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We have monitored the distribution, population status, breeding success, turnover rate and diet of a Peregrine Falcon population in Bizkaia (North of Spain) since 1997. On the 13th November 2002, the tanker Prestige sunk off La Coruña (NW Spain) causing an oil spill that affected the whole of the Cantabrian Coast and the Southwest of France. The total number of birds affected by the Prestige oil spill was expected to be between 115,000 and 230,000, some of them raptors. The loss of clutches during the incubation period increased significantly and was correlated with the loss of females. Moreover, the turnover rate of the population increased from 21% to 30%. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon concentrations in the eggs, collected from five nests after they were deserted, ranged from 21.20 ng/g to 461.08 ng/g, values which are high enough to cause the death of the embryos and poisoning of adult birds. The effects of pollution reached inland since some inland-breeding falcons prey on shorebirds that use rivers during their migratory flights. As the Prestige oil spill has clearly resulted in increased rates of adult mortality and reduced fertility, we suggest that the environmental authorities urgently undertake measures aimed at protecting the Peregrine Falcon in Bizkaia.  相似文献   
The ability of the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) to image solar plasma over a wide range of temperatures (Te approximately 104-107 K) at high spatial resolution (0&farcs;5 pixels) makes it a unique instrument for observing solar flares. We present TRACE and Yohkoh observations of an M2.4 two-ribbon flare that began on 1999 July 25 at about 13:08 UT. We observe impulsive footpoint brightenings that are followed by the formation of high-temperature plasma (Te greater, similar10 MK) in the corona. After an interval of about 1300 s, cooler loops (Te<2 MK) form below the hot plasma. Thus, the evolution of the event supports the qualitative aspects of the standard reconnection model of solar flares. The TRACE and Yohkoh data show that the bulk of the flare emission is at or below 10 MK. The TRACE data are also consistent with the Yohkoh observations of hotter plasma (Te approximately 15-20 MK) existing at the top of the arcade. The cooling time inferred from these observations is consistent with a hybrid cooling time based on thermal conduction and radiative cooling.  相似文献   
Marine environments are continuously being threatened by a large number of xenobiotics from anthropogenic sources. Even in sparsely populated and relatively pristine areas, such as Antarctica, hazardous chemicals can pose a serious environmental problem. The main aims of the present study were to (1) validate and optimize an analytical technique utilizing a microtitre-plate photometer to ascertain background levels of esterase activities in the Antarctic bivalve Adamussium colbecki, (2) carry out in situ monitoring of esterase activities to assess any potential environmental impacts of the Italian Scientific Antarctic Base "Terra Nova Bay" on the surrounding marine area. Results showed the presence of organophosphorous-sensitive cholinesterase (ChE) and carboxylesterase (CbE) activities in the gills of A. colbecki and optimal assay conditions were comparable with those found for bivalve species from temperate areas. A higher sensitivity of ChE versus acetylthiocholine activity in A. colbecki to chlorpyrifos compared to species from temperate areas may also be inferred. The in situ study indicated no differences in the environmental quality of the three study sites located around the Italian Base.  相似文献   
Hydraulics of recirculating well pairs for ground water remediation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recirculating well pairs are a proven means of implementing bioremediation and may also be useful for applying other in situ ground water remediation technologies. A bromide tracer test was performed to characterize the hydraulic performance of a recirculating well pair installed at Moffett Field, California. In particular, we estimate two important properties of the recirculating well pair: (1) the fraction of captured water that is recycled between the wells, and (2) the travel-time distribution of ground water in the induced zone of recirculation. We also develop theoretical estimates of these two properties and demonstrate they depend upon a dimensionless pumping rate, denoted xi. The bromide breakthrough curve predicted from theory agrees well with that determined experimentally at Moffett Field. The minimum travel time between the wells is denoted t(min). In theory, t(min) depends inversely on Q, the pumping rate in the recirculating wells, and is proportional to a2, the square of the distance between the wells. Both the experimental and theoretical travel-time distributions indicate that at least half the recirculating water travels between the wells along fast flowpaths (travel time < 2*t(min)). Therefore, when designing recirculating well pairs, engineers should ensure that t(min) will be sufficiently high to allow biologically mediated reactions (or other in situ remediation processes) sufficient time to proceed.  相似文献   
We measured organochlorine residues in three species of sea turtles from the Baja California peninsula, Mexico. Seventeen of 21 organochlorine pesticides analyzed were detected, with heptachlor epoxide and gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane the most prevalent (14 (40%) and 11 (31%) of the 35 tissue samples, respectively). PCBs were detected in all but one of the 9 turtles studied, with congener 18 the most commonly detected (8 (23%) of the samples). The dioxin-like congeners 118 and 180 were detected in 4 (11%) and 3 (9%) of the samples, respectively. Percent contribution of congeners was negatively correlated to their octanol-water partition coefficients, with kidney and muscle containing more lower-chlorinated congeners than liver or adipose samples. Levels of organochlorines detected in the present study were low, potentially attributable to the feeding habits of the predominant species collected in this study (herbivorous) and/or the samples obtained in an unindustrialized region.  相似文献   
The Mid-Atlantic Integrated Assessment (MAIA-Estuaries) evaluated ecological conditions in US Mid-Atlantic estuaries during the summers of 1997 and 1998. Over 800 probability-based stations were monitored in four main estuarine systems--Chesapeake Bay, the Delaware Estuary, Maryland and Virginian coastal bays, and the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System. Twelve smaller estuaries within the four main systems were also assessed to establish variance at the local scale. A subset of the MAIA-Estuaries data is used here to estimate the extent of eutrophication, sediment contamination, and benthic degradation in mid-Atlantic estuaries. An Environmental Report Card and Index of Environmental Integrity summarize conditions in individual estuaries, the four estuarine systems, and the entire MAIA region. Roughly 20-50% of the region showed signs of eutrophication (high nutrients, excessive production of organic matter, poor water clarity, or depleted dissolved oxygen), 30% had contaminated sediments, and 37% had degraded benthic communities. Compared with the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP)-Virginian Province study in 1990-1993, larger fractions of Chesapeake Bay (17%) and Delaware River (32%) had increased metals or organics in sediments.  相似文献   
Two of the biggest drawbacks of using permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) to treat contaminated ground water are the high capital cost of installation, particularly when the contaminated ground water is deep below ground surface, and the uncertainty of whether or not PRBs remain effective for the long time scales (e.g., decades) needed for many contaminant plumes. The use of an injection-extraction treatment well pair (IETWP) for capture and treatment of contaminated ground water can circumvent these difficulties, while still providing many of the same advantages offered by PRBs. In this paper, the hydraulics of IETWPs and PRBs are compared, focusing primarily on the width of the captured plume. It is demonstrated that IETWPs act as hydraulic barriers in a manner similar to PRBs, and that IETWPs provide excellent plume capture. A mathematical expression is presented for the plume capture width of an IETWP oriented perpendicular to the ground water flow direction in a homogeneous aquifer. Also discussed are other practical considerations that might determine whether an IETWP is better suited than a PRB for a particular contaminated site; these considerations include operating and maintenance costs, and the conditions under which an IETWP system can be used for in situ remediation.  相似文献   
To reduce rehabilitation time and improve survival, a practical, objective test is needed to determine if marine birds are contaminated with oil before they enter captivity. The RaPID Assays and EnviroGard immunoassays for detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil were evaluated for their ability to detect petroleum on feather samples from 30 intermediate fuel oil contaminated and 30 uncontaminated common murres (Uria aalge). Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value, precision, and time required to run each assay were determined. The RaPID Assays was 96.7% sensitive and specific, while the EnviroGard assay was 93.3% sensitive, and 90.0% specific. Sensitivity decreased at higher dilutions for both assays. Intra-replicate variation was less than 20%. Our evaluation showed that these immunoassays are rapid and cost-effective methods for detecting oil-contamination on the plumage of seabirds, with the EnviroGard assay being more practical in most oil spill response situations due to ease of use and rapidity of results.  相似文献   
在含有三维几何反射体的复杂三维速度模型,发展了一种计算反射地震波走时方法。为了处理大且急剧的速度反差,对现有的计算初至波走时的有限差分法作了适当修改。修改的计算方法比以前的几种方案更快且更精确,并结合到计算反射走时的程序中。这个反射波走时程序非常适合编入三维反射体结构的反演法中。  相似文献   
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