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Antithetic faults are dip slip faults that displace rocks so as to prevent or reduce structural relief, typically producing tilted fault blocks. They may or may not occur in conjugate systems with their opposites, homothetic faults, which serve to increase structural relief. Several examples serve to illustrate the concept and to correct current misunderstandings.
Zusammenfassung Die Arbeit soll die Begriffe antithetisch und homothetisch klären helfen. Antithetische Verschiebungen wirken dem tektonischen Relief entgegen, homothetische Verwerfungen unterstützen es. Die Begriffe werden an einigen Beispielen erläutert.

Résumé Ce travail constitue une tentative d'élucider les termes »antithétique« et »homothétique«. Le rejet des failles antithétiques s'oppose à la création d'un relief tectonique. Le rejet des failles homothétiques augmente ce relief. Quelques exemples sont discutés.

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The Upper Proterozoic volcanism of northwestern Africa is characterized by the predominance of calc-alkaline rocks. Volcanics with tholeiitic affinities and alkali basalts are rare. The geochemistry and the relative proportions of calc-alkaline rocktypes in the Silet zone (Algeria) and the Ouarzazate formation (Morocco) are similar to those of recent island arc suites where basalts are most abundant while in the Tassendjanet and Gara Akofo zones (Algeria) they resemble contintal margin volcanic suites with a predominance of andesites. The volcanic rocks have undergone low-grade metamorphism which strongly affected alkali and alkali-earth elements and also to a smaller degree, the less mobile elements such as REE, Zr, Hf, Nb, and P. The geochemistry of the calc-alkaline rocks point to a complex origin involving low-pressure fractional crystallization, crustal contamination and derivation from a source already enriched in LILE.  相似文献   
The Younger Giant Dyke Complex consists of a set of massivecoalescing dykes of Proterozoic age (c. 1170 Ma), resultingfrom intrusion of a suite of transitional olivine basaltic/hawaiiticmagmas in a continental rift setting. The suite, compositionallyrelated by low pressure (< 10 kb) olivine-plagioclase fractionation,is believed to have had a deeper level evolution dominated bypyroxene and possibly garnet fractionation. Slow cooling insitu of the interior parts of the dyke complex produced cumuliticsuites. Those exposed range from gabbroic to syenitic; residualbodies of riebeckite granite and, very subordinate, feldspathoidalsyenite were also generated. The basic magmas had notably lowfO2 values, leading to delayed magnetite and clinopyroxene precipitation,relatively iron-rich differentiates and some residual liquidsof pantelleritic composition. The basic magmas had high F/Clvalues and are inferred to have had low H2O contents. They werealso characterized by relatively high K/Rb and low 87Sr/86Srvalues; these characteristics imply a mantle source with highF/Cl but depleted in Rb relative to K and Sr. Basaltic magmasresponsible for (a) the preceding Older Giant Dyke Complex and(b) a suite of anorthositic xenoliths within the Younger GiantDyke Complex, are inferred to have been derived from separateprimary magma batches independent of those that yielded theYounger Giant Dyke Complex. The giant dykes are the highest-levelrepresentatives of a larger basic complex responsible for theextensive linear gravity ‘high’ in the Tugtutôq-Narssaqarea.  相似文献   
Calculations of the critical dimensionless bed stresses that obtain when upper-stage plane beds should revert to ripple and dune bed forms are presented. Strong support is given to the Bagnold ‘universal’ plane-bed instability criterion and to a modified criterion suggested by Allen over a wide range of solids grain size. A reinterpretation of the mechanism of plane bed instability is based upon the extent to which significant grain concentrations in plane bed flows increase apparent fluid viscosity and decrease turbulence production over potential bed defects, thereby preventing ripple or dune propagation and growth.  相似文献   
Seismic reflection data are used to investigate the structure of block of the Norwegian sector of the North Sea, situated in the Norwegian—Danish Basin. Zechstein (Upper Permian) salt occurs in this basin, having given rise to widespread and intense salt tectonics.A number of reflections can be recognized and identified on the seismic sections. They are the Top Oligocene, the Top Paleocene, the Base Tertiary, and the Top Lower Cretaceous reflections, as well as a Jurassic reflection and the Base Permian Salt reflection (only found locally).The geological structure of the area is illustrated by means of seismic contour maps and cross-sections.Three salt plugs (a northern, a central and a southern one) are present in block 8/8. Two of these pierce Base Tertiary. The third (southern) one is more deep-seated. A major growth fault connects the northern and central plugs. The southern salt plug is surrounded by a rim syncline.The movements on the major fault and in the salt plugs in the course of geological time are investigated. It is found that there is evidence for movement in Late Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary times until at least Early Miocene times.The possible cause of the structure of block is considered in detail. It is found that the movement of the salt in at least the central salt plug is intimately connected with movements on the major growth fault. The hypothesis is advanced that all local tectonic movements are due to the flow of salt and a scheme for this salt flow is proposed. A number of special features of the tectonics of the area which support this concept are dis- cussed.Volumetric considerations are also used. The approximate volume of the salt in the plugs as well as the volume of salt drained from part of the area are calculated. Finally, deep reflection evidence is used to estimate the depth of the base of the Zech- stein salt and the top of the crystalline basement in the southern part of the area.  相似文献   
The Distance Least Squares (DLS) structure modelling technique is used to determine the room-temperature structures of the sodalites Li8(Al6Si6O24)Cl2, Na8(Al6Si6O24)Cl2, K8(Al6Si6O24)Cl2, Na8(Al6Si6O24)Br2, and Na8(Al6Si6O24)I2. The technique is also used to calculate the thermal expansion behaviour of Na8(Al6Si6O24)I2 assuming that the discontinuity in its thermal expansion curve occurred either when the ideal fully-expanded state was achieved (case 1) or when the x-coordinate of the sodium atom became 0.25 (case 2). The results are given as plots of bond lengths and bond angles as a function of temperature. Case 2 was preferred and analysis of the results implied that the driving force for the untwisting of the partially-collapsed sodalite framework was in the framework bonds with the cavity ion bonds resisting the untwisting. Best estimates indicate that the expansion of the Na-O and Na-I bonds are 9% and 27.4% respectively, between room temperature and 810° C, and there is an apparent shortening of the framework bond distances of about 1.5%.  相似文献   
A number of experimental CO2 solubility data for silicate and aluminosilicate melts at a variety of P- T conditions are consistent with solution of CO2 in the melt by polymer condensation reactions such as SiO 4(m 4? +CO2(v)+Si n O 3n+1(m) (2n+1) ?Si n+1O 3n+4(m) (2n+4)? +CO 3(m )2? . For various metalsilicate systems the relative solubility of CO2 should depend markedly on the relative Gibbs free change of reaction. Experimental solubility data for the systems Li2O-SiO2, Na2O-SiO2, K2O-SiO2, CaO-SiO2, MgO-SiO2 and other aluminosilicate melts are in complete accord with predictions based on Gibbs Free energies of model polycondesation reactions. A rigorous thermodynamic treatment of published P- T-wt.% CO2 solubility data for a number of mineral and natural melts suggests that for the reaction CO2(m) ? CO2(v)
  1. CO2-melt mixing may be considered ideal (i.e., { \(a_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }^m = X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }^m \) );
  2. \(\bar V_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }^m \) , the partial molal volume of CO2 in the melt, is approximately equal to 30 cm3 mole?1 and independent of P and T;
  3. Δ C p 0 is approximately equal to zero in the T range 1,400° to 1,650 °C and
  4. enthalpies and entropies of the dissolution reaction depend on the ratio of network modifiers to network builders in the melt. Analytic expressions which relate the CO2 content of a melt to P, T, and \(f_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} } \) for andesite, tholeiite and olivine melilite melts of the form
$$\ln X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }^m = \ln f_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} } - \frac{A}{T} - B - \frac{C}{T}(P - 1)$$ have been determined. Regression parameters are (A, B, C): andesite (3.419, 11.164, 0.408), tholeiite (14.040, 5.440,0.393), melilite (9.226, 7.860, 0.352). The solubility equations are believed to be accurate in the range 3<P<30 kbar and 1,100°<T<1,650 °C. A series of CO2 isopleth diagrams for a wide range of T and P are drawn for andesitic, tholeiitic and alkalic melts.  相似文献   
Situated within the crystalline metamorphic complex of Champtoceaux NE of Nantes, the orthogneiss of La Picherais (near St Mars-du-Désert, Loire Atlantique, France) show relicts of a granulite facies paragenesis. Comparison with other granulitic rocks in the Hercynian fold-belt suggest possible ages ranging from Lower Proterozoic to Phanerozoic. The Rb-Sr whole rock method yields an errorchron of 570±110 m.y. for the Picherais orthogneiss, whereas the U-Pb zircon method indicates an upper intersection on Concordia at 1,880±120 m.y. and a lower intersection at 423±10 m.y. Several interpretations are possible for these data: the granite emplacement age was (1) 1,900 m.y. ago. (2) more likely Upper Proterozoic — Lower Palaeozoic. The zircons concordant at 1,900 m.y. were either present in the granitic magma at its time of origin or were introduced into the magma during emplacement. These zircons could be derived from sedimentary horizons such as found in the Lower Ordovician sandstones of the Armorican massif whose zircon age data are presented here.  相似文献   
In the Sunda arc, only the Bali—Lombok—Sumbawa sector is apparently flanked both north and south by oceanic crust. South of Lombok Island the oceanic crust is probably of Early Cretaceous or Late Jurassic age, whereas the oldest rocks known from Lombok and Sumbawa islands are the Lower Miocene to Pliocene sediments and volcanics of the basement beneath the Quaternary—Recent volcanic centres.Three large active volcanoes form the northern parts of Lombok and Sumbawa. The volcanic rocks of Rindjani on Lombok belong to a basalt—andesite—dacite association, rich in plagioclase and hy- and Q-normative. East of Lombok, the volcanic rocks of Tambora and Sangeang Api on Sumbawa belong to a potassic ne—trachybasalt—trachy-andesite association. All three volcanoes occur only 150–190 km above the active north-dipping Benioff zone.Extinct Quaternary centres occur south of the active volcanoes on Sumbawa. Two of these centres, Soromundi and Sangenges, erupted markedly ne- and lc-normative leucitites together with andesites, dacites and trachybasalts.The volcanic composition—space—time relations in the Lombok—Sumbawa sector of the Sunda arc are not in accordance with the generalized island-arc schemata. Conventionally, potassic ne-mnormative island-arc associations are supposed to occur over the deep part of the Benioff zones, far from the trenches of mature island arcs. The SiO2|K2O relations of the Rindjani association are reasonably appropriate for a volcano overlying intermediate Benioff-zone depths, but both the Tambora and the Sangeang Api associations are far more potassic than would be predicted by generalized schemata, and also occur in a relatively young arc sector that apparently has developed only since Miocene time.Basalts, trachybasalts and leucitites from the Lombok—Sumbawa sector have been compared: at similar MgO contents and Mg/(Mg+Fe), the progression from hy- and Q-normative to ne- and lc-normative magmas is not marked by significant enrichment in TiO2, Na2O, Zr, Nb and P, but is accompanied by a substantial increase in K2O, Rb, Sr and LREE, by increasing K2ONa2O and by decreasing K/Rb.87Sr86Sr ratios from Rindjani (0.70386–0.70402) and Tambora (0.70385–0.70389) are very similar and among the lowest for the Sunda arc, but from Sangeang Api (0.70460–0.70500) are significantly higher and more variable in spite of the similar tectonic setting and petrological affinities. 87Sr86Sr ratios of leucities tend to be higher (0.70488–0.70529).The petrogenesis of the volcanic associations of Lombok and Sumbawa cannot be readily explained. Although even the leucitites display the poverty in TiO2 that generally characterizes volcanics from simple island-arc tectonic settings, there is very obvious uncoupling within the “incompatible elements”: enrichment in the LIL group (K, Rb, Sr but not Na) is not accompanied by similar behaviour in the group of small highly-charged ions (Ti, Zr, Nb, P). It has proved impossible to model this behaviour without invoking inhomogeneities in the source regions, both in mineralogy and in chemical composition. Similar uncoupling within the incompatible elements has also been reported from basalt groups from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, may also occur in the Birunga province, and might not arise from processes unique to the island-arc environment.We suggest that a LIL-rich component is being progressively added to the source regions. This component could be incorporated by the crystallization of additional phases such as phlogopite or paragasite. If this component occurs deep within the mantle, it might gain passage to shallower regions either by percolating up the downgoing slab to yield the familiar arc magma zonation, or up substantial cross-arc fractures.  相似文献   
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