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Hydrogen combined with fuel cell (FC) technology has been widely discussed as a long-term fuel option to address environmental and energy security concerns. Iran, despite outlining a long-term plan to develop its renewable energies’ (REs) infrastructures, is faced with difficulties in deploying fuel cell hydrogen (FCH). These obstacles—led by lack of adequate funding—have caused a slowdown in the government-driven initiatives in recent years, thus resulting in projects delays and suspensions. This paper focuses on current status of Iran’s FCH within and among leading and neighboring countries. Barriers and challenges of the three main actors (government, university, and industry) on Iran’s FCH development are analyzed and then supported with a policy perspective. It is shown that the government obligations play a significant role to overcome these obstacles and also act as the main driving force to perform the required actions. The paper also proposes strategic measures in a short-, medium-, and long-term framework to promote the technology in Iran in hopes of a clear national policy and a proper vision. It is shown that the responsibility for the short- and medium-term actions lies predominantly upon the government while it will be fully devolved to the private sector in the long term.  相似文献   
Groundmass perovskite has been dated by LA-ICPMS in 135 kimberlites and related rocks from 110 localities across southern Africa. Sr and/or Nd isotopes have been analysed by LA-MC-ICPMS in a subset of these and integrated with published data. The age distribution shows peaks at 1,600–1,800, 1,000–1,200, 500–800 and 50–130 Ma. The major “bloom” of Group I kimberlites at ca 90 ± 10 Ma was preceded by a slow build-up in magmatic activity from ca 180 Ma. The main pulse of Group II kimberlites at 120–130 Ma was a distinct episode within this build-up. Comparison of the isotopic data with seismic tomography images suggests that metasomatized subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) with very low ε Nd and high 87Sr/86Sr, (the isotopic signature of Group II kimberlites) was focused in low-Vs zones along translithospheric structures. Such metasomatized zones existed as early as 1,800 Ma, but were only sporadically tapped until the magmatic build-up began at ca 180 Ma, and contributed little to the kimberlitic magmas after ca 110 Ma. We suggest that these metasomatized volumes resided in the deep SCLM and that their low-melting point components were “burned off” by rising temperatures, presumably during an asthenospheric upwelling that led to SCLM thinning and a rise in the ambient geotherm between 120 and 90 Ma. The younger Group I kimberlites therefore rarely interacted with such SCLM, but had improved access to shallower volumes of differently metasomatized, ancient SCLM with low 87Sr/86Sr and intermediate ε Nd (0–5). The kimberlite compositions therefore reflect the evolution of the SCLM of southern Africa, with metasomatic-enrichment events from as early as 1.8 Ga, through a major thermal and compositional change at ca 110 Ma, and the major kimberlite “bloom” around 90 Ma.  相似文献   
Two main schools of thought in global tectonics are recognized during the first half of the XXth century on the basis of their proponents' attitude towards the principle of uniformitarianism and their belief in an inherent order and regularity vs. disorder and irregularity in tectonics. One group, here called the Wegener-Argand school, had a unifomitarian approach to global tectonics and believed in an inherently irregular Nature, in which probability rather than determinism was believed to be a realistic approach. The other, here called the Kober-Stille school, was largely non-uniformitarian (neocatastrophist) and believed in an orderly, regular Nature. These two schools correspond to Argand's mobilists and fixists respectively. In this paper I show that Eduard Suess was a convinced uniformitarian as far as his views on global tectonics are concerned and denied any inherent regularity in tectonic phenomena, temporal or spatial. In his interpretations of the causes and nature of orogeny, nature of geosynclines, and causes and nature of stabilisation, Suess appears to be the predecessor of the Wegener-Argandians, i. e. of the mobilists and not of the Kober-Stilleans as hitherto assumed. Although he remained a fixist and contractionist to the end Suess seems to have paved the way for the mobilists much as he did for the nappists during the last quarter of the XIXth century.
Zusammenfassung Während der ersten Hälfte des XX. Jahrhunderts kann man zwei globaltektonische Denkungsweisen oder Großschulen unterscheiden, die gekennzeichnet sind durch ihre Stellungnahme zum aktualistischen Prinzip in der Tektonik und ob sie an eine ordentliche und regelmäßige Natur glaubten oder nicht. Die erste, hier die Wegener-Argand-Schule genannt, hatte die Gültigkeit des aktualistischen Prinzips in der Tektonik anerkannt und die Natur, im Grunde genommen, als unordentlich und unregelmäßig betrachtet. Die Anhänger dieser Denkweise glaubten, daß probablistische Lösungen tektonischer Probleme realistischer seien als deterministische. Die andere Großschule, hier die Kober-Stille-Schule genannt, war im Grunde genommen anti-aktualistisch (Neo-Katastrophistisch) und glaubte, daß die Natur ordentlich und regelmäßig sei. Diese zwei Schulen entsprechen Argands' Einteilung in Mobilisten und Fixisten. In diesem Artikel zeige ich, daß E. Suess ein überzeugter Aktualist in bezug auf seine tektonischen Ansichten war, und daß er jede Regelmäßigkeit, zeitlicher oder räumlicher Art, der tektonischen Ereignisse ablehnte. In seinen Interpretationen der Ursachen und der Art der Orogenese, der Art der Geosynklinalen und der Ursache und der Art der Erstarrung, erscheint Suess als ein Vorgänger der Wegener-Argand-Schule, d. h. der Mobilisten, deren Gedankengänge er viel näher stand als dem der Kober-Stille-Schule. Obwohl Suess selbst bis zuletzt ein Fixist und Kontraktionist blieb, bereitete er eigentlich den Weg für die Mobilisten, wie er es früher auch für die Nappisten getan hatte.

Résumé Durant la première moitié du XXe siêcle, on peut distinguer deux principales écoles de pensée en tectonique globale, selon l'attitude de ses adhérents envers le principe de l'actualisme et selon leur croyance ou non à un ordre et une régularité intrinsèques en tectonique. Le premier groupe, ici appelé l'école de Wegener-Argand, suivit une voie actualiste et crût la Nature essentiellement irrégulière, de telle sorte qu'un traitement probabiliste fût considéré plus réaliste qu'un traitement déterministe. L'autre, appelé ici l'école de Kober-Stille, était essentiellement non-actualiste (néo-catastrophiste) et crût à une Nature ordonnée, régulière. Ces deux écoles correspondent aux mobilistes et aux fixistes d'Argand. Dans cet article, je montre que E. Suess, fût un actualiste convaincu, du moins en ce qui concerne ses opinions sur la tectonique globale, et qu'il rejetta toute notion de régularité dans les phénomènes tectoniques, autant spatiaux que temporaux. Dans ses interprétations des causes et de la nature de l'orogenèse, de la nature des géosynclinaux, et des causes et de la nature de la «stabilisation», Suess est un des précurseurs des «Wegener-Argandiens», c'est à dire des mobilistes. Bien qui'il fût demeuré, jusqu'à la fin de sa vie, fixiste et un avocat de la contraction, il semble que Suess ait préparé la voie aux mobilistes, de la mème façon qu'il l'avait fait pour les nappistes pendant le derier quart du XIXe siècle.

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Mineralogical assemblages developed in the non-calcareous manganiferoussediments in India and subjected to regional metamorphism underchlorite to sillimanite grade conditions have been studied indetail. Based on a series of idealized reactions compatiblewith the recorded assemblages in the system Mn-Fe-Si-O, formany of which there is unambiguous textural evidence in therocks, a combined schematic petrogenetic grid consistent withtopological and thermodynamic considerations has been constructed. The inferred petrogenetic grid, coupled with the mineralogicaland textural evidence present in the manganiferous assemblagesand the enclosing rock formations, can be reconciled with thefollowing: (1) The mineralogical reactions attending regionalmetamorphism of the manganiferous sediments buffered the compositionof the coexisting fluid phase. (2) Due to the closed natureof the system as a whole and also due to lack of communicationbetween the different parts thereof, local variations in theinitial proportions of the non-volatile to volatile phases andtheir compositions led to the development of contrasting sequencesof mineralogical reactions and, therefore, fo2-T gradients evenwithin the same metamorphic grade. (3) Rhodonite, developedas a prograde reaction product in the garnet to sillimanitegrade conditions, was converted to rhodonite-pyroxmangite mixture/intergrowthduring cooling. Compositional variance, resulting from the substitution of Mnby Fe and incorporation of components such as Mg, Ca in thephases, would tend to shift the univariant reaction curves inthe grid towards opposite directions and/or split them intomultivariant intervals in fo2-T space without altering the generalstyle of the topology or the principal deductions made therefrom.  相似文献   

Analyses of data from reservoir surveys and sediment rating curves are compared to predict sediment yield in three large reservoir watershed areas in Turkey. Sediment yield data were derived from reservoir sedimentation rates and suspended sediment measurements at gauging stations. The survey data were analysed to provide the volume estimates of sediment, the time-averaged sediment deposition rates, the long-term average annual loss rates in the reservoir storage capacity, and the long-term sediment yield of the corresponding watershed areas. Four regression methods, including linear and nonlinear cases, were applied to rating curves obtained from gauging stations. Application of the efficiency test to a power function form of a rating curve with nonlinear regression yielded the highest efficiency values. Based on the analysis of the sediment rating curves, sediment load fluxes were calculated by using average daily discharge data at each gauging station. Comparison of these two sediment yield values for each reservoir showed that the sediment yields from the suspended sediment measurements, SYGS, are 0.99 to 3.54 times less than those obtained from the reservoir surveys, SYRS. The results from the reservoir surveys indicate that all three reservoirs investigated have lost significant storage capacity due to high sedimentation rates.  相似文献   
The purpose of this article is to discuss the evolution of wave energy, enstrophy and action for atmospheric Rossby waves in a variable mean flow. The presentation is theoretical, but does not represent original research; rather, it is pedagogic in nature. The work of a number of people has been drawn together into a unified account, with much of the algebra implicit in previous work made explicit here. The central results are that wave energy is conserved only when there are no spatial variations in the mean flow, and wave action is conserved even in the presence of such variations as long as they are not in the longitudinal direction. Finally, wave enstrophy is conserved in the presence of arbitrary (slow) mean flow variations.  相似文献   
New pseudosection modelling was applied to better constrain the P–T conditions and evolution of glaucophane‐bearing rocks in the Tamayen block of the Yuli belt, recognized as the world's youngest known blueschist complex. Based on the predominant clinoamphibole, textural relationships, and mineral compositions, these glaucophane‐bearing high‐P rocks can be divided into four types. We focused on the three containing garnet. The chief phase assemblages are (in decreasing mode): amphibole + quartz + epidote + garnet + chlorite + rutile/titanite (Type‐I), phengite + amphibole + quartz + garnet + chlorite + epidote + titanite + biotite + magnetite (Type‐II), and amphibole + quartz + albite + epidote + garnet + rutile + hematite + titanite (Type‐III). Amphibole exhibits compositional zoning from core to rim as follows: glaucophane → pargasitic amphibole → actinolite (Type‐I), barroisite → Mg‐katophorite/taramite → Fe‐glaucophane (Type‐II), glaucophane → winchite (Type‐III). Using petrographic data, mineral compositions and Perple_X modelling (pseudosections and superimposed isopleths), peak P–T conditions were determined as 13 ± 1 kbar and 550 ± 40 °C for Type‐I, 10.5 ± 0.5 kbar and 560 ± 30 °C for Type‐II (thermal peak) and 11 ± 1 kbar and 530 ± 30 °C for Type‐III. The calculations yield higher pressures and temperatures than previously thought; the difference is ~1–6 kbar and 50–200 °C. The three rock types record similar P–T retrograde paths with clockwise trajectories; all rocks followed trajectories with substantial pressure decrease under near‐isothermal conditions (Type‐I and Type‐III), with the probable exception of Type‐II where decompression followed colder geotherms. The P–T paths suggest a tectonic environment in which the rocks were exhumed from maximum depths of ~45 km within a subduction channel along a relative cold geothermal gradient of ~11–14 °C km?1.  相似文献   
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