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Although internal migration is one of the most frequently discussed aspects of China’s twenty-first century urbanization, much of the research in this area emphasizes megacities. This paper, however, focuses on Wenzhou, a Chinese city that served as a national model for the introduction of small-scale private enterprise in the 1990s. Through a survey of migrants living in the subdistrict of Shuangyu, a settlement dominated by manufacturing workers, this article argues that socio-spatial segregation research should pay more holistic attention to migrants’ use of urban space, beyond simply place of residence. Focusing on how migrants use space in several aspects of their everyday lives, this article contends that Shuangyu is socially and spatially segregated from other parts of the city. Rather than neatly incorporated into the rest of the city, migrant settlement in Wenzhou is both marginalized and independent. We thus theorize Shuangyu’s place in Wenzhou’s new socio-spatial structure as a “city within the city.”  相似文献   
The distribution of rare-earth elements and gold have been measured in surface sediments of cores collected along a traverse across the East Pacific Rise at approximately 39° S latitude. The shale-normalized rare earth pattern of crestal sediments supports a seawater source. In samples from the flanks of the rise, concentrations of individual rare earths increase with an increase in Al2O3, suggesting that the contribution by lithogenic material becomes significant, in addition to the seawater contribution.The concentration of gold in flank sediments also suggests a lithogenic origin. In crestal sediments, however, unlike the rare earths, its concentration increases over its concentration in flank sediments. It is concluded that similar to iron, which also exhibits a maximum in crestal sediments, a fraction of the gold in these sediments has a volcanogenic source.  相似文献   
A wide range of Triassic rift-related volcanic rocks is preserved on the extensional continental margin of the central part of the Pelagonian micro-continental block of Greece, in the region of northern Evia Island and Othris. This part of the continental margin is unusual for the abundance of lavas, the wide range of lava types, and the presence of komatiitic lavas. The predominant rock types are subalkaline basalt and basaltic andesite, mildly alkaline basalt and picrite, and minor komatiite. Four groups of mafic rocks are distinguished from the 32 samples analyzed on the basis of variation in incompatible trace elements, with all but one group including both picritic and basaltic rocks. The geochemical character of the volcanic rocks suggests derivation from inhomogenous, spinel-bearing, lithospheric mantle. This mantle source was variably depleted and moderately refertilized by subduction-related fluids during earlier Hercynian subduction. The picrites were generated by variable degrees of partial melting, which are inferred to inversely correlate with pressure, thus suggesting decompression melting of their source. Evidence is lacking for a major mantle plume, but the enhanced magmatism in this sector of the rifted margin suggests that melting was induced by a large amount of hydration, which is appropriate to generate melts at lower temperatures. Consequent fractionation coupled with crustal assimilation generated the wide range of subalkaline to mildly alkaline mafic rocks.  相似文献   
The Svecofennian mobile zone occupies the bulk of the Fennoscandian shield and represents terrain subjected to profound tectonic activity and granite intrusion at ~1800 My. This study covers the palaeomagnetism of basic rocks within this belt in Sweden between 65.5 and 67.5°N (gabbros and diorites of Kallax, Niemisel, Sangis, Stora Lulevatten and the Gällivare, Jokkmokk and Voullerim regions) magnetised during uplift and cooling of this belt at ~1750-1550 My. AF and thermal demagnetisation define a consistent sequence of high to low blocking-temperature components identifying a migration of the geomagnetic field during part of this interval. Together with the Rådmansö gabbro-diorite of central-east Sweden (palaeomagnetic pole 201°E, 36°N) these components yield a comparable sequence of palaeopoles to those derived from uplift magnetisations of the contemporaneous Svecokarelian terrain of Finland. The post-tectonic, Uppsala metabasite suite possesses a magnetite-held (“A”) remanence comparable to Svecofennian uplift magnetisations from elsewhere; within the aureole of the Almunge alkaline complex this has been largely displaced by a low blocking temperature (“B”) remanence, possibly related to a late stage in the Svecofennian uplift cycle. The Hälleforsnäs giant dyke possesses a magnetite-held remanence attributed to initial cooling at 1518 My (palaeomagnetic pole 167°E, 27°N) and at least two high blocking-temperature components. One of these is correlated with the ~1000-800 My Sveconorwegian mobile activity of southwest Sweden; this latter component is represented as the univectorial remanence in dolerite dykes of this age, and sporadically as a secondary component in the adjacent Svecofennian terrain.The results are compiled with other palaeomagnetic poles from the Fennoscandian shield to derive a generalised apparent polar wandering path for the interval ~1750-1550 My. They define segments of a large loop which agrees closely with uplift magnetisations from the contemporaneous Hudsonian mobile terrain of the Laurentian shield on a single reconstruction derived from Upper Proterozoic (1450-1200 My) palaeomagnetic data. The two shields thus appear to have formed an integral continental unit during the interval 1750-1200 My. A geological reconstruction of the Siberian and Laurentian shields is also tested and found to yield general agreement with the palaeomagnetic evidence. The major geological implications of the collective reconstruction are an alignment of major tectonic trends and a gradual restriction of anorthosite-Rapakivi magmatism between the termination of the ~1800 and ~1100 My mobile episodes.  相似文献   
Nine nodules collected from throughout the deep North Pacific were analyzed for their mineralogy and major-element composition before and after leaching with Chester-Hughes solution. Data indicate that the mineral phillipsite accounts for the major part (> 75%) of the aluminosilicate fraction of all nodules. It is suggested that formation of phillipsite takes place on growing nodule surfaces coupled with the oxidation of absorbed manganous ion. All the nodules could be described as ternary mixtures of amorphous iron fraction (Fe-Ti-P), manganese oxide fraction (Mn-Mg Cu-Ni), and phillipsite fraction (Al-Si-K-Na), these fractions accounting for 96% of the variability of the chemical composition.  相似文献   
Thirteen gravity cores taken off northern Greece contain the S1 sapropel, as a single layer in cores from water depths <250 m and usually as a double layer in cores from deeper water. Total thickness of the sapropel layer is proportional to thickness of sediment between the sapropel and an 18 ka seismic marker. These observations suggest that the sapropel is not diachronous. Five AMS radiocarbon dates of molluscs and echinoderms indicate an age of 6.4–9.2 ka for the S1 sapropel, considerably younger than previous age estimates in the northern Aegean Sea of 9–13 ka, which were based on bulk sample dating techniques.  相似文献   
In the northeastern Mediterranean Sea, Pliocene to Quaternary depocentres have formed in extensional basins bounded by splays of the East Anatolian Transform Fault. This tectonic regime is superimposed on a Miocene and older back-arc environment, that experienced late Miocene compression along the Misis-Kyrenia thrust, which now lies in the middle of the extensional zone. The thrust zone is now represented by a narrow horst that appears to be bounded by strike-slip faults. Pliocene-Quaternary extension took place on listric fault fans that are orthogonal to the bounding transform splays and sole at a Messinian evaporite horizon, and on some deeper-soling listric faults parallel to and near the bounding faults. The rapid extension has resulted in progressive landward migration of paleoshorelines and low depositional gradients. Glacio-eustatic fluctuations in shoreline positions strongly influenced sediment distribution. Most sediment dispersion was from deltaic plumes, with turbidites of minor significance. Depocentres landward of the maximum seaward extent of paleoshorelines were formed almost entirely by tectonic subsidence. Minor deep-water depocentres, controlled by halokinesis, accumulated mud turbidites during extreme low-stands of sea-level.  相似文献   
A series of submarine canyons on the southwest slope of Orphan Basin experienced complex failure at 7–8 cal ka that resulted in the formation of a large variety of mass-transport deposits (MTDs) and sediment gravity flows. Ultra-high-resolution seismic-reflection profiles and multiple sediment cores indicate that evacuation zones and sediment slides characterize the canyon walls, whereas the canyon floors and inner-banks are occupied by cohesive debris-flow deposits, which at the mouths of the canyons on the continental rise form large, coalescing lobes (up to 20 m thick and 50 km long). Erosional channels, extending throughout the length of the study area (<250 km), are observed on the top of the lobes. Piston cores show that the channels are partially filled by poorly sorted muddy sand and gravel, capped by inversely to normally graded gravel and sand. Such deposits are interpreted to originate from multi-phase gravity flows, consisting of a lower part behaving as a cohesionless debris flow and an upper part that was fully turbulent.The Holocene age and the widespread synchronous occurrence of these failures indicate a large magnitude earthquake as their possible triggering mechanism. The large debris-flow deposits on the continental rise originated from large failures on the upper continental slope, involving proglacial sediments. Retrogression of these failures led to the eventual failure of marginal sandy till deposits on the upper slope and outer shelf, which due to their low cohesion disintegrated into multi-phase gravity flows. The evacuation zones and slide deposits on the canyon walls were triggered either by the earthquake, or from erosion of the canyon walls by the debris flows. The slides, debris-flows, and multi-phase gravity flows observed in this study are petrographically different, indicating different sediment sources. This indicates that not all failures lead through flow transformation to the production of a multi-phase gravity flow, but only when the sediment source contains ample coarse-grained material. The spatial segregation of the slide, debris-flow, and multi-phase gravity-flow deposits is attributed to the different mobility of each transport process.  相似文献   
An Early Devonian age for the continental, red‐bed succession of the Peel Sandstone Group can be defined on the basis of: (1) a derived marine fauna of late Wenlock (Homerian) age, (2) a Scoyenia ichnofacies assemblage (including Beaconites and Diplichnites) characteristic of latest Silurian to Early Devonian (Lower Old Red Sandstone magnafacies) sediments in the British Isles, (3) a microflora of late Lochkovian to Pragian age, (4) a detrital palaeomagnetic remanence that pre‐dates local, Acadian palaeomagnetic directions and coincides with a prominent, southerly, Late Silurian to Early Devonian excursion in the local apparent polar wander path, and (5) a mid‐Devonian palaeomagnetic remanence that overprints (?)Acadian, thrust‐related folding. Data presented in this study confirm previous suggestions (Allen and Crowley 1983) that the Peel Sandstone Group represents a rare example of Early Devonian sedimentation preserved on the northern margin of the former Eastern Avalonia microcontinent. Potential correlations and linkages with other Lower Old Red Sandstone successions exposed in the Anglo‐Welsh Basin are developed and discussed. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
J.D.A. Piper   《Tectonophysics》2007,432(1-4):133-157
The Southern Uplands terrane is an Ordovician–Silurian back-arc/foreland basin emplaced at the northern margin of the Iapetus Ocean and intruded by granite complexes including Loch Doon (408.3 ± 1.5 Ma) during Early Devonian times. Protracted cooling of this 130 km3 intrusion recorded magnetic remanence comprising a predominant (‘A’) magnetisation linked to initial cooling with dual polarity and mean direction D / I = 237 / 64° (α95 = 4°, palaeopole at 316°E, 21°N). Subsidiary magnetisations include Mesozoic remanence correlating with extensional tectonism in the adjoining Irish Sea Basin (‘B’, D / I = 234/− 59°) and minority populations (‘C’, D / I = 106/− 2° and ‘D’, D / I = 199/1°) recording emplacement of younger ( 395 Ma) granites in adjoining terranes and the Variscan orogenic event. The ‘A’ directions have an arcuate distribution identifying anticlockwise rotation during cooling. A comparable rotation is identified in the Orthotectonic Caledonides to the north and the Paratectonic Caledonides to the south following closure of Iapetus. Continental motion from midsoutherly latitudes ( 40°S) at 408 Ma to equatorial palaeolatitudes by  395 Ma is identified and implies minimum rates of continental movement between 430 and 390 Ma of 30–70 cm/year, more than double maximum rates induced by plate forces and interpreted as a signature of true polar wander. Silurian–Devonian palaeomagnetic data from the British–Scandinavian Caledonides define a 430–385 Ma closed loop comparable to the distributed contemporaneous palaeomagnetic poles from Gondwana. They reconcile pre-430 Ma and post-380 Ma APW from this supercontinent and show that Laurentia–Baltica–Avalonia lay to the west of South America with a relict Rheic Ocean opening to the north which closed to produce Variscan orogeny by a combination of pivotal closure and right lateral transpression.  相似文献   
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