The mobility of the rare earth element (REE) during hydrous burial metamorphism is described from three localities. Comparison of REE abundances in relict domains and metadomains from flood lavas in the Maddina Volcanics, Fortescue Group, Western Australia shows that, relative to the relict domains, REE may be strongly depleted in certain metadomains. Strong variations in La/Yb, La/Sm and Eu may also occur due to postcrystallization secondary processes. Similar comparisons in flood lavas from Mamainse Point in the Canadian Keweenawan Series show that REE are mobile and increase in abundance in metadomains. Spilites from U.S. Virgin Islands also show evidence for REE mobility during low grade burial metamorphism. In this case light REE (LREE) have been preferentially mobilized with heavy REE (HREE) remaining parallel or sub-parallel on chondrite normalized plots.REE analyses from these locations together with an evaluation of published work suggests that the mobility of REE can be described by: 1. gross REE and selective LREE enrichment; 2. REE movement around a primary mean; 3. gross REE depletion; 4. selective REE mobility. Failure to take into account REE mobility may lead to incorrect conclusions concerning petrogenetic models based on altered basic sequences. The coherence of REE with other key trace elements during alteration is also discussed. 相似文献
The oxygen-isotope record from fossil foraminifera in deep-sea sediments is commonly used as a proxy for global ice volume. The linkage between δ18O and ice volume, however, is probably nonlinear. We have developed a simple numerical model of the isotopic response of the oceans to ice-volume change. The major features it simulates are (1) the changing mean isotopic composition of snow as a function of ice volume (colder snow temperatures forced by climate change and higher-elevation accumulation areas imply more negative mean δ18O); (2) the nonequilibrium isotopic composition of ice sheets (the past history of an ice sheet is integrated into its mean isotopic composition, which introduces a lag of isotopic “ice volume,” i.e., the measured δ18O record, scaled to ice-volume units, behind true ice volume); (3) selective preservation of isotopically more negative (colder, higher-latitude) ice (this geographic effect can selectively amplify or dampen the isotopic response to the ice-volume signal). We illustrate the response of our model to simple hypothetical ice-volume transitions of ice growth and ice decay. Sensitivity tests are illustrated for all model parameters. The results suggest that oxygen-isotope records reproduce the general patterns of ice-volume change fairly accurately. The foraminiferal isotope record, however, may misrepresent the true amplitude of the ice-volume signal and lag true ice volume by 1000 to 3000 yr. 相似文献
A cryogenic astronomical spectrometer for the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility is described. This spectrometer will employ an array of at least 20 detectors and provide a resolving power of 100 to 1500 at 1–5 m. The resolving power will be adjustable by changing gratings.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984. 相似文献
In the Long Valley caldera, where seismicity has continued essentially uninterrupted since mid-1980 and uplift is documented, samples of water from hot, warm, and cold springs have been collected since September, 1982, and their222Rn concentrations analyzed. Concurrently, rocks encompassing the hydrologic systems feeding the springs were analyzed for their radioelement contents, because their uranium is the ultimate source of the222Rn in the water.The222Rn concentration in the springs varies inversely with their temperature and specific conductance. High concentrations (1500 to 2500 picocuries per liter) occur in dilute cold springs on the margins of the caldera, while low contents (12 to 25 pCi/l) occur in hot to boiling springs. Springwater radon concentrations also correlate slightly with the uranium content of the encompassing rocks.A continuous monitoring system was installed in August, 1983, at a spring issuing from basalt, to provide hourly records of radon concentration. A gamma detector is submerged in a natural pool, and we have observed that the radioactivity measured in this manner is due almost entirely to the222Rn concentration of the water. Initial operation shows diurnal and semidiurnal variations in the222Rn concentration of the springwater that are ascribed to earth tides, suggesting that those variations are responding to small changes in stress in the rocks encompassing the hydrologic system. 相似文献
A series of basaltic and andesitic lavas from three centers in the Cascades (Lassen, Medicine Lake, Mt. Shasta) have been investigated. The lavas are weakly porphyritic, containing phenocrysts of plagioclase, augite, and olivine or orthopyroxene; these phases are also found in the groundmass. Titanomagnetite is a groundmass phase in most lavas but it appears to be absent in some. A sub-calcic augite is found in the groundmass in some of the basic lavas. Orthopyroxenes are present only in the salic lavas and show an increase in calcium with increasing iron. The range in composition shown by both phenocryst and groundmass plagioclase is very similar except that the phenocrysts extend to slightly more calcic compositions. The residual glasses in many of the lavas have a rhyolitic composition. However, only those from the Shasta andesites have normative salic constituents that plot near the ternary minimum in the Ab-Or-Qtz system at 500 bars. Both chemical and mineralogical data allow the lavas of the different centers to be distinguished from one another. The most likely origin for the orogenic lavas of the Cascades is by partial melting of the upper mantle. 相似文献
The spatial distribution and movement of the sewage plume from McMurdo Station, Antarctica, was investigated in the ocean under the early summer ice. Samples of seawater were obtained via holes drilled through the ice and analysed for coliform bacteria. Ocean currents were also examined to determine their effect on the movement of the plume. High densities of coliform bacteria were found along the ca. 1 km shoreline of McMurdo Station and the plume extended 200–300 m seaward. The relocation of the outfall from a surface configuration to the subsurface (11 m deep) had little influence on the distribution of the plume that sometimes reached the seawater intake station, 400 m to the south. Ocean current measurements in the study area confirmed that, while the prevailing advection was to the north and away from the intake area, episodic reversals of flow at some current meter stations coincided with pulses of sewage that moved into the intake. These findings support the use of bacterial indicators as one means to map the distribution and movement of recent sewage contamination in cold (−1.8°C) seawater and provides evidence that the disposal and movement of domestic wastes in coastal polar environments deserves attention. 相似文献
Community energy projects are attracting increasing attention as potential sources of innovation to support sustainable energy transitions. Research into ‘grassroots innovations’ like community energy often recognises the difficulties they face in simply surviving let alone in growing or seeding wider change. Strategic niche management theory is potentially helpful here as it highlights the important roles played by ‘intermediary actors’ in consolidating, growing and diffusing novel innovations. This paper presents the first in-depth analysis of intermediary work in the UK community energy sector. New empirical evidence was gathered through interviews with 15 community energy intermediaries and a content analysis of 113 intermediary-produced case studies about community energy projects. Analysis finds intermediaries adopting a variety of methods to try and diffuse generic lessons about context-specific projects, but that trying to coordinate support for local projects that exist amidst very different social and political circumstances is challenging. This is exacerbated by the challenges of building a coherent institutional infrastructure for a sector where aims and approaches diverge, and where underlying resources are uncertain and inconsistent. Applications of relatively simple, growth-oriented approaches like strategic niche management to grassroots innovations need to be reformulated to better recognise their diverse and conflicted realities on the ground. 相似文献
Coastal eutrophication poses an increasing risk to ecosystem health due to enhanced nutrient loading to the global coastline. Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) represents a significant pathway for nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) transport to the coast, but diffusive SGD transport is difficult to monitor directly, given the low flux rates and expansive discharge areas. In contrast, focused SGD from intertidal springs can potentially be sampled and directly gauged, providing unique insight into SGD and associated contaminant transport. Basin Head is a coastal lagoon in Prince Edward Island, Canada that is a federally protected ecosystem. Nitrate-nitrogen is conveyed from agricultural fields in the contributing watershed to the eutrophic lagoon via intertidal groundwater springs and groundwater-dominated tributaries. We used several field methods to characterize groundwater discharge, nutrient loading, and in-channel mixing associated with intertidal springs. The tributaries and intertidal springs were gauged and sampled to estimate a representative summer nitrate load to the lagoon. Our analysis revealed that NO3-N export to the lagoon through tributaries and springs throughout summer 2023 was on average 401 kg N/month, with the combined spring loading comparable in magnitude to the combined tributary loading. We collected thermal infrared and visual imagery using drone surveys and found spatial overlap between cold-water plumes from the spring discharge and macroalgae blooms, indicating the local thermal and ecosystem impacts of the focused SGD. We also mapped the electrical resistivity (salinity) distribution in the water column around one large spring with electromagnetic geophysics at different tidal stages to reveal the three-dimensional spring plume dynamics. Results showed that the fresher spring water floated above the saline lagoon water with the brackish plume oriented in the direction of the tidal current. Collectively, our multi-pronged field investigations help elucidate the hydrologic, thermal, and nutrient dynamics of intertidal springs and the cascading ecosystem impacts. 相似文献
Polarized absorption spectra of natural piemontite (Ca1.802Mn2+0.178Mg0.025) (Mn3+0.829Fe3+0.346Al1.825) [(Si2.992Al0.008) O12OH], viridine (Al1.945Mn3+0.033Fe3+0.063Mg0.003) [O|Si0.970 O4], and kanonaite (Al1.291Mn3+0.682Fe3+0.019) [O|Si1.006 O4] were measured at 295 and ca. 100 K. For piemontite, lowering the temperature resulted in a sharpening of broad bands in the 10 000–25 000 cm−1 region supporting their assignment to single ion Mn3+ in M3 non-centrosymmetric sites.
Alternatively, in kanonaite, temperature behaviour pointed to a slightly stronger influence of vibronic coupling on strong bands near 16 000 and 22 000 cm−1, which supported an interpretation of Mn3+ in nearly centrosymmetric M1 sites. Measurements at ca. 100 K show pronounced fine structure in the viridine spectra which is attributed to Fe3+. The ɛ values for Mn3+ spin-allowed bands in the three minerals lie in the range 18 to 227 [1·g-atom−1·cm−1].
For the same band and polarisation, ɛ values in Mn3+-bearing andalusite-type minerals viridine and kanonaite are the same, which indicates an absence of strong magnetic coupling effects between Mn3+ ions in the andalusite type structure down to ca. 100 K.
In silicates, the high ɛ values for Mn3+ spin-allowed bands, in comparison to those obtained for Fe2+ spin-allowed bands from sites of “similar distortion”, is attributed to a higher degree of covalency in the Mn3+-O bonds compared to the Fe2+-O bonds, as a result of the higher valence state of manganese.
Concentrations of carbon monoxide were measured in the surface waters of the east tropical Pacific during a cruise aboard USNS “Hayes” from Ecuador to Panama via Hawaii and Tahiti in the late winter and early spring of 1974. Data comparisons were made for time spans of 1.3–3.7 years at several locations where the cruise track intersected or closely paralleled portions of our two earlier Pacific cruise tracks. The comparisons showed remarkable consistency, considering the range of variability of carbon monoxide concentration. Latitudinal variations of concentrations found during the earlier cruises were reconfirmed. 相似文献