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We investigated the regional-scale relationships between columnar aerosol loads and summer monsoon circulation, and also the precipitation over northeast Asia using aerosol optical depth (AOD) data obtained from the 8-year MODIS, AERONET Sun/sky radiometer, and precipitation data acquired under the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP). These high-quality data revealed the regional-scale link between AOD and summer monsoon circulation, precipitation in July over northeast Asian countries, and their distinct spatial and annual variabilities. Compared to the mean AOD for the entire period of 2001–2008, the increase of almost 40–50% in the AOD value in July 2005 and July 2007 was found over the downwind regions of China (Yellow Sea, Korean peninsula, and East Sea), with negative precipitation anomalies. This can be attributable to the strong westerly confluent flows, between cyclone flows by continental thermal low centered over the northern China and anticyclonic flows by the western North Pacific High, which transport anthropogenic pollution aerosols emitted from east China to aforementioned downwind high AOD regions along the rim of the Pacific marine airmass. In July 2002, however, the easterly flows transported anthropogenic aerosols from east China to the southwestern part of China in July 2002. As a result, the AOD off the coast of China was dramatically reduced in spite of decreasing rainfall. From the calculation of the cross-correlation coefficient between MODIS-derived AOD anomalies and GPCP precipitation anomalies in July over the period 2001–2008, we found negative correlations over the areas encompassed by 105–115°E and 30–35°N and by 120–140°E and 35–40°N (Yellow Sea, Korean peninsula, and East Sea). This suggests that aerosol loads over these regions are easily influenced by the Asian monsoon flow system and associated precipitation.  相似文献   
This research investigates the effect of climate change on the thermal structure of lakes in response to watershed hydrology. We applied a hydrodynamic water quality model coupled to a hydrological model with a future climate scenario projected by a GCM A2 emission scenario to the Yongdam Reservoir, South Korea. In the climate change scenario, the temperature will increase by 2.1°C and 4.2°C and the precipitation will increase by 178.4?mm and 464.4?mm by the 2050 and 2090, respectively, based on 2010. The pattern changes of precipitation and temperature increase due to climate change modify the hydrology of the watershed. The hydrological model results indicate that they increase both surface runoff itself and temperature. The reservoir model simulation with the hydrological model results showed that increasing air temperature is related to higher surface water temperature. Surface water temperature is expected to increase by about 1.2°C and 2.2°C from the 2050 and 2090, respectively, based on the 2010 results. The simulation results of the effects of climate warming on the thermal structure of the Asian Monsoon Area Lake showed consistent results with those of previous studies in terms of greater temperature increases in the epilimnion than in the hypolimnion, increased thermal stratification, and decreasing thermocline depths during the summer and fall. From this study, it was concluded that the hydrodynamic water quality model coupled to the hydrological model could successfully simulate the variability of the epilimnetic temperature, changed depth and magnitude of the thermocline and the changed duration of summer stratification.  相似文献   
We consider the sensitivity of the circular-orbit adiabatic contraction approximation to the baryon condensation rate and the orbital structure of dark matter haloes in the Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) paradigm. Using one-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations including the dark matter halo mass accretion history and gas cooling, we demonstrate that the adiabatic approximation is approximately valid even though haloes and discs may assemble simultaneously. We further demonstrate the validity of the simple approximation for ΛCDM haloes with isotropic velocity distributions using three-dimensional N -body simulations. This result is easily understood: an isotropic velocity distribution in a cuspy halo requires more circular orbits than radial orbits. Conversely, the approximation is poor in the extreme case of a radial orbit halo. It overestimates the response of a core dark matter halo, where radial orbit fraction is larger. Because no astronomically relevant models are dominated by low angular momentum orbits in the vicinity of the disc and the growth time-scale is never shorter than a dynamical time, we conclude that the adiabatic contraction approximation is useful in modelling the response of dark matter haloes to the growth of a disc.  相似文献   
The Wolyu mine is one of the largest vein-type gold-silver-bearing epithermal systems in the Youngdong district and is the first gold-silver deposit in Korea found to contain significant germanium, in the form of argyrodite (Ag8GeS6). Mineralized veins (78.9 ± 1.2 Ma) crosscutting Late Cretaceous hostrock tuff and quartz porphyry (81.5 ± 1.8 Ma) consist of three stages of quartz and carbonates, the first of which contains pyrite, basemetal sulfides and Au-Ag-minerals. Stage I Au-Ag-Ge-mineralized veins show a systematic variation of mineral assemblage with time: (1) quartz + pyrite; (2) quartz + pyrite + sphalerite + electrum + argentite; (3) carbonate + quartz + sphalerite + electrum + argentite; (4) carbonate + native silver + argentite + Ag-sulfosalts + argyrodite + sphalerite. Calculated values of temperature and sulfur activity are: assemblage (1), 360-280°C and 10–7-10–10; (2), 280-210°C and 10–10-10–14; (3), 210-180°C and 10–14-10–16; (4), 180-155°C and 10–17-10–18. These data, the frequent association of gold with sulfides, and the abundance of pyrite in alteration zones indicate that decreasing sulfur activity and cooling were important in triggering gold deposition. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions of ore fluids display a systematic variation with increasing time. Within the main Ag-Au-Ge mineralization, D and 18O values decrease with the transition from quartz to carbonate deposition (from -78 and –2.8% to –90 and –8.7%., respectively), indicating increasing involvement (mixing) of less evolved meteoric water which resulted in progressive cooling and dilution of ore fluids in the shallow ( 370–600 m) Wolyu epithermal system.  相似文献   
We obtain equilibrium solutions for rotating compact stars, including special relativistic effects. The gravity is assumed to be Newtonian, but we use the active mass density, which takes into account all energies such as the motion of the fluid, internal energy and pressure energy in addition to the rest-mass energy, in computing the gravitational potential using Poisson's equation. Such a treatment could be applicable to neutron stars with relativistic motions or a relativistic equation of state. We applied Hachisu's self-consistent field (SCF) method to find spheroidal as well as toroidal sequences of equilibrium solutions. Our solutions show better agreement with general relativistic solutions than the Newtonian relativistic hydrodynamic approach, which does not take into account the active mass. Physical quantities such as the peak density and equatorial radii in our solutions agree with the general relativistic ones to within 5 per cent. Therefore our approach can be used as a simple alternative to the fully relativistic one when a large number of model calculations is necessary, as it requires much fewer computational resources.  相似文献   
The chemical and biological characteristics of surface waters in Jinhae Bay were investigated over four seasons to understand water quality in light of the growing industrialisation occurring within this area. Jinhae Bay includes four smaller bays: Masan; Hangam; Jindong; and Gohyun. The water quality in Jinhae Bay varied spatially and seasonally. The water quality of both Hangam Bay and Masan Bay was highly degraded, demonstrating high concentrations of ammonia, nitrate, chlorophyll a and particulate organic carbon. Contamination from sewage was the dominant cause of the water quality deterioration in these bays. Conversely, the water quality in Jindong Bay and Gohyun Bay was not as severely affected as that of the above two bays. Water quality in Jinhae Bay was particularly poor in summer when nutrient loading was highest due to the run-off associated with high precipitation. Principal component analysis indicated that nitrogen contamination was a major factor influencing the water quality of Jinhae Bay. The effective reduction in high-nitrogen discharges is essential to improve water quality in Jinghae Bay.  相似文献   
Summary The dispersion of recycled particulates in the complex coastal terrain surrounding Kangnung city, Korea was investigated using a three-dimensional non-hydrostatic numerical model and lagrangian particle model (or random walk model). The results show that particulates at the surface of the city that float to the top of thermal internal boundary layer (TIBL) are then transported along the eastern slope of the mountains with the sea breeze passage and nearly reach the top of the mountains. Those particulates then disperse eastward at this upper level over the coastal sea and finally spread out over the open sea. Total suspended particulate (TSP) concentration near the surface of Kangnung city is very low. At night, synoptic scale westerly winds intensify due to the combined effect of the synoptic scale wind and land breeze descending the eastern slope of the mountains toward the coast and further seaward. This increase in speed causes development of internal gravity waves and a hydraulic jump up to a height of about 1km above the surface over the city. Particulate matter near the top of the mountains also descends the eastern slope of the mountains during the day, reaching the central city area and merges near the surface inside the nocturnal surface inversion layer (NSIL) with a maximum ground level concentration of TSP occurring at 0300 LST. Some particulates are dispersed following the propagation area of internal gravity waves and others in the NSIL are transported eastward to the coastal sea surface, aided by the land breeze. The following morning, particulates dispersed over the coastal sea from the previous night, tend to return to the coastal city of Kangnung with the sea breeze, developing a recycling process and combine with emitted surface particulates during the morning. These processes result in much higher TSP concentration. In the late morning, those particulates float to the top of the TIBL by the intrusion of the sea breeze and the ground level TSP concentration in the city subsequently decreases.  相似文献   
Astrometric Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations of maser sources in the Milky Way are used to map the spiral structure of our galaxy and to determine fundamental parameters such as the rotation velocity (Θ0) and curve and the distance to the Galactic center (R0). Here, we present an update on our first results, implementing a recent change in the knowledge about the Solar motion. It seems unavoidable that the IAU recommended values for R0 and Θ0 need a substantial revision. In particular the combination of 8.5 kpc and 220 km s–1 can be ruled out with high confidence. Combining the maser data with the distance to the Galactic center from stellar orbits and the proper motion of Sgr A* gives best values of R0 = 8.3 ± 0.23 kpc and Θ0 = 239 or 246±7 km s–1, for Solar motions of V = 12.23 and 5.25 km s–1, respectively. Finally, we give an outlook to future observations in the Bar and Spiral Structure Legacy (BeSSeL) survey (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
To enhance the understanding of solute dynamics within the stream‐to‐riparian continuum during flood event‐driven water fluctuation (i.e., flood wave), a variable saturated groundwater flow and solute transport model were developed and calibrated against in situ measurements of the Inbuk stream, Korea, where seasonal flooding prevails. The solute dynamics were further investigated for flood waves (varying by amplitude [A], duration [T], roundness [r], and skewness [tp]) that were parameterised by real‐time stream stage fluctuations. We found that the solute transferred faster and farther in the riparian zone, especially within the phreatic zone, above which in the variable saturated zone the concentration required a significantly longer time, particularly at higher altitudes, to return to the initial state. By comparison, solute transferred shallowly in the streambed where the solute plume exhibited an exponential growth trend from the centre to the bank. The dynamic changes of solute flux and mass along the stream–aquifer interface and stream concentration were linked to the shape of flood wave. As the flood wave became higher (A↗), wider (T↗), rounder (r↘), and less skewed (tp↗), the maximum solute storage in aquifer increased. Maximum stream concentration (Cstr?max) not only presented a positive linear relationship with A or tp but also showed a negative logarithmic trend with increasing T or r. The sensitivity of Cstr_max to A was approximately two times that of tp, and between these values, the r was slightly more sensitive than T. Cstr?max linearly increased as hydraulic conductivity increased and logarithmically increased as longitudinal dispersivity increased. The former relationship was more sensitive than the latter.  相似文献   
In an aquifer system with complex hydrogeology, mixing of groundwater with different ages could occur associated with various flow pathways. In this study, we applied different groundwater age‐estimation techniques (lumped parameter model and numerical model) to characterize groundwater age distributions and the major pathways of nitrate contamination in the Gosan agricultural field, Jeju Island. According to the lumped parameter model, groundwater age in the study area could be explained by the binary mixing of the young groundwater (4–33 years) and the old water component (>60 years). The complex hydrogeologic regimes and local heterogeneity observed in the study area (multilayered aquifer, well leakage hydraulics) were particularly well reflected in the numerical model. The numerical model predicted that the regional aquifer of Gosan responded to the fertilizer applications more rapidly (mean age: 9.7–22.3 years) than as estimated by other models. Our study results demonstrated that application and comparison of multiple age‐estimation methods can be useful to understand better the flow regimes and the mixing characteristics of groundwater with different ages (pathways), and accordingly, to reduce the risk of improper groundwater management plans arising from the aquifer heterogeneity.  相似文献   
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