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Numerical studies of ductile deformations induced by salt movements have, until now, been restricted to two-dimensional (2D) modelling of diapirism. This paper suggests a numerical approach to model the evolution of three-dimensional (3D) salt structures toward increasing maturity. This approach is also used here to restore the evolution of salt structures through successive earlier stages. The numerical methodology is applied to study several model examples. We analyse a model of salt diapirs that develop from an initial random perturbation of the interface between salt and its overburden and restore the evolved salt diapirs to their initial stages. We show that the average restoration errors are less than 1%. An evolutionary model of a 2D salt wall loaded by a 2D pile of sediments predicts a decomposition of the salt wall into 3D diapiric structures when the overburden of salt is supplied by 3D synkinematic wedge of sediments. We model salt extrusion feeding a gravity current over the depositional surface and estimate an average rate of extrusion and horizontal velocity of salt spreading. Faulting of the overburden to salt overhangs initiates new secondary diapirs, and we analyse the growth of these secondary diapirs. We also study how lateral flow effects the evolution of salt diapirs. The shape of a salt diapir can be very different if the rate of horizontal flow is much greater than the initial rate of diapiric growth solely due to gravity. We discuss the applicability of the results of the models to the evolution of Late Permian salt structures in the Pricaspian basin (Russia and Kazakhstan). These structures are distinguishable into a variety of styles representing different stages of growth: salt pillows, diapirs, giant salt massifs, 2D diapiric walls and 3D stocks complicated by large overhangs. The different sizes, shapes and maturities of salt structures in different parts of the Pricaspian basin reflect areal differences in salt thickness and loading history. Our results suggest that the numerical methodology can be employed to analyse the evolution of all salt structures that have upbuilt through younger ductile overburdens.  相似文献   
Pore network modelling (PNM) has been widely used to study the multiphase flow and transport in porous media. Although a number of recent papers discussed the PNM validation on core-scale parameters such as permeability, relative permeability and capillary pressure; quantitative predictive potential of PNM on pore by pore basis has rarely been studied. The aim of this paper is to present a direct comparison between PNM simulations and corresponding micro-model experiments at the same scale and the same geometry. A number of well-defined and constrained two-phase flow in porous medium experimental scenarios were utilized to validate the physics solving part in PNM (filling rules, capillary and viscous pressure). This work validates that a dynamic pore network flow solver can predict two-phase flow displacements for these experiments for drainage situations at both pore and plug scales. A glass-etched micro-model is used to quantify the accuracy of a dynamic PNM solver on pore and core levels. Two-phase drainage micro fluidic experiments at different flow conditions are performed on micro-models. PNM simulations are performed on the same pattern and flow conditions as used in micro-model experiments. The two-phase distribution extracted from experiment images is registered onto rsults of PNM simulations for direct pore to pore comparison. Pore-scale matching level is found at around 75 % for all three test cases. The matching level of core-scale parameters such as S w c and oil-phase permeability varies from case to case; the relative error to micro-model experiment measurements varies from 15 to 60 %. Possible reasons leading to discrepancies on core-scale parameters are discussed: missing considerations during validation of the combination of uncertainty in both simulator input parameters and experiments are seen as the principal factors.  相似文献   
The Ni-Cu-platinum group element sulfide ore deposits of the Kharaelakh Intrusion,Noril′sk Region,Siberia,represent a large concentration of sulfides associated with a small differentiated intrusion formed at the edge of the Siberian Craton in the roots of the Siberian Trap flood basalt.The deposit is associated with an intrusion that occupies a flanking periclinal structure adjacent to the Noril′sk-Kharaelakh Fault.The intrusion is strongly differentiated and comprises taxitic gabbrodolerites,picritic gabbrodolerites,and gabbrodolerites within the main body which in turn forms a chonolith within a sheet-like intrusion that extends laterally to form extensive undifferentiated sills of gabbrodolerite.The intrusion substantially replaces the stratigraphy of the country rocks,and although it appears to have exploited the axis of structures developed in response to transtension,the intrusion has created space by both mechanical dilation of stratigraphy and magmatic replacement of pre-existing sedimentary rocks.The frontal lobes of the main intrusion have complex apophyses of gabrodolerite on a range of scales that demonstrate replacement of the sedimentary rocks and link to the development of an extensive metamorphic halo in the country rocks.This halo is much narrower over the main body of the intrusion,and these observations have implications for the thermal history of the intrusion.Mg-skarns and breccias are developed in the roof of the main body of the intrusion.Within the intrusion,the taxitic rocks contain vesicles and the blebby sulfides developed in the picritic and taxitic gabbrodolerites appear to have a linkage to volatile phases.Cuprous sulfide mineralization developed at the roof of the Kharaelakh Intrusion is associated with metamorphosed and skarn-bearing country rocks,and appears to have been generated by a combination of sulfide fractionation and associated metasomatism.The geological relationships appear consistent with a chonolith model for the development of the differentiated intrusion and mineralization,but the extent of metasmorphism of the country rocks appears to be related to the unusual thickness of gabbrodolerite apophyses at the flanks of the intrusion rather than metamorphism produced by the passage of mafic magma through the intrusion.Variations in disseminated sulfide compositions and metasomatic textures in the skarns are described,and a model is proposed which balances traditional views on the evolution of the magma conduits with the impact of magmatic fluids transported through the magma column(i.e.transmagmatic fluids).The importance of structures in controlling the nature of the conduit,and the resultant small intrusions with excess sulfide is a feature of many other Ni-Cu sulfide deposits including Voisey′s Bay,and it is suggested that the sulfides are more likely to have beentransported from depth into their final resting place rather than developed by in-situ equilibration of sulfide with fresh magma in the chonolith.  相似文献   
Mineralogy and Petrology - This paper describes specific features of isomorphism of unusual amphiboles containing up to 23 wt% ZnO and up to 1.3 wt% CuO from sulfide-free...  相似文献   
Radiogenic isotopes in fluid inclusions   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Igor M. Villa   《Lithos》2001,55(1-4):115-124
Radiogenic isotopes studied in fluid inclusions are still a limited field, with great potential for expansion as analytical techniques improve. The main limitation for Sr, Ar and He isotope work is the very small number of radiogenic atoms produced in a typical fluid inclusion. The requirements to analysts are correspondingly high. Examples show that isotopic tracing on fluid inclusion fluids can be a decisive tool in solving geological problems.  相似文献   
Fault rocks from various segments of the Periadriatic fault system (PAF; Alps) have been directly dated using texturally controlled Rb-Sr microsampling dating applied to mylonites, and both stepwise-heating and laser-ablation 40Ar/39Ar dating applied to pseudotachylytes. The new fault ages place better constraints on tectonic models proposed for the PAF, particularly in its central sector. Along the North Giudicarie fault, Oligocene (E)SE-directed thrusting (29-32 Ma) is currently best explained as accommodation across a cogenetic restraining bend within the Oligocene dextral Tonale-Pustertal fault system. In this case, the limited jump in metamorphic grade observed across the North Giudicarie fault restricts the dextral displacement along the kinematically linked Tonale fault to ~30 km. Dextral displacement between the Tonale and Pustertal faults cannot be transferred via the Peio fault because of both Late Cretaceous fault ages (74-67 Ma) and sinistral transtensive fault kinematics. In combination with other pseudotachylyte ages (62-58 Ma), widespread Late Cretaceous-Paleocene extension is established within the Austroalpine unit, coeval with sedimentation of Gosau Group sediments. Early Miocene pseudotachylyte ages (22-16 Ma) from the Tonale, Pustertal, Jaufen and Passeier faults argue for a period of enhanced fault activity contemporaneous with lateral extrusion of the Eastern Alps. This event coincides with exhumation of the Penninic units and contemporaneous sedimentation within fault-bound basins.  相似文献   
Alpine deformation of Austroalpine units south of the Tauern window is dominated by two kinematic regimes. Prior to intrusion of the main Periadriatic plutons at ~30 Ma, the shear sense was sinistral in the current orientation, with a minor north-side-up component. Sinistral shearing locally overprints contact metamorphic porphyroblasts and early Periadriatic dykes. Direct Rb-Sr dating of microsampled synkinematic muscovite gave ages in the range 33-30 Ma, whereas pseudotachylyte locally crosscutting the mylonitic foliation gave an interpreted 40Ar-39Ar age of ~46 Ma. The transition from sinistral to dextral (transpressive) kinematics related to the Periadriatic fault occurred rapidly, between solidification of the earlier dykes and of the main plutons. Subsequent brittle-ductile to brittle faults are compatible with N-S to NNW-SSE shortening and orogen-parallel extension. Antithetic Riedel shears are distinguished from the previous sinistral fabric by their fine-grained quartz microstructures, with local pseudotachylyte formation. One such pseudotachylyte from Speikboden gave a 40Ar-39Ar age of 20 Ma, consistent with pseudotachylyte ages related to the Periadriatic fault. The magnitude of dextral offset on the Periadriatic fault cannot be directly estimated. However, the jump in zircon and apatite fission-track ages establishes that the relative vertical displacement was ~4-5 km since 24 Ma, and that movement continued until at least 13 Ma.  相似文献   
New geoarchaeological and bioarcheological research was undertaken at the open‐air site of Mira, which is buried in deposits of the Second Terrace of the Dnepr River, roughly 15 km downstream from the city of Zaporozhye in Ukraine. Previous excavation of the site revealed two occupation layers dating to ∼32,000 cal BP. The lower layer (II/2) yielded bladelets similar to those of the early Gravettian, while the upper layer (I) contained traces of an artificial shelter and hundreds of bones and teeth of horse (Equus latipes). Mira represents the only firmly dated early Upper Paleolithic (EUP) site in the Dnepr Basin, and occupies a unique topographic setting for the EUP near the center of the broad floodplain of the Dnepr River. The site was visited during a period of floodplain stability, characterized by overbank deposition and weak soil formation under cool climate conditions. Mira was used as a long‐term camp, but also was the locus of large‐mammal carcass processing associated with a nearby kill of a group of horses (Layer I).  相似文献   
New analyses of highly siderophile elements (HSE; Re, Os, Ir, Ru, Pt, and Pd) obtained by Carius tube digestion isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma mass-spectrometry (ID-ICPMS) technique are reported for 187Os-enriched 2.8 Ga komatiites from the Kostomuksha greenstone belt. As a result of a significant improvement in the yield over our previous digestions by the NiS fire-assay technique, these komatiites have now been shown to contain 22 to 25% more Os, Ir, and Pt and 34% more Ru. The emplaced komatiite lavas at Kostomuksha thus had siderophile element abundances comparable to those of the Abitibi belt. The discrepancies observed between the two techniques are interpreted to be the result of incomplete digestion of HSE carriers (particularly chromite) during the NiS fire-assay procedure. Our results for UB-N peridotite reference material agree well with those obtained by the high-pressure ashing digestion ID-ICPMS technique reported in the literature. Two types of komatiite lavas have been distinguished in this study based on the IPGE (Os, Ir, and Ru) behavior during lava differentiation. The Kostomuksha type is unique and is characterized by an incompatible behavior of IPGEs, with bulk solid-liquid partition coefficients for IPGEs being close to those for olivine. Cumulate zones in this type of komatiite lava occupy <20% of the total thickness of the flows. The Munro type exhibits a compatible behavior of IPGEs during lava differentiation. The cumulate zone in this type of komatiite occupies >20% of the total thickness of the flows. The calculated bulk partition coefficients indicate that, as with the other Munro-type komatiite lavas, the bulk cumulate contained an IPGE-rich minor phase(s) in addition to olivine. The non-CI chondritic HSE pattern for the source of the Kostomuksha komatiites calculated here is similar to that of Abitibi komatiites and to average depleted spinel lherzolite (ADSL) and supports the hypothesis of a non-CI chondritic HSE composition of the Earth’s mantle. The absolute HSE abundances in the source of the Kostomuksha komatiite have been demonstrated to be comparable to those of the source of Abitibi komatiites, even though the two komatiites contrast in their Os isotopic compositions. This supports the earlier hypothesis that if core-mantle interaction produced the 187Os/188Os radiogenic signature in the Kostomuksha source, it must have occurred in the form of isotope exchange at the core-mantle boundary. Other explanations of the radiogenic Os signature are similarly constrained to conserve the elemental abundance pattern in the mantle source of Kostomuksha komatiites.  相似文献   
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