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In this study totally 25 rotifer species, 3 cladocerus species, and 2 copepoda species were identified in Ova Stream. Among zooplankton rotifer species were dominant. Population densities of planktonic organisms were calculated as individual per cubic meter and the relationship of the planktonic organisms with physicochemical parameters was determined applying canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Also diversity index has been calculated according to the sampling stations. According to the results, the diversity index changes between stations and sampling time. The CCA results show that the rotifer species Keratella, Notholca showed negative correlation with the increasing chemical parameters and temperature but Brachionus, Mytilina, Colurella, and Testudinella have positive correlation with increasing temperature.  相似文献   
The objective of this research was to investigate the morphology, genesis and classification of organic soils formed on depression and flat land around Lake Yenicaga, west-central Turkey. Formation of the area has been influenced by tectonic and karst processes. This peatland is important in this area due to its extensive use as a horticultural plant growth medium resulting from positive physical and chemical properties. Organic soils in the study area were formed in nutrient-rich conditions and it is classified as typical basin peat. Four representative pedons were excavated in the study area based on extensive observations performed with random grid method using an auger. Samples were taken from horizons in each profile for laboratory analyses. Organic matter contents ranged from 12.5 to 91.5% across all four pedons. Fiber contents were between 4.3 and 91.5%, and N ranged from 0.56 to 2.19%. Cation exchange capacity ranged from 37 to 222 cmol kg−1, bulk density from 0.09 to 0.78 g cm−3, lime from 0.15 to 2.62%. The pH and ECe values ranged from 5.38 to 7.92 and 0.50 to 3.80 dS m−1, respectively. Sand, silt and clay contents of the organic soils ranged between 0.75–3.92, 40.70–74.77 and 24.15–57.30%, respectively. Differences in organic soils were found to depend on the environment, botanical origins, decomposition degrees, and groundwater composition. The organic soils of the research area were classified in the typic, hemic and hydric subgroups of Medifibrists (Soil Taxonomy 1999).  相似文献   
In a world where at least 50% of the population is living in urban environments, air pollution and specifically particulate matter (PM) have become one of the most critical issues for human health. Children are more susceptible than adults to air pollution and its adverse effects because they inhale and retain larger amounts of air pollutants per unit of body weight. In this study, PM pollution, particularly PM10 and PM2.5, at selected playgrounds were investigated in Istanbul city. Istanbul is a megacity of over 15 million inhabitants, and on-road traffic is increasing rapidly (over 3 million vehicles on the road). To estimate the effect of traffic emissions on children, the location of the playgrounds were selected according to traffic density. Measurements were carried out at five different playgrounds throughout the city in 2009. Field results show that the values of PM10 and PM2.5 have reached critical limits at the playgrounds close to the main roads, especially at P-1. Thus, we focused on this location and investigated a source other than traffic emissions. One of the episode days has been observed on 5–7 March 2009. Evaluations of meteorological events are very important to determine air pollution sources and their long-range transport. Therefore, the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) was used to simulate and forecast meteorological parameters and the hybrid single-particle Lagrangian integrated trajectory (HYSPLIT) applied to investigate long-range transport. According to the WRF model outputs, there was a low-pressure system over Geneva gulf on the 500-hPa level, and its core had been located over Britain on 5 March 2009 00UTC. The system had been sweeping dust from the Sahara Desert and carrying the air particles over Istanbul. Similarly, backward HYSPLIT analysis showed that air particles had moved through Istanbul from Northern Africa.  相似文献   
Fault kinematic analysis and inversion of focal mechanisms of shallow earthquakes reveal significant evolution of the regional stress regime in the northeastern most corner of the Eastern Mediterranean region since the Mio-Pliocene to the present time. This study was carried out in the interaction area between the Arabian/African plates and the Anatolian block. The evolution of stress regimes consists of a change from older transpression to younger transtension. Both strike-slip stress regimes having a NNW- to northwest-trending σHmax (σ1) and ENE- to northeast-trending σHmin (σ3) axes induce a sinistral component of displacement on the major intra-continental Karatas–Osmaniye and Misis–Ceyhan faults elongated with the northeast-trending Misis Range between Adana and Osmaniye provinces (sub-area i) and by a NNE-trending plate boundary Amanos fault running along Amanos Range between Antakya and Kahramanmaras provinces (sub-area ii). The inversion results show that the transtensional stress regime is dominantly strike-slip to extension, with an ENE- to northeast-trending σHmin (σ3) axis for sub-areas (i) and (ii), respectively. The inversions of earthquake focal mechanisms indicate that the transtensional stress regime is still active in the whole study area since probably recent Quaternary time. To cite this article: S. Over et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
Neuro-fuzzy inference systems have been used in many areas in civil engineering applications. This study was conducted to estimate low strain dynamic properties of composite media from easily measurable physical properties using the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). The inference system was employed to predict the shear modulus and the damping coefficient of the sand samples as an alternative to lengthy laboratory testing. ANFIS was trained using low strain dynamic test results of samples of sand reinforced with particulate rubber inclusions from a resonant column device. The training was performed with an improved hybrid method, which was found to deliver better results than classical back-propagation method such as multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and multiple regression analysis method (MRM). Using the new approach, the optimal precise value of a parameter could be estimated within the constraints of the experimental design. The ANFIS model has appeared very effective in modeling complex soil properties such as shear modulus and damping coefficient, and performs better than MLP and MRM.  相似文献   
The Omerli reservoir is located on the northeastern side of the Istanbul City. It is one of the most important sources of drinking water with a surface area of 23.1 km2 and a volume of 220 × 106 m3 in the Marmara Region. Water quality characteristics of the lake investigated from May 2002 to April 2003 enabled us to identify the effect of waste loads on water quality of Omerli Lake. The following parameters were measured in the lake water: temperature (16.1°C), conductivity (250 μS/cm), secchi disk depth (1.9 m), dissolved oxygen (DO) (9.36 mg/L), nutrients [ortho-phosphate (78.9 μg/L), nitrate + nitrite (707.5 μg/L) and ammonia-nitrogen (264 μg/L)], chlorophyll a (9.43 μg/L), total organic carbon (3.33 mg/L), total suspended solids (4.54 mg/L), total poly aromatic hydrocarbon (t-PAH) (0.69 μg/L) and copper (24.5 μg/L). T-PAH (16.5 mg/g-dry-w), Cu (96.5 μg/g-dry-w), organic carbon (org-C) (2.0%) and N (0.44%) were determined in the surface sediment. The values of chlorophyll a and DO in the upper layer were relatively high and low secchi disk depths indicates eutrophic state. There are five channels discharging water, including waste water, into the lake. All channels were sampled during six occasions in order to cover variations between seasons. The following parameters were measured: total organic carbon, total phosphorus, total kjeldahl nitrogen, ammonia and total suspended solids with the flow rates. The Göçbeyli stream has the highest flow into the lake (1.5 × 108 m3/year) but most of the nutrients were discharged from the Pa?aköy channel. It is accounting for 81% of ammonia and 80% of total phosphorus into the lake. Three scenarios were run using AQUATOX model: (1) all existing inflows are discharging into the lake (present situation); (2) none is discharging; (3) all are discharging except the Pa?aköy channel. The first scenario produced concentrations consistent with measurements in the lake. In all stations, a phytoplankton peak value was predicted during November and December 2002, and January 2003. In the second scenario, as expected, a significant decrease in the concentrations was predicted. In the third scenario, a small improvement in the water quality was obtained. To significantly improve the state of the lake, instead of entering Pa?aköy channel, wastewater should bypass the lake.  相似文献   
Tuffs have been used as a construction material possibly since ancient times. In Afyonkarahisar, Turkey, there are numerous buildings constructed by tuff. Tuff has been a local construction material, during the Roman, Seljuk and Ottoman periods. Even though tuffs have relatively low durability and low strength values compared to marble, etc., they have survived with no major deterioration failures on many historical buildings. It has also been preferred because of its high porous texture, lightweight and easy shaping and process properties in the building sector. Naturally, it would be easily affected by water and humidity because of its porous structure. However, having this kind of structure leads to poor durability properties due to keeping water in it. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of the tuff quarried from the region and possible water effect, which may lead to degradation of its strength and durability of the material, thereby shortening the life span of the building structure used. Samples, which were tested after exposing to water and the freeze and thaw effects, were measured at a certain time. In this study, uniaxial compressive strength and flexural strength tests were conducted on test samples. The test results indicate that water may deteriorate the tuff’s strength properties and durability of the materials in due time.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate spatiotemporal variations in groundwater heavy-metal concentrations at the Karaduvar agricultural-industrial district (Mersin, SE Turkey), where parts of the underlying coastal aquifer has been polluted by petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs) from diverse sources. The water chemistry data for the present study is comprised of 275 samples collected during 2006–2010 from 55 water-supply wells. The samples were analyzed in situ for physical parameters (EC, DO, pH, and temperature) and in the laboratory for As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb and Zn using the ICP-MS method. Box–whisker plots and principal components analysis (PCA) method were employed to determine the seasonal changes occurring in heavy-metal concentrations and to identify source apportionment of pollution parameters in groundwater. During the monitoring period, in many wells, heavy-metal concentrations (except for Cd) exceeded the limit values set by Turkish Water Pollution Control Directive (No: 25687). Results from the PCA suggest that elevated Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and As concentrations may be linked to oxidation–reduction of geogenic Mn/Fe oxyhydroxides in PHC-contaminated parts. The high concentrations of Cu, Mo and probably Cd in background areas result from the agricultural and petrochemical activities conducted in the recent past. At the site, high Pb and Zn concentrations are probably related to agricultural activities in PHC-contaminated areas, whereas Cr can be solely attributed to lithogenic sources. At the Karaduvar site, heavy-metal pollution in groundwater is found to be much more persistent than PHC contamination.  相似文献   
Optical remote sensing satellites obtain MS and Pan images simultaneously over the same coverage area. Remote sensing and image processing communities are working on different pan-sharpening methods capable of taking advantage of MS and Pan images. Each remote sensing system has its own advantages and disadvantages, leading to the question ‘Which pan-sharpening method should be used for which type of imagery?’ The aim of this research is to investigate the pan-sharpening performance of PLÉIADES-1A images. For this purpose, pan-sharpened images were generated using PCA, IHS and Brovey Transform which are the most popular pan-sharpening methods. Then, the pan-sharpened images were evaluated quantitatively using Correlation Coefficient, Root Mean Square Error, Relative Average Spectral Error, Spectral Angle Mapper and Erreur Relative Globale Adimensionnelle de Synthése. In addition, pan-sharpened images were evaluated qualitatively by taking object availability and completeness into consideration.  相似文献   
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