 10 εHf units) between a depleted N-MORB-like endmember and a moderately enriched composition located on, or slightly below, the Nd–Hf mantle array, which overlaps the proposed “C” mantle component of Hanan and Graham (1996). In contrast, all samples from the Canary hotspot track plot below the mantle array (176Hf/177Hfm = 0.282943–0.283067) and form a much denser cluster with less compositional variation (~4 εHf units). The cluster falls between (1) a low Hf isotope HIMU-like endmember, (2) a more depleted composition, and (3) the moderately enriched end of the Madeira trend. The new Hf isotope data confirm the general geochemical distinction of the Canary and Madeira domains in the East Atlantic. Both domains, however, seem to share a common, moderately enriched endmember that has “C”-like isotope compositions and is believed to represent subducted, <1-Ga-old oceanic lithosphere (oceanic crust and possibly minor sediment addition). The lower 176Hf/177Hf ratio of the enriched, HIMU-like Canary domain endmember indicates the contribution of oceanic lithosphere with somewhat older recycling ages of ≥1 Ga.  相似文献   
We present the first results of our program of search for the most metal-deficient blue compact galaxies (BCGs) carried out with the 6-m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope. The results of spectrophotometry are presented and discussed for ten galaxies from the Case and Hamburg/SAO surveys. The selection of candidates, observations, and data reduction are described in detail. For all the galaxies studied, we measured the intensity of the [O III] λ4363 Å emission line, which allows us to properly determine the temperatures of H II regions and to deduce elemental abundances. We measured the intensities of all the detected emission lines in H II regions of the galaxies under study and determined the abundances of oxygen and neon in them and in some of these galaxies, of other elements (N, S, He, Ar, and Fe). The oxygen abundance log (O/H)+12 in six galaxies was derived with an error ≤0.1 dex. Six of the ten galaxies studied turned out to be metal-poor with an oxygen abundance ≤1/10 of its solar value [i.e., 12+log(O/H)≤7.92]. HS 0837+4717 with 12+log(O/H) ≤7.7 is one of the most metal-poor galaxies in this sample and one of the candidates for young galaxies. Low-contrast, broad emission components of the nebular [O III]λ4959 and 5007 Å lines were detected in its spectrum, suggesting high velocities of gas motions in this galaxy.  相似文献   
The results of observations of the chemical composition of precipitation in the Russian Arctic in 2007-2015 are summarized including the data from NP-35 drifting ice station obtained in 2007-2008 in the framework of the joint program of Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute and Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory. The qualitative and quantitative difference in the chemical composition of precipitation in the Atlantic, Siberian, and Pacific sectors of the Russian Arctic is revealed. It is found that the concentration of microelements (heavy metals) in precipitation at NP-35 ice station did not exceed 12% of total ions at the lowest mineralization. The comparative analysis is presented of the concentration of sulfate ions in precipitation in Norilsk and at NP-35 ice stations.  相似文献   
The temple of Apollo in Delphi (Greece), built in 550 B.C., has been used to reconfirm a novel method of dating carved megalithic stone buildings using thermoluminescence (TL) (Liritzis, 1994). A calcitic (marble) sample was taken from the western side of the well-known inscribed polygonal wall, which constitutes the southern external support foundations of the temple. A partially bleached TL methodology was devised to determine first the ancient residual TL and then the correct archaeological dose. The obtained TL age of 420 ± 300 B.C. is compatible, within the margin of error, with the archaeological age. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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