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In Ireland 'commonage' refers to lands jointly owned by several individuals who have grazing rights. Commonage can provide the low-intensity grazing regime regarded as optimal for habitat conservation, and it is also unlikely to suffer the negative impacts of building development or coastal engineering. Today, however, the traditional control systems of coastal commonage are generally moribund, leading to habitat degradation. The only viable future management model is likely to be one based on local community control. Community management would have the legitimacy to counter the negative perceptions of external authority that generate environmental degradation.  相似文献   
A 1600-m-thick succession of the Miocene Horse Camp Formation (Member 2) exposed in east-central Nevada records predominantly terrigenous clastic deposition in subaerial and subaqueous fan-delta environments and nearshore and offshore lacustrine environments. These four depositional environments are distinguished by particular associations of individual facies (14 defined facies). Subaerial and subaqueous fan-delta facies associations include: ungraded, matrix-and clast-supported conglomerate; normally graded, matrix- and clast-supported conglomerate; ungraded and normally graded sandstone; and massive to poorly laminated mudstone. Subaqueous fan-delta deposits typically have dewatering structures, distorted bedding and interbedded mudstone. The subaerial fan-delta environment was characterized by debris flows, hyperconcentrated flows and minor sheetfloods; the subaqueous fan-delta environment by debris flows, high- and low-density turbidity currents, and suspension fallout. The nearshore lacustrine facies association provides examples of deposits and processes rarely documented in lacustrine environments. High-energy oscillatory wave currents, probably related to a large fetch, reworked grains as large as 2 cm into horizontally stratified sand and gravel. Offshore-directed currents produced uncommonly large (typically 1–2 m thick) trough cross-stratified sandstone. In addition, stromatolitic carbonate interbedded with stratified coarse sandstone and conglomerate suggests a dynamic environment characterized by episodic terrigenous clastic deposition under high-energy conditions alternating with periods of carbonate precipitation under reduced energy conditions. Massive and normally graded sandstone and massive to poorly laminated mudstone characterize the offshore lacustrine facies association and record deposition by turbidity currents and suspension fallout. A depositional model constructed for the Horse Camp Formation (Member 2) precludes the existence of all four depositional environments at any particular time. Rather, phases characterized by deposition in subaerial fan, nearshore lacustrine and offshore lacustrine environments alternated with phases of subaerial fan-delta, subaqueous fan-delta and offshore lacustrine deposition. This model suggests that high-energy nearshore currents due to deep water along the lake margin reworked sediment of the fan edge, thus preventing development of a subaqueous fan-delta environment and promoting development of a well-defined nearshore lacustrine environment. Low-energy nearshore currents induced by shallow water along the  相似文献   
Fields in the spectrum of channel style   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The classification of channel styles has to date proved difficult, with most schemes having been constructed around a series of geomorphological end-members which are inherently unable to describe the continuum of channel morphologies. We present a framework that accommodates all possible channel-interchannel configurations and facilitates the continued use of existing channel classification schemes. By considering the relative rates of channel and interchannel accumulation, a model has been derived with the potential to predict bed geometry and preservation potential for the entire spectrum of aggrading and eroding channels. The model identifies stability fields for all potential configurations of channel and interchannel areas. Significantly, the model predicts that the transition from aggrading to eroding systems need not be accompanied by a change from raised to incised channels.  相似文献   
Abstract— The Ocotillo IAB iron meteorite contains small silicate inclusions consisting of olivine, low-Ca pyroxene, chromian diopside, plagioclase, magnesiochromite, apatite, troilite and metal. The ferromagnesian silicates have a small range of Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratios that are not due to zoning. These phases appear to be not well equilibrated. The FeO content of magnesiochromite is lower than values normally seen in silicate assemblages in IAB iron meteorites. The minerals in Ocotillo are generally like silicate assemblages in other IAB meteorites, covering similar composition ranges and exhibiting a metamorphic (granoblastic) texture. An estimate was made of the bulk composition of Ocotillo silicate inclusions. The bulk composition is close to that of ordinary chondrites with the exception of a deficiency in CaO that might be due to a sampling problem associated with the method used to estimate the bulk composition.  相似文献   
Volcanoes of the Mariana arc system produce magmas that belong to several liquid lines of descent and that originated from several different primary magmas. Despite differences in parental magmas, phenocryst assemblages are very similar throughout the arc. The different liquid lines of descent are attributed to differences in degree of silica saturation of the primary liquids and in the processes of magmatic evolution (fractional crystallization vs magma mixing). Pseudoternary projections of volcanic rocks from several arc volcanoes are used to show differences between different magmatic suites. In most of the arc, parental liquids were Ol- and Hy-normative basalts that crystallized olivine, augite, and plagioclase (± iron-titanium oxide) and then plagioclase and two pyroxenes, apparently at low pressure. Eruptive rocks follow subparallel liquid lines of descent on element–element diagrams and on pseudoternary projections. Magmas at North Hiyoshi are Ne-normative and have a liquid line of descent along the thermal divide due to precipitation of olivine, augite, and plagioclase. Derived liquids are large ion lithophile element (LILE)-rich. Magmas at other Hiyoshi seamounts included an alkaline component but had more complex evolution. Those at Central Hiyoshi formed by a process dominated by mixing alkaline and subalkaline magmas, whereas those at other Hiyoshi seamounts evolved by combined magma mixing and fractional crystallization. Influence of the alkaline component wanes as one goes south from North Hiyoshi. Alkaline and subalkaline magmas were also mixed to produce magmas erupted at the Kasuga seamounts that are behind the arc front. The alkaline magmas at both Hiyoshi and Kasuga seamounts had different sources from those of the subalkaline magmas at those sites as indicated by trace element ratios and by Nd.  相似文献   
We present results of dehydration melting experiments [3–15kbar, 810–950C f(O2) QFM (quartz-fayalite-magetite)and Ni-NiO] on two Fe-rich mixtures of biotite (37%), plagioclaseAn38 (27%), quartz (34%) and ilmenite (2%), which differ onlyin their biotite compositions (mg-number 23 and 0.4). Dehydrationmelting of metagreywackes of constant modal composition generatesa wide range of melt fractions, melt compositions and residualassemblages, through the combined effects of pressure, Fe/Mgratio and f(O2). Crystallization of garnet is the chief controlon melting behavior, and is limited by two reactions: (1) thebreakdown of garnet + quartz to orthopyroxene + plagioclaseat low P, and (2) the oxidation of garnet to magnetite + anorthite+ quartz (enstatite), which is sensitive to both f(O2) andP. Because of these reactions, melting of Mg-rich metagreywackesis rather insensitive to f(O2) but strongly sensitive to P;the converse is true for Fe-rich metagreywackes. Garnet crystallizationrequires that plagioclase break down incongruently, liberatingalbite. This increases the Na2O content of the melts and enhancesmelt production. Thus, melting of metagreywacke in a reducingdeep-crustal environment (with garnet stable) would producemore, and more sodic, melt than would garnet-absent meltingof the same source material in a relatively oxidizing, shallow-crustalenvironment. KEY WORDS: anatexis; metasediments; gneisses; granites; garnet *Corresponding author. Telephone: 706-542-2394; fax: 706-542-2425; e-mail: alpatino{at}uga.cc.uga.edu  相似文献   
The unusual association of cordierite and cummingtonite (? gedrite+ chlorite + biotite + ilmenite + plagioclase + quartz) definesa metamorphic facies within aluminous, low-Ca amphibolites fromthe Proterozoic rocks of the Gold Brick District, east of Gunnison,Colorado. More Fe-rich bulk chemistries in the same facies arecharacterized by assemblages consisting of cordierite+-gedrite+ garnet + chlorite + biotite + ilmenite + plagioclase + quartz,whereas more Mg-rich compositions are characterized by cordierite+ anthophyllite + chlorite + biotite + ilmenite ? plagioclase+ quartz. The assemblage gedrite 4- cummingtonite + chlorite+ biotite + ilmenite + plagioclase + quartz was also observed.Coexisting cordierite+ anthophyllite + cummingtonite was notobserved in any rocks, apparently because this assemblage isstable over only a very narrow range of bulk compositions. Metamorphosedpelitic rocks are more iron rich than the assemblage cordierite+ gedrite + garnet + chlorite + biotite + ilmenite + plagioclase+ quartz and consist of garnet ?cordierite ?staurolite ? chlorite? andalusite + biotite + ilmenite + plagioclase + quartz? microclineor muscovite. Mineral rim compositions from cordierite-bearing amphibolitesand metapelites determined by electron microprobe analysis showsystematic Fe/Mg partitioning and define assemblages that occupynon-overlapping regions of the compositional system SiO2-TiO2-Al2O3-MnO-FeO-MgO-CaO-Na2O-K2O-H2Oas determined by algebraic and statistical methods developedby Braun & Stout (1975) and Fisher (1989). Graphical methods(projections) produced spurious overlaps not confirmed by themore rigorous algebraic tests. The spurious overlaps were generatedbecause standard projective analysis was not able simultaneouslyto account for the important effects of the components Na2O,CaO, and MnO on the AFM topologies. The results of algebraicand statistical analysis are consistent with an equilibriumorigin at constant values of temperature and pressure. The cordierite-cummingtonite facies encompasses the relativelylow-pressure and moderate-temperature conditions associatedwith the stability field of andalusite. Garnet-biotite geothermo-metry,and garnet, aluminosilicate, silica, plagioclase (GASP) geobarometrysuggest that temperatures and pressures were nearly constantacross the study area at 550( ? 70) ?C and 3 kb, respectively,near the peak of metamorphism. Other geothermometers and geobarometers,and independent pressure and temperature estimates, are compatiblewith garnet-biotite thermometry and GASP geo-barometry. Gradientsin fO2 or H2O are not required to explain the compatibilityof these assemblages at constant T and P. Cordierite + cummingtonite-bearingrocks can apparently be derived from anthophyllite +garnet-bearingrocks by increasing temperature or decreasing pressure.  相似文献   
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