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首次在Mir金伯利岩筒中的锆石中发现了烃类包裹体。利用低温荧光光谱仪测定出烃类包裹体的成分为萘和菲的同系物 ,芘 ,1,12苯并芘等 ;其成分与Udachnaya岩筒中的橄榄石内的烃类和Mir岩筒中的石榴石中的烃类的成分相近。测定出锆石的δ13C值为 - 2 1 83‰~ - 3 3 5 4‰ ,与用榴辉岩共生组合中最轻的金刚石测出的同位素δ13C值范围相符。文中引述了有关有机物来源的讨论及多环芳烃 (PAH)由缩聚作用形成的论述。伴生矿物中相当数量的PAH的存在证明在形成金刚石及其伴生矿物的情况下 ,若有相当浓度的自由氢存在则可能发生缩聚作用。这些缩聚作用中碳的来源显然与形成金刚石时碳的来源是相同的 (即液态的CH4,CO及CO2 )。  相似文献   
1 艺术设计专业 (环境艺术设计方向 )四年制本科。培养系统掌握艺术设计基本原理 ,知识面宽、综合素质强 ,具有创新思维及一定实践能力和创业精神 ,能独立担任环境艺术设计、室内设计的专门人才。毕业生可广泛在企事业单位 ,尤其是在建筑业、室内装饰业、环境艺术、园林等部门 ,从事理论研究、综合管理和项目设计等工作。2 艺术设计专业 (资讯艺术设计方向 )四年制本科。是艺术设计专业的一个最新的专业方向。培养具有创新的艺术思维能力 ,综合扎实的艺术设计素质 ,以计算机高新科技为辅助手段 ,与网络技术相衔接 ,掌握信息技术和艺术设计…  相似文献   
A new model is suggested for the history of the Baikal Rift,in deviation from the classic two-stage evolution scenario,based on a synthesis of the available data from the Baikal Basin and revised correlation between tectonic-lithological-stratigraphic complexes(TLSC) in sedimentary sections around Lake Baikal and seismic stratigraphic sequences(SSS) in the lake sediments.Unlike the previous models,the revised model places the onset of rifting during Late Cretaceous and comprises three major stages which are subdivided into several substages.The stages and the substages are separated by events of tectonic activity and stress reversal when additional compression produced folds and shear structures.The events that mark the stage boundaries show up as gaps,unconformities,and deformation features in the deposition patterns. The earliest Late Cretaceous-Oligocene stage began long before the India-Eurasia collision in a setting of diffuse extension that acted over a large territory of Asia.The NW-SE far-field pure extension produced an NE-striking half-graben oriented along an old zone of weakness at the edge of the Siberian craton.That was already the onset of rift evolution recorded in weathered lacustrine deposits on the Baikal shore and in a wedge-shaped acoustically transparent seismic unit in the lake sediments.The second stage spanning Late Oligocene-Early Pliocene time began with a stress change when the effect from the Eocene India-Eurasia collision had reached the region and became a major control of its geodynamics.The EW and NE transpression and shear from the collisional front transformed the Late Cretaceous half-graben into a U-shaped one which accumulated a deformed layered sequence of sediments.Rifting at the latest stage was driven by extension from a local source associated with hot mantle material rising to the base of the rifted crust.The asthenospheric upwarp first induced the growth of the Baikal dome and the related change from finer to coarser molasse deposition.With time,the upwarp became a more powerful stress source than the collision,and the stress vector returned to the previous NW-SE extension that changed the rift geometry back to a half-graben. The layered Late Pliocene-Quaternary subaerial tectonic-lithological-stratigraphic and the Quaternary submarine seismic stratigraphic units filling the latest half-graben remained almost undeformed.The rifting mechanisms were thus passive during two earlier stages and active during the third stage. The three-stage model of the rift history does not rule out the previous division into two major stages but rather extends its limits back into time as far as the Maastrichtian.Our model is consistent with geological, stratigraphic,structural,and geophysical data and provides further insights into the understanding of rifting in the Baikal region in particular and continental rifting in general.  相似文献   
在高坝建设中.由施工期导流洞改建成的"龙抬头"形式永久泄洪洞是实际工程中一种常见形式.本文以紫坪埔为例,在岩体结构模型概化的基础上.采用FLAC3D"的数值分析方法t系统研究了紫坪铺水电站导流洞改造成泄洪洞,开挖完成后围岩的二次应力场、变形场和塑性破坏区的变化特征,与开挖过程中的监测资料进行对比分析.为洞室稳定性评价和工程施工设计提供了基础资料和参考依据.  相似文献   
济南南部广布巨厚张夏组灰岩,其中赋存优质丰富的岩溶地下水。出露众多泉水,其流量为800—8000m^3/d。该文通过简述济南地区张夏组灰岩岩溶地下水的赋存条件与水文地质特征,概略计算与评价其资源量,论证开发利用这一新水源的可行性,以期为济南供水与保泉开辟新途径。  相似文献   
RGMAP系统在1:5万区调中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据RGMAP系统在崇阳县幅1:5万区调过程中的应用实践.阐述了数字区调过程中的数字路线、数字实测剖面数据采集以及室内数据整理、地质图编稿和专题图件制作的工作流程和方法,在此基础上对RGMAP综合应用进行了展望.  相似文献   
重庆市轻轨一号线工程是地下工程,工程地质条件对工程设计和施工有重大影响.本文简述了工程地质背景,划分了工程围岩类别,剖析了各车站工程地质特征,给出了车站围岩物理力学指标。研究表明,本工程具有选择较小埋深和大跨结构的地质条件。  相似文献   
Abstract: The densities of CO2 inclusions in minerals are commonly used to determine the crystallizing conditions of the host minerals. However, conventional microthermometry is difficult to apply for inclusions of small size (< 5–10 μm) or low density. Raman analysis is an alternative method for determining CO2 density, provided that the CO2 density–Raman shift relation is known. This study aims to establish this CO2 density–Raman shift relation by using CO2 inclusions synthesized in fused silica capillaries. By using this newly-developed synthetic technique, we formed pure CO2 inclusions, and their densities were determined by microthermometry. The Raman analysis showed that the relation between CO2 density (D in g/cm3) and the separations (Δ in cm?1) between the two main bands (i.e. Fermi diad bands) in CO2 Raman spectra can be represented by a cubic equation: D (g/cm3)=0.74203(?0.019Δ3+5.90332Δ2?610.79472Δ+21050.30165)?3.54278 (r2=0.99920). Our calculated D value for a given Δ is between those obtained from two previously-reported equations, which were derived from different experimental methods. An example was given in this study to demonstrate that the densities of natural CO2 inclusions that could not be derived from microthermometry could be determined by using our method.  相似文献   
区调提速的紧迫性和可行性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
区域地质调查(区调)是国家重要的基础性工作。近年来,随着我国经济、社会的快速发,调整区调工作布局,加快区调工作步伐已迫在眉睫。本从国民经济、社会发展的需求和国家“十五”计划的要求出发,分析了全国区调工作的现状和发展趋势,对依靠科技进步,调整区调部署、加快区调进度的紧迫性、可行性及目标任务进行了论述,指出了尽快将区调工作纳入全面服务社会的轨道、2005年优先安排并完成青藏高原空白区1;25万区调工作、2010年前全面完成全国中比例尺区调任务并出版中国第一套相关基础地质系列图件的基本思路。章特别指出,区调提速一定要确保野外填图的质量,工作部署一定要坚持实事求是的原则。要依靠计算机、遥感等高新技术实现区调提速,要在提速过程中实现区调工作主流程的信息化。  相似文献   
本文着重论述了区内地震、地面变形、崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、土壤侵蚀、地方病等主要地质灾害发育现状;分析了它们发生和发展的地质环境背景。包括自然地理、地质地貌、构造、水文地质、工程地质条件,并对人类经济活动引起的崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、土壤侵蚀发展趋势、地面变形等问题进行了预测。在此基础上,提出了对主要地质灾害采取的防治对策和建议。  相似文献   
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