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The impact of fertilised cropping on nitrate-N dynamics in groundwater (GW) was assessed in a catchment from piezometers installed: (i) to different depths, (ii) in different soil types, (iii) on different positions on landscape, and (iv) compared with the Australian and New Zealand Environmental and Conservation Council guideline values provided for different aquatic ecosystems. The GW and NO(3)-N concentration dynamics were monitored in 39 piezometer wells, installed to 5-90 m depth, under fertilized sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum-S) in the Johnstone River Catchment, Australia, from 1999 January through September 2002. The median nitrate-N concentration ranged from 14 to 1511 microg L(-1), and the 80th percentile from 0 to 1341 microg L(-1). In 34 out of the 39 piezometer wells the 80th percentile or 80% of the nitrate-N values were higher than 30 microg L(-1), which is the maximum trigger value provided in the ANZECC table for sustainable health of different aquatic ecosystems. Nitrate-N concentration decreased with increasing well depth, increasing depth of water in wells, and with decreasing relief on landscape. Nitrate-N was higher in alluvial soil profiles than on those formed in-situ. Nitrate-N increased with increasing rainfall at the beginning of the rainy season, fluctuated during the peak rainy period, and then decreased when the rain ceased. The rapid decrease in GW after the rains ceased suggested potential existed for nitrate-N to be discharged as lateral-flow into streams. This may contribute towards the deterioration in the health of down-stream aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   
Ketoconazole is a fungicidal drug that inhibits function of cytochrome P450s in the synthesis of steroids. To examine if inhibition of P450 function affects gene expression in a dynamic manner, we conducted in vitro exposures of ovary tissue from fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) to 0.5 microM ketoconazole to investigate effects on steroid production and gene expression over time. Expression of four key steroidogenesis genes was examined at 1, 6, and 12h of exposure. 11 beta- and 20 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases were down regulated at 1h and Cytochrome P450 17 was down-regulated at 12h, consistent with the absence of steroid production. In contrast, cytochrome P450 19A was up-regulated at 6h, indicating feedback regulation. Microarray analysis of 12h exposures indicated enrichment of biological processes involved in neurotransmitter secretion, lymphocyte cell activation, sodium ion transport, and embryonic development. These data suggest that, with the exception of cytochrome P450 19A, these steroid metabolic genes are regulated in a feed forward manner and that the effects of ketoconazole may be broader than anticipated based on the mechanism of action alone.  相似文献   
Spectrophotometry from 5-10 micrometers (delta lambda/lambda approximately 0.02) of comet Halley was obtained from the Kuiper Airborne Observatory on 1985 December 12.1 and 1986 April 8.6 and 10.5, UT. 8-13 micrometers data were obtained on 17.2 December 1985 from the Nickel Telescope at Lick Observatory. The spectra show a strong broad emission band at 10 micrometers and a weak feature at 6.8 micrometers. We do not confirm the strong 7.5 micrometers emission feature observed by the Vega 1 spacecraft. The 10 micrometers band, identified with silicate materials, has substructure indicative of crystalline material. The band can be fitted by combining spectra data from a sample of interplanetary dust particles. The primary component of the silicate emission is due to olivine. The 6.8 micrometers emission feature can be due either to carbonates or the C-H deformation mode in organic molecules. The lack of other emission bands is used to place limits on the types of organic molecules responsible for the emission observed by others at 3.4 micrometers. Color temperatures significantly higher than the equilibrium blackbody temperature indicate that small particles are abundant in the coma. Significant spatial and temporal variations in the spectrum have been observed and show trends similar to those observed by the spacecraft and from the ground. Temporal variability of the silicate emission relative to the 5-8 micrometers continuum suggests that there are at least two physically separated components of the dust.  相似文献   
New petrologic and bulk geochemical data for the SNC-related (Martian) meteorite ALH84001 suggest a relatively simple igneous history overprinted by complex shock and hydrothermal processes. ALH84001 is an igneous orthopyroxene cumulate containing penetrative shock deformation textures and a few percent secondary extraterrestrial carbonates. Rare earth element (REE) patterns for several splits of the meteorite reveal substantial heterogeneity in REE abundances and significant fractionation of the REEs between crushed and uncrushed domains within the meteorite. Complex zoning in carbonates indicates nonequilibrium processes were involved in their formation, suggesting that CO2-rich fluids of variable composition infiltrated the rock while on Mars. We interpret petrographic textures to be consistent with an inorganic origin for the carbonate involving dissolution-replacement reactions between CO2-charged fluids and feldspathic glass in the meteorite. Carbonate formation clearly postdated processes that last redistributed the REE in the meteorite.  相似文献   
ALH84001, a cataclastic cumulate orthopyroxenite meteorite from Mars, has been dated by Ar-Ar stepped heating and laser probe methods. Both methods give ages close to 3,900 Ma. The age calculated is dependent on assumptions made about 39Ar recoil effects and on whether significant quantities of 40Ar from the Martian atmosphere are trapped in the meteorite. If, as suggested by xenon and nitrogen isotope studies, Martian atmospheric argon is present, then it must reside predominantly in the K-rich phase maskelynite. Independently determined 129Xe abundances in the maskelynite can be used to place limits on the concentration of the atmospheric 40Ar. These indicate a reduction of around 80 Ma to ages calculated on the assumption that no Martian atmosphere is present. After this correction, the nominal ages obtained are: 3940 +/- 50, 3870 +/- 80, and 3970 +/- 100 Ma. by stepped heating, and 3900 +/- 90 Ma by laser probe (1 sigma statistical errors), giving a weighted mean value of 3,920 Ma. Ambiguities in the interpretation of 39Ar recoil effects and in the contribution of Martian atmospheric 40Ar lead to uncertainties in the Ar-Ar age which are difficult to quantify, but we suggest that the true value lies somewhere between 4,050 and 3,800 Ma. This age probably dates a period of annealing of the meteorite subsequent to the shock event which gave it its cataclastic texture. The experiments provide the first evidence of an event occurring on Mars coincident with the time of the late heavy bombardment of the Moon and may reflect a similar period of bombardment in the Southern Highlands of Mars. Whether the age determined bears any relationship to the time of carbonate deposition in ALH84001 is not known. Such a link depends on whether the temperature associated with the metasomatic activity was sufficient to cause argon loss from the maskelynite and/or whether the metasomatism and metamorphism were linked in time through a common heat source.  相似文献   
紫坪铺水库地震台网记录地震的复杂性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
紫坪铺水库属大型水利工程且地处举世注目的龙门山皱断带,2004年8月16日紫坪铺水库数字遥测地震台网正式采集地震信息。1年来的台网记录表明:库区及附近的地震呈多样性,与二滩、大桥水库比较地震相对活跃,台网记录中的干扰较多,其中空爆干扰为首次见到。  相似文献   
瀑布沟水电站工程位于大渡河干流上,下距乌斯河镇、成昆铁路汉源车站公路里程9km,上距汉源、石棉县城公路里程28km、80 km.电站水库工程属大(Ⅰ)型一等工程,是典型的高山峡谷型高坝大水库,工程场址的地震基本烈度为Ⅶ度,存在诱发中等水库地震的条件.  相似文献   
Naturally occurring radon in ground water can potentially be used as an in situ partitioning tracer to characterize dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) saturations. The static method involves comparing radon concentrations in water samples from DNAPL-contaminated and noncontaminated portions of an aquifer, while the push-pull method involves the injection (push) and extraction (pull) of a radon-free test solution from a single well. In the presence of DNAPL, radon concentrations during the pull phase are retarded, with retardation manifested in greater dispersion of radon concentrations relative to a conservative tracer. The utility of these methods was investigated in the laboratory using a physical aquifer model (PAM). Static and push-pull tests were performed before and after contamination of the PAM sediment pack with trichloroethene (TCE), and after alcohol cosolvent flushing and pump-and-treat remediation. Numerical simulations were used to estimate the retardation factor for radon in push-pull tests. Radon partitioning was observed in static and push-pull tests conducted after TCE contamination. Calculated TCE saturations ranged up to 1.4% (static test) and 14.1% (push-pull test). Post-remediation tests showed decreases in TCE saturations. The results show that radon is sensitive to changes in DNAPL saturation in space and time. However, the methods are sensitive to DNAPL saturation heterogeneity, test location, sample size, and test design. The influence of these factors on test results, as well as the apparent overestimation of the retardation factor in push-pull tests, warrant further investigation.  相似文献   
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