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The Cretaceous system of the Kuqa depression is a regional scale (second order) depositional sequence defined by parallel unconformities or minor angular unconformities. It can be divided into four third-order sequence sets, eleven third-order sequences and tens of fourth- and fifth-order sequences. It consists generally of a regional depositional cycle from transgression to regression and is composed of three sets of facies associations: alluvial-fluvial, braided river-deltaic and lacustrine-deltaic facies associations. They represent the lowstand, transgressive and highstand facies tracts within the second-order sequence. The tectonic subsidence curve reconstructed by backstripping technique revealed that the Cretaceous Kuqa depression underwent a subsidence history from early accelerated subsidence, middle rapid subsidence and final slower subsidence phases during the Cretaceous time, with the correspondent tectonic subsidence rates being 30-35 m/Ma, 40-45 m/Ma and 5-10 m/Ma obtained from northern foredeep. This is likely attributed to the foreland dynamic process from early thrust flexural subsidence to late stress relaxation and erosion rebound uplift. The entire sedimentary history and the development of the three facies tracts are a response to the basin subsidence process. The slower subsidence foreland gentle slope was a favorable setting for the formation of braided fluvial deltaic systems during the late period of the Cretaceous, which comprise the important sandstone reservoirs in the depression. Sediment records of impermanent marine transgression were discovered in the Cretaceous and the major marine horizons are correctable to the highstands of the global sea level during the period.  相似文献   
在拉萨北部堆龙德庆县马乡设兴村设兴组命名剖面顶部灰黑色泥岩夹层中的SX31样品中发现了Osmundacidites sp.,Deltoidospora sp.,Leiotriletes sp.,Purwtatisporites sp.,Ilexpollenites sp.,Quercoidites sp.,Caryapollenites sp.,Betulaceoipol—lenites sp.,Sporopollis?sp.,Ulmipollenites sp.,Compositoipollenites sp.,Tricolporollenites sp.等孢粉化石,主要为被子植物和蕨类植物花粉,未发现裸子植物花粉。这些孢粉指示的地层时代接近于始新世——渐新世。在剖面下部的4件样品中零星发现了Tricolpites sp.,Shizaeoisporites sp.,Compositoipollenites?sp.,Leiotriletes sp.,Cyathidites sp.,Neoraistrackia sp.,Converrucosisporrites sp.,Cycadopites sp.,PinuspoUenites sp.,Retitricolpites sp.等孢粉化石,指示的地层时代可能略早。从而说明设兴组与上覆林子宗群之间的角度不整合所代表的构造运动发生在始新世——渐新世或其后。  相似文献   
西北干旱地区大气降水δ18O的特征及水汽来源   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
In order to reveal the characteristics and climatic controls on the stable isotopic composition of precipitation over Arid Northwestern China, eight stations have been selected from Chinese Network of Isotopes in Precipitation (CHNIP). During the year 2005 and 2006, monthly precipitation samples have been collected and analyzed for the composition of δD and δ18O. The established local meteoric water line δD=7.42 δ18O+1.38, based on the 95 ob-tained monthly composite samples, could be treated as isotopic input function across the region. The deviations of slope and intercept from the Global Meteoric Water Line indicated the specific regional meteorological conditions. The monthly δ18O values were characterized by a positive correlation with surface air temperature (δ18O (‰) =0.33 T (℃)-13.12). The amount effect visualized during summer period (δ18O (‰) = -0.04P (mm)-3.44) though not appeared at a whole yearly-scale. Spatial distributions of δ18O have properly portrayed the atmospheric circulation background in each month over Arid Northwestern China. The quan-titative simulation of δ18O, which involved a Rayleigh fractionation and a kinetic fractionation, demonstrated that the latter one was the dominating function of condensation of raindrops. Furthermore, the raindrop suffered a re-evaporation during falling processes, and the pre-cipitation vapor might have been mixed with a quantity of local recycled water vapor. Multiple linear regression equations and a δ18O-T relation have been gained by using meteorological parameters and δ18O data to evaluate physical controls on the long-term data. The estab-lished δ18O-T relation, which has been based on the present-day precipitation, could be considered as a first step of quantitatively reconstructing the historical environmental climate.  相似文献   
及时获取凌汛期河冰和水体的空间分布特征,对于预测冰凌灾害、提高防凌信息化管理水平有重要意义。遥感技术是当前获取河冰和水体空间分布的最主要手段之一。但是,黄河水体有大量悬浮泥沙,这给基于遥感技术的高精度冰-水分类带来了挑战。以黄河内蒙古段为例,基于Landsat 8 OLI遥感影像数据,在利用归一化积雪指数(NDSI)及河道矢量数据排除无关地物的基础上,对比了近红外波段反射率值、归一化差异水体指数(NDWI)、归一化积雪指数(NDSI)、改进的归一化积雪指数(MNDSI)以及归一化差异未封冻水体指数(NDUWI)在黄河内蒙古段典型河道河冰、水体分类中的表现,计算各指标总体分类精度及Kappa系数并进行阈值稳定性分析。结果表明:在利用NDSI和高清历史影像排除河道外无关地物后,NDUWI在各子段影像中的总体分类精度和Kappa系数均达到90.00%及0.90以上,其河冰、水体最优区分阈值大体分布于阈值中值附近。研究结果可为凌汛期黄河冰凌监测方法的选取以及冰上爆破位置的拟定提供依据。  相似文献   
始于20世纪80年代的系列大型遥感试验开始系统研究地表物质和能量交换过程,对遥感与地球系统科学研究的结合起到重要作用,但是尚无综合利用多源遥感数据解决碳、水、能量循环问题的有效方案.遥感科学国家重点实验室于滦河上游地区组织开展基础性、多学科、多尺度的"碳、水循环和能量平衡遥感综合试验".本次试验面向地球系统科学对遥感观...  相似文献   
张福良  季洪伟 《地质论评》2016,62(S1):143-144
当前我国正处经济增速减缓的新常态,供给侧结构性改革应运而生。我国乃至世界的矿业更是处于发展的严冬之季,产能严重过剩,大宗商品价格持续走低。在当前形势下,我们要用新常态眼光看待矿业未来发展之路,因地制宜,着力加强供给侧改革,刻不容缓。  相似文献   
中国帕米尔地区黄土上部色度变化特征及古气候意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
陈杰  杨太保  曾彪  何毅  冀琴 《沉积学报》2018,36(2):333-342
以中国境内帕米尔黄土-古土壤序列为研究对象,对剖面上部进行土壤色度指标与其他常用气候替代指标(如磁化率、碳酸盐和有机碳)对比研究后发现:在帕米尔黄土沉积期间,亮度L*很大程度上受控于颜色分量a*和b*,进而可能与影响a*、b*的物质相对含量有关。红度a*在整个黄土-古土壤剖面中变化特征明显,与磁化率呈明显的负相关关系,可能与土壤中铁氧化物的种类和含量关系密切。由于a*和b*具有较高的相关性,认为它们具有较为一致的致色物质,可能受控于相似的气候因子。色度a*、b*和亮度L*的变化表明其可以作为帕米尔地区良好的气候代用指标,结合磁化率共同反映该地区的古气候变化过程。  相似文献   
目的 利用蚁群算法的群体优势,寻找全局最优的道路网同名实体匹配方案。首先从几何矢量误差和结构特征两方面建立了匹配问题的数学约束模型;然后阐述了蚁群算法求解匹配问题的基本原理,设计了问题求解模型,并引入自适应和局部搜索策略提高了算法效率;最后给出了求解的关键步骤。实验证明,利用蚁群算法进行道路网匹配是有效、可行的,为求解匹配问题提供了新思路。  相似文献   
为对相关研究提供基础性资料,应用透射电镜技术对4种缘毛目纤毛虫(双缘聚缩虫、羽状聚缩虫、共栖聚缩虫类似种和拟杯状伪钟虫)迄今不甚明了的部分超微结构进行了观察。结果表明:(1)在光镜下不同外观的表膜显示了基本相似的超微结构:均由3层单位膜(细胞膜和表膜泡内、外膜)构成,差别仅在于表膜泡的厚度有所不同。(2)大核均为致密性核。核内染色质呈团块状密集排布,核仁数目较少,为椭球状或球状;小核也为致密性结构,染色质呈不规则的凝聚态。(3)帚胚由双层的原生质膜和穿越双层膜并排列紧密的毛基体以及位于中心的肌丝组成。(4)柄内具众多均匀分布、平行于柄肌的微管;柄肌由双层膜包被,其内一侧为高度凝聚的肌丝,另一侧则分布有众多的线粒体。  相似文献   
21世纪是海洋的世纪,科学利用海洋资源、发展海洋经济是实现人类社会可持续发展的重要途径。海岛地区,要在新一轮竞争中抢占发展先机、实现新的跨越,必须加快产业结构调整,推动产业转型提质增效。对此,以长岛为例,对海洋产业结构优化进行了专题研究。  相似文献   
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