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Analysis of reservoir water quality using fuzzy synthetic evaluation   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
A general methodology for fuzzy synthetic evaluation is developed and illustrated with a case study of trophic status assessment for Fei-Tsui Reservoir in Taiwan. The historical data base was collected from the management agency of Fei-Tsui Reservoir from 1987 to 1996. In fuzzy synthetic evaluation, the classification is determined by a matrix operation of the weighted vector with the fuzzy evaluation matrix. After all individual membership functions of evaluated factors have been determined, the fuzzy evaluation matrix can be established. The weighted vector is determined by the analytic hierarchy process method (AHP). The results of this investigation show that the long-term change of water quality and the overturn phenomena cannot be observed with the Carlson index from 1987 to 1992 but is expressed by fuzzy synthetic evaluation. Fuzzy synthetic evaluation is better suited than the Carlson index to rating the trophic status of self-sustaining lakes. Interpretation of the results can provide valuable information to decision makers and aid reservoir management.  相似文献   
This study proposes an analytical method that determines the center manifold and identifies the reduced system on the center manifold. The proposed method expresses the center manifold through general equations containing only state variables, and not functions with respect to time. This is the so-called geometric structure of the center manifold. The location of periodic or quasi-periodic orbits is identified after the geometric structure of the center manifold is determined. The reduced system on the center manifold is described using ordinary differential equations, so that periodic or quasi-periodic orbits can be computed by numerically integrating the reduced system. The results indicate that the analytical method proposed in this study has higher precision compared with the Lindstedt-Poincaré method of the same order.  相似文献   
In the southwest of China, one of the greatest threats to local ecosystem is the area expansion of an invasive species, i.e., Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng (EAS). In this study, the remote-sensing technology was used to detect and map the spatial distribution of EAS in Guizhou Province, China. A series of vegetation indices, including normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), simple ratio index (SRI) and atmospherically resistant vegetation index (ARVI), were used to identify EAS from HJ-A Chninese satellite data. According to the analysis results of fieldworks from March 21 to 22, 2009, it was found that the vegetation index of {1.9589 ≤ SRI ≤ 4.1095}∩{0.2359 ≤ ARVI ≤ 0.5193} was the optimal remote-sensing parameter for identifying EAS from HJ-A data. According to the spatial distribution of EAS estimated from HJ-A data, it was found that EAS was rather more in southwest of Guizhou Province than in northeast. EAS became sparse from southwest to northeast gradually, and the central Guizhou Province was the ecological corridor linking EAS in southwest to that in northeast. By comparison with validated data collected by the government of Guizhou Province, it was found that the uncertainty of remote-sensing method was 18.52%, 29.31%, 8.77% and 9.46% in grassland, forest, farmland and others respectively, and the mean uncertainty was 13.29%. Owing to the lower height of EAS than many plants in forest, the uncertainty of EAS was the greatest in forest than that in grassland, farmland and so on.  相似文献   
The well-developed, late Cenozoic Nihewan Beds in northern China are amongst the most famous and well-preserved Quaternary strata in East Asia. The Nihewan Basin is also well-known for its mammalian fossils and stone artifacts, which document early human settlements in high northern latitudes (around 40°N). It is a key geological place to study palaeoenvironments and ancient human activities due to the excellent age-control of the formation by palaeomagnetism. In the present paper, the sediments of two Paleolithic sites were dated using the ESR signals of the titanium center in quartz. In order to check the reliability of our analytical procedures, a reference sample collected near the Brunhes/Matuyama (B/M) boundary at the Donggutuo site was firstly analyzed, yielding an age of 750 ± 88 ka. Then, three samples collected from the Dongpo site were analyzed by the same procedures. Our ESR results indicate that the age of the Dongpo cultural layer ranges between 304 ± 12 ka and 333 ± 23 ka, with an average of approximately 321 ± 15 ka.  相似文献   
在登陆海南岛之前,台风威马逊在南海北部从热带风暴级别迅速增强成为超强台风。观测数据的分析结果显示,海洋上层的异常暖水在威马逊的迅速增强过程中扮演了重要的角色。威马逊期间,南海北部的海表面温度相比于气候态海表面温度暖很多。这部分异常暖水为威马逊提供了更多的能量,从而导致了威马逊的迅速增强。数值模拟结果进一步证明,南海北部的暖水在台风威马逊的迅速增强过程中起重要作用。如果没有这团异常暖水的影响,威马逊只增强25 hPa,仅为有暖水影响条件下增强程度的58.1%。  相似文献   
TheJiulongRiver,composedoftheWestStream,theNorthStreamandtheSouthStream(seeFig.1)isthesecondlargestriverinFujianProvince.ItsestuarineplainintervenesbetweenthetwqcitiesofXiamenandZhangzhou,withsouthern-subtropicoceanicmonsoonclimate-SofartherehasnotbeensystematicresearchontheLateQuaternarysea1evelchangesinthearea,andthispaperisintendedtodosomethingaboutit.DIAToMZoNESANDBIoFACIESOFZK5BoREHOLETheBoreholeZK5islocatedtothenortheastofHaichengTown,withcoordinateof24"24,32*N,ll7'5…  相似文献   
A detailed study was carried out on a piece of land that had been struck by lightning during the violent rainstorm that raged over the Island of S?o Miguel (Azores Archipelago) in late October 2006. Temperature and gas measurements (CO2, CO, H2S and CH4) were performed in four study trenches, dug in an area of ∼3 m2, where an underground fire had been initiated by the impact with a lightning stroke, followed by the emission of a column of gases and smoke. The soil under study was originally a well-pedogenized about 80 cm thick bed, made of volcanic clayey to silty tephra fallouts and contained 5.5–9.7% of organic matter. The underground fire was monitored for one week and revealed a peak release of 404 ppm CO and 3.4% CO2 originating from a horizon located about 45 cm under the soil surface. Measurements of temperature, performed one week after the impact, indicated a maximum value of 326°C inside the soil, while 516.5°C were measured on the surface of a lava block interred about 20 cm under the surface. Subsequently, a stratigraphic and sedimentologic study proved the role of the grain-size of the soil and of the organic matter content of the different horizons of the impact area, in determining the ratio between anoxic/oxidised combustion conditions and in the progress of the process itself. It was also noticed that combustion was not total all over in the soil bed and that the process had slightly migrated toward SW during the observation period. The combustion process went on for about ten days, in spite of several other violent rainstorms, until it was artificially extinguished through the excavations made to obtain study trenches. This particular circumstance evidenced the potential natural hazard represented by this kind of atmospheric event, especially in a land where the volcanic nature of the soil may easily mislead inexperienced observers and, consequently, delay proper action.  相似文献   
黄果树风景名胜区旅游环境容量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王剑  彭建 《中国岩溶》2007,26(2):183-188
选择我国典型的喀斯特风景名胜区— — 黄果树景区为例,通过分析主要制约因子,定量研究了该景区的旅游环境容量。研究表明,黄果树风景区的空间环境容量为21 933人次/日,生态环境容量为51 354人次/日,经济环境容量为98 716人次/日。空间环境容量成为制约景区提高接待规模的主要限制因子,平日一般不会出现超载的问题,周末存在局部超载的情况,而在黄金周等旅游高峰期,接待规模远远超出其旅游环境容量,景区常常出现整体性超载。针对这些问题,作者提出了游客分流、及时发布旅游接待信息以及加强未成熟景区的开发等措施,以缓解黄果树景区的旅游环境容量问题。   相似文献   
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