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Zusammenfassung Die Beziehung zwischen äquatorialen Konvektionsregen und der Meereshöhe wird am Beispiel der Südabdachung der Haputale Range auf Ceylon (etwa 7° nördl. Br. und rund 1400 m Höhenunterschied) untersucht. Auf der Grundlage unveröffentlichter Niederschlagsmessungen von 21 Stationen, vorwiegend Teeplantagen, für die Periode von 1951–1965 wird die Änderung der Niederschlagsmenge mit der Höhe an Hand der mittleren jährlichen und mittleren monatlichen Niederschlagsmengen diskutiert. Hierbei ergibt sich im Jahresmittel und in den Monaten mit vorwiegend konvektiver Niederschlagsbildung — das sind die Intermonsunmonate März, April und Mai sowie Oktober und November —, daß nach anfänglicher Zunahme des Niederschlags mit wachsender Höhe oberhalb einer kritischen Höhenlage zwischen 900–1400 m NN eine stetige Abnahme des Niederschlags eintritt.
Summary The relationship between equatorial convective rain and altitude above sea-level is investigated taking the southern slope of the Haputale Range in Ceylon (7° N, about 1400 m range of altitude) as an example. On the basis of unpublished precipitation observations of 21 stations, most of them on tea-estates, from the period 1951 to 1965 the variation of the amount of precipitation with altitude is discussed using mean annual and mean monthly precipitation totals. It appears that in the annual mean and during the months with prevailing convective rain — these are the intermonsoonal months March, April, May and October, November — the precipitation totals increase with altitude up to a critical level between 900 and 1400 m a.s.l. and then decrease again monotonically.

Résumé On examine ici la relation existant entre les précipitations équatoriales de convection d'une part et l'altitude d'autre part. Pour ce faire, on se sert de l'exemple offert par le versant sud de l'Haputale Range de Ceylan (situé à environ 7° de latitude N et présentant une différence d'altitude de 1400 m environ). Sur la base de mesures non publiées des précipitations — mesures effectuées de 1951 à 1965 à 21 stations, en majeure partie des plantations de thé — on discute les modifications que subissent les sommes de précipitations avec l'altitude. Dans ce but, on utilise les moyennes annuelles et mensuelles de cet élément. Il en résulte que les précipitations augmentent tout d'abord avec l'altitude et cela jusqu'à une zone critique située entre 900 et 1400 m. Au-dessus, les précipitations diminuent de nouveau régulièrement. Cette constatation est valable aussi bien pour la moyenne annuelle que pour les mois caractérisés avant tout par des précipitations d'origine convective c'est à dire ceux qui se situent entre les périodes de mousson (mars, avril, mai, octobre et novembre).

Mit 4 Abbildungen  相似文献   
Thermal comfort of man in different urban environments   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
Summary On July 29, 1985, a hot summer day, biometeorological measurements were performed simultaneously in three different urban structures within the city of Munich and in the trunk space of a nearby tall spruce forest. Based on the results of these experiments the following thermophysiologically relevant biometeorological indices were calculated: Predicted mean vote, skin wettedness and physiologically equivalent temperature. These three indices are derived from different models for the human energy balance. They allow the assessment of the thermal components of the microclimates at the selected sites with regard to application in urban planning. The results quantitatively show the great heat stress in the urban structure street canyon, exposed to south, whereas in the trunk space of the tall spruce forest there is nearly an optimal climate even on hot summer days. Between these extremes the results for street canyon, exposed to north show a little higher heat load than for backyard with trees.
Zusammenfassung An einem heißen Sommertag, dem 29. Juli 1985, wurden in drei Stadtstrukturen in München und im Stammraum eines nahegelegenen Fichtenhochwaldes zeitgleich biometeorologische Messungen durchgeführt. Mit den Meßergebnissen wurden folgende thermophysiologisch relevante biometeorologische Indizes berechnet: Predicted mean vote, Hautbenetzungsgrad und physiologisch äquivalente Temperatur. Diese drei Indizes beruhen auf verschiedenen Modellen zur menschlichen Energiebilanz. Mit den drei Indizes wurden die thermischen Komponenten der Mikroklimate an den ausgewählten Meßplätzen im Hinblick auf Stadtplanungsaufgaben bewertet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen quantitativ die relativ große Hitzebelastung bei der Stadtstruktur Straßenschlucht, nach Süd exponiert, während im Stammraum des Fichtenhochwaldes selbst an heißen Sommertagen nahezu optimale Bedingungen herrschen. Zwischen diesen Extremen liegen die Ergebnisse für die anderen Meßplätze, wobei für Straßenschlucht, nach Nord exponiert die Wärmebelastung etwas höher als für Innenhof mit Bäumen ist.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   
From wind profile and wave measurements performed during the JONSWAP II experiment, relations between the dimensionless profile slope and the significant wave height are derived. It is shown that the wind profile is distorted by the waves especially in the vicinity of the water surface. The wave influence on the profile seems to be restricted to heights below about three wave heights. Above this level, the dimensionless profile slope is an approximately constant value corresponding to a drag coefficient of about 1.15 × 10–3.  相似文献   
Meteorological data obtained from sensors mounted on a 300-m antenna mast, including wind components and temperature fluctuations together with high resolution profile measurements, were used to calculate quantities which describe the most important processes during the development and decay of ground-based inversions. The vertical distribution of air temperature during the developing phase of radiation inversions has been measured continuously and compared with an existing simple prognostic model. Free and forced convection conditions have been investigated for the inversion lifting phase by measuring the heat fluxes at the surface (H s) and at the inversion base (H i), the heating rate of the mixed layer (/z) m , the friction velocity (u *) and the entrainment rate (dh/dt). Comparisons between the directly measured entrainment rates and those calculated by models show good agreement. For nearly free convection conditions, the entrainment parameter (k = -H i/Hs) has been determined to be about 0.25.  相似文献   
Nitric oxide profiles obtained from three flights of chemiluminescent instruments during the Globus '85 campaign held in France in the autumn of 1985 are reported. When the profile obtained in the early morning of 20 September is compared with the flight made the previous afternoon, an average morning to midday NO ratio of 0.7 for the region between 26 and 33 km is obtained. This value is in good agreement with theoretical studies involving the photolysis of N2O5 and the establishment of the NO2–NO equilibrium.  相似文献   
Global distributions of carbonyl sulfide and carbon disulfide have been calculated with a three-dimensional global model of the atmospheric general circulation (ECHAM). The model calculates a global sink strength for carbonyl sulfide of 0.3 Tg S yr-1, with vegetation uptake being the largest sink. With this sink strength, the sources have to be close to the lower limit of the present estimate in the literature. The calculated mixing ratios are higher in the Southern Hemisphere than in the Northern Hemisphere. This interhemispheric gradient is the opposite of what is observed demonstrating that the present knowledge of the distribution of sinks and sources is not fully adequate. The model calculations support the idea that the open oceans could act as a net sink of carbonyl sulfide. The calculated stratospheric photolysis of carbonyl sulfide constitutes about 4% of the total sink of carbonyl sulfide. A stratospheric production of sulfate from carbonyl sulfide of 0.013 Tg S yr-1 is obtained, which is 3 to 12 times less than what is needed to maintain the stratospheric sulfate aerosol layer. Although these results are associated with uncertainties, due to the low upper boundary and coarse vertical resolution of the model, they support recent findings of a low stratospheric production of sulfate from carbonyl sulfide. Instead, sulfur dioxide transported from the troposphere is calculated to be the most important precursor for the stratospheric sulfate aerosol layer.  相似文献   
Summary Simultaneous measurements of xylem sap flow and water vapour flux over a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forest (Hartheim, Germany), were carried out during the Hartheim Experiment (HartX), an intensive observation campaign of the international programme REKLIP. Sap flow was measured every 30 min using both radial constant heating (Granier, 1985) and two types of Cermak sap flowmeters installed on 24 trees selected to cover a wide range of the diameter classes of the stand (min 8 cm; max 17.5 cm). Available energy was high during the observation period (5.5 to 6.9 mm.day–1), and daily cumulated sap flow on a ground area basis varied between 2.0 and 2.7 mm day–1 depending on climate conditions. Maximum hourly values of sap flow reached 0.33 mm h–1, i.e., 230 W m–2.Comparisons of sap flow with water vapour flux as measured with two OPEC (One Propeller Eddy Correlation, University of Arizona) systems showed a time lag between the two methods, sap flow lagging about 90 min behind vapour flux. After taking into account this time lag in the sap flow data set, a good agreement was found between both methods: sap flow = 0.745* vapour flux,r 2 = 0.86. The difference between the two estimates was due to understory transpiration.Canopy conductance (g c ) was calculated from sap flow measurements using the reverse form of Penman-Monteith equation and climatic data measured 4 m above the canopy. Variations ofg c were well correlated (r 2 = 0.85) with global radiation (R) and vapour pressure deficit (vpd). The quantitative expression forg c =f (R, vpd) was very similar to that previously found with maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) in the forest of Les Landes, South Western France.With 6 Figures  相似文献   
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