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The NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, CMAP rainfall and Hadley Centre sea surface temperature (SST) datasets are used to investigate the relationship between the seasonal transition of East Asian monsoon and Asian-Pacific thermal contrast, together with the possible causes. Based on the 250 hPa air temperature over two selected key areas, the Asian-Pacific thermal difference (APTD) index is calculated. Results show that the APTD index is highly consistent with the Asian-Pacific Oscillation (APO) index defined by Zhao et al., in terms of different key areas in different seasons. Moreover, the time point of the seasonal transition of the Asian-Pacific thermal contrast can be well determined by the APTD index, indicative of seasonal variation in East Asian atmospheric circulation from winter to summer. The transition characteristic of the circulation can be summarized as follows. The continental cold high at lower tropospheric level moves eastward to the East China Sea and decreases rapidly in intensity, while the low-level northerlies turn to southerlies. At middle tropospheric level, the East Asia major trough is reduced and moves eastward. Furthermore, the subtropical high strengthens and appears near Philippines. The South Asia high shifts from the east of Philippines to the west of Indochina Peninsula, and the prevailing southerlies change into northerlies in upper troposphere. Meanwhile, both the westerly and easterly jets both jump to the north. The seasonal transition of atmospheric circulation is closely related to the thermal contrast, and the possible mechanism can be concluded as follows. Under the background of the APTD seasonal transition, the southerly wind appears firstly at lower troposphere, which triggers the ascending motion via changing vertical shear of meridional winds. The resultant latent heating accelerates the transition of heating pattern from winter to summer. The summer heating pattern can further promote the adjustment of circulation, which favors the formation and strengthening of the low-level southerly and upper-level northerly winds. As a result, the meridional circulation of the East Asian subtropical monsoon is established through a positive feedback between the circulation and thermal fields. Moreover, the time point of this seasonal transition has a significant positive correlation with the SST anomalies over the tropical central-eastern Pacific Ocean, providing a basis for the short-term climate prediction.  相似文献   
基于三维激光扫描数据的建筑物三维建模   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
吴静  靳奉祥  王健 《测绘工程》2007,16(5):57-60
给出基于三维激光扫描测量仪所获得的点云数据来实现建筑物三维建模的方法。文中介绍了三维激光扫描测量仪的系统组成与工作原理,给出对点云数据处理的过程和方法,阐述建筑物三维建模的方法,并用实例介绍整体方法的实现过程和效果。  相似文献   
随着数字化、信息化的发展,城市部件作为城市建设、社会发展的重要载体,对智慧城市和数字城管具有重大作用.城市建设面积不断扩大,城市部件采集与管理工作压力日益增加.车载LiDAR移动测量系统作为新兴技术,近年来快速发展,将此技术应用到城市部件采集工作中,使得采集效率、安全性、精度均有较大提升.提出一套基于车载LiDAR移动...  相似文献   
高质量的海底声强图是进行多波束海底底质分类、目标识别的基础。要得到"单纯"反映海底底质信息的声强图,就需要对原始声强数据进行地形改正,消除地形因素的影响。在描述了多波束数据中水深数据不能满足声强数据的改正要求问题的基础上,提出了以水深数据覆盖范围为约束的声强数据选取方法。实例计算结果表明:该方法在能有效地选取高质量的声强数据,提高了基于声强图像的海底底质分类精度。  相似文献   
苏鲁超高压变质带北部地球物理调查(1)─—深反射地震   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
苏鲁超高压变质带是世界上研究陆一陆碰撞俯冲和壳幔作用的最佳地质场所之一.为了解超高压变质带岩石的形成、折返和相应的动力学过程,必须了解该区的地壳和浅地幔构造.本文介绍了该区北部的地质情况和进行深反射地震调查取得的成果,包括(1)在五莲─青岛断裂南侧超高压变质岩片向北倾斜,呈现叠复组构,反映岩片的折返;(2)根据地震资料推测在146Ma前后胶南地块的隆升一伸展构造内幕;(3)超高压变质岩片厚约12km,由于含有大量相辉岩透镜体,地震波速高达6.8─7.3km/s;(4)莫霍面附近有许多楔形反射体,反映陆一陆碰撞;(5)石门地区7km深处存在高波速的强反射体,可作为在该区进行大陆科学钻探的候选场址.  相似文献   
Chronostratigraphic Subdivision and Correlation of the Permian in China   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Since the principle of multiple stratigraphic classification has been widely accepted by Chinese stratigraphers, various new Permian chronostratigraphic units have been proposed in China, and they need to be redefined. The establishment of a new global chronostratigraphic scheme of the Permian, compilation of Permian lithostratigraphic units and updating of Permian biostratigraphic sequences of China makes it possible to present a revised regional chronostratigraphic succession for the Permian System in China. This succession consists of three series and eight stages. The Chuanshanian Series includes two stages, the Zisongian and the Longlinian; the Yanghsinian (Yangxinian) Series is subdivided into the Chihsian (Qixiaan) and the Maokouan Subseries, of which the former comprises the Luodianian and the Xiangboan Stage, and the latter the Kufengian (Gufengian) and the Lengwuan Stage; the Lopingian (Lepingian) Series includes the Wuchiapingian (Wujiapingian) and the Changhsingian (Changxingian) Stage.  相似文献   
黑河出山径流量年际变化特征和趋势研究   总被引:42,自引:15,他引:27  
根据有关水文气象台站的观测数据,利用定级分类,滑动平均和波谱分析等方法,对黑河出山径流(莺落峡水文站)年际变化特征进行了分析研究,发现黑河出出径流的多年变化具有持续性,周期性和丰枯水变化较平稳,波幅不大等特性,并在此基础上对其未来变化的趋势进行了预测和分析。  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTIONThedrainagenetWorkisoneofimportantcomponentsinafluvialsyStem.Atypicalfluvialsystemiscomposedofthreezones,asSchumm(1977)pointedout,therunoffandsedimentyield,transportationandsettlingzones.Asearlyasinthemiddleofthiscent'Ury,Horton(1945)madeasignificantquantitativeexplanationtohydro-geomorphologyinadrainagenetworksystem,andderivednetworkstatisticslaws.Inthe1970'sSmart(1973)hadtopologicallystudiednetWorkstrUcture.Fromthe1980'sandonst'Udiesoffractalandfractionaldimensioninadra…  相似文献   
湖泊渔业可持续发展的生态学基础及一个范例   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
金刚  李钟杰  谢平 《湖泊科学》2003,15(1):70-75
从渔业与环境兼顾的角度出发作者认为湖泊渔业可持续发展的生态学理论基础是渔业生态学和渔业湖沼学. 前者是一门较为成熟的学科研究渔业对象的种群生态学渔产潜力最佳放流密度和规格以及科学的捕捞策略等. 后者研究渔业对湖泊生态系统生物多样性和水质的影响并确定最佳的渔业规模和渔业方式但尚未提出令人满意的理论和完善的实验方法今后应予充分重视. 长江中下游草型湖泊因为其优良的水资源和丰富的生物资源而成为我国内陆水体发展优质高效渔业的重要基地. 以湖北一个浅水草型扁担塘渔业实践为例作者着重强调生态学管理的如下方面1) 沉水植被是草型湖泊优质高效渔业持续发展的基础必须在合理利用的同时加以保护优化甚至重建使生物量和覆盖率保持和达到一定水平. 2) 食物链网的基础环节是渔业对象生长和繁衍的物质基础, 必须进行培育保护以提高其生产力从而为提高渔业产量打下物质基础. 3) 合理放养与捕捞策略是湖泊渔业生态系统良性循环的可靠保证应使高价值的种群规模保持较大水平的输出.  相似文献   
目的:基于数据挖掘技术探析现代湖湘名中医治疗肺癌的用药规律。方法:通过计算机检索2000年1月1日至2023年5月31日中国知网(CNKI)、万方数据(WANFANG DATA)、维普中文科技期刊数据库(VIP)中关于现代湖湘名中医治疗肺癌的相关病案,使用Excel 2016、IBM SPSS Modeler 18.0、IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0软件进行药物频次、性味归经、功效、关联规则及核心药物聚类分析。结果:共纳入处方111首,中药290味,累计用药频次为1690次。高频药物24味(使用频次≥18次),排前10位的药物依次为甘草、黄芪、白花蛇舌草、法半夏、茯苓、白术、浙贝母、麦冬、桑白皮、半枝莲。四气以寒、温、平为主;五味以苦、甘、辛为主;归经以归肝、肺、胃、脾经为主,功效以活血散瘀、行气止痛、清热解毒为主。关联规则分析得到核心药物26组,其中二联组合2组,三联组合24组。聚类分析得到核心组方5首。结论:现代湖湘名中医论治肺癌多从肝、肺、胃、脾论治,选用苦寒之品清热解毒,辅以甘温之品补益正气,治以活血散瘀、行气止痛、清热解毒、扶正益气为法,为肺癌的临床治疗提供了依据与参考。  相似文献   
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