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深圳湾,毗邻香港,是深圳经济特区的重要经济发展和生态调节区域。为了更好地了解该湾多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)的生物累积规律及其污染历史,作者采集该海域19个鱼、2个虾、2个蟹和柱状沉积物样品,分析其中PBDE的组分与含量,以及生物体的δ^15N同位素、总脂含量和柱状沉积物的沉积年龄(^210pb)、总有机碳(TOC)。结果表明,深圳湾海域鱼类∑15 PBDEs组分的残余量为21—167ng/g lw(或0.17—4.16ng/g fw),平均为(67±42)ng/g lw或(2.00±1.14)ng/g fw,其含量与生物体的δ^15N同位素和脂含量正相关,BDE-47、BDE-100为生物体中PBDE最优势组分且在所有生物样品中均检出,分别占46.5%、13.5%,肉食性的鱼类较植食性的鱼类PBDEs的生物累积总体上较高。柱状沉积物中∑22 PBDEs含量(0.07—4.85ng/g dw)近二十几年来有明显的上升趋势,平均沉积通量为0.25ng/(cm^2·a),丰度最高的PBDE组分为BDE-47、BDE-49、BDE-99、BDE-183(不包括BDE-209);PBDEs在生物体和柱状沉积物中的含量位于全球PBDEs含量的中低端范围;鱼类等生物体中PBDE的生物-沉积物累积比值(BSAF)比值(〈0.8)较小,与相应的PBDE的log Kow(辛醇/水分配比)存在一定的正相关性。  相似文献   
The main challenge in predicting global responses of floating vessels in deepwater and ultra-deepwater areas comes from the system's coupled effect.In this paper,the coupled approach is used to analyze effects of riser on floating system in deepwater.The analysis results show that the coupling effects of risers will mainly affect the low frequency (LF) motions of the system.That is because risers will provide the system with a significant low frequency (LF) damping which will vary with the sea states.Under ...  相似文献   
在过去二十年中,大陆破裂分离过程的对称性和非对称性存在许多争论,一些作者提出了非对称性的简单剪切模式,另一些作者则强调对称性、纯剪切模型和部分二者的结合。在非火山型边缘大陆下的地幔上涌侵蚀使得一些作者认为简单剪切模式是正确的,但缺乏足够的支持证据。从共轭边缘对的沉降史之证据是可疑的,这些边缘详细的地壳和岩石圈结构不十分了解,不能得到确定的结论。在Porcupine盆地,这里大陆破裂分离的最后阶段是可知的,不对称构造的发育是存在的,它们显然与在随着地壳完全脆裂过程中地壳和地幔的后期耦合作用有关。这和理论模拟的结果是一致的,只有当地壳和地幔紧密耦合时,仅仅在岩石圈尺度上可预测不对称模型的发育。然而,对在地幔连续剥露过程中是否一直是存在这样不对称性仍不清楚。  相似文献   
Sverre  Ekrene  Ohm  Dag  A  Karlsen  Tim  J.  F  Austin  吴峧歧 《海洋地质》2008,24(3)
挪威巴伦支海盆地由于含多套烃源岩,因此可作为过充注石油系统的一流代表。古新世到上新世一更新世的多幕隆升、及随后的侵蚀作用导致储层压力下降,是造成本区烃聚集损耗的主要原因。压力释放使聚集区的烃变为油气两相,气相进一步膨胀,使其下的石油高出圈闭的溢出点。然而,很重要的一点是这种隆升事件虽然造成潜在的破坏性,但是却引起巴伦支海地区的油气在横向上长距离重新分配。  相似文献   
在大西洋洋中脊北纬14°97′附近贫岩浆型慢速扩张脊区段的洋底岩石调查中,拖网取样及洋底钻探均发现蛇纹石化地幔岩石中有脉状纯橄岩。纯橄岩中的铬铁矿粒度以毫米级为主,个别颗粒直径接近厘米级别,成分上显示中等程度的铬值与镁值(Cr#=52.2~56.1;Mg#=44.6~51.5)较高的TiO2含量(0.60%~0.91%)。铬铁矿内部包裹体中大量出现韭闪石+金云母组合,并发现自形磷灰石包裹体。这些特征与“俯冲带型铬铁矿”的成分特征及矿物包裹体组合非常类似。本文的样品观察说明在洋中脊下方的熔体通道内,高度演化的熔体可以形成小体积的富水岩浆并参与铬铁矿的形成。拖网调查与钻探研究证实,研究区的纯橄岩、异剥橄榄岩、富橄榄石橄长岩、辉石岩、辉长岩及橄榄辉长岩等均以脉体形式产于难熔的大洋岩石圈橄榄岩质地幔中。这些脉状岩石共同记录了洋中脊玄武质熔体向上迁移过程中与围岩方辉橄榄岩间的熔-岩反应,属于“交代橄榄岩”的范畴,揭示了慢速扩张洋脊之下熔体迁移诱发的复杂熔-岩相互作用。  相似文献   
中国内蒙古白云鄂博Fe-Nb-REE矿床由于其独特的矿床地质与矿物地球化学特征而明显有别于世界上其它绝大多数的Fe,Nb,REE矿床,本文提出该矿床是约1500Ma前一块富含REE,Nb的铁陨石撞击在华北地台北缘碳酸盐沉积陆架上形成的。现在矿床矿体中心的块状铁矿石更多地代表了陨石的成分,矿体外侧富含REE,Nd的环状白云岩是形成的含金属热液蚀变沉积成因方解石质碳酸盐沉积物的结果。  相似文献   
南黄海海水中悬浮体的研究   总被引:34,自引:10,他引:34  
本文通过对海水中悬浮体样品的过滤、分析及结合海水透光度测量,得出了1983年11月和1984年7月海水中悬浮体的平面分布和垂直分布模式,即:水平分布有三个高含量区和两个低含量区,黄河及长江的现代输入物质对中部深水区基本上没有影响;垂直分布出现明显的层化现象,11月份,在密度跃层下缘出现悬浮体跃层。本区悬浮体含量和成分,具有陆间海的过渡性特征。悬浮体的主要来源是海底沉积物的再悬浮,其次是河流输入物和浮游生物。海浪是影响悬浮体分布的主要因素。潮流加强了海浪的作用,并与海流一起,将掀起的物质搬运他处。海底地形在一定条件下,控制了海浪作用的临界深度。黄海中部冷水团影响了悬浮体的水平扩散和垂直扩散。  相似文献   
DNA adducts in gills and digestive gland, as well as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) tissue levels were analysed in blue mussels (Mytilus spp.) from Nordic coastal areas (Iceland, Norway and Sweden) with diffuse or point sources of PAHs of various origins. Both DNA adduct and PAH tissue levels were generally low, indicating low PAH exposure to the mussels in the areas studied. DNA adducts were found to be higher in gills than in digestive gland of the mussels at all sites studied. Elevated DNA adduct levels in gills were found at 6 sites out of 18 compared to reference sites in respective coastal zones. Adduct levels ranged from 0.5 to 10 nmol adducts/mol normal nucleotides, being highest in mussels from Reykjavík harbour, Iceland (intertidal mussels), and from Fiskaatangen, Norway (subtidal mussels). Total PAH tissue levels in the mussels ranged between 40 and 11,670 ng/g dry wt., and were significantly correlated with DNA adduct levels (r(2)=0.73, p<0.001). PAH ratio values indicated that the PAHs were in most cases of pyrolytic origin, but with petrogenic input near harbours and an oil refinery.  相似文献   
The potential prognostic use of lysosomal reactions to environmental pollutants is explored in relation to predicting animal health in marine mussels, based on diagnostic biomarker data. Cellular lysosomes are already known to accumulate many metals and organic xenobiotics and the lysosomal accumulation of the carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC) is demonstrated here in the hepatopancreatic digestive cells and ovarian oocytes of the blue mussel. Lysosomal membrane integrity or stability appears to be a generic indicator of cellular well-being in eukaryotes; and in bivalve molluscs it is correlated with total oxygen and nitrogen radical scavenging capacity (TOSC), protein synthesis, scope for growth and larval viability; and inversely correlated with DNA damage (micronuclei), as well as lysosomal swelling (volume density), lipidosis and lipofuscinosis, which are all characteristic of failed or incomplete autophagy. Integration of multiple biomarker data is achieved using multivariate statistics and then mapped onto "health status space" by using lysosomal membrane stability as a measure of cellular well-being. This is viewed as a crucial step towards the derivation of explanatory frameworks for prediction of pollutant impact on animal health; and has facilitated the development of a conceptual mechanistic model linking lysosomal damage and autophagic dysfunction with injury to cells, tissues and the whole animal. This model has also complemented the creation and use of a cell-based bioenergetic computational model of molluscan hepatopancreatic cells that simulates lysosomal and cellular reactions to pollutants. More speculatively, the use of coupled empirical measurements of biomarker reactions and modelling is proposed as a practical approach to the development of an operational toolbox for predicting the health of the environment.  相似文献   
Evolving factor analysis is used to estimate the concentration profiles and spectra of Bi~(3 )and the bismuthchloride complexes BiCl~(2 )through BiCl_6~(3-)formed by injection of bismuth percblorate into a flowingstream of 1.0 mol l~(-1) HCl.The estimated spectra compare favorably with previously published spectraof the complexes.  相似文献   
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