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An assemblage of calpionellids and calcispheres identified in five lithostratigraphic units allows the identification of eight biozones in the upper Oxfordian-Hauterivian interval. Since the biozonation according to calpionellids has already been accurately defined by Pop (1974, 1989) for the Marila Limestones and Crivina Marls, the novelty of our approach resides mainly in the extension of this biozonation to the over- and underlying lithostratigraphic units using calcispheres. The possibility of micropalaeontologically delimiting the Valea Aninei Limestones is extremely significant, since the age of these limestones has been estimated so far only by their geometrical setting in the lithostratigraphic sequence of formations in the area.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - In the present study, numerical simulations were conducted to estimate the spatio-temporal characteristics of tsunami inundation for municipalities on Vancouver Island, Canada, as...  相似文献   
In the frame of the elliptical restricted three-body problem, the differential equations for the motion of an infinitesimal body are established. In spite of the lack of Jacobi's integral, for fixed values of the true anomaly (v = 0°, 90°, and 180°), particular results were obtained. The pulsational character of the equipotential surfaces is evident.  相似文献   
A 3-D large eddy simulation model that was first transformed to smoothed particle hydrodynamics (LES-SPH)-based model was employed to study breaking tsunami waves in this paper. LES-SPH is a gridless (or mesh-free), purely Lagrangian particle approach which is capable of tracking the free surface of violent deformation with fragmentation in an easy and accurate way. The Smagorinsky closure model is used to simulate the turbulence due to its simplicity and effectiveness. The Sub-Particle Scale scheme, plus the link-list algorithm, is applied to reduce the demand of computational power. The computational results show that the 3-D LES-SPH model can capture well the breaking wave characteristics. Spatial evolution features of breaking wave are presented and visualized. The detailed mechanisms of turbulence transport and vorticity dynamics are demonstrated as well. This application also presents an example to validate the SPH model.  相似文献   
We present new sedimentological, petrographical, palaeontological and detrital zircon U–Pb data on late Oligocene–early Miocene sedimentary rocks of the thin-skinned thrust belt of East Carpathians. These data were acquired to reconstruct the sedimentary routing system for two compositionally different turbidite fans made of the regionally extensive Kliwa and Fusaru formations. On the eastern margin of the Moldavides foreland basin, large low-gradient river systems draining the East European Platform provided well-sorted quartz-rich sand forming deltas on wide shallow shelves and thick Kliwa submarine fans. Due to the westward subduction of a thinned continental plate, the western basin margin was characterized by short, steep-gradient routing systems where sediment transport to deep water was mainly through hyperpycnal flows. The Getic and Bucovinian nappes of the East Carpathians and the exhumed Cretaceous–Early Palaeogene orogenic wedge fed Fusaru fans with poorly sorted lithic sand. The Fusaru fans trend northwards in the foredeep basin having an elongate depocentre, interfingering and then overlapping on the distal part of the Kliwa depositional system due to the eastward advance of the Carpathian fold-and-thrust belt. A smaller sediment input is supplied by southern continental areas (i.e. Moesian Platform, North Dobrogea and potentially the Balkans). In general, the sandstone interfingering between distinct basin floor fan systems is less well documented because the facies would be similar and there are not many systems that have a distinct sediment provenance like Kliwa and Fusaru systems. This case study improves the understanding of regional palaeogeography and sedimentary routing systems and provides observations relevant here or elsewhere on the interfingering turbidite fan systems.  相似文献   
Armed with a scholarship to find an answer to the question “What is geography?” Simion Mehedin?i's studies took him to continental Europe's three main centers of geographic thought: Paris, Berlin, and Leipzig. We explore how his innovative ideas flourished, especially in Leipzig under Ratzel. The first Romanian geographer, Mehedin?i, must be credited with having defined geography as a science of mutual relationships between geospheres. This thinking reached its pinnacle in two complex books, Terra and Ethnos, the contents of which we synthetically explore. We also trace the unfavorable historical and geopolitical conditions that led to this pioneering work being little recognized worldwide.  相似文献   
Fifty-four broadband models for computation of solar diffuse irradiation on horizontal surface were tested in Romania (South-Eastern Europe). The input data consist of surface meteorological data, column integrated data, and data derived from satellite measurements. The testing procedure is performed in 21 stages intended to provide information about the sensitivity of the models to various sets of input data. There is no model to be ranked “the best” for all sets of input data. However, some of the models performed better than others, in the sense that they were ranked among the best for most of the testing stages. The best models for solar diffuse radiation computation are, on equal footing, ASHRAE 2005 model (ASHRAE 2005) and King model (King and Buckius, Solar Energy 22:297–301, 1979). The second best model is MAC model (Davies, Bound Layer Meteor 9:33–52, 1975). Details about the performance of each model in the 21 testing stages are found in the Electronic Supplementary Material.  相似文献   
Methane occurrences displaying signatures of a possible abiotic origin had previously been reported in the South‐West Carpathians (Romania). Such an accumulation, at Tisovi?a, was intercepted by a well drilled in an ophiolitic rocks massif, whereas in two other localities—situated tens of kilometres faraway—the concerned methane is released via thermal groundwater outflows that are apparently not associated with any ultramafic products. By using groundwater ionic compositions, corroborated with previously published isotopic (13C‐CH4, 2H‐CH4, 3He/4He) and molecular gas analyses, we assessed in more detail the conjectured abiotic provenance of methane, and quantitatively investigated the hypothesis of a progressive mixing between two, abiotic and thermogenic, methane end‐members. The corresponding geofluids behaviour was modelled by hypothesizing a “concealed” ophiolite serpentinization setting (largely similar to that at Tisovi?a), whose abiotic methane production was “diverted” towards remote discharges at ground surface, via a ~20‐km‐long flowpath supposedly generated by recently operating extensional tectonics.  相似文献   
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