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Aeolian saltation threshold: the effect of density ratio   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Saltation threshold data from three wind tunnels and from hydraulic flumes are presented to show that the dimensionless threshold friction speed for small particles is a continuous function of particle-to-fluid-density ratio. In addition, the dimensionless threshold speed is a function of the grain-friction Reynolds number and an interparticle force term. The variation with density ratio seems to be due to the relative energy with which particles impact other particles to initiate saltation.  相似文献   
Zoned calcites were found in the phragmacone chambers of three Sonniniid ammonites from marine Middle Jurassic sandstones (Isle of Skye, U.K.). Each ammonite has a unique sequence of up to nine zones of calcite which fill or partially fill the chambers. Zones are defined by changes in the density of minute opaque inclusions and variation in trace-element composition. Proximal (early) calcites have undulose extinction and some exhibit the specific fabrics of fascicular-optic and radiaxial fibrous calcites. Microdolomite inclusions are found in one specimen. Early calcites, interpreted as replacements after a single isopachous fringe of acicular carbonate (probably high magnesium calcite), are succeeded by blocky ferroan calcite cement. In one specimen there are two distinct generations of calcite, in the others there is a continuous mosaic incorporating both early calcites and late cement. Isotopic composition of the early calcite zones demonstrates the initial importance of organic derived carbon (δ13C =— 26‰, δ18O ‰ O). Further cementation and mineralogical stabilization took place at increased temperatures and probably after modification of the pore water isotopic composition (calcites with δ13C =— O‰, δ18O~— 10‰). The distinctive fabrics and zonal patterns probably developed during the replacement of the precursor cement and are not primary growth features. Reversals in isotopic and trace element trends are believed to be related to the rate of neomorphic crystal growth and hence to the degree of exchange with external pore waters. Further increase in temperature, probably during Tertiary igneous activity, gave rise to the extremely light δ18O values of the late cements in the ammonite which had previously had least contact with external waters (cements with δ13C ~ O, δ18O ~— 20‰).  相似文献   
Climate change is likely to exacerbate the dry conditions already experienced in southern Africa. When rainfall does come, it is likely to be in bursts of greater intensity, leading to erosion and flood damage. However, these predictions have had very little influence on policy in southern African countries. Computable general equilibrium (CGE) model simulations for Namibia indicate that over 20 years, annual losses to the Namibian economy could be up to 5% of GDP, due to the impact that climate change will have on its natural resources alone. This will affect the poorest people the most, with resulting constraints on employment opportunities and declining wages, especially for unskilled labour in rural areas. Namibia must take steps to ensure that all its policies and activities are ‘climate proofed’ and that it has a strategy to deal with displaced farmers and farm workers. The need to mainstream climate change into policies and planning is clear, and it is the responsibility of industrialized nations, who have largely created the problem of climate change, to help Namibia and other vulnerable countries cope with climate change impacts and plan for a climate-constrained future.  相似文献   

Rainfall is the main source of irrigation water in the northeastern part of Thailand where the inhabitants derive their income primarily from farming. In order to improve their economic conditions, the efficient use of available water is essential and this requires a sound understanding of the distribution of rainfall in space and in time. The present study aims at providing basic information on rainfall sequences in the region, such as their amount and their distribution in space and time. Several other statistical properties such as the persistence, the periodicity and the degree of irregularity of rainfall and the transition probabilities between rainy and non-rainy days are presented. An assessment of the availability of water for irrigation is also made.  相似文献   
Intermediate-composition plagioclase (An40–60) is typicallyless dense than the relatively evolved basaltic magmas fromwhich it crystallizes and the crystallization of plagioclaseproduces a dense residual liquid, thus plagioclase should havea tendency to float in these magmatic systems. There is, however,little direct evidence for plagioclase flotation cumulates eitherin layered intrusions or in Proterozoic anorthosite complexes.The layered series of the Poe Mountain anorthosite, southeastWyoming, contains numerous anorthosite–leucogabbro blocksthat constrain density relations during differentiation. Allblocks are more mafic than their hosting anorthositic cumulates,their plagioclase compositions are more calcic, and each blockis in strong Sr isotopic disequilibrium with its host cumulate.Associated structures—disrupted and deformed layering—indicatethat (1) a floor was present during crystallization and thatplagioclase was accumulating and/or crystallizing on the floor,(2) compositional layering and plagioclase lamination formeddirectly at the magma–crystal pile interface, and (3)the upper portions of the crystal pile contained significantamounts of interstitial melt. Liquid densities are calculatedfor proposed high-Al olivine gabbroic parental magmas and Fe-enrichedferrodioritic and monzodioritic residual magmas of the anorthositestaking into account pressure, oxygen fugacity, P2O5, estimatedvolatile contents, and variable temperatures of crystallization.For all reasonable conditions, calculated block densities aregreater than those of the associated melt. The liquid densities,however, are greater than those for An40–60 plagioclase,which cannot have settled to the floor. Plagioclase must eitherhave been carried to the floor in relatively dense packets ofcooled liquid plus crystals or have crystallized in situ. Asloping floor, possibly produced by diapiric ascent of relativelylight plagioclase-rich cumulates, is required to allow for drainingand removal of the dense interstitial liquid produced in thecrystal pile and may be a characteristic feature during thecrystallization of many Proterozoic anorthosites and layeredintrusions. KEY WORDS: magma; density; Proterozoic anorthosites; blocks; plagioclase  相似文献   
Dehydration-melting of Biotite Gneiss and Quartz Amphibolite from 3 to 15 kbar   总被引:60,自引:20,他引:60  
We performed vapor-absent melting and crystallization experimentson two bulk compositions that model metamorphic rocks containinga single hydrous phase: a biotite gneiss [37% bio (mg-number55), 34% qtz, 27% plg (An38), 2% ilm] and a quartz amphibolite[54% hbl (mg-number 60), 24% qtz, 20% plg (An38), 2% ilm]. Experimentswere performed at 3 and 5 kbar in internally heated pressurevessels (IHPV), and at 7, 10, 125 and 15 kbar in piston cylinderapparatus (PC), from the vapor-absent solidi to (at least) thetemperature at which the hydrous mineral disappeared. Dehydration-meltingbegins at similar temperatures in both bulk compositions, rangingfrom T850C at P = 3 kbar T930C at P = 15 kbar. The hydrousmineral disappears 50C above the solidus in both systems, exceptin IHPV experiments at f(O2) above Ni–NiO, in which biotitestability extends up to atleast 80C above the solidus. At theT at which the hydrous minerals disappear the biotite gneissproduces 2–3 times more melt than the quartz amphibolite(50–60 wt% vs 20–30 wt%). In both systems, variationsin melt productivity with P are controlled by three competingfactors: (1) the positive d P/dT slopes of the solidi, (2) decreasingH2O activity with increasing P at constant H2O content, and(3) Na2O activity, which increases with P concomitantly withbreakdown of plagioclase. Melt productivities at T = 920–950Care maximized at intermediate pressures (7 kbar). The biotitegneiss produces strongly peraluminous granitic melts (SiO2>70wt%) and residual assemblages of quartz norite (P>125 kbar)or garnet pyroxenite (P>125 kbar). The quartz amphiboliteproduces strongly peraluminous granodioritic melts (SiO2>70wt%) that coexist with clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene + plagioclase+ quartz at P>10 kbar)garnet. The results of coupled meltingand crystallization experiments on the quartz amphibolite suggestthat strongly peraluminous granitoid rocks (e.g. cordierite-bearingand two-mica granites) can be derived from melting of Al-poorprotoliths. KEY WORDS: dehydration-melting; biotite gneiss; amphibolite; felsic magmas *Corresponding author  相似文献   
The Koloa Volcanic Suite of Kauai, Hawaii   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
The Koloa lavas of the post-erosional volcanic suite of Kauaivary in composition from melilitite to alkali olivine basalt.87Sr/86Sr varies from {small tilde}0.7030 to 0.7033, the rangebeing similar to that of other Hawaiian post-erosional suites.The chemical composition within single lava flows is variableand forms major-element trends that are different from the mainKoloa trend. The main trend can be related to increased degreesof partial melting during decreasing pressure. The combinedevidence from Sr and Nd isotopes and rare earth elements (REEs)could suggest that an ocean island basalt (OIB) plume was infiltratedby a carbonate-rich melt with a high concentration of Sr andREEs derived from the mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) source.However, the Pb-isotope systematics of the Hawaiian islandsdo not suggest that a MORB source was involved during the generationof the posterosional lavas. Instead, we suggest that the Hawaiiantholeiitic and nephelinitic magma suites are derived from azoned plume with a low 87Sr/86Sr core and a high 87Sr/86Sr concentricmargin. The trends of the single flows and their variation inisotope ratios suggest that they formed from magmas accumulatedmainly from the central core of the zoned plume.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Modern artist Marcel Duchamp's concept of the readymade remains influential though controversial. I propose a new interpretation of the readymades as a coherent series of works that re‐create the landscape of Paris in the artist's New York City studio. Using techniques that parallel the conceptual and visual transformations of space performed by cartography and by landscape painting, Duchamp created a personal, monumental, and three‐dimensional “map” by replacing Parisian monuments with small‐scale objects. The readymades thus expand on the quest of modern artists for innovative ways to represent landscape and, at the same time, offer geographers new ways of seeing landscape.  相似文献   
Six holes were drilled to depths of 30–69 m in the shallow lagoon of Aitutaki in the southern Cook Islands. One hole encountered pervasively dolomitized reef limestones at 36 m subbottom depth, which extended to the base of the drilled section at 69·3 m. This hole was drilled near the inner edge of the present barrier reef flat on the flank of a seismically defined subsurface ridge. Both the morphology and biofacies indicate that this ridge may represent an outer reef crest. Mineralogy, porosity and cementation change in concert downhole through three zones. Zone 1, 0–9 m, is composed of primary skeletal aragonite and calcite with minor void-filling aragonite and magnesian calcite cement of marine phreatic origin. Zone 2, 9–36 m, is composed of replacement calcite and calcite cement infilling intergranular, intragranular, mouldic and vuggy porosity. Stable isotopes (mean δ18O=—5·4‰ PDB for carbonate; δD =—50‰ SMOW for fluid inclusions) support the petrographic evidence indicating that sparry calcite cements formed in predominantly freshwater. Carbon isotope values of —4·0 to —11·0‰ for calcite indicate that organic matter and seawater were the sources of carbon. Zone 3, 36–69·3 m, is composed of replacement dolostone, consisting of protodolomite with, on average, 7 mol% excess CaCO3 and broad and weak ordering X-ray reflections at 2·41 and 2·54 A. The fine-scale replacement of skeletal grains and freshwater void-filling cements by dolomite did not significantly reduce porosity. Stable isotopes (mean δ18O=+2·6‰0 PDB for dolomite; maximum δD =—27‰ SMOW for fluid inclusions) and chemical composition indicate that the dolomite probably formed from seawater, although formation in the lower part of a mixed freshwater-seawater zone, with up to 40% freshwater contribution, cannot be completely ruled out. The carbon (δ13C=2·7‰) and magnesium were derived from seawater. Low-temperature hydrothermal iron hydroxides and associated transition metals occur in void space in several narrow stratigraphic intervals in the limestone section that was replaced by dolomite. The entire section of dolomite is also enriched in these transition metals. The metals dispersed throughout the dolostone section were introduced at the time of dolomitization by a different and later episode of hydrothermal circulation than the one(s) that produced the localized deposits near the base of the section. The primary reef framework is considered to have been deposited during several highstands of sea level. Following partial to local recrystallization of the limestone, a single episode of dolomitization occurred. Both tidal and thermal pumping drove large quantities of seawater through the porous rocks and perhaps maintained a wide mixing zone. However, the isotopic, geochemical and petrographic data do not clearly indicate the extent of seawater mixing.  相似文献   
Well‐cuttings, wireline logs and limited core and outcrop data were used to generate a regional, three‐dimensional sequence framework for Upper Mississippian (Chesterian), Greenbrier Group carbonates in the Appalachian foreland basin, West Virginia, USA. The resulting maps were used to document the stratigraphic response of the basin to tectonics and to glacio‐eustasy during the transition into ice‐house conditions. The ramp facies include inner ramp red beds and aeolianites, lagoonal muddy carbonates, mid‐ramp ooid and skeletal grainstone shoal complexes, and outer ramp wackestone–mudstone, that grades downslope into laminated silty lime mudstone. The facies make up fourth‐order sequences, a few metres to over 90 m (300 ft) thick. The sequences are bounded along the ramp margin by lowstand sandstones and calcareous siltstones. On the ramp, sequence boundaries are overlain by thin transgressive siliciclastics and aeolianites, and only a few are calichified. Maximum flooding surfaces on the outer ramp lie beneath deeper water facies that overlie lowstand to transgressive siliciclastic or carbonate units. On the shallow ramp, maximum flooding surfaces overlie siliciclastic‐prone transgressive systems tracts, that are overlain by highstand carbonates with significant grainstone units interlayered with lagoonal lime mudstones. The fourth‐order sequences are the major mappable subsurface units; they are bundled into weak composite sequences which are bounded by red beds. In spite of differential subsidence rates across the foreland basin (1 to 3 cm/k.y. up to 25 cm/k.y.), eustatic sea‐level changes controlled regional sequence development. Thrust‐load induced differential subsidence of fault‐blocks, coupled with in‐plane stress, controlled the rapid basinward thickening of the depositional wedge, whose thickness and facies were influenced by subtle structures such as arches trending at high angles as well as parallel to the margin.  相似文献   
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