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贾善坡  陈卫忠  于洪丹  李香玲 《岩土力学》2011,32(10):3163-3170
进一步分析了第Ⅰ部分[1]提出的泥岩渗流-应力耦合蠕变损伤模型。在连续损伤力学理论和比奥(Biot)理论的基础上,导出了考虑渗流-应力-损伤耦合的蠕变损伤有限元格式,建立了弹性预测、塑性修正、损伤修正-渗透系数修正的数值分析框架,编制了非线性有限元分析程序。根据监测的衬砌长期变形数据,采用优化反分析法获得了蠕变损伤模型中的待定参数,并应用于比利时核废料库施工过程中泥岩巷道围岩渗流-应力耦合过程、损伤演化以及长期稳定性分析,研究结果表明,泥岩开挖后渗透性明显增大,约为原岩的120倍,蠕变效应导致泥岩裂隙和渗透性自愈合,约3.5年后渗透性基本恢复到原岩的数量级,围岩中部的蠕变明显大于顶部和底部。研究成果对软岩隧洞长期稳定性的预测与预报具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
流滑型崩岸河岸侧蚀模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
流滑型崩岸是冲积河流河岸常见的一种崩塌形式,其发展速度快、破坏力强;该类崩岸主要取决于水流的直接冲刷,河岸崩退过程中水面与岸顶高差较小.依据此类崩岸的特征,基于水流冲刷分析,在基础层面上初步探讨并建立了流滑型崩岸的河岸侧蚀模式.结合水槽试验与土工离心模拟试验,对该模式进行了分析研究,初步率定了模式中的河岸侧蚀系数,计算...  相似文献   
准噶尔盆地车排子凸起石炭系火山岩储层特征及主控因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用岩心观测、岩石薄片、物性分析等资料,综合分析火山岩储集层岩石学特征及储集性能.通过研究储层物性与储层岩性、类型的关系,总结出火山岩储层主要控制因素.结合钻井、测井、测试等资料,进行火山岩储集层的综合评价.根据凸起火山岩储集层平面展布特征,为本区该类储层勘探指明了方向.  相似文献   
某矿石码头堆场矿石分级压载的地基沉降预测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周健  白彦峰  贾敏才 《岩土力学》2009,30(7):2101-2104
采用规范沉降计算法及太沙基一维固结理论,对某矿石码头堆场地基的沉降进行计算分析。基于沉降实测资料,采用反分析方法,确定了各土层的压缩模量和固结系数,并将反演得到的参数代入太沙基一维固结方程,对后续沉降进行预测,从而确定分级压载的下一级压载时间与压载量。与传统的沉降预测方法相比,由反演分析得到土层参数,对后续沉降进行预测的方法,其结果更加真实可靠,也更能反映实际土体的固结沉降机理。该方法可供今后其他类似工程的设计和施工参考。  相似文献   
A型花岗岩的研究进展及意义   总被引:30,自引:4,他引:30  
A型花岗岩主要形成于伸展的构造背景中,是构造环境识别的重要岩石学标志之一。由于形成于特殊的构造背景和重要的地球动力学意义,A型花岗岩的研究一直得到广泛的关注,但是仍旧有许多问题(如命名、分类和成因等)在争论之中。本文从下面几个方面对A型花岗岩的研究现状进行了较系统的总结:(1)A型花岗岩的概念及特征;(2)A型花岗岩与高分异I、S型花岗岩的区别;(3)A型花岗岩的物质来源及成因模式;(4)A型花岗岩的实验岩石学成果;(5)A型花岗岩的分类;(6)A型花岗岩的构造背景及动力学意义。A型花岗岩在形成过程中斜长石、斜方辉石可能为主要的残留或分离结晶矿物相。除了传统的A1(非造山)、A2(后碰撞)分类外,"还原型"和"氧化型"的分类方案最近也受到广泛关注。  相似文献   
Heavy mining of Jurassic and Carboniferous horizontal coal seams in the Datong coalfield has seriously affected the local geological environment, which is mainly manifested by such geohazards as soil avalanches, landslides, mudflows, surface subsidence, surface cracks, surface solid waste accumulation and surface deformation. More seriously, coal mining causes groundwater to leak. Overpumping of groundwater has resulted in substantial land subsidence of the urban area in Datong City. Based on the previous geo-environmental investigation in the work area, the authors used radar remote sensing techniques such as InSAR (synthetic aperture radar interferometry) and D-InSAR (differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry), supplemented by the optical remote sensing method, for geo-environmental investigation to ascertain the geo-environmental background of the Datong Jurassic and Carboniferous-Permian coalfield and evaluate the effects of the geohazards, thus providing a basis for the geo-environmental protection, geohazard control and prevention, land improvement and optimization of the human environment. In this study 8 cog-nominal ERS-1/2 SAR data frames during 1992 to 2003 were used, but the following processing was made: (1) the multitemporal SAR magnitude images were used to interpret the geological structure, vegetation, microgeomorphology and drainage system; (2) the multi-temporal InSAR coherent images were used to make a classification of surface features and evaluate the coherence change due to coal mining; and (3) the multi-temporal cog-nominal SAR images were used to complete D-InSAR processing to remove the information of differential deformation areas (sites). In the end, a ten-year time series of differential interferograms were obtained using the multi-temporal cog-nominal SAR images. In the tests, 84 deformed areas (sites) were obtained, belonging to those in 1993-1996, 1996-1997, 1997-1998, 1998-2001, 1998-2002 and 2001-2003 respectively. Of the 84 areas, 44 are m  相似文献   
羌塘坳陷石油地质走廊剖面重磁异常处理模拟及地质解释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用“重磁视深度滤波”方法对羌塘石油地质走廊南、北两条剖面上的实测重磁数据进行处理解释,提取两条剖面位场异常中含有的地质-地球物理断面的初始特征,然后使用最新的“重磁模拟解释系统(GM-SYS)”,以初始特征为模拟初值,以地震、地电和地质资料为约束,进行重磁剖面模拟反演,获得了羌塘盆地南、北两条剖面精细的地质结构解释断面图和栅状图。结合剖面域内的其它资料对走廊域内几个重要地质问题进行了初步的分析和解释,对羌塘盆地石油地质走廊域内的地层、基底、断裂及火山岩分布有了进一步的认识,为整个羌塘盆地区域地质解释及油气远景评价提供了新的解释依据。  相似文献   
松辽盆地东南缘营城组地层序列的划分与区域对比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从营城组沿革分析入手,立足于九台市城子街镇斜尾巴沟-官马山-团结村营城组地表标准剖面的研究,综合运用岩性地层对比、生物地层对比、同位素年代对比和气候事件对比的综合性地层对比方法,对比了松辽盆地东南缘与盆地北部徐家围子断陷20个营城组典型剖面。营城组可划分为5个岩性段,结合地层序列特征和应用习惯,自下而上划分为下段(K1y),一段(K1y1),二段(K1y2),三段(K1y3)和四段(K1y4)。下段以中基性火山岩夹碎屑岩和薄煤层为主,厚度60~478 m,以营城煤矿343孔为标准剖面;一段以厚层流纹岩夹珍珠岩、流纹质火山碎屑岩为主,偶夹复成分砾岩,厚度20~630 m;二段以碎屑岩为主,夹凝灰岩、偶夹流纹岩,含煤层,厚度92~640 m;三段以中基性火山岩、火山碎屑岩为主,顶部为中性、酸性火山岩互层,厚度85~346.5 m;斜尾巴沟-官马山-团结村剖面可作为一段至三段的标准剖面;四段以凝灰质砾岩为主,夹泥岩,仅发育在徐家围子断陷,厚度10~400 m,徐深1井可作为标准剖面。  相似文献   
A better theoretical and practical understanding of the linkage between paleo-CO2 and climate during geological history is important to enhance the sustainable development of modern human society. Development in plant physiology since the 1980s has led to the realization that fossil plants can serve as a proxy for paleoatmosphere and paleobiosphere. As a relict gymnosperm with evolutionary stasis, Ginkgo is well suited for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. This paper analyzes fossil Ginkgo species from integrated strata in the north of China using anatomic data of plant physiology. Using stomatal parameters, a trend for the paleo-CO2 level during the Early-Middle Jurassic and the Early Cretaceous was obtained, which is consistent with the estimates by GEOCARB. The trend is also similar to that of Mean Global Surface Temperature in geological time. Compared with three other atmospheric CO2 concentration parameters, the trend of paleo-CO2 level based on the stomatal parameter of the fossil Ginkgo specimens from three contiguous strata is more exact.  相似文献   
黑河实验区地表植被指数的区域分布及季节变化   总被引:10,自引:12,他引:10  
贾立  王介民 《高原气象》1999,18(2):245-249,T002
利用具有较高空间分辨率的Landsat TM卫星资料估算了黑河实验区夏季和近冬季地表标准化差值植被指数NDVI,分析了NDVI的区域分布特征和季节变化。结果表明,由于该实验区下垫面的复杂性,NDVI表现出明显的空间和季节变化,NDVI的图像能够很好地反映出地表植被的分布状况。  相似文献   
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