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北岭地震时,许多新的技术,包括震源数据的实时获取、改进后的损失估计技术、地理信息系统以及不同的卫星监测系统,已经出现或被考虑作为应急管理的资源。然而,这些技术在减轻地震灾害、地震应急反应和震后恢复方面的潜在益处大多是概念性的。从1994年1月17日地震中得到的主要经验之一,就是这些技术为了解和应对重大灾害可提供显著的便利条件,并且这些技术结合起来会贡献出更大的显著效益。北岭地震之后的两年半时间内,在将相对独立的技术结合成一个系统方面迈出了重要一步,该系统对区域性破坏、损失和人口影响提供实时估计.本文将阐述应急服务组织使用的第一个实时损失估计系统的研制、运行和应用情况。  相似文献   
丘陵草坡土壤10Be分布特征及土壤生成速率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以位于广东省境内的中国科学院鹤山丘陵综合试验站草坡集水区土壤剖面为对象, 对土壤样品进行了大气成因10Be测定, 对基岩以及风化岩石样品进行了就地(in-situ)宇宙成因10Be测定. 基于土壤层大气成因10Be测定, 参考土壤层底界14C表观年龄, 估算出草坡地区3800年以来大约有34%的成土物质被侵蚀掉; 基于风化岩石间隙土大气成因10Be测定, 估算得到基岩之上90 cm厚的风化岩石层至少经历了1.36 Ma, 平均侵蚀速率约为1.26×10-4 cm/a. 表面风化岩石和基岩就地成因10Be浓度分别为10.7×104 atoms/g和 8.31×104 atoms/g, 据此估算得到: 土壤生成速率为8.8×10-4 cm/a; 表层风化岩石以及基岩宇宙射线暴露时间分别约为7.2×104和2.3×105a. 土壤生成速率大于侵蚀速率, 自然地貌状况稳定.  相似文献   
根据已发表的报告,卫星测高仪在过去只检测到一次波辐相当小的海洋中的海啸波(Okal et al,1999)。2004年12月海啸显著地改变了这种图象。这次事件是自1970年代开始进行卫星测高以来发生的最大的事件。目前在轨道上的仪器可以相当高分辨率(海上5km范围平均几厘米)测量海面高度,不过仅能沿其轨道测量,不能提供事件的全景图象。而且它们也不可能安排在最佳位置在震源附近进行早期监测。  相似文献   
2004年12月26日苏门答腊—安达曼地震激发的地球自由振荡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据300~500S的面波估计得到的哈佛大学矩心矩张量断层机制,当周期大于1000S时,地球的地震自由振荡的振幅将异常地大。我们对一个比较陡的断层应用根据地震的体波和面波得到的更真实的破裂模型,估计了自由振荡的振幅近似等于地震矩(6.5×1022N.M),这相当于矩震级为9.15。由于破裂的持续时间达600S,故断层破裂模型足以描述地震的观测结果,但却低估了大地测量位移,这些位移表明在尼科巴群岛和安达曼群岛下面发生了缓慢的断层运动。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONEmpiricalorthogonalfunction (EOF)isastatisticalmethodwidelyusedtoquantitativelyexam inemeteorologicalandoceanicdata (PreisendorferandBarnett,1 977;Rasmussonetal.,1 981 ;KnappenbergerandMichaels,1 993 ;LeeandCornillon ,1 995) .Themethodseeksoutthefirstfeworth…  相似文献   
Mountain ecosystem,on the earth,has plenty of natural resources. In Himachal Pradesh all the rivers are snowfed and therefore rich in water resources. These resources have been supporting enough for the generation of electricity through introducing hydropower projects since the last decade. However,every developmental activity has its own negative impacts on the surrounding environment. Due to the fragile nature of topography and delicacy of ecology of the Himalaya,it results in lot of disturbances because of high degree of human interferences like construction of major hydropower projects. The increased extent of geological hazards,such as landslides,rock fall and soil erosion,have mainly due to alike developmental interventions in the natural ecosystem. So understanding and analysing such impacts of the hydropower projects have mainly been on the environment in various forms but natural hazards have been frequent ones. The present study,therefore,focuses mainly on the Parbati Stage Ⅱ (800 MW) and the Parbati Stage Ⅲ (520 MW) hydropower projects; both of which fall within the Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh. Based on the perception survey of the local communities,the existing land use pattern,status of total acquired land of the residents by hydropower projects,frequent natural hazards and resultant loss to the local communities due to upcoming construction of hydropower projects surrounding to the Parbati Stage Ⅱ and Ⅲ have been analysed in the paper. Also,the preventive measures to mitigate these adverse impacts have been suggested to strengthen these projects in eco-friendly manner in the mountain context.  相似文献   
通过分析GeoAcoustics公司的GeoSwath相干多波束系统的二进制原始文件结构,使用VC 6.0设计出各传感器字段的数据结构,并编程实现相干多波束数据的提取和图形可视化。该技术方法对于GeoSwath系统多波束数据的提取和分析处理有参考意义。  相似文献   
Some pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite-bearing amphibole megacrysts (including pyroxene megacrysts) were discovered in Mesozoic augite diorite-porphyrite at Caoshan in Tongling area, Anhui Province. The amphibole megacrysts, belonging mainly to pargasite and magnesiohastingsite, are characteristic of the amphibole composition derived from mantle and crystallized in lower crust. In general, the aggregates of pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite take the shapes of cylinder and sphere. Three occurrences have been recognized in the amphibole megacrysts: parallel linear, bunchy and scattered. The unique cylinder-like shape of the aggregates and remarkable Ni-poor sulfides in Caoshan are distinctively different from the spherical Ni-rich sulfides in pyroxene megacrysts and any other kinds of megacrysts. In terms of composition, the amphibole megacrysts and their sulfides in Caoshan are similar to those in the pyroxenite xenoliths in Qilin, Guangdong Province. In terms of origin, the pyrrhotite-chalcopyrites as exsolution products resulted from the subsolidus re-equilibration of sulfide solid solution within amphibole megacrysts.amphibole megacrysts were first discovered inside and outside China. This discovery is important for the study of regional magma evolution and its associated mineralizations and ore sources as well.  相似文献   
引言虽然现在已知有些早已描述过的超基性岩是喷出成因的(例如,Naldrett & Mason, 1968),但对超基性熔岩的认识和首先作明确描述的应归功于Viljoen & Viljoen(1969),他们认为南非巴伯顿山地绿岩带中的许多超基性岩单位是火山成因的。他们建议把包括这些超基性熔岩以及有关的基性火山岩和超基性岩墙和岩床的一套岩石称为科马提岩(Komatiite)。作为喷出证据,他们描述了冷却的岩流顶部构造、  相似文献   
黄铁栋  王平  李慧  陈俊  周欢  韦欣 《新疆地质》2011,29(3):324-326
通过对主煤层煤岩组分对比发现,沙尔湖煤田煤显微煤岩组分以惰质组分为主,组分因埋深不同有差异.利用镜质组与惰质组组份含量比例关系,推测煤层在沼泽积水较深还原环境中形成.煤中惰质组分含量较高,说明成煤期地壳缓慢上升,沼泽积水变浅的氧化环境.煤田自西向东主煤层形成时期沼泽积水深浅(地壳升降)变化韵律一致,早期深水中心偏向东部(葛洲坝煤矿方向),晚期深水中心偏向西部(格鑫煤矿方向),东部持续缓慢抬升使成煤阶段处于氧化环境,惰质组含量逐渐增高,并明显高于西部.同时,煤中无机质含量较高,反映当时为水动力条件较弱的成煤环境.据巨厚煤层产出、聚煤中心赋存(直接在二叠系老地层上)和煤层稳定性及变化趋势多方煤层特征,认为沙尔湖煤田巨厚煤层的形成具异地成煤特点.  相似文献   
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