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The Chatham Islands, at the eastern end of the Chatham Rise in the South‐west Pacific, are the emergent part of a Late Cretaceous to Cenozoic stratovolcano complex that is variably covered with limestones and fossiliferous tuffs. Most of these deposits accumulated in relatively shallow, high‐energy, tide‐influenced palaeoenvironments with deposition punctuated by periods of deeper‐water pelagic accumulation. Carbonate components in these neritic deposits are biogenic and dominated by molluscs and bryozoans – a heterozoan assemblage. The widespread Middle to Late Eocene Matanginui Limestone contains local photozoan elements such as large benthonic foraminifera (especially Asterocyclina) and calcareous green algae, reflecting the general Palaeogene sub‐tropical oceanographic setting. More localized Late Eocene to Oligocene deposits (Te One Limestone) as well as Pliocene carbonates (Onoua Limestone) are, however, wholly heterozoan and confirm a generally cooler‐water oceanographic setting, similar to today. Early sea floor diagenesis is interpreted to have removed most aragonite components (infaunal bivalves and epifaunal gastropods). Lack of aragonite resulted in the absence of intergranular calcite cementation during subaerial exposure, such that most carbonates are friable or unlithified. Cementation is, however, present at nodular hardground–firmground caps to metre‐scale cycles. Such cements are microcrystalline or micrometre‐thick isopachous circumgranular rinds with insufficient definitive attributes to pinpoint their environment of formation. The overall palaeoenvironment of deposition is interpreted as mesotrophic, resulting in part from upwelling about the Chatham volcanic massif and in part from nutrient element delivery from the adjacent volcanic terrane and coeval volcanism. Biotic diversity in tuffs is two to three times that in limestones, supporting the notion of especially high nutrient availability during periods of volcanism. These mid‐latitude deposits are strikingly different from their low‐latitude, tropical, photozoan counterparts in the volcanic island–coral reef ecosystem. Ground water seepage and fluvial runoff attenuate coral growth and promote microbial carbonate precipitation in these warm‐water settings. In contrast, nutrients from the same sources feed the system in the Chatham Islands cool‐water setting, promoting active heterozoan carbonate sedimentation.  相似文献   
华北强震断层面解和震源深度特征   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用远震P波及SH波和区域地震P_(nl)波波形反演方法,测定了华北9次强震的断层面解、震源深度及地震矩.结合其他作者测定的7次地震的结果,分析了华北16次强震断层面解及华北地震震源深度特征.结果表明,华北多数强震为走滑型地震,也有个别正断层型及逆断层型地震;16次地震多数发生在地壳中部10-25km深度范围内.  相似文献   
Detailed pollen, charcoal and loss on ignition profiles were analysed from Llyn Cororion, North Wales, UK. The chronology was based on 11 radiocarbon dates. This site is particularly important for this region because its high-resolution record improves the spatial and temporal resolution of records of Holocene vegetation change in an area characterized by a highly variable environment. An early Holocene phase of Juniperus-Betula scrub was succeeded by Betula-Corylus woodland. Quercus and Ulmus were established by c. 8600 14C yr BP, with Pinus dominating at c. 8430 14C yr BP. Local disturbance then allowed the spread of Alnus; Tilia was a common component of the forest by 5650 14C yr BP. Charcoal and pollen records suggest that by c. 2600 14C yr BP there was progressive deforestation, increased use of fire and spread of grassland; the first cereal grain was recorded at c. 2900 14C yr BP. Compared with data from upland Snowdonia, the results show that within a topographically diverse region there were significant local variations in forest composition. These variations developed as a response to interactions between many environmental parameters and were further complicated by the influence of human activity. In an area such as North Wales it is therefore unlikely that one site can be representative of regional Holocene vegetational development. The site is additionally important because it contributes to the data available for meta-analyses of environmental change in the North Atlantic region, particularly as detailed pollen diagrams from coastal lake sites around western Europe are rare.  相似文献   
The Paradigm pelagic food web organization in Antarctic waters is undergoing fundamental revision evidence that large fractions of material and energy flow through the microbial food web. because of the unique Antarctic ecosystem conditions, the microbial food web performs some roles that are fundamentally different from those in oligotrophic temperate and tropical waters: 1) during winter, bacterial production, at the expense of slow-turnover DOM (dissolved organic matter) from the previous summer, could be a significant factor in the survival of over wintering animal populations; 2) microbial regeneration of ammonium in nitrate-replete Antarctic waters may spare the reductants necessary for nitrate assimilation and thus enhance primary productivity of deep-mixed light-limited phytoplankton; and 3) the small diatoms and phytoflagellates which dominate the Antarctic pelagic primary production are apparently directly digestible by the metazoan herbivores, whereas cyanobacteria which dominate the primary productivity in lower latitude oligotrophic waters are not digestible by the metazoan herbivores. These roles performed by the microbial loop may, in part, explain why Antarctic waters, in contrast to the lower latitude oligotrophic waters, have high levels of tertiary productivity despite low primary productivity.  相似文献   
Morphological and vegetation mapping and stratigraphic studies were carried out on a 60 by 250 m low–centered polygon field on a flood–plain of the Riviére Deception in the continuous permafrost zone of northernmost Ungava. Analyses of grain size, water and ice content, deformation structures, and macrorests were carried out on drill–core samples, up to a maximum depth of 3.19 m, and radiocarbon dates were obtained from several peat horizons. Five different vegetational habits were identified: uplifted banks, ice–wedge fissures, hummocky centres, wet polygon centres, and water ponds. The stratigraphic analyses revealed many sand layers and organic layers, alternating with a few layers of segregated ice. In the raises banks, brown fen peats represent former wet conditions prior to bank uplift. Total ice volumes of the core samples from polygon centres and banks averaged 60%, and were generally in the form of pore ice. Segregated ice was concentrated in ice wedges. The Low gradient of the polygon field and the shallow active layer are responsible for impded drainage. The origins of this isolated low–centred polygon field are discussed in terms of special local terrain conditions. River flooding since glacio–isostatic emergence at 6000 BP repeatedly spread alluvial sands onto the low flood–plain, which thus became progressively built up to its present elevation. Peat layers buried by these alluvial sands have permitted the changing local drainage conditions to be radiocarbon–dated for the last 2600 years for the core sites. Impeded drainage, low winter temperatures, probable thin snow cover, rapid sedimentation of flood–plain sands, and high volumetric ice contents have created the critical thermal regime necessary for repeated frost cracking in a polygonal pattern, with concomitant ice–wedge dev–elopment. Ice wedges developed at least as early as 2200 BP, causing the formation of low banks. Further growth of ice wedges deformed the peat and sand layers on the bank margins and led to the rise of the latter to heights of 0.5 to 1 m above the intervening low wet polygon centres. More water was then collected in the depressions, leading to a transformations of the vegetation cover from mossy heath to sphagnum bog, wet fen, sedge-covered ponds, and eventually in some cases to open-water pools. The stratigraphic evidence suggests that several generations of high banks formed and disappeared and that their position has changed. Deformation by continued ice–wedge growth has been insignificant since 1000 BP, However. A relatively thick surface peat layer also indicates that sand layers have not been contributed to the polygon field by flooding since ? 500 BP.  相似文献   
The occurrence of diatoms (both marine and freshwater) in sediments beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) is suggestive of past ice-sheet collapse. However, it is not the only model explaining such occurrences. We propose another mechanism for introducing diatoms beneath ice sheets by considering the fate of a diatom placed (by eolian processes) on top of an ice sheet. Mathematical modeling indicates that the route the diatom will take through the ice sheet is dictated by the basal melting rate. If no basal melting takes place, flowlines will crop out at the ice-sheet margin. However, if basal melting is as low as 0.01 m/yr the trajectories of all Howlines except for those nearest the margin will intersect the bed, with those diatoms deposited near the dome reaching the bed about halfway down the Howband. Larger values of basal melting lead to the diatoms reaching the bed even faster and closer to the point of origin. In light of these results, the presence of diatoms in sediments beneath the WAIS does not lead to a unique solution; it is not necessary to invoke past ice-sheet collapse to account for their presence.  相似文献   
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