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构造解析应从构造的变形机制、变形过程、变形量和变形时间四个方面入手,合理的构造解释方案是构造解析的基础,论文将等倾角区划分和轴面分析等几何学方法应用到地震解释中,从以上4个方面对准噶尔盆地南缘第一排背斜带做了系统的构造解析。地层结构揭示第一排背斜带深部发育楔状构造,楔状构造由5个古生界—中生界组成的断层转折褶皱叠加而成,是潜在的勘探目标群。在构造楔沿侏罗系西山窑组煤层向北扩展过程中,台阶状逆断层的大部分位移量沿构造楔顶部的反冲断层向南消减,另一部分位移量则沿西山窑组煤层向北传递至第二排背斜带,在总位移量保持稳定的前提下,第一排背斜带和第二排背斜带在走向上的此消彼长,反映位移量在南、北两个方向上的转换。  相似文献   
The Chippewa and Wisconsin Valley Lobes of the Laurentide Ice Sheet reached their maximum extent in north-central Wisconsin about 20 000 years ago. Their terminal positions are marked by a broad area of hummocky topography, containing many ice-walled-lake plains, which is bounded on the up-ice and down-ice sides by ice-contact ridges and outwash fans. The distribution of these ice-disintegration landforms shows that a wide zone of stagnant, debris-covered, debris-rich ice separated from the active margins of both lobes as they wasted northward during deglaciation. Accumulation of thick, uncollapsed sediment in ice-walled lakes high in the ice-cored landscape indicates a period of stability. In contrast, hummocky disintegration topography indicates unstable conditions. Thus, we interpret two phases of late-glacial landscape evolution. During the first phase, ice buried beneath thick supraglacial sediment was stable. Supraglacial lakes formed on the ice surface and some melted their way to solid ground and formed ice-walled lakes. During the second phase, buried ice began to melt rapidly, hummocky topography formed by topographic inversion, and supraglacial and ice-walled lakes drained. We suggest that ice wastage was controlled primarily by climatic conditions and supraglacial-debris thickness. Late-glacial permafrost in northern Wisconsin likely delayed wastage of buried ice until after about 13 000 years ago, when climate warmed and permafrost thawed.  相似文献   
The solubility of sulfur as S2– has been experimentallydetermined for 19 silicate melt compositions in the system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2(CMAS)± TiO2 ± FeO, at 1400°C and 1 bar, using CO–CO2–SO2gas mixtures to vary oxygen fugacity (fO2) and sulfur fugacity(fS2). For all compositions, the S solubility is confirmed tobe proportional to (fS2/fO2)1/2, allowing the definition ofthe sulfide capacity (CS) of a silicate melt as CS = [S](fO2/fS2)1/2.Additional experiments covering over 150 melt compositions,including some with Na and K, were then used to determine CSas a function of melt composition at 1400°C. The resultswere fitted to the equation  相似文献   
The simultaneous eruption in 1996 of andesite from Karymskyvolcano and of basalt from the Academy Nauk vent 6 km away appearsto provide a case of mafic recharge of an andesite reservoirfor which the time of recharge is exactly known and direct samplesof the recharging magma are available. The explosive phreato-magmaticeruption of basalt was terminated in less than 24 h, whereasandesite erupted continuously during the following 4 years.Detailed petrological study of volcanic ash, bombs and lavasof Karymsky andesite erupted during the period 1996–1999provides evidence for basaltic replenishment at the beginningof the eruptive cycle, as well as a record of compositionalvariations within the Karymsky magma reservoir induced by basalticrecharge. Shortly after the beginning of the eruption the compositionof the matrix glass of the Karymsky tephra became more maficand then, within 2 months, gradually returned to its originalstate and remained almost constant for the following 3 years.Further evidence for basaltic replenishment is provided by thepresence of xenocrysts of basaltic origin in the andesite ofKarymsky. A conspicuous portion of the plagioclase phenocrystsin the Karymsky andesite has calcic cores, with compositionsand textures resembling those of plagioclases in the AcademyNauk basalt. Similarly, the earlier portion of the andesiteof the eruption sequence contains rare olivines, which occuras resorbed cores in pyroxenes. The composition of the olivinematches that of olivines in the Academy Nauk basalt. The sequenceof events appears to be: (1) injection of basaltic magma intothe Karymsky chamber with immediate, compensating expulsionof pre-existing chamber magma from the Karymsky central vent;(2) direct mixing of basaltic and andesitic magmas with dispersalof phenocrysts associated with the basalt throughout the andesiteso that newly mixed magma appeared at the vent within 2 months;(3) re-establishment of thermal and chemical equilibrium withinthe reservoir involving crystallization in the new hybrid liquid,which returned the melt composition to ‘normal’,formed rims on inherited calcic plagioclase, and caused theresorption of dispersed olivine xenocrysts. Taken together,these findings indicate that the Karymsky magma reservoir wasrecharged by basalt at the onset of the 1996 eruptive cycle.The rapidity and thoroughness of mixing of the basalt with thepre-existing andesite probably reflects the modest contrastin temperature, viscosity, and density between the two magmas. KEY WORDS: Karymsky; Kamchatka; magma mixing; andesite; volcanic glass; plagioclase  相似文献   
Gypsum and anhydrite fabrics observed in trenches and deep (500 m) cores from Bristol Dry Lake, California, USA, exhibit a vertical alignment of crystals similar to the fabric seen in bottom-nucleated brine pond gypsum. However, geochemical and sedimentological evidence indicate that the gypsum formed in Bristol Dry Lake precipitated displacively within the sediment where groundwater saturated with respect to gypsum recharges around the playa margin (groundwater-seepage gypsum). Evidence for displacive growth of gypsum is: (i) the geometry of the deposit, (ii) stable isotopic data and the water chemistry of the brine, and (iii) inclusions of matrix which follow twin planes and completely surround crystals as they grow. The bulk of the gypsum precipitated in the playa occurs around the edges of the playa in the playamargin facies and completely rings the lake. Sulphate concentrations in the groundwater increase toward the gypsum zone in the playa margin. Basinward of this zone, sulphate concentrations decrease sharply to trace element levels in the basin centre brine. Authigenic gypsum is rare in the centre of the playa. Stable (δ18O values measured for gypsum waters of crystallization (GWC) are similar to the values calculated for groundwater in the playa margin and alluvial fan sediments (?– 6%0), whereas measured brine δ18O values range from + 0·5 to + 3·7%0. Deuterium values measured for groundwater are ?– 70%0, GWC are ?– 60 to – 65%0 and brine values are ?– 57%0. The geometry of the deposit and the chemical data suggest that the water precipitating the gypsum is more closely associated with the groundwater than the brine. However, some mixing between groundwater and brine is likely. Within 100 m of the surface, the gypsum dehydrates to anhydrite, although the same vertically aligned fabric is retained through the diagenetic process. The similarity of displacive vertically aligned gypsum and anhydrite fabrics seen in Bristol Dry Lake to subaqueously deposited gypsum in modern brine ponds indicates that the criteria used to define subaqueous fabrics must be better constrained.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Carboniferous speleothem calcites in un-metamorphosed limestones from South Wales exhibit crystal diminution (degrading neomorphism) textures. These textures result from processes which have been considered only important under metamorphic conditions. The textures are interpreted as the result of recrystallization associated with dislocation processes. These processes relate to low temperature creep associated with low strain rates extended over long periods of time. The textures described here occur in unusually large crystals but similar textures have been described in limestones from deep boreholes. Dislocation processes, recovery and recrystallization are likely to be important processes operating during deep burial diagenesis.  相似文献   
The Kinsman Intrusive Suite occurs in six major plutons of westernNew Hampshire, covering a total area of 2240 km2. It is an Acadian-agesyntectonic gneissic S-type peraluminous granitoid, rangingin composition from quartz diorite to granite. Much of the Kinsmanis characterized by very large (up to 120 mm in maximum dimension)megacrysts of alkali feldspar, but the bulk chemistry of therocks indicates that these cannot be phenocrysts crystallizedfrom initially homogeneous melts. Locally, there is abundant(20 per cent) almandine-rich garnet, and graphite is a commonaccessory.In contrast to the unannealed orthoclase in surroundingmetapelites, the alkali feldspar of the Kinsman has, for themost part, inverted to maximum microcline. The garnets havecore temperatures in the range of 800 to 900 ?C, and are pseudomorphedby, or show reaction rims to, biotite. Plagioclase commonlyshows zoning, some of it oscillatory. These features are magmaticin nature, and argue against the conclusions of previous investigatorsthat the mineralogy and textures of the rock are due to regionalmetamorphism of a previously-crystallized two-mica granitoidwhich has undergone prograde reactions such as:muse + bio +3 qtz 2 Kfs + gar + 2H2O.The intrusives have also producedrecognizable contact-metamorphic features in the wallrocks andare probably coeval with the dominant M2 Acadian metamorphism.Majorelement analytical data for the Kinsman suite has been examinedby least squares mixing-model and extended Q-mode factor analysis.These calculations, supported by consideration of REE data,suggest that the most likely origin for the Kinsman magmas isby deep-crustal anatexis of slightly calcareous metapelites,and involves a reaction such as:bio + Al2SiO5 + qtz + feldspars gar + cord + Kfs + plag + melt.In non-calcareous pelites thisreaction produces a water-undersaturated peraluminous melt attemperatures above 700 ?C, and allows for the early crystallizationor recrystallization of K-feldspar, plagioclase, and garnetin a crystal-liquid mush or migma. Geochemically, garnet + plagioclaseare treated as restite, and a minimum-melt granite as the magmain the Q-mode and mixing-model calculations. The variabilityin chemistry of the Kinsman Intrusive Suite is best explainedon the basis of mixing of leucogranitic anatectic melts withgarnet-plagioclase restitic material and a quartz-feldspar-sillimanite-biotiterock, but only very slightly affected by crystal settling.  相似文献   
During the last glaciation of northern Ellesmere Island many areas remained ice-free. A caribou antler from deglacial-marine sediments in Clements Markham Inlet dates 8,415 ± 135 B.P. (S-2501). If locally derived it places caribou at the northern limit of their contemporary range at the onset of deglaciation in this area. Immediately to the south, on the Hazen Plateau, ice remained at its limit until c . 8,000 B.P. Therefore, this antler may indicate the presence of caribou during full glacial time.  相似文献   
Log-probability plots of grain-size distribution from the Platte, North Platte, and South Platte rivers are composed of four or five straight line segments. The line segments are grouped, dividing each curve into three regions. These regions are interpreted as subpopulations moved by different transport mechanisms. Consideration of the criterion for suspension and calculation of shear velocities associated with dominant discharges support this interpretation. The grain size cumulative curves are similar to each other but distinct from curves of fluvial systems transporting only fine-grained material, the difference being the presence of a subpopulation of grains moved in traction transport. One of two possible relationships seems to exist between the grain-size distributions and flow conditions within the Platte River system. Estimated shear velocities derived by varying flow conditions within reasonable limits predict a range of grain sizes within which the break between the intermittent suspension and traction loads should occur. This break appears to be associated with intermediate shear velocities if truncated normal distributions are assumed; but if overlapping distributions are assumed, the ‘break'is associated with estimated maximum shear velocities.  相似文献   
A simulation model of alluvial stratigraphy   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The quantitative model presented simulates the development of a two-dimensional alluvial sedimentary succession beneath a floodplain traversed by a single major river. Several inter-related effects which influence the distribution of channel-belt sand and gravel bodies within overbank fines are accounted for. These are (a) laterally variable aggradation, (b) compaction of fine sediment, (c) tectonic movement at floodplain margins, and (d) channel avulsion. Selected experiments with the model show how the interconnectedness and areal density of channel-belt deposits decrease with increasing floodplain width/channel-belt size, mean avulsion period, and channel-belt aggradation rate. Separation of stream patterns based on interconnectedness and channel deposit density is difficult. Tectonic movements do not have a significant influence upon the successions unless a preferred direction of tilting is maintained (half-graben). Then channel-belt deposits showing offlap tendencies tend to cluster adjacent to the active floodplain margin, leaving dominantly fine-grained alluvium to accumulate on the inactive side. Individual channel-belt deposits thicken during aggradation, although a self-regulating limit to such thickening is likely to operate. ‘Multistorey’features resulting from aggradation may be difficult to tell apart from those arising through superposition of distinct channel-belt deposits of avulsive origin.  相似文献   
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