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Summary The aim of this paper is to present the formulations which can be used in calculating reflection and transmission coefficients when the rigidity in the core is taken into consideration. The theoretical curves presented can be used as a guide for studies of the physical parameters of the core-mantle boundary. It is hoped that these curves may lead to a clarification of the great differences between observed data and theoretical calculations, when the geometrical spreading and attenuation are taken into account.The Thomson-Haskell matrix formulations are used to calculate the reflection and transmission coefficients for a multi-layered medium imbedded between two half-spaces representing the solid mantle and a rigid core. A rigid core is defined here as having a rigidity in the range 1010<<1011 cgs units. For five proposed models of the core-mantle boundary the rigidity in the core is varied and the results are compared with those for a liquid core.  相似文献   
The coastal lands are very important boundaries in the natural system. But these areas are under pressure that has threatened their health by short-sighted planning policies. The management options have focused on economic production and human benefits rather than the natural systems that guaranty sustainability of them. Evaluation of sustainability in coastal lands needs some critical criteria and indicators. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate an innovative reliable method for identification of the most important criteria and indicators using multi criteria techniques, especially the Analytic Network Process (ANP). Analytic Network Process as a new approach has potential to be applied into the field of coastal land use development. This is the first time ANP has been used for criteria selection to ensure sustainability in coastal land use planning. The integration of social, economic and environmental criteria within the planning framework in this paper has provided a holistic approach for integrated coastal land use development.  相似文献   
A sequence of events which has been recognized in the two basement regions of Somalia is outlined on the basis of new field and petrographic data and pre-existing published and unpublished reports. The evolution of the Somalian basement took place during the Pan-African event, However, much detailed work is necessary before the history of the basement can be integrated into the more detailed Pan-African picture recognized in the neighbouring regions.
Zusammenfassung Eine Folge von Ereignissen, die sich in den zwei Basement-Regionen Somalias erkennen lie\en, wird auf der Basis neuer GelÄnde- und petrographischer Daten und früherer publizierter und nicht publizierter Berichte umrissen. Das Basement von Somalia entwickelte sich wÄhrend des Panafrikanischen Ereignisses.Viel Detailarbeit ist jedoch noch zu leisten, bis die Geschichte des Basements in das detailliertere Bild Panafrikas, wie es aus den Nachbarregionen gewonnen wurde, integriert werden kann.

Résumé Dans les deux régions de la Somalie ou le socle affleure, on a reconnu une succession d'événements sur la base de nouvelles données géologiques et pétrographiques et de travaux pré-existants, publiés et non publiés. L'évolution du socle de la Somalie se déroula pendant l'événement Pan-Africain. Toutefois, beaucoup de travail doit Être encore fait avant que l'histoire du socle somalien puisse Être intégrée dans un cadre Pan-Africain plus détaillé, tel qu'on le connait dans les régions voisines.

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The aim of this study is the comparison between the fundamental periods identified experimentally and those calculated using the formulas given in the Algerian Seismic Code (RPA 99) for vulnerability assessment and for experimental data collection of selected sample of old buildings. The results obtained for vulnerability assessment will then be extrapolated to buildings of the same typology built during the 1949 to 1954 period in the northern part of Algeria. From 1949 to 1954, the reinforced concrete constructions in Algeria were built before the first generation of the Algerian Seismic Code. These buildings being old are certainly weakened by the occupancy activities and seismic event loads. Hence, the evaluation of their vulnerability with respect to the regional seismic hazard requires the knowledge of their structure on a site capacity. The empirical formulas to calculate the fundamental period of a building are based on the Algerian Earthquake Code (RPA 99) .These formulas consider only the geometrical dimension (length, width and height) and the structural design of the buildings. The fundamental periods of vibration of twenty-two buildings, located in Algiers, calculated using the empirical formulas given in the RPA 99 are lower than those identified experimentally. A question then rises, do these tested buildings present any damage or not? As five of these buildings were tested before the 21 May 2003 earthquake, the experimental testing highlighted a decrease in the fundamental frequency which means that these buildings are damaged. Hence, for vulnerability assessment, the empirical formulas given in the Algerian Seismic Code (RPA 99) may not be appropriate for vulnerability assessment of the old buildings built during the 1949 to 1954 period.  相似文献   
Groundwater stored in the deep seated sedimentary aquifers is the most important source of water supply. The lack of sufficient groundwater recharge and the overdependence on groundwater might lead to unavailability of this precious natural resource if proper management practices are not adopted. Finite difference modelling using the MODFLOW program was carried out in the east of Riyadh city to simulate the groundwater level conditions under different abstraction scenarios. The simulated aquifer system combines the Wasia and Biyadh aquifer (composed of sandstone) and Aruma aquifer (limestone) which lies between 24°30'00"- 25°30'00" N and longitudes 47°00'00"- 48°00'00"E. The transmissivity and storage coefficient values of Biyadh aquifer are 7.0x10-3 to 7.0x10-2 m2/day and 3.7x10-4 to 9.4x10-4 respectively. The transmissivity and storage coefficient values of Wasia aquifer ranges from 6.7x10-3 to 8.5x10-2 m2/day and 2x10-4 to 2.3x10-4 respectively. The model calibration involved altering the values of model input parameters to match field conditions within certain acceptable limits to forecast the aquifer response over a period of 35 years (2015-2050). The modelling grid consisted of 20 and 24 columns with the grids spacing of 4 km for the small grids and 6 km for large grids. The results showed that though the Wasia aquifer was productive, it showed a large decline in water levels if water abstraction continued at the present rate. If the existing trends of groundwater withdraw continues; the piezometric heads in Wasia and Biyadh aquifers will decline by the year 2050. A reduction in 25% of the existing groundwater pumping rate in the well field will minimize the rate of groundwater decline in the aquifer to a considerable extent.  相似文献   
The effects of dry summer ambient temperature on some physiological and productive responses were studied in an exotic European breed (Holstein–Friesian) and a local zebu breed (Butana ecotype) of cattle in Sudan. Rectal temperature and respiration rate were positively correlated, and dry matter intake and milk yield were negatively correlated with variation in ambient temperature. However, significant adverse effects on high ambient temperature were only observed in the exotic breed.  相似文献   
<正>The ultramafic massif of Bulqiza,which belongs to the eastern ophiolitic belt of Albania,is the most important area for metallurgical chromitite ores.The massif consists of a thick(4 km)rock sequence,with a generalized profile from the bottom to the top as follows.The tectonite  相似文献   
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