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Summary A simplified hydrodynamic primitive equation model in -coordinates is described. This model includes the main physical processes that influence development and motion of mesoscale vortices over plateau regions: elevated terrain effects, effects of large-scale and synoptic-scale systems on the mesoscale systems, sensible heating from the earth's surface, moisture cycle and condensation heating released by both large-scale stable precipitation and cumulus convective precipitation, evaporation and the feedback effect of precipitation on evaporation, friction in the planetary boundary layer, horizontal diffusion by subgrid scale eddies and vertical eddy flux of meteorological elements (momentum, temperature, moisture, etc.) due to turbulence, cumulus convection and other smaller-scale physical processes. The model incorporates observed data as much as possible and equations are simplified so that it may be run using either a high-speed computer or a desktop computer.Two developing vortices that originated over the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Platau and moved eastward producing heavy precipitation over the lower elevations are used to test the model. It is shown that the model is capable of simulating the major features of the vortices including the precipitation distribution and may be used for studies of mesoscale and synoptic scale weather systems over plateau regions.
Ein vereinfachtes für hochländer geeignetes hydrodynamisches mesoscale-modell
Zusammenfassung Es wird ein vereinfachtes hydrodynamisches Grundgleichungsmodell in -Koordinaten be schrieben. Dieses Modell beinhaltet die wichtigsten physikalischen Prozesse, die die Entwicklung und Bewegung von mesoskaligen Wirbeln über Hochplateaus beeinflussen: Effekte der Hochfläche, Effekte von großräumigen und synoptischen Systemen, die fühlbare Wärme von der Erdoberfläche, den Feuchtigkeitskreislauf und die Kondensationswärme, sowohl von großräumigen als auch von Konvektionsniederschlägen, die Evaporation und die Beeinflussung der Evaporation durch den Niederschlag, die Reibung in der planetaren Grenzschicht, die horizontale Diffusion durch Turbulenzen, die kleiner als die Gitterkonstante sind und den vertikalen Fluß meteorologischer Elemente (Impuls, Temperatur, Feuchte etc.) durch Turbulenzen, Konvektion und andere kleinräumige Prozesse. In das Modell sind die Beobachtungswerte weitestgehend integriert und die Gleichungen soweit vereinfacht, daß es sowohl auf einem Hochleistungs- als auch auf einem Mikrocomputer laufen kann.Zum Testen des Modells wurden zwei sich entwickelnde Wirbel verwendet, die vom Qinghai-Xizang-Plateu (Hochland von Tibet) ausgingen, sich ostwärts bewegten und dabei zu schweren Niederschlägen in den Tiefländern führten. Es wird gezeigt, daß das Modell die wichtigsten Eigenschaften der Wirbel und die Niederschlagsverteilung simulieren und für Untersuchungen von mesoskaligen und synoptischen Wettersystemen über Hochländern herangezogen werden kann.

With 18 figures  相似文献   
高价铁与高价铀混合溶液在还原场中形成了共生的黄铁矿与沥青铀矿,该过程必须在弱酸性-中性-碱性介质中进行,其中在弱酸性至中性介质中易形成大的黄铁矿单晶。高价铀溶液流经黄铁矿矿区时,若在高温高压条件下,有新生的黄铁矿或白铁矿与沥青铀矿共生。黄铁矿还原六价铀形成沥青铀矿时,起还原作用的是二价硫。赤铁矿常与沥青铀矿共生,但它们是热液演化过程中不同阶段的产物,赤铁矿形成于体系氧逸度高的氧化环境,沥青铀矿形成于体系氧逸度低的还原环境,赤铁矿形成于沥青铀矿之前。  相似文献   
沈毅 《上海国土资源》1995,(1):45-54,68
东海残留沉积区舟山QZ504孔未发现上海地区普遍存在的全新世暗绿色硬粘土层。但通过对该孔微体古生物组合特征的分析与对比,划分了全新世与更新世的更线,反映了气候的变化,证实了滚流对本区的影响。  相似文献   
介绍了BP网络的特点,阐述了它在位场资料解释中应用的方法、特点和可行性。通过模型计算证实了该方法在位场异常识别中的效果,正确率达97%。此外,通过修改网络单元的激发函数,增强网络的稳定性和内插功能,使BP网络在多层密度界面反演中得到满意的结果,模型和实例计算证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
Theory of the coupling of stress-pore pressure in the saturated, elastic porous media is used in the study of the formation mechanism of the Xinfengjiang reservoir-induced earthquakes. Based on the results, it is believed that compared with the mechanism of additional stress in the vicinity of the reservoir, the mechanism of the coupling of additional stress and pore pressure may be more well-founded for the occurrence of reservoir-induced earthquakes.  相似文献   
Twentieth century environmental lead chronologies for the western North Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans have been reconstructed from annually-banded scleractinian corals. Measurements of lattice-bound Pb in sequential coral bands reveal temporal changes in surface water Pb concentrations and Pb isotopic distributions. Perturbations are observable in all specimens studied, attesting to global augmentation of environmental Pb by industrialization.In the western North Atlantic, Pb perturbations have occurred in direct response to the American industrial revolution and the subsequent introduction and phasing-out of alkyl Pb additives in gasoline. Surface ocean conditions near Bermuda may be reliably reconstructed from the coral data via a lead distribution coefficient of 2.3 for the species,Diploria strigosa. Based on210Pb measurements, a similar distribution coefficient may be characteristic of corals in general. Surface Pb concentrations in the pre-industrial Sargasso Sea were about 15–20 pM. Concentrations rose to near 90 pM by 1923 as a result of metals manufacture and fossil fuel combustion. Beginning in the late 1940's, increased utilization of leaded gasoline eventually led to a peak concentration of 240 pM in 1971, representing an approximate 15-fold increase over background. Surface ocean concentrations are presently declining rapidly (128 pM in 1984) as a result of curtailed alkyl Pb usage. Lead isotopic shifts parallel the concentration record indicating that characteristic industrial and alkyl Pb source signatures have not changed appreciably in time. Industrial releases recorded in the Florida Keys reflect a weaker source and evidence of recirculated Pb (5–6 years old) from the North Atlantic subtropical gyre. An inferred background concentration of 38 pM suggests influence of shelf and/or resuspended inputs of Pb to these coastal waters.In remote areas of the South Pacific and Indian Oceans, industrial signals are fainter and the corals studied much younger than their Atlantic counterparts. Contemporary Pb concentrations implied by coral measurements (assumingKD = 2.3) are 40–50 pM for surface waters near Tutuila and Galapagos in the South Pacific, and 25–29 pM near Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. A single coral band from Fiji (1920 ± 5yr) implies a pre-industrial surface water concentration of 16–19 pM Pb for the South Pacific. In view of reported surface water measurements and the North Atlantic coral data, the Pacific coral extrapolations may be slightly high. This could be a result of small variations inKD among different coral genera, or incorporation of diagenetic Pb by corals sampled in coastal environments.  相似文献   
We have compared the Haicheng foreshock sequence with several earthquake swarms which occurred in its neighborhood. The spatial distribution of the earthquakes is relatively concentrated. For the most part, the events occurred within a few kilometers of each other. The focal mechanisms are comparatively stable. However, there are several swarms in which the variations of focal mechanisms are quite obvious after the occurrence of the largest event of the sequence, which would allow it to be recognized as a swarm. However, there are also swarms whose focal mechanisms are no less stable throughout the sequence compared to the Haicheng foreshock sequence. This feature could thus not be used to identify a foreshock sequence. The temporal distributions of foreshocks and swarms are quite similar in some cases. This is again not a definite criterion for identifying foreshocks, but is worthy of further study. Thus, no definite criterion for identifying foreshock sequences has been found. However, some earthquake swarms may be recognized in their later stage.Finally, we introduced a magnitude sequence with gaps which can be used to see whether a large event is still forthcoming. This method (in conjunction with other methods) could be used in areas prone to large earthquakes, immediately before a large event, to improve the probability of predicting the occurrence of a large event. We also report that the temporal distribution of all the sequences showed a 12-hour recurrence pattern that corresponded with the earth tides, indicating that tidal forces might be influencing foreshocks and earthquake swarm occurrence.  相似文献   
作物冠层气孔阻力与土壤水势关系的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用棉花观测资料分析了气孔阻力与土壤水势的关系,并根据气孔阻力在冠层内的垂直变化,建立棉花冠层内气孔阻力的一元回归方程。由此初步解决了花铃期棉花冠层中气孔阻力的计算问题,而且对于监测棉田土壤水分动态、调节灌溉、进而采限措施减少蕾铃脱落有重要意义。  相似文献   
加入世贸组织,就山西农业发展而言,机遇与挑战并存,我省农业生产对自然条件的依赖性还比较大,作为气象部门,要积极研究加世贸可能给我省农业带来的新变化,探索气象为农业服务的新思路,新办法,尽实施山西省扩展开发利用空中水资源工程计划,缓解干旱对农业生产的严重影响,搞好气候区划,促进名优特产的集约化生产,在气象服务产品的精深加工上下功夫,发挥信息科技优势,积极推动气象服务向产业化发展。  相似文献   
宁夏贺家口子地区晚新生代地层序列及其构造意义   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对宁夏贺家口子新生代剖面进行了详细的岩石地层和磁性地层研究,并重点标定了晚第三纪和早第四纪地层的年代。结合相应的地层接触关系和沉积相研究,获得了该剖面构造事件序列信息。认为:青藏高原东北边缘的海原-同心弧形构造束地区强烈的新生代构造变形开始于10MaBP左右,并经历了多个变形阶段。贺家口子剖面所揭示出来的这种构造变形特征,在青藏高原东北边缘地区具有区域意义。  相似文献   
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