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A non-dimensional relative sensitivity coefficient was employed to predict the responses of reference crop evapotranspiration (ET0) to perturbation of four climate variables in Tao'er River Basin of the northeastern China. Mean monthly ET0 and yearly ET0 from 1961 to 2005 were estimated with the FAO-56 Penman-Monteith Equation. A 45-year historical dataset of average monthly maximum/minimum air temperature, mean air temperature, wind speed, sunshine hours and relative humidity from 15 meteorological stations was used in the analysis. Results show that: 1) Sensitivity coefficients of wind speed, air temperature and sunshine hours were positive except for those of air temperature of Arxan Meteorological Station, while those of relative humidity were all negative. Relative humidity was the most sensitive variable in general for the Tao'er River Basin, followed by sunshine hours, wind speed and air temperature. 2) Similar to climate variable, monthly sensitivity coefficients exhibit large annual fluctuations. 3) Sensitivity coefficients for four climate variables all showed significant trends in seasonal/yearly series. Also, sensitivity coefficients of air temperature, sunshine hours and wind speed all showed significant trends in spring. 4) Among all sensitivity coefficients, the average yearly sensitivity coefficient of relative humidity was highest throughout the basin and showed largest spatial variability. Longitudinal distribution of sensitivity coefficients for air temperature, relative humidity and sunshine hours was also found, which was similar to the distribution of the three climate variables.  相似文献   
在东营凹陷南斜坡的沙四段地层中,常发育典型的湖相滩坝砂体沉积.详细观察表明,这些滩坝砂体在垂向上常发育较为对称的高频基准面上升半旋回和下降半旋回,且对滩坝砂体的沉积过程有明显的控制作用.通过测井曲线的频谱分析,高频基准面的变化与米兰柯维奇轨道气候周期有着密切的关系,而单砂体规模的滩坝砂体在平面展布上又有着明显的对称性.这些都表明滩坝砂体主要沉积在湖平面升降转换的相对稳定期,同生断层活动产生的陡坎或隆起会有助于滩坝砂体的富集.可根据滩坝砂体的垂向沉积序列和组合方式来判断滩坝主体的分布位置.  相似文献   
饵料中添加锰对中国对虾的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
报道了在以花生饼、鱼粉、玉米粉和麸皮为基本原料,加入不同浓度梯度的锰所配制的人工饵料饲喂中国对虾(Penaeus chinensis),对其增长、增重和存活率均无明显的影响,但添加适量的锰对其肝胰脏申的羧肽酶A具有激活作用。据此认为,利用上述原料生产的配合饵料可以不添加锰,但饵料中即使含锰量较高,对对虾的生长、成活也没有害处。  相似文献   
半乳糖凝集素-8基因(galectin-8,Gal-8)属于凝集素家族一员。已知Gal-8在哺乳动物的先天免疫中发挥重要作用,然而在鱼类中却鲜有报道。本研究通过转录组测序获得大弹涂鱼(Boleophthalmus pectinirostris)半乳糖凝集素-8样基因(galectin-8 like,Bp Gal-8L)c DNA序列。首先确定其序列特征,其次采用实时定量PCR(real-time quantitative PCR,q PCR)的方法鉴定Bp Gal-8L组织表达分布及其与迟缓爱德华氏菌(Edwardsiella tarda)感染相关性;最后分别通过原核表达获得N端和C端CRD区重组蛋白Bp Gal-8L-N和Bp Gal-8L-C,并采用玻片法观察这两个CRD区的细菌凝集活性和糖类结合特性。多重序列比对显示,Bp Gal-8L蛋白含有两个糖识别结构域(carbohydrate recognition domain,CRD),但只有C端的CRD区存在Gal家族典型的β-半乳糖苷糖类结合基序。系统进化树表明Bp Gal-8L属于鱼类Gal-8的一种亚型。q PCR结果显示,Bp Gal-8L基因m RNA在各组织中普遍表达,并且在迟缓爱德华氏菌感染后大弹涂鱼肝和脾中表达量呈上调趋势。细菌凝集实验结果显示,只有Bp Gal-8L-C重组蛋白对检测的5种革兰氏阴性菌及2种革兰氏阳性菌有凝集作用,并与乳糖和脂多糖特异性结合。综上所述,Bp Gal-8L与大弹涂鱼抗菌免疫密切相关,且其N端和C端CRD区发挥不同作用。  相似文献   
阿尔金江尕勒萨依榴辉岩及其直接围岩——石榴子石黑云母片麻岩锆石的阴极发光图像、微区原位LA-ICP-MS微量元素分析研究表明,榴辉岩锆石内部结构比较均匀,少数颗粒保留斑杂状残核;位于锆石斑杂状残核测点的重稀土相对富集,Th/U比值多大于0.4,为岩浆锆石的特征;位于锆石边部与内部结构均匀颗粒上的测点显示HREE近平坦型或弱亏损型的稀土配分模式,显示了与石榴石平衡共生的变质锆石特征;而石榴子石黑云母片麻岩的锆石具有核-幔-边结构,核部为碎屑锆石,幔部则为与石榴石平衡共生的变质锆石。LA-ICP-MS微区定年获得榴辉岩的变质年龄为(493±4.3)Ma,其原岩形成年龄为(754±9)Ma;石榴子石黑云母片麻岩的变质年龄为(499±27)Ma。榴辉岩的变质年龄滞后于其原岩的形成年龄约250Ma,并且榴辉岩与其直接围岩副片麻岩的变质年龄几乎完全一致,充分表明该超高压榴辉岩的形成是陆壳深俯冲作用的产物。  相似文献   
梁绍暹  任大伟 《地质科学》1997,32(4):478-486
华北石炭——二叠纪煤系太原组和山西组不同煤层粘土岩夹矸中,广泛含有一水软铝石、一水硬铝石和三水铝石。大多数一水铝石矿物呈薄纹层状、似层状及层状聚集于富岩质及富有有机质粘土岩夹矸条带中,有的呈细脉状沿炭质条带及粘土岩夹矸层理的节理裂隙分布,并与玉髓、方解石、高岭石或迪开石和铵云母细脉共生。铝的氢氧化物矿物可以作为成岩古温度和成岩阶段划分的标志矿物。最后还讨论了该矿物的成因。  相似文献   
路南石林喀斯特的形态特征及地质演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁永宁 《云南地质》2000,19(2):103-110
石林喀期特是喀斯特地貌中的一种极端形式,主要由表面溶良发育,高达30 ̄50m的剑状石峰、石柱组成。同世界其他一些著名的剑状喀期特相比,路南石林喀斯特具有最为复杂的地质演化历史和最为多样的形态。研究表明:自2亿5千万年前早二叠世末期首次出现石牙以来,石林的发育经历了四大演化阶段;石林的形成是有利的地质、水文、气候条件综合作用的结果,而土下溶蚀是主要形成机理。剑状、峰状、塔状、蘑茹状及其他不规则状为石  相似文献   
We report new data for thirty seven elements determined in twenty six Chinese geochemistry reference materials using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry and a reliable and simple dissolution technique. One hundred milligrams of sample were digested with 1 ml of HF and 0.5 ml of HNO3 in PTFE-lined stainless steel bombs heated to 200 °C for 12 hours. Insoluble residues were dissolved using 6 ml of 40% v/v HNO3 heated to 140 C for 3 hours. Analytical calibration was accomplished using aqueous standard solutions. Rhodium was used as an internal standard to correct for matrix effects and instrument drift. Precisions were typically better than 5% RSD. Most of the data presented here agree well with the published certified values. For the elements Zr, Hf and most other trace elements, the measured values were less than 10% in error when compared to certified values.  相似文献   
通过对临沧锗矿床中基底花岗岩、矿化煤以及硅质岩的稀土元素地球化学研究认为盆地基底花岗提供了形成锗矿化的锗和形成硅质岩的硅;本区陆相热水成因硅质岩的Ce异常不明显,相对富集LREE;矿化煤相对富集HREE,这可能主要与矿化煤在含锗热液的相互作用过程中,煤对重烯土的优先富集有关。  相似文献   
Earthquake hazard maps for Syria are presented in this paper. The Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) and the Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) on bedrock, both with 90% probability of not being exceeded during a life time of 50, 100 and 200 years, respectively are developed. The probabilistic PGA and MMI values are evaluated assuming linear sources (faults) as potential sources of future earthquakes. A new attenuation relationship for this region is developed. Ten distinctive faults of potential earthquakes are identified in and around Syria. The pertinent parameters of each fault, such as theb-parameter in the Gutenberg-Richter formula, the annual rate 4 and the upper bound magnitudem 1 are determined from two sets of seismic data: the historical earthquakes and the instrumentally recorded earthquake data (AD 1900–1992). The seismic hazard maps developed are intended for preliminary analysis of new designs and seismic check of existing civil engineering structures.  相似文献   
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