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A three-dimensional (3D) density model, approximated by two regional layers—the sedimentary cover and the crystalline crust (offshore, a sea-water layer was added), has been constructed in 1° averaging for the whole European continent. The crustal model is based on simplified velocity model represented by structure maps for main seismic horizons—the “seismic” basement and the Moho boundary. Laterally varying average density is assumed inside the model layers. Residual gravity anomalies, obtained by subtraction of the crustal gravity effect from the observed field, characterize the density heterogeneities in the upper mantle. Mantle anomalies are shown to correlate with the upper mantle velocity inhomogeneities revealed from seismic tomography data and geothermal data. Considering the type of mantle anomaly, specific features of the evolution and type of isostatic compensation, the sedimentary basins in Europe may be related into some groups: deep sedimentary basins located in the East European Platform and its northern and eastern margins (Peri-Caspian, Dnieper–Donets, Barents Sea Basins, Fore–Ural Trough) with no significant mantle anomalies; basins located on the activated thin crust of Variscan Western Europe and Mediterranean area with negative mantle anomalies of −150 to −200×10−5 ms−2 amplitude and the basins associated with suture zones at the western and southern margins of the East European Platform (Polish Trough, South Caspian Basin) characterized by positive mantle anomalies of 50–150×10−5 ms−2 magnitude. An analysis of the main features of the lithosphere structure of the basins in Europe and type of the compensation has been carried out.  相似文献   
湖泊沉积物中胶黄铁矿的鉴出及其磁学意义   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
对青藏高原东部若尔盖盆地钻孔获取的湖泊沉积物进行了详细的岩石磁学调查及矿物学鉴定, 发现大量胶黄铁矿存在, 并认定其为主要的磁载体. 该矿物颗粒细小, 粒度均匀, 可能为生物化学成因. 与大量文献报道的相反, 在长期暴露于空气后, 样品中的胶黄铁矿仍未被氧化. 这可能与钻孔内该矿物被硅质胶结物包裹有关. 研究结果初步揭示了湖泊沉积物磁学研究的复杂性, 同时也为环境磁学机理的研究提供了新的线索.  相似文献   
Analysis of the resolution function in seismic prestack depth imaging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider the problem of estimating subsurface quantities such as velocity or reflectivity from seismic measurements. Because of a limited aperture and band-limited signals, the output from a seismic prestack reconstruction method is a distorted or blurred image. This distortion can be computed using the concept of resolution function, which is a quantity readily accessible in the Fourier space of the model. The key parameter is the scattering wavenumber, which at a particular image point is defined by the incident and scattered ray directions in a given background model. Any location in any background model can be considered. In general, the resolution function will depend on the following four quantities: the background velocity model, the frequency bandwidth, the wavefield type and the acquisition geometry.
We first establish the resolution function for a general scattering model assuming local reaction. We then adapt this result for two well-known scattering models: Born and Kirchhoff. For each of these approximations the corresponding resolution function is derived and discussed. Finally, by employing a simple synthetic data example we demonstrate the ability of the resolution function to predict the image distortions.  相似文献   
Electrokinetic phenomena in a water-porous medium with a fractal structure above percolation threshold are theoretically investigated. Fracture zone with space-variable porosity is considered as a model of an earthquake hypocenter zone in which the electrokinetic current results from fluid filtration in a fractal pore network. A critical exponent of the streaming potential coefficient is found to depend on both the transport critical exponent and correlation length critical exponent. In this model, logarithmic dependence of electric field amplitude E on the earthquake magnitude M is derived which is compatible with the one observed by the VAN group. Without fractal properties, this form of dependence contradicts the empirical data. The electromagnetic field far from the hypocenter is calculated, which leads to the prediction of weak magnetic field variations. To explain the observed amplitude of VAN's Seismic Electric Signals (SES), the electric source must be at a distance of about 10 km from the registration point if the medium is homogeneous. Therefore, some conductive channel(s) are needed to explain the long distance selective SES transmission.  相似文献   
The structure of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 5°S was investigated during a recent cruise with the FS Meteor. A major dextral transform fault (hereafter the 5°S FZ) offsets the ridge left-laterally by 80 km. Just south of the transform and to the west of the median valley, the inside corner (IC – the region bounded by the ridge and the active transform) is marked by a major massif, characterized by a corrugated upper surface. Fossil IC massifs can also be identified further to the west. Unusually, a massif almost as high as the IC massif also characterizes the outside corner (OC) south of the inactive fracture zone and to the east of the median valley. This OC massif has axis-parallel dimensions identical to the IC massif and both are bounded on their sides closest to the spreading axis by abrupt, steep slopes. An axial volcanic ridge is well developed in the median valley both south of the IC/OC massifs and in an abandoned rift valley to the east of the OC massif, but is absent along the new ridge-axis segment between the IC and OC massifs. Wide-angle seismic data show that between the massifs, the crust of the median valley thins markedly towards the FZ. These observations are consistent with the formation of the OC massif by the rifting of an IC core complex and the development of a new spreading centre between the IC and OC massifs. The split IC massif presents an opportunity to study the internal structure of the footwall of a detachment fault, from the corrugated fault surface to deeper beneath the fault, without recourse to drilling. Preliminary dredging recovered gabbros from the scarp slope of the rifted IC massif, and serpentinites and gabbros from the intersection of this scarp with the corrugated surface. This is compatible with a concentration of serpentinites along the detachment surface, even where the massif internally is largely plutonic in nature.  相似文献   
Zakonnov  V. V.  Poddubnyi  S. A. 《Water Resources》2002,29(2):181-190
Long-standing variations in the structure of bottom sediments within typical habitats of the aquatic life are characterized using the Volzhskii Pool of the Rybinsk Reservoir as an example. The role of hydrodynamic processes of the littoral zone in the formation of the ground complex of shallow water areas of the pool is discussed. The trends in variation in the quality of bottom substrate in fish habitats are analyzed. The peculiarities of long-standing variations in the distribution of types of bottom sediments in the entire reservoir are shown.  相似文献   
Chechko  V. A. 《Water Resources》2002,29(4):388-395
The distribution of suspension, its composition, and particle size characteristics are studied in Kaliningrad Bay. Zoning of the bay according to the water turbidity is made. The main factors controlling the formation and space and time variations in the suspended matter are determined.  相似文献   
Mikhailova  M. V. 《Water Resources》2002,29(4):370-380
The peculiarities of the hydrological regime of the delta and near-shore zone of the Po River are discussed. The intrusion of salt seawater into the delta is described. The history of the Po Delta formation has been restored on the basis of the analysis of historical, archeological, and cartographic data. As shown, the peculiarities of hydrological and morphological processes in the Po River mouth are associated with natural and specifically with human-induced variations in sediment runoff of the river, with levee construction along branches, subsidence of deltaic deposits, and eustatic rise of the sea level.  相似文献   
The Bouguer anomaly and the total intensity magnetic maps of Saurashtra have delineated six circular gravity highs and magnetic anomalies of 40-60 mGal (10−5m/s2) and 800-1000 nT, respectively. Three of them in western Saurashtra coincide with known volcanic plugs associated with Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP), while the other three in SE Saurashtra coincide with rather concealed plugs exposed partially. The DVP represents different phases of eruption during 65.5±2.5 Ma from the Reunion plume. The geochemical data of the exposed rock samples from these plugs exhibit a wide variation in source composition, which varies from ultramafic/mafic to felsic composition of volcanic plugs in western Saurashtra and an alkaline composition for those in SE Saurashtra. Detailed studies of granophyres and alkaline rocks from these volcanic plugs reveal a calc-alkaline differentiation trend and a continental tectonic setting of emplacement. The alkaline plugs of SE Saurashtra are associated with NE-SW oriented structural trends, related to the Gulf of Cambay and the Cambay rift basin along the track of the Reunion plume. This indicates a deeper source for these plugs compared to those in the western part and may represent the primary source magma. The Junagadh plug with well differentiated ring complexes in western Saurashtra shows well defined centers of magnetic anomaly while the magnetic anomalies due to other plugs are diffused though of the same amplitude. This implies that other plugs are also associated with mafic/ultramafic components, which may not be differentiated and may be present at subsurface levels. Paleomagnetic measurements on surface rock samples from DVP in Saurashtra suggest a susceptibility of 5.5×10−2 SI units with an average Koenigsberger ratio (Qn) of almost one and average direction of remanent magnetization of D=147.4° and I=+56.1°. The virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) position computed from the mean direction of magnetization for the volcanic plugs and Deccan basalt of Saurashtra is 30°N and 74°W, which is close to the VGP position corresponding to the early phases of Deccan eruption. Modeling of gravity and magnetic anomalies along two representative profiles across Junagadh and Barda volcanic plugs suggest a bulk density of 2900 and 2880 kg/m3, respectively and susceptibility of 3.14×10−2 SI units with a Qn ratio of 0.56 which are within the range of their values obtained from laboratory measurements on exposed rock samples. The same order of gravity and magnetic anomalies observed over the volcanic plugs of Saurashtra indicates almost similar bulk physical properties for them. The inferred directions of magnetization from magnetic anomalies, however, are D=337° and 340° and I=−38° and −50° which represent the bulk direction of magnetization and also indicate a reversal of the magnetic field during the eruption of these plugs. Some of these plugs are associated with seismic activities of magnitude ≤4 at their contacts. Based on this analysis, other circular/semi-circular gravity highs of NW India can be qualitatively attributed to similar subsurface volcanic plugs.  相似文献   
Data of hydrological and hydrochemical observations conducted in August 2000 at Lake Seliger and its major tributaries are presented. The analyzed characteristics included: O2, H2S, CH4, microelements; mineral and organic compounds of P and N, ionic composition components (HCO3 , Cl, Na+, K+, dry residue, pH; color index, electrical conductivity. Bottom sediment samples were analyzed for microelement concentrations, CH4, oil hydrocarbons. The influence of the basin on the ecological state of the lake was assessed, and tendencies in the evolution of its ecosystem are analyzed. It is shown that the ecological conditions of the lake has not changed significantly since 1960–1991, however, nutrient concentrations in the lake water was found to increase.  相似文献   
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