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中国台湾地区位处亚热带地区,夏季受台风暴雨侵袭,加上位处板块运动活跃处,造成地形变化较大,尤其在台风暴雨后河道地形都会产生很大的变化;目前航空激光雷达地形数据,分辨率较高、精度、便利性,并可以滤除建筑物与树木遮蔽,还原原始地面形貌,符合地质与地形分析研究的需要。2008年兰阳溪地区经历海鸥(KALMAEGI)、凤凰(FUNG-WONG)、森拉克(SINLAKU)、蔷薇(JANGMI)等4次重大台风事件,河床地形变化甚剧,因此本研究利用两次航空激光雷达测量地形数据,分析比较台风前后河床地形以及河道输沙的变化。研究成果首次展示空载激光雷达系统,在大流域面积测量河道地形应用效果显著,于台风季节前后产制不同时期的数值地形数据,并应用高程差值的地形计量方法,计算在台风季节前后河道地形的变化,研究结果显示空载激光雷达高解析数值地形模型数据,应用在河道地形变迁与沉积物体积变化量计算,可以得到极佳的成果。  相似文献   
From the eastern Indonesian cruise from November 14 to 23, 2007, CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth profiler) /ADCP (acoustic Doppler current profiler)casting and seawater sampling were done at 25 stations around Waigeo Island near New Guinea Island. It was found overall westward intrusion of the south Pacific waters into the Seram Sea and southward spreading of the north and south Pacific waters into the Seram Sea. There is westward residual flow along the channel between Waigeo and New Guinea within upper 200 m with the maximum speed up to 50 cm/s, and much weaker eastward flow in the lower layer (< 10 cm/s) due to blocking by the shallow sill at the west of the Dampier Strait. The abrupt change of bottom topography induces active horizontal and vertical mixing which results in a three-layered current system with a major through-flow of -0.99 Sv (Sv = 10 6 m 3 /s) into the Seram Sea; the transports in the upper and the lower layers are -1.14 Sv and -0.24 Sv (westward), respectively, and in the middle there is a return flow with the transport of +0.39 Sv (eastward).  相似文献   
The dynamics of jacket supported offshore wind turbine (OWT) in earthquake environment is one of the progressing focuses in the renewable energy field. Soil-structure interaction (SSI) is a fundamental principle to analyze stability and safety of the structure. This study focuses on the performance of the multiple tuned mass damper (MTMD) in minimizing the dynamic responses of the structures objected to seismic loads combined with static wind and wave loads. Response surface methodology (RSM) has been applied to design the MTMD parameters. The analyses have been performed under two different boundary conditions: fixed base (without SSI) and flexible base (with SSI). Two vibration modes of the structure have been suppressed by multi-mode vibration control principle in both cases. The effectiveness of the MTMD in reducing the dynamic response of the structure is presented. The dynamic SSI plays an important role in the seismic behavior of the jacket supported OWT, especially resting on the soft soil deposit. Finally, it shows that excluding the SSI effect could be the reason of overestimating the MTMD performance.  相似文献   
李宝建  李光范  胡伟  赵菲  金燦起 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z2):629-632
基于水平荷载作用下桩基的弯矩沿深度呈由上向下骤减的规律,将桩的上部设计为抗弯性能良好的钢管桩而下部为抗弯性能较弱的PHC桩,并选择适当的部位通过焊接等方式连接两种桩型。在现场进行锤击试验、水平承载力试验和连接部位抗弯性能试验,将复合桩的压应力、拉应力和水平承载力与材料允许值对比比较。结果表明,所选择的材料复合型桩充分发挥了材料性能,尤其在水平承载力方面表现突出,且不同材料桩型连接部位性能良好。试验结果为桩基的改进提供了新思路和试验依据。  相似文献   
西秦岭金属成矿的准对称特征及找矿意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
西秦岭从中晚泥盆世开始,秦岭微板块由于勉略带的裂解扩张而进入独立演化,其构造演化、构造环境、沉积建造、岩浆活动和成矿作用等具有南北基本对应的准对称特征。本文通过对比分析,认为白龙江构造带是热液再造型铅锌矿的有利成矿带,而北部夏河—礼县成矿带南缘则是金的找矿远景区。  相似文献   
为研究剧毒卡尔藻(Karlodinium veneficum)与东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)之间的化感作用,在f/2营养盐条件下,分别采用了混合培养及滤液培养的方法。结果表明:剧毒卡尔藻指数生长后期的无藻细胞滤液明显抑制了东海原甲藻的生长,而东海原甲藻滤液对剧毒卡尔藻的生长几乎无影响,化感作用作为重要的影响因素使剧毒卡尔藻获得竞争优势。将剧毒卡尔藻指数生长末期的无藻细胞滤液置于固相萃取(SPE) C18小柱,经吸附、不同比例的甲醇溶液洗脱,考察不同洗脱部分对东海原甲藻生长的影响,发现80%的甲醇洗脱部分明显抑制了东海原甲藻的生长。本研究为了解剧毒卡尔藻的竞争机制提供了重要的科学依据,今后将重点分析剧毒卡尔藻释放的有效抑制东海原甲藻生长的化感物质。  相似文献   
Many ophiolite complexes like those of Oman and New Caledonia represent fragments of ancient oceanic crust and upper mantle generated at supra‐subduction zone environments and have been obducted onto the adjacent rifted continental margin together with the accretionary complexes and intra‐oceanic arcs. The Lajishan ophiolite complexes in the Qilian orogenic belt along the NE edge of the Tibet‐Qinghai Plateau are one of several ophiolites situated to the south of the Central Qilian block. Our geological mapping and petrological investigations suggest that the Lajishankou ophiolite complex consists of serpentinite, wehrlite, pyroxenite, gabbro, dolerite, and pillow and massive basalts that occur in a series of elongate fault‐bounded slices. An accretionary complex composed mainly of basalt, radiolarian chert, sandstone, mudstone, and mélange lies structurally beneath the ophiolite complex. The Lajishankou ophiolite complex and accretionary complex were emplaced onto the Qingshipo Formation of the Central Qilian block which shows features typical of turbidites deposited in a deep‐water environment of passive continental margin. Our geochemical and geochronological studies indicate that the mafic rocks in the Lajishankou ophiolite complex can be categorized into three distinct groups: massive island arc tholeiites, 509 Ma back‐arc dolerite dykes, and 491 Ma pillow basaltic and dolerite slices that are of seamount origin in a back‐arc basin. The ophiolite and accretionary complex constitute a Cambrian‐early Ordovician trench‐arc system within the South Qilian belt during the early Paleozoic southward subduction of the South Qilian Ocean prior to Early Ordovician obduction of this system onto the Central Qilian block.  相似文献   
A heavy rainfall case related to Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCSs) over the Korean Peninsula was selected to investigate the impact of radar data assimilation on a heavy rainfall forecast. The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) three-dimensional variational (3DVAR) data assimilation system with tuning of the length scale of the background error covariance and observation error parameters was used to assimilate radar radial velocity and reflectivity data. The radar data used in the assimilation experiments were preprocessed using quality-control procedures and interpolated/thinned into Cartesian coordinates by the SPRINT/CEDRIC packages. Sensitivity experiments were carried out in order to determine the optimal values of the assimilation window length and the update frequency used for the rapid update cycle and incremental analysis update experiments. The assimilation of radar data has a positive influence on the heavy rainfall forecast. Quantitative features of the heavy rainfall case, such as the maximum rainfall amount and Root Mean Squared Differences (RMSDs) of zonal/meridional wind components, were improved by tuning of the length scale and observation error parameters. Qualitative features of the case, such as the maximum rainfall position and time series of hourly rainfall, were enhanced by an incremental analysis update technique. The positive effects of the radar data assimilation and the tuning of the length scale and observation error parameters were clearly shown by the 3DVAR increment.  相似文献   
朝鲜半岛左接中国大陆右连日本岛链,其地质位置重要不言而喻,对其区域地质演化历史和构造属性的准确厘定,直接关系到对整个东北亚地质的全面理解和认识。本文对朝鲜半岛狼林地块西部的南浦群和甄山群的相关岩石进行了研究。野外露头、手标本和岩相学观察表明,南浦群和甄山群岩石保存了深熔作用的宏观和微观证据,矿物组合以及矿物间的反应结构表明南浦群和甄山群混合岩经历了角闪岩相到麻粒岩相的变质作用,并且在晚期熔体结晶过程中发生了逆反应或退变质过程。7件样品的锆石U-Pb定年结果显示,朝鲜半岛西北部地区在古元古代经历了多阶段(期)的变质和深熔作用过程。南浦群岩石在1917Ma可能经历了第一阶段(期)变质作用,在1877~1855Ma经历了第二阶段(期)变质深熔和石榴石持续生长,熔体冷却结晶时代为1842Ma。甄山群样品给出的变质深熔和石榴石生长的时代为1841~1830Ma,1785Ma可能代表深熔作用中抽取的熔体冷却的时代。但是,为何南浦群和甄山群样品记录的变质和深熔作用时代显示较大的差异,尚需更进一步的研究。综述前人研究成果可知,狼林地块与华北克拉通东部辽吉活动带,在变质和深熔作用类型方面存在不同之处,然而它们所记录的古元古代高温变质-深熔时代的一致性,表明二者可能至少在古元古代之前就形成了统一的大陆。  相似文献   
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