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Antibiotic resistant bacteria were studied as bio-indicators of marine polluted effluents during egg-laying in green turtles. A non-invasive procedure for sampling oviductal fluid was used to test for exposure of turtles to pollution in Ras Al-Hadd, Oman, which is one of the most important nesting beaches in the world. Each sample was obtained by inserting a 15 cm sterile swab gently into the cloacal vent as the sphincter muscle is relaxed and the cloacal lining is unfolded to the outside. Forty turtles were sampled. A hundred and thirty-two species of bacteria from 7 genera were isolated. The dominant isolate was Citrobacter. Among the isolates 60.6% were multiple resistant to 15 tested antibiotics. The dominant resistance to antibiotics was ampicillin followed by streptomycin and sulphamethoxazole. Sampling oviductal fluid for resistant bacteria to antibiotics is valuable way to assess exposure to polluted effluents during feeding and migratory in turtles. Polluted effluents using bacteria as bio-indicator may influence reproductive potential in this endangered species.  相似文献   
The adsorption of Cu(II) ions from aqueous solutions by soda lignin as an absorbent using a batch adsorption system is presented in this paper. The soda lignin used in this study was extracted from black liquor derived from oil palm empty fruit bunches (EFB) using 20% v/v sulfuric acid. The effects of varying experimental parameters such as pH value, adsorbent dosage, different concentrations of Cu(II) ions, and agitation period were investigated. The results revealed that the optimum adsorption of Cu(II) onto soda lignin was recorded at a pH of 5.0 at an adsorbent dosage of 0.5 g soda lignin and an agitation period of 40 min. The adsorption capacities and rates of Cu(II) ions onto soda lignin was evaluated. The Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption models were applied to calculate the isotherm constants. It was found that the adsorption isothermal data could be well interpreted by the Freundlich model. The kinetic experimental data properly correlated with the pseudo‐second‐order kinetic model, which implies that chemical sorption is the rate‐limiting step.  相似文献   
Kaolin, cordierite, and calcite are investigated as supports for TiO2. The prepared TiO2/support samples are examined for the removal of organic dyes from wastewater. The samples are preliminarily investigated to identify the optimal loaded system using synthetic wastewater containing methylene blue (MB). Data indicate that the investigated support significantly affects the photocatalytic activity of the supported TiO2. Low photocatalytic activity toward MB degradation is observed upon using TiO2/calcite when compared to the unsupported TiO2. Interaction between calcite and titania species probably occurrs to produce the less photoactive CaTiO3 amorphous species. Anatase TiO2 is obtained upon using kaolin and cordierite as supports. The low photocatalytic performance of the TiO2/kaolin sample is also observed. A high concentration of MB on TiO2/kaolin surfaces blocks the photoactive sites. TiO2/cordierite shows the highest photocatalytic activity compared to the unsupported TiO2 as well as the other TiO2/support samples. Rigid cordierite particles suppress the agglomeration of TiO2 particles during the preparation, leading to a high exposed surface of TiO2 towards light illumination. TiO2/cordierite is investigated for the removal of organic dye from real wastewater collected from a textile dyeing factory. Color removal of up to 46% is achieved upon UV irradiation.  相似文献   

Exhumed Paleozoic glacial deposits and landforms of the North Gondwana are reported here for the first time from the South Eastern Desert (SED) of Egypt. Using field observations and remote sensing datasets (Advanced Land Observing Satellite [ALOS], Phased Array L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar [PALSAR] radar, multispectral Landsat TM datasets, and digital elevation models [DEMs]), we mapped the distribution of Paleozoic glacial features (i.e. deposits and landforms) in the SED. Two main glaciogenic facies were identified in three locations in the SED: (1) massive, poorly sorted, matrix supported, boulder-rich diamictites in Wadi El-Naam and Korbiai, and (2) moderately-sorted, occasionally bedded outwash deposits in Betan area. Inspection of radar, DEMs, and Landsat Operational Land Imager (OLI) images revealed previously unrecognized ENE-WSW trending glacial megalineations (MLs) over the peneplained Neoproterozoic basement rocks in the central sections of the SED, whose trends align along their projected extension with those of glacial features (tunnel valleys and striation trends) reported from Saudi Arabia. The glaciogenic features in the SED are believed to be largely eroded during the uplift associated with the Red Sea opening, except for those preserved as basal units beneath the Nubia Sandstone Formation or as remnant isolated deposits within paleo-depressions within the basement complex. The apparent spatial correlation of the SED glacial features with well-defined Late Ordovician deposits in North Africa and in Saudi Arabia, and the reported thermochronometric analyses and fossil records are consistent with a Late Ordovician age for the SED glaciogenic features and support models that call on the continuation of the Late Ordovician (Hirnantian) ice sheet from the Sahara into Arabia through the SED of Egypt.  相似文献   
Land application is the only currently available technique for sewage wastewater disposal along the Nile Valley in Upper Egypt. Wastewater disposal projects have been established in the lowland desert zone extending between the cultivated floodplain and the Eocene Limestone plateau. The plan is to use the treated wastewater in irrigating woody farmlands. Some wastewater disposal sites are already operating, and several others will be established in the near future. The proposed wastewater disposal sites are located in a sensitive desert zone that is extremely narrow and situated very close to vital resources including the cultivated floodplain, reclaimed lands, residential areas, and surface water resources. In addition, the subsurface sediments of this zone (Pleistocene sand–gravel succession) constitute a significant part of the Quaternary aquifer of the valley. The objective of this study is to characterize and investigate the wastewater disposal sites and assess their probable environmental hazards. The study showed that the available lands are insufficient to accommodate the projected quantities of wastewater. At the currently operating sites, excess raw wastewater is accumulating on the ground surface forming large uncontrolled ponds. Such wastewater ponds represent a potential environmental hazard and might cause disastrous health effects, where chemical and bacteriological pollution of soil, crops and water resources may occur.  相似文献   
Quantitative analyses of palynomorph assemblages, particulate organic matter (kerogen), and total organic carbon (TOC) have been made on samples of the Albian–Cenomanian Kharita and Bahariya formations encountered in the Abu Gharadig-5 well, Western Desert, Egypt. Two assemblage palynozones are defined: Assemblage Zone A (Kharita Formation) of late Albian–early Cenomanian age and Assemblage Zone B (Bahariya Formation) of early–middle Cenomanian age. Palynofacies of the Kharita Formation suggest that sedimentation of these strata took place in a warm, shallow, nearshore-marine environment. The deposition of the lower Bahariya Formation took place initially in similar conditions but subsequently further offshore in somewhat deeper water of the inner shelf. The relatively high percentage of Ephedripites, Afropollis and elaterate pollen in both formations indicates an arid climate. The Kharita Formation yields kerogen types III and IV whereas the assemblages recovered from the Bahariya Formation contain types II and III. The TOC is generally between 0.42 and 0.65% in the Kharita Formation, while it ranges between 0.42 and 0.80% in samples of the Bahariya Formation. The spores and pollen grains are pale in colour; hence little source potential for hydrocarbons is indicated.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the geochemistry of Late Quaternary ironstones in the subsurface in Rajshahi and Bogra districts, Bangladesh with the lithological study of the boreholes sediments. Major lithofacies of the studied boreholes are clay, silty clay, sandy clay, fine to coarse grained sand, gravels and sands with (fragmentary) ironstones. The ironstones contain major oxides, Fe2O3* (* total Fe) (avg. 66.6 wt%), SiO2 (avg. 15.3 wt%), Al2O3 (avg. 4.0 wt%), MnO (avg. 7.7 wt%), and CaO (avg. 3.4 wt%). These geochemical data imply that the higher percentage of Fe2O3* along with Al2O3 and MnO indicate the ironstone as goethite and siderite, which is also validated by XRD data. A comparatively higher percentage of SiO2 indicates the presence of relative amounts of clastic quartz and manganese-rich silicate or clay in these rocks. These ironstones also have significant amounts of MnO (avg. 7.7 wt%) suggesting their depositional environments under oxygenated condition. Chemical data of these ironstones suggest that the source rock suffered deep chemical weathering and iron was mostly carried in association with the clay fraction and organic matter. Iron concretion was mostly formed by bacterial build up in swamps and marshes, and was subsequently embedded in clayey mud. Within the coastal environments, the water table fluctuates and goethite and siderite with mud and quartz became dry and compacted to form ironstone.

The area of Wadi Um Gir, Central Eastern Desert of Egypt, is covered by Basement rocks of Late Precambrian age namely; the postgeosynclinal (Hammamat) sediments, intruded by a bostonite dyke of the younger postorogenic volcanics. The radioactive anomaly discovered at Wadi Urn Gir is a typical vein-type hydrothermal occurrence structurally controlled by a major fault which is among the youngest faults related to the formation of the Red Sea Rift Valley during Tertiary times. The net slip of this fault is determined by the orthographic projection method to be 260 m.Hydrothermal alteration is intense along the fault zone, and is represented by successive bands mainly of hematite, kaolinitic clays, carbonates, etc.The radioactivity is normally distributed in the fresh rocks with anomalous readings connected to the altered bostonite rock in the fault zone. The abnormal high radioactivity is found to be mainly due to secondary uranium mineralization, with a uranium content of 0.065%, and in a radioactive disequilibrium with slight deficiency of daughter elements which may be due to redistribution by the effect of ground water. The uranium mineralization is usually present as fracture-fillings or forming thin fissure veinlets mostly with hematitic alteration bands along the fault zone.Genetically; repeated movement along the major fault resulted in intense fracturing of the bostonite rocks and reopening of the tectonically related fissures. The fault provided an easy channel for the passage of the contemporaneous or immediately ascending uranium-bearing solutions. Subsequently, alteration of bostonite and radioactive mineralization took place in the secondary tension fractures. The physico-chemical conditions of the altered and sheared bostonite rocks afforded the favourable conditions for the deposition of uranium minerals carried by the hydrothermal fluids along the opened fractures.
Zusammenfassung Das Gebiet »Wadi Um Gir« in der zentralarabischen Wüste Ägyptens besteht aus Basisgesteinen von Präkambrischem Alter. Es handelt sich um die postgeosynklinale »Hammamat«-Serie, deren Sedimentabfolge von einem Bostonitgang des jüngeren postorogenen Vulkanismus durchbrochen wird.Eine Radioaktivitätsanomalie wurde in »Wadi Um Gir« festgestellt. Sie bildet ein typisch-gangartiges hydrothermales Vorkommen und ist von einem Hauptbruch der mit der Entstehung des Rotmeergrabens verbundenen jungen Brüche bestimmt. Eine Berechnung der Sprunghöhe dieser Verwerfung mit der orthographischen Projektionsmethode ergab einen Wert von 260 m.Intensive hydrothermale Umwandlung der Muttergesteine kommt entlang der Bruchzone vor. Sie besteht unter anderem aus Successiven Streifen von hämatitischem, kaolinitischem und karbonatischem Material.Die Radioaktivität, deren Verteilung in den frischen Gesteinen normal ist, zeigt Anomalien nur noch im Zusammenhang mit dem umgewandelten Bostonit der Bruchzone, wobei die abnormal hohen Radioaktivitäts-Werte mit der sekundären Uran-Mineralisation (Urangehalt 0,065%) in Einklang stehen. Es besteht jedoch durch geringe Verarmung an gewissen Tochterelementen eine Gleichgewichtsstörung. Dies könnte auf die Umverteilung durch Grundwassereinflüsse zurückgeführt werden.Genetische Überlagerungen führen zu der Annahme, daß die wiederholte Bewegung entlang der Hauptbruchzone eine intensive Fraktur der Bostonitgesteine veranlaßt hat. Dies führte zur mehrfachen Öffnung der in Zusammenhang stehenden Spalten und damit bildeten sich Bahnen für die aufsteigenden, syngenetischen, uranhaltigen Lösungen.Die Anlagerung uranhaltiger Mineralien in den sekundären Spannungsbrüchen wurde durch die physiko-chemischen Verhältnisse des umgewandelten und abgescherten Bestonits gewährleistet.

Wadi Um Gir - . , , . . , . 260 . . , . , , , . . . , . .. . - .
The role of geoenvironmental information is becoming increasingly important as legislative changes have forced developers and planning authorities to consider more implications and impact on the environment of large-scale development initiatives. Therefore, integration of surface and subsurface geoscientific information for development needs has prime importance and provides a means of identifying potential problems and opportunities at an early stage in any planned development. However, from the experience of recent natural disasters, it is evident that this was not case the taken into consideration in many countries. In addition to thousands of casualties, many urbanized areas, industrial districts and large-scale engineering structures suffered severe damages from the natural hazards due to many reasons including the lack of preliminary engineering geological maps and zoning maps of the settlement areas. Turkey is one of the countries which is exposed to natural hazards such as earthquakes, landslides and floods. In particular, the devastating 1999 Kocaeli earthquake, which affected the Marmara Region of Turkey, focused the attention on densely urbanized and industrialized metropolitan areas such as Istanbul. The rapid growth of Istanbul, particularly towards west with minimal geoscientific information resulted in an overwhelming pressure on the natural environment. In addition, a large earthquake, which is expected to occur in the Marmara Sea within the next 30 years, also pose a threat to the city and its surroundings. In this study, on the basis of the geological, geomorphological and geophysical reconnaissance study, an integrated geoscientific data were collected from the western region of Istanbul and evaluated for geohazards. The paper focuses on the geological and geomorphological aspects that control the occurrence of some geohazards such as earthquake-induced liquefaction, landslides and flooding. In this context, the geological map of the region was revised and Quaternary deposits were classified into 11 units, in detail. Liquefaction-prone areas were evaluated by using geomorphological criteria based on field investigation, by the examination of the available records from 88 boreholes drilled on recent deposits and by the data from resistivity profiles. The landslides within the region were classified according to their type, relative depth and activity. In addition, fluvial and marine flood-prone areas were also delimited within the region. Finally, a series of maps such as landslide inventory maps, and maps showing liquefaction- and flood-prone areas were produced with the aid of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to assist in designing further detailed site investigations and to reduce costs by ensuring a more focused approach to strategic planning and site selection.  相似文献   
The temporal and spatial distribution of solar energy in urban areas is highly variable because of the complex building structures present. Traditional GIS-based solar radiation models rely on two-dimensional (2D) digital elevation models to calculate insolation, without considering building facades and complicated three-dimensional (3D) shading effects. Inspired by the ‘texture baking’ technique used in computer graphics, we propose a full 3D method for computing and visualizing urban solar radiation based on image-space data representation. First, a surface mapping approach is employed to project each 3D triangular mesh onto a 2D raster surface whose cell size determines the calculation accuracy. Second, the positions and surface normal vectors of each 3D triangular mesh are rasterized onto the associated 2D raster using barycentric interpolation techniques. An efficient compute unified device architecture -accelerated shadow-casting algorithm is presented to accurately capture shading effects for large-scale 3D urban models. Solar radiation is calculated for each raster cell based on the input raster layers containing such information as slope, aspect, and shadow masks. Finally, a resulting insolation raster layer is produced for each triangular mesh and is represented as an RGB texture map using a color ramp. Because a virtual city can be composed of tens of thousands of triangular meshes and texture maps, a texture atlas technique is presented to merge thousands of small images into a single large image to batch draw calls and thereby efficiently render a large number of textured meshes on the graphics processing unit.  相似文献   
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