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Pc3 geomagnetic field fluctuations detected at low latitude (L’Aquila, Italy) during the passage of a high velocity solar wind stream, characterized by variable interplanetary magnetic field conditions, are analyzed. Higher frequency resonant fluctuations and lower frequency phenomena are simultaneously observed; the intermittent appearance and the variable frequency of the longer period modes can be well interpreted in terms of the variable IMF elements; moreover their polarization characteristics are consistent with an origin related to external waves propagating in antisunward direction. A comparison with simultaneous observations performed at Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica) provides additional evidence for a clear relationship between the IMF and Pc3 pulsations also at very high latitudes.  相似文献   
In this paper we derive an integral formula that encompasses all linear processes on seismic data. These include migration, demigration and residual migration, as well as data mapping procedures such as transformation to zero offset, inverse transformation to zero offset, residual transformation to zero offset and offset continuation. The derivation of the equation is different from all previous approaches to unification. Here we do not use a cascaded operation between two operators, but rather the superposition principle. In this regard, the derivation is not only more fundamental, but also simpler and more general. We study the kinematics and the dynamics of these processes and show that the signals can be reconstructed asymptotically either by finding the envelope of particular surfaces or by stacking energy along “adjoint” surfaces. For example, in the case of migration, the first set of surfaces are isochrons, while the “adjoint” surfaces are diffraction responses. In practice, the distinction between these two types of surfaces is equivalent to choosing the order of the computational loops with regard to the input and output seismic traces.  相似文献   
A comparison of tools for measuring discharge rates in a sandy streambed was conducted along a transect near the north bank of the Grindsted Å (stream), Denmark. Four tools were evaluated at six locations spaced 3 m apart in the stream: mini-piezometers, streambed point velocity probes (SBPVPs), temperature profilers, and seepage meters. Comparison of the methods showed that all identified a similar trend of low to high groundwater discharges moving westward along the transect. Furthermore, it was found that the differences between discharges estimated from Darcy calculations (using the mini-pizometers), and SBPVPs were not statistically different from zero, at the 90% confidence level. Seepage meter estimates were consistently lower than those of the other two methods, but compared more reasonably with the application of a correction factor of 1.7, taken from the literature. In contrast, discharges estimated from temperature profiling (to a depth of 40 cm) were found to be about an order of magnitude less than those determined with the other methods, possibly due to interferences from horizontal hyporheic flow. Where the various methods produced statistically different discharge estimations at the same location, it is hypothesized that the differences arose from method-specific sources of bias, including installation depths. On the basis of this work, practitioners interested in measuring flow across the groundwater-surface water interface achieve the least variability with seepage meters and the SBPVP. However the accuracy of the seepage meter depended on a calibrated correction factor while that of the SBPVP did not.  相似文献   
电离层foF2变化对地震反应非常敏感,与地震有关的电离层扰动变化结果似乎非常有望用于地震短期预测。格林威治时间2011年1月18日20:23分,一次7.2级的大地震发生在巴基斯坦的达尔巴丁(28.73oN, 63.92oE)。本文研究中,我们必须利用架设在巴基斯坦的伊斯兰堡(33.78oN, 73.06oE)、玛尔坦(32.26oN,71.51oE)和卡拉奇(24.89oN,67.02oE)三个垂直探测台站获得的白天(08:00 a.m. - 05:00 p.m.)小时值数据找出地震前的foF2异常变化特征。结果显示,在达尔巴丁地震前几天,foF2出现了显著变化;并且距离震中最近的台站观测到的频率与幅度异常变化大于较远的位于孕震区边缘的台站。尽管地震异常特征显著,但增加其它电离层参数可以提高foF2异常的高置信度水平。  相似文献   
Water samples were collected from cold and warm karst springs for stable isotopes (δ18O and δD) and 3H from SE of Kashmir valley (western Himalayas) to distinguish the sources of recharge and infer their recharge areas. The spring water samples were most depleted in heavier isotopes in May (average δ18O: ?8.87‰ and δD: ?50.3‰) and enriched in September (average δ18O: ?7.58‰ and δD: ?48.1‰). The depleted 18O and 2H of spring waters bear the signatures of winter precipitation while as the enriched 18O and 2H of spring waters bear the signature of summer rainfall. D‐excess and 3H corroborate with the stable isotope results that the spring flow in spring season (May) and autumn (September) is dominantly controlled by the melting of winter snowmelt and summer rainfall, respectively. The results showed that unlike δD, the δ18O value in the karst spring waters decreases in January suggesting δ18O shift. The spring water samples also fall above the Local Meteoric Water Line and Global Meteoric Water Line indicating the δ18O shift due to interaction of groundwater with the host carbonate rocks during its traverse. The mean elevation of the recharge areas of the springs using δ18O and δD tracers was also estimated. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Summary The latitic rock mined at the Gossendorf open pit in the Gleichenberg Volcanic Area of Styria, Austria, has in places been completely altered to various associations of the secondary minerals opal-C/-CT, alunite, kaolinite and montmorillonite. These associations occur in a zonal arrangement, in which the innermost part has been totally altered to opal and moreover has retained its original latitic structure. The results of experimental alteration tests on the latitic rock in open hydrological systems suggest that these secondary minerals and some of the associations observed in the field as well as their zonal distribution, may have been formed by an originally strongly acid solution rich in SO4 2– which, undergoing progressive chemical variation by reaction with the rock, exhibits a chemical gradient. Some of the mineral associations, however, may not be explained by a single alteration process, but must be regarded as the result of multi-stage alteration in which alteration products from weak leaching are super-imposed on alteration products from intense leaching.
Untersuchungen zur hydrothermalen Umwandlung unter dem Einfluß saurer SO4 2–-Lösungen: Diskussion der Bildungsbedingungen der Umwandlungsprodukte der Latite von Gleichenberg, Steiermark, Österreich anhand experimenteller Umwandlungen.
Zusammenfassung Latitische Gesteine sind im Tagbau Gossendorf des Gleichenberger Vulkangebietes, Steiermark, Österreich, z. T. vollständig in verschieden zusammengesetzte Kombinationen der Mineralneubildungen Opal-C/-CT, Alunit, Kaohnit und Montmorillonit umgewandelt. Diese Kombinationen treten in einer zonaren Anordnung auf, wobei der zentrale Bereich vollständig in Opal umgewandelt ist und darüberhinaus noch das ehemalige Latitgefüge aufweist. Experimentelle Umwandlungsversuche mit dem latititschen Gestein im offenen System haben gezeigt, daß diese Neubildungen und einige der beobachteten Kombinationen sowie deren zonare Anordnung durch den Einfluß einer ursprünglich stark sauren SO4 2–-Lösung entstehen können, die sich durch die Reaktion mit dem Gestein chemisch ständig ändert, d. h. einen chemischen Gradienten aufweist. Einige der auftretenden Kombinationen sind jedoch nicht durch ein Umwandlungsgeschehen zu erklären, sondern nur als Ergebnis einer mehraktigen Umwandlung, wodurch sich Umwandlungsprodukte einer starken Auslaugung und die einer schwachen Auslaugung überlagern können.

With 9 Figures  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Orientierung der Kristallite eines Faserhalites wurde mit einer Röntgen-U-Tisch-Methode bestimmt, indem für jedes Korn die drei Symmetrieachsen des durch einen Bildverstärker sichtbar gemachten Laue-Bildes zentral gestellt wurden. Die Darstellung der Ergebnisse erfolgte in einer flächentreuen Projektion durch Eintragung der Pole der Kornschnittflächen im entsprechenden Präparat in einem sphärischen Dreieck mit den Durchstoßpunkten der Senkrechten auf (001), (011) und (111) als Eckpunkten.Aus der Bearbeitung eines Schnittes senkrecht zur Faserrichtung ergibt sich, daß etwa ein Drittel der Kristallite eine zweizählige Achse nahe zur Faserrichtung hat; das entspricht qualitativ den Erwartungen aus den vektoriellen Wachstumsgeschwindigkeiten beim Halit. Die Ergebnisse aus Schnitten parallel zur Faserachse sind nicht so klar zu interpretieren, jedoch zeigen sich auch hier Orientierungseffekte.
Preferred crystallographic orientation of crystallites in natural fibrous halite aggregates
Summary The orientations of the crystallites in a fibrous halite were determined using an X-ray universal stage method in which for each individual grain the Laue-diagrams of the three symmetry axes, made visible by an image intensifier, were set at the center. The results are presented in an equal-area net using the poles of the corresponding grain's sections in a spherical triangle with the normals to (001), (011) and (111) as corner points.Studies on a thin section perpendicular to the fiber direction revealed a two-fold axis approximately along the fiber direction for about a third of the crystallites. This is qualitatively what is expected from halite vectorial growth rates. The results of sections parallel to the fiber axis are not so clear but do show orientation effects.

Mit 5 Abbildungen  相似文献   
We conducted a statistical analysis of the physical characteristics of the micropulsation activity (Pc3 and Pc4 range) detected, during the austral summer 1994/95, at Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica, corrected latitude 80.0°S), a station which is few degrees poleward of those where most of the Antarctic measurements in these frequency ranges have been performed. The emerging overview suggests that the correspondence between the pulsation power and the external parameters (solar wind speed, interplanetary magnetic field magnitude and orientation) is significantly stronger than at somewhat lower latitudes. The day-to-day power variability was found to be strictly related to the general level of the geomagnetic activity, and the power level sharply maximizes at local magnetic noon. In the Pc4 range peaks of correlation with the SW speed are found in the dawn and dusk sides of the Earths magnetosphere and the daily variation of the polarization pattern is closely consistent with that found at auroral latitudes and at lower frequencies. In the Pc3 range the correlation coefficient between the pulsation power and the SW speed has maximum values in the local morning, and the frequency of selected events reveals a strong IMF control during closed magnetospheric conditions. The local time dependence of the correlation coefficient between the pulsation power and the cone angle reveals an additional control by the IMF orientation, which becomes more explicit around local noon.  相似文献   
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