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为进一步研究条斑紫菜促分裂原活化激酶家族PyMAPK5的下游互作蛋白,理解其生物学功能,本研究通过酵母双杂交的方法进行其相互作用蛋白的筛选。提取不同温度和失水逆境胁迫下的RNA,利用Invitrogen体系构建条斑紫菜酵母双杂交cDNA文库,其库容为1.44×107CFU,重组率为91.8%。以pGBKT7-PyMAPK5为诱饵蛋白载体,利用共转化方法,从文库中筛选得到26个与PyMAPK5互作的候选蛋白。候选蛋白集中在光系统II相关蛋白、捕光蛋白、微管蛋白、ATP酶、GTP结合蛋白及假设蛋白等。微管蛋白、捕光蛋白、光系统II蛋白一对一验证结果为阳性,表明在酵母体内存在互作。本研究为阐明条斑紫菜PyMAPK5与其互作蛋白的关系及解析PyMAPK5下游作用机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   
北极冰下声传播特性实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过2017年8月6日在北极海域开展的一次声传播实验,开展了冰下声传播特性实验研究。结合Burke-Twersky (BT)散射模型与射线模型,分析了冰下声传播的多途到达结构,研究了接收声强变化规律,解释了接收声强在30 min内衰减20 dB的现象,分析了接收信号的时间相关性,探讨了接收信号相关性较低的原因。实验结果表明,表面接收信号主要由小角度多次反转反射声线、一次海底反射声线和二次海底反射声线依次构成,表面声道到达信号显著强于海底反射信号。试验冰站在试验期间的运动导致了声传播信号强度和相关性的迅速衰减,并通过仿真得到了验证。  相似文献   
本文利用电子探针对南海西沙群岛琛航岛珊瑚礁底部火山碎屑岩中的单斜辉石矿物的化学特征进行了研究。结果表明,该单斜辉石属于富钙透辉石,部分有正环带结构,从核部到边部Ca、Fe、Ti的含量逐渐增加,是岩浆正常结晶顺序的反映,说明该区域的岩浆演化是向着富Ca、Fe、Ti方向发展的。主量元素数据显示,单斜辉石具有低Si高Al的特征(SiO2=41.40%~48.44%,Al2O3=5.54%~10.20%),且AlⅣ含量较高,说明母岩浆为不饱和碱性岩浆系列;此外,单斜辉石Ca含量偏高,Ca/(Ca+Mg+Fe)值在46.1%~51.4%之间,推测是母岩浆的高Ca含量导致了大量高钙辉石的产出。结合西沙海域的地震和构造资料,推测琛航岛珊瑚礁的基底是玄武质火山碎屑岩组成的平顶状海山,系岩浆穿过断裂发育的岩石圈层在西沙群岛的海底喷发,随后火山碎屑物质经过堆积、固结作用而形成;该火山碎屑岩的原岩为板内碱性玄武岩。  相似文献   
Many coastal seas are severely eutrophic and required to reduce nutrient concentrations to meet a certain water quality standard. We proposed a method for nutrient removal by planting Sesuvium portulacastrum at the water surface using the floating beds in the aquaculture area of the Dongshan Bay as an example, which is an important net-cage culture base in China and where dissolved inorganic nitrogen(DIN) and dissolved inorganic phosphate(DIP) reach 0.75 mg/L and 0.097 mg/L, respectively far exceeding China's Grade IV water quality standards.Numerical simulations were taken using the ecological model, field observations and field plantation experimental results to assess the environmental restoration effects of planting S. portulacastrum at some certain spatial scales. Our field experiments suggested that the herbs can absorb 377 g/m~2 nitrogen and 22.9 g/m~2 phosphorus in eight months with an inserting density of ~60 shoot/m~2. The numerical experiments show that the greater the plantation area is, the more nutrient removal. Plantation in ~12% of the study area could lower nutrients to the required Grade II standards, i.e., 0.2 mg/LDIN≤0.3 mg/L and 0.015 mg/LDIP≤0.03 mg/L.Here the phytoremediation method and results provide helpful references for environmental restoration in other eutrophic seas.  相似文献   
使用1.5层准地转约化重力模式研究了周期性的或伴有贯穿流的西边界流跨隙流动的迟滞变异过程。当西边界流变化的周期比罗斯贝波在缺口处调整的时间尺度大得多时,在雷诺数增加和减少过程的霍夫分叉点都发生延迟,从而产生新的雷诺数迟滞区间;并且西边界流流态转变的临界值变化显著;且周期强迫越短,雷诺数迟滞区间越大。当西边界流变化的周期与罗斯贝波在缺口处调整的时间尺度相当时,西边界流在缺口的流态呈无迟滞的周期性变化,且西边界流入侵西海盆的程度随周期减少而变小。此外,当贯穿流的流量大于西边界流的一半时,会显著影响西边界流在缺口处的迟滞变异过程;西边界流向西入侵程度和流态转变发生的临界雷诺值均发生变化,且贯穿流流量越大变化越大。  相似文献   
2013年青岛输油管道爆炸,大量石油污染了附近海岸。课题组采集了污染的沉积物样品,以原油为唯一碳源和能源,富集了四个石油降解菌群。生物多样性和群落分析表明,Luteibacter、Parvibaculum 和属于食烷菌科的一个属是降解菌群的主要优势菌,都属于变形菌门。从石油降解菌群中分离筛选,获得了9株具有不同16S rRNA基因序列的降解菌,分别属于8个属。重量法测定降解菌的石油降解率,其中5株的石油降解率大于30%。GC-MS分析结果表明,石油降解菌多倾向于降解烷烃,对多环芳烃的降解能力较差,其中5株细菌的烷烃降解率较大,仅1株菌D2对多环芳烃的降解率较大,其降解率在34.9%到77.5%。通过对高通量数据的分析,表明食烷菌属是菌群A和菌群E的主要降解菌群,其中筛选获得的菌株E4可能是菌群E的一株优势降解菌。本研究所筛选菌株证明了其石油降解潜力,为油污染海滩生物修复提供了菌株资源。  相似文献   
Screening bioactive natural products from bacteria is a determinative step in the drug discovery programs. The present study aim to isolate actinobacteria from the Oman Sea sediments for determining the effects of different culture media and treatments on the yield of the isolation process, and measure the DPPH radical scavenging and Artemia cytotoxic activity of culture extracts of the actinobacterial isolates. A total of 290 actinobacterial isolates were collected from 14 sediment samples. Heat treatment(40.68%) and M_4 medium(29.31%) exhibited the maximum isolation rates of actinobacteria. Streptomyces isolates were dominantly distributed in all of the investigated stations according to 16 S rRNA gene sequencing. The distribution pattern of Streptomyces followed a depth-dependent frequency trend, whereas the members of rare genera including Micromonospora, Nocardia Actinoplanes, Nocardiopsis, Saccharopolyspora and Crossiella were distributed in deeper stations. Approximately,25% of the examined isolates could scavenge 90% of 10~(–4) mol/L DPPH solutions at 1 250 μg/mL final concentration of their ethyl acetate culture extracts. Furthermore, the most potent extracts could scavenge DPPH radicals with IC50 ranges from 356.8 to 566.4 μg/mL. Brine shrimp cytotoxicity tests showed that 38.88% of the examined culture extracts exhibited LC_(50) lower than 1 000 μg/mL against the Artemia cells. Moreover, the most potent culture extracts exhibited LC_(50) range from 335.4 to 534.4 μg/mL. Phylogenetic analysis by 16 S rRNA gene sequence revealed that the OS 005, OS 263 and OS 157 closely related to Streptomyces djakartensis, Streptomyces olivaceus and Nocardiopsis dassonvillei respectively. These results suggested the widespread distribution of the antioxidant and cytotoxic producing actinobacteria in the Oman Sea sediments, which could be considered as promising candidates for the discovery of microbial bioactive compounds.  相似文献   
荣成月湖是一个典型天然潟湖,潮间带沉积物中存在多种形态趋磁细菌。通过Roche454高通量测序平台,对沉积物样品(B_S)和磁收样品(B_M)进行16SrRNA基因高通量测序,认识荣成潮间带沉积物的细菌群落结构,并了解趋磁细菌多样性及系统进化地位。研究结果表明沉积物样品中主要的细菌类群为δ-变形菌纲,占总细菌数的26.4%,其次是γ-变形菌纲和α-变形菌纲;而磁收样品中细菌多样性和种类明显降低,以α-变形菌纲占绝对优势,相对比例达72.6%。在磁收样品和沉积物样品分别发现了1 612条和186条reads与趋磁细菌相关,分别占细菌总数的5.76%和0.85%,磁收样品中趋磁细菌数是沉积物样品的6.8倍。对两个样品中获得的趋磁细菌序列进行系统进化分析,发现这些序列多数属于变形菌门的α-变形菌纲,以趋磁球菌占绝对优势,少数属于δ-变形菌纲,与多细胞趋磁原核生物亲缘关系最近。海洋趋磁螺菌属仅在B_M样品中检出,趋磁弧菌属在B_M样品优势度高于B_S样品,而多细胞趋磁原核生物和趋磁螺菌属在B_S样品中优势度更高。通过分析样品间的差异OTUs,认为荣成潮间带沉积物中可能存在大量未知的趋磁细菌新类群。研究结果为下一步培养和开发趋磁细菌这一功能菌群,发现趋磁细菌新类群及趋磁细菌生态功能提供了基础资料。  相似文献   
Understanding the feeding selectivity on phytoplankton by shellfish is currently a big challenge.In order to investigate the feeding behavior of bay scallop(Argopecten irradians)on phytoplankton,we compared its compositions of phytopigments in digestive glands with those in the surrounding seawater,and conducted five consecutive investigations between July and November 2016 in a bay scallop culture area along coast of Qinghuangdao City,northwest of the Bohai Sea,China.Phytopigments in four-size fractionated phytoplankton of seawater(micro-(20-200 μm);nano(L)-[10-20 μm];nano(S)-[2.7-10 μm],and pico-[2.7 μm])and digestive glands of A.irradians were examined to investigate the selective feeding of A.irradians.Results show that fucoxanthin and peridinin constituted the major part of taxonomically diagnostic carotenoids(TDCs)in the micro-and nano(L)-phytoplankton in seawater.Compared with total phytoplankton biomass of seawater(TPB,sum of the four sizes),a substantial decrease of fucoxanthin proportion to total DCs in digestive glands was observed while that of peridinin,19'-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin,alloxanthin and 19'-hexanoyloxy-fucoxanthin showed an obvious increase when those pigments were mainly confined to micro-sized phytoplankton(20-200 μm).However,zeaxanthin and prasinoxanthin were mainly confined to nano(s)-and pico-phytoplankton,of which the proportions in digestive glands were usually lower in TPB.The contribution of lutein to total DCs in digestive glands(with an average of 7.23%)increased compared with TPB of seawater(with an average of 0.63%)during all five sampling times.  相似文献   
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