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Deposition of organic carbon forms the final net effect of the ocean carbon sink at a certain time scale. Organic carbon deposition on the Arctic shelves plays a particularly important role in the global carbon cycle because of the broad shelf area and rich nutrient concentration. To determine the organic carbon deposition flux at the northern margin of the Chukchi Sea shelf, the 210pb dating method was used to analyze the age and deposition rate of sediment samples from station R17 of the third Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition. The results showed that the deposition rate was 0.6 mm'aI, the apparent deposition mass flux was 0.72 kg.m2a1, and the organic carbon deposition flux was 517 mmol C.m2.al. It was estimated that at least 16% of the export organic carbon flux out of the euphoric zone was transferred and chronically buried into the sediment, a value which was much higher than the average ratio (-10%) for low- to mid-latitude regions, indicating a highly effective carbon sink at the northern mar- gin of the Chukchi Sea shelf. With the decrease of sea ice coverage caused by warming in the Arctic Ocean, it could be inferred that the Arctic shelves will play an increasingly important role in the global carbon cycle.  相似文献   
胶东半岛位于欧亚板块与太平洋板块边缘内侧 ,是地壳长期稳定缓慢隆起地段 ,区内地质构造发育 ,大部分温泉出露在背斜核部 ,NE、NNE向与NW、NNW向断裂交汇处。地热系统属中低温深循环对流型 ,略为偏高的大地热流是其主要热源 ,地表水是地下热水的补给水源 ,地下水通过发育在花岗岩和变质岩中的断层或断裂破碎带 ,下渗和深循环对流 ,在径流过程中不断吸取围岩热量成为热水 ,沿断裂上升过程中 ,与地下浅部裂隙水混合而成为化学成分各异 ,温度高低不等的温泉水  相似文献   
汤池沟热田大地构造位置处于辽阳-本溪凹陷与凤城凸起的交接部位,属浅埋藏水热对流型热田。热储由中生代燕山期花岗斑岩、凝灰岩组成。热源为岩浆活动的余热。热流体主要靠侧向基岩裂隙水及断裂充水带的水补给,自北东向南西方向以脉状裂隙水运动为主,热流体直接受北东、北北东及北西向断裂控制。该热田储存有较丰富的地热资源,热能总量计算为 58.05 TJ,目前的热水开采量每年为 414 000 t,相当于消耗燃烧值为 29.3 MJ的标准煤每年 1 833.43 t,如果按此潜力开发,其开采年限预计可持续 80年以上。  相似文献   
地理数据的不确定性研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
目前地理数据不确定性是制约遥感(RS)与地理信息系统(GIS)发展的主要因素之一,直接影响地理数据分析的空间决策支持系统输出的可信度。如何识别、量化、跟踪、减少、可视化表达地理数据不确定性,已引起地理信息科学领域专家的广泛重视,成为3S领域新的研究热点。本文先阐述地理数据不确定性研究的重要性,然后分析地理数据不确定性产生的根源,最后提出开展地理数据不确定性研究的方法及地理数据不确定性的优先研究领域。  相似文献   
选取中国沿海海洋站中与验潮室并址的22个GNSS基准站近9 a的观测资料,利用最大似然估计法分析各站时间序列的噪声特性,建立最优噪声模型;然后顾及有色噪声,利用最优噪声模型估计测站速度,并与纯白噪声模型和GLOBK获取的速度及误差进行对比分析。结果表明:1)沿海海洋站的GNSS时间序列均含有有色噪声,各分量的噪声特性不完全一致,E方向和U分量均以白噪声+闪烁噪声为主,N分量以白噪声+闪烁噪声和白噪声+一阶马尔科夫噪声+随机漫步噪声为主。2)全国沿海3个海区N、E分量的白噪声和闪烁噪声基本呈现越往南噪声越大的规律,南海海区U分量的白噪声和闪烁噪声最大。3)顾及有色噪声的速度中误差是仅考虑白噪声和GLOBK估计的速度中误差估计值的5~10倍,这种差异比内陆观测站的要大。4)在对海洋站GNSS时间序列进行速度分析时,为获取正确的速度值,应该先准确判断噪声的类型,再顾及有色噪声的影响估计测站速度。  相似文献   
为了降低机动环境对传感器网络自身定位的影响,提出了一种基于空时联合约束的相对定位(STRP)方法。Monte Carlo仿真表明,相对于STF技术,STRP方法降低了环境对定位的影响,自主导航定位的精度提高了36%。  相似文献   
A total of 67 samples from the upper and lower sediment traps in the central South China Sea were analyzed, which were collected during 1993~1996. It is indicated that the distribution of stable isotope values, surface primary productivity, fluxes of total particulate matter, carbonate, biogenic opal, organic carbon, planktonic foraminiferal species and their total amount exhibit obviously seasonal and annual fluctuations. High values of the fluxes occurred in the prevailing periods of the northeastern and southwestern monsoons, and the low values occurred during the periods between the two monsoons. The fluxes of some planktonic foraminiferal species (Globigerinoides sacculifer, G. ruber, Globigerinita glutinata, Neogloboquadrina dutertrei) and their percentages also exhibit two prominent peaks during the prevailing periods of the northeastern and southwestern monsoons respectively, while those of Globigerina bulloides, Globorotalia menardii and Pulleniatina obliquiloculata only exhibit one peak in the prevailing periods of the northeastern monsoon. In addition, fluxes and percentages of Globigerinoides sacculifer and Globorotalia menardii as well as the fluxes of carbonate and total amount of planktonic foraminifera decrease gradually from 1993 to 1996, and those of Globigerina bulloides, Globigerinita glutinata and biogenic opal increase gradually from 1993 to 1996. The fluxes of carbonate and organic carbon in the upper trap are higher than those in the lower one. The study indicates that the seasonal and annual variations of the sediment fluxes and planktonic foraminiferal species are mainly controlled by the changes of surface primary productivity and hydrological conditions related to the East Asian monsoon. The lower carbonate and organic carbon fluxes in the lower trap are related to the dissolution.  相似文献   
综合利用COST-G GRACE时变重力场模型、降水、气温、GLDAS模型中地表水、实测浅层地下水和NDVI等多源数据,分析2002-04~2016-12黄土高原陆地水储量的时空变化特征,并利用偏最小二乘回归方法定性分析黄土高原陆地水储量变化的驱动因素。结果表明:1)研究时段内黄土高原陆地水储量具有上升-下降-平缓下降的变化特征,山西省陆地水储量亏损趋势明显;2) 2004~2009年采煤用水、人类生活用水和植被作用是黄土高原陆地水储量下降的重要因素,2010~2016年工业用水、人类生活用水和气温上升是黄土高原陆地水储量下降的重要因素。  相似文献   
新疆和田南部地区地质矿产工作程度低,已有的矿产信息十分有限,2008年以矿产路线调查为主的找矿工作取得了一定进展,新发现的矿(化)点对了解本区的成矿特征具有重要意义,并展示出了形成矿集区的成矿潜力.  相似文献   
童小华  叶真  刘世杰  谢欢  金雁敏  陈鹏 《测绘学报》2018,47(10):1346-1352
平台颤振是影响高分辨率卫星影像几何和辐射质量的关键因素。为提高从影像反演平台颤振特性的可行性和可信度,本文提出基于局部频率分析相位相关的智能化视差法颤振探测方法。通过结合结构影像表达和相位相关,并充分利用影像的局部和全局相位信息,减少了辐射变化和噪声等干扰因素对亚像素偏移值估计的影响,同时融入视差法颤振探测框架,保证精确稳健的密集匹配,从而实现高效的平台颤振精密探测。通过采用实际辐射变化数据集的算法对比及采用资源三号卫星影像的颤振探测试验验证了本文方法的有效性。结果表明,局部频率分析相位相关算法在辐射差异和噪声等情况下效果优于其他主流相位相关算法,匹配精度达到0.05个像素,本文颤振探测方法有效估计了资源三号卫星的颤振信息。  相似文献   
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